This library enables the management of BloxOne DDI resources.
The following BloxOne DDI APIs are supported:
To install b1ddi-go-client
use go get
go get github.com/infobloxopen/b1ddi-go-client
Usage Guide
The following program will print the subnet mask of each subnet in the BloxOne DDI environment:
package main
import (
httptransport "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client"
b1cli "github.com/infobloxopen/b1ddi-go-client/client"
func main() {
// Create new go-swagger runtime client
transport := httptransport.New(
os.Getenv("B1DDI_HOST"), "api/ddi/v1", nil,
// Create default auth header for all API requests
tokenAuth := b1cli.B1DDIAPIKey(os.Getenv("B1DDI_API_KEY"))
transport.DefaultAuthentication = tokenAuth
// Create the BloxOne API client
client := b1cli.NewClient(transport, strfmt.Default)
// List all subnets using IPAM API client
subnetList, err := client.IPAddressManagementAPI.Subnet.SubnetList(nil, nil)
if err != nil {
// Print subnet mask for each subnet
for _, subnet := range subnetList.Payload.Results {
fmt.Printf("%s/%d\n", *subnet.Address, subnet.Cidr)