Redis Operator - An easy way of deploying Redis on Kubernetes
This is Redis Operator which will create/manage Redis on the top of the Kubernetes. The project is inspired by the Operator Framework which is initiated by the CoreOS.
- Golang ---> If you want to do development
- Kubernetes 1.9+ ---> This operator supports Kubernetes 1.9+ versions
Redis Operator deploy and manage the Redis instances in form of cluster or Master and Slave depending upon on your configuration
Things you should know about Redis Operator:-
- 3 is a minimum number of Redis instances.
- Redis 5.0 is the minimum supported version.
- Redis Operator is not a distributed system. It leverages a simple leader election protocol. You can run multiple instances of Redis Operator.
The folder structure of operator is something like this:-
redis-operator ---> Main codebase directory for Redis Operator
├── build ---> All the artifacts(binary) and Dockerfile
├── cmd ---> Contains main.go which is the entry point to initialize and start this operator
├── deploy ---> Contains manifests for deploying operator on kubernetes cluster
├── example ---> Example file for deploying redis cluster
├── go.mod ---> Go module file for dependency management
├── Gopkg.lock ---> Lock file generated by dep for dependency management
├── Gopkg.toml ---> Main dep file for managing go dependencies with dep
├── LICENSE ---> Apache-2.0 License for this operator
├── pkg ---> Contains main api and controller files for operator operations
├── vendor ---> The golang vendor directory contains the local copies of external dependencies
└── version ---> This directory have the version information of this operator
Getting Started
Deploying Redis Operator
- Create a namespace for redis-operator
kubectl create namespace redis-operator
- Deploy the CRDs and Operator in redis-operator namespace
kubectl apply -Rf deploy
- Check if operator is running fine or not
kubectl -n redis-operator get deployment
kubectl get pods -n redis-operator
Deploying Redis
- Redis can be deployed by creating a Redis Custom Resource(CR).
- Create a Redis CR that deploys a 3 node Redis replication in high availablilty mode:
kubectl create -f example/deployment.yaml
- Wait until the redis pods are up. It will show the name for the Pod of the current master instance and the total number of replicas in the setup:
kubectl get redis example -n redis-operator
kubectl scale redis example --replicas 4 -n redis-operator
redis.opstree.com/example scaled
kubectl get redis example -n redis-operator
example redis-example-0 4 4 24d
What Redis Operator provides you?
Redis Operator creates the following resources owned by the corresponding Redis.
- Kubernetes API ---> redis.opstree.com
- Secret ---> In case password setup is enable
- ConfigMap ---> For Redis Configuration Management
- PodDisruptionBudget ---> For managing the Disruptions
- StatefulSet ---> StatefulSets for redis cluster deployment
- Services ---> For communication with redis in kubernetes cluster
- redis-example ---> covers all pods
- redis-example-master ---> service for access to the master pod
To Do
- Implement CI pipeline for this code.
- Add the Design and Goal information in the README.
- Create test cases for the operator