Shapes Demo
What does it do?
It demonstrates how one can efficiently draw various shapes in solid colors (with/without border).
What are important aspects of the code?
Each shape has to have both a SpaceComponent
and a RenderComponent
triangle1 := MyShape{BasicEntity: ecs.NewBasic()}
triangle1.SpaceComponent = common.SpaceComponent{Width: 100, Height: 100}
triangle1.RenderComponent = common.RenderComponent{Drawable: common.Triangle{}, Color: color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255}}
In this example, the Width
and Height
are being used to compute the size of the shape, we set the Drawable
to an instance of a common.Triangle
, and set the Color
to the fill color we want to use.
Finally, we add it to the RenderSystem
for _, system := range w.Systems() {
switch sys := system.(type) {
case *common.RenderSystem:
sys.Add(&triangle1.BasicEntity, &triangle1.RenderComponent, &triangle1.SpaceComponent)