
Package netbox
provides an API 2.0 client for huazhihao's NetBox
IPAM and DCIM service.
This package assumes you are using NetBox 2.0, as the NetBox 1.0 API no longer exists.
Using the client
The github.com/go-netbox/netbox
package has some convenience functions for creating clients with the most common
configurations you are likely to need while connecting to NetBox. NewNetboxAt
allows you to specify a hostname
(including port, if you need it), and NewNetboxWithAPIKey
allows you to specify both a hostname:port and API token.
import (
c := netbox.NewNetboxAt("your.netbox.host:8000")
// OR
c := netbox.NewNetboxWithAPIKey("your.netbox.host:8000", "your_netbox_token")
If you specify the API key, you do not need to pass an additional authInfo
to operations that need authentication, and
can pass nil
c.Dcim.DcimDeviceTypesCreate(createRequest, nil)
If you connect to netbox via HTTPS you have to create an HTTPS configured transport:
package main
import (
httptransport "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
func main() {
token := os.Getenv("NETBOX_TOKEN")
if token == "" {
log.Fatalf("Please provide netbox API token via env var NETBOX_TOKEN")
netboxHost := os.Getenv("NETBOX_HOST")
if netboxHost == "" {
log.Fatalf("Please provide netbox host via env var NETBOX_HOST")
transport := httptransport.New(netboxHost, client.DefaultBasePath, []string{"https"})
transport.DefaultAuthentication = httptransport.APIKeyAuth("Authorization", "header", "Token "+token)
c := client.New(transport, nil)
req := dcim.NewDcimSitesListParams()
res, err := c.Dcim.DcimSitesList(req, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Cannot get sites list: %v", err)
log.Infof("res: %v", res)
Go Module support
Go 1.13+
go get github.com/huazhihao/go-netbox
More complex client configuration
The client is generated using go-swagger. This means the generated client
makes use of github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client. If you need
a more complex configuration, it is probably possible with a combination of this generated client and the runtime
The godocs for the go-openapi/runtime/client module explain
the client options in detail, including different authentication and debugging options. One thing I want to flag because
it is so useful: setting the DEBUG
environment variable will dump all requests to standard out.
Regenerating the client
To regenerate the client with a new or different swagger schema, first clean the existing client, then replace
swagger.json and finally re-generate:
make clean
cp new_swagger_file.json swagger.json
make generate