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Published: Dec 4, 2024
License: GPL-3.0
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LoThone Panel
This is the v2ray server manager of vmess config namely LoThone panel.
How to run
type the following command to start the hot reloading.
The auto reloading will work in localhost:8090
The server will run on port :8888
and it's being mapped to :8090
for convenience.
Installing v2ray-server-manager
A working V2Ray server of version 4.31.0. which is hosted in this link
Root or sudo access to the server.
Create the User
sudo useradd -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin v2rayadmin
This creates a system user named v2rayadmin without a home directory and prevents it from logging in interactively.
Set a password (optional): If you want to set a password for administrative purposes (not for login):
sudo passwd v2rayadmin
Install and Configure Sudo
Install sudo (if not already installed):
sudo apt-get install sudo
Edit the sudoers file: Open the sudoers file with the visudo command to prevent syntax errors:
sudo visudo
Add the following lines to allow v2rayadmin to run specific commands without a password:
v2rayadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart v2ray, /path/to/v2ray -test -config /path/to/config/file
Replace /path/to/v2ray and /path/to/config/file with the actual paths to your V2Ray executable and configuration file.
Save and exit: Save the changes in visudo. This allows v2rayadmin to restart the V2Ray service and test the configuration without being prompted for a password.
Create the Systemd Unit File Or Use the one that we provided
If you haven't created a systemd unit file for V2Ray server manager, follow these steps:
Create the unit file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service
Add the following content and configure:
Description=v2ray server-manager
ExecStart=/path/to/project-root/server-manager-bin/server-manager \
-admin="[email protected] " \
-adminpw="774c8f08-f500-49c2-a00b-68de23aa0070" \
-configfile="" \
-userfile="" \
-hostip="" \
-hostname="" \
-v2rayport="443" \
-webcert="" \
-webkey="" \
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/some-command # Optional: Run config v2ray server config checking.
or Use the one in the systemd folder.
Enable and start the service:
sudo systemctl enable v2ray-server-manager
sudo systemctl start v2ray-server-manager
Testing the Configuration
Log in as v2rayadmin (if necessary, you can switch users):
sudo -u v2rayadmin -s
Test the V2Ray configuration: Use the command defined in the sudoers file:
sudo /path/to/v2ray -test -config /path/to/config/file
This will test the V2Ray configuration without needing a password.
Restart the V2Ray service: You can restart the V2Ray service using:
sudo systemctl restart v2ray-server-manager
V2ray server manager uses certificates to encrypt the connection between the clients and the server. You can create the certificates signed by letsencrypt using certbot .
sudo apt install certbot
Using certbot only
sudo certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges http --agree-tos --key-type rsa --email <your_email_address> -d <your_full_domain_name>
Using nginx plugins
sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/<your_full_domain_name>.conf
paste the following lines into the file.
server {
listen 80;
server_name <your_full_domain_name>;
root /var/www/html/;
location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge {
allow all;
create the web root directory.
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html
www-data(nginx user) as the owner of the web root.
sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html -R
reload nginx for the changes to take effect.
sudo systemctl reload nginx
create the certificate
sudo certbot certonly --webroot --agree-tos --key-type rsa --email <your_email_address> -d <your_full_domain_name> -w /var/www/html
Since letsencrypt certificates do expire you have to renew the certificates. You can do that by creating a cron
For starter, run the following command to se the cron server is running
sudo systemctl status cron
Open the crontab using the following command.
sudo crontab -e
Add the Cron job, for example to renew the server-manager every day, add the following line.
@daily certbot renew --quiet; systemctl restart server-manager
Verify the cronjob you have just added.
sudo crontab -l
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v2ray server-manager that can manage the user and provide the QR codes that can be both opened or the device-locked one which are compatible with v2box application.
v2ray server-manager that can manage the user and provide the QR codes that can be both opened or the device-locked one which are compatible with v2box application.
This is the whole configurations needed for the server-manager to run.
This is the whole configurations needed for the server-manager to run.
This stores the private sessions and also public sessions for later use.
This stores the private sessions and also public sessions for later use.
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.