Telegram Package
Use this Flux Package to send a message to a Telegram channel using API.
The telegram API requires you to know a bot token and a channel ID. The following steps were initially used to test this package:
- Create a new account in an application downloaded from , a phone number is required.
- Create a new bot: , you will receive a bot token at the end of the registration process.
- Create a new channel from the telegram application,
- Add the new bot to the channel as an Administrator, the only required permission is to post messages. See to know more.
- Send any message to @YOUR bot in the channel. Then
and look for the id of the channel, it is the channel argument in the telegram package functions.
function sends a single message to a Telegram channel using the API descibed in Arguments:
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | URL of the telegram bot endpoint. Defaults to: "" |
token | string | Telegram bot token string, required. |
channel | string | ID of the telegram channel, required. |
text | string | The message text. |
parseMode | string | Parse mode of the message text per . Defaults to "MarkdownV2" |
disableWebPagePreview | bool | Disables preview of web links in the sent messages when "true". Defaults to "false" |
silent | bool | Messages are sent silently ( when "true". Defaults to "true" |
Basic Example:
import "contrib/sranka/telegram"
import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
//this value can be stored in the secret-store()
token = secrets.get(key: "TELEGRAM_TOKEN")
lastReported =
from(bucket: "example-bucket")
|> range(start: -1m)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "statuses")
|> last()
|> tableFind(fn: (key) => true)
|> getRecord(idx: 0)
channel: "-12345"
text: "Great Scott!- Disk usage is: *${lastReported.status}*.",
function creates a factory function that accepts a mapping function mapFn
and creates a target function for pipeline |>
that sends messages from table rows. The mapFn
accepts a table row and returns an object with channel
, text
, and silent
as defined in the telegram.message
function arguments. Arguments:
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | URL of the telegram bot endpoint. Defaults to: "" |
token | string | Telegram bot token string, required. |
parseMode | string | Parse mode of the message text per . Defaults to "MarkdownV2" |
disableWebPagePreview | bool | Disables preview of web links in the sent messages when "true". Defaults to "false" |
"true" |
Basic Example:
import "contrib/sranka/telegram"
import "influxdata/influxdb/secrets"
// this value can be stored in the secret-store()
token = secrets.get(key: "TELEGRAM_TOKEN")
lastReported =
from(bucket: "example-bucket")
|> range(start: -1m)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "statuses")
|> last()
|> tableFind(fn: (key) => true)
|> telegram.endpoint(token: token)(mapFn: (r) => ({
channel: "-12345",
text: "Great Scott!- Disk usage is: **${r.status}**.",
silent: true
- Author: Pavel Zavora
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: @sranka
- Influx Slack: @sranka
There is no documentation for this package.