Slack Bot
This slack bot improves the workflow of development teams. Especially with focus on Jenkins and Jira integration.

Create Classic Slack App:
- Create a Classic Slack App - IMPORTANT: only Classic apps are fully supported yet!
- Go to "App Home" and "First, add a legacy bot user"
- Go to "Incoming Webhooks" and Activate Incoming Webhooks"
- Go to "Basic Information" and "Install your app to your workspace"
- Back to "Install app" tab, the "Bot User OAuth Access Token" is visible (starts with "xoxb-"). You need this one in the config.yaml in slack->token.
Quick steps: (just use the bot via Docker)
- install Docker incl. docker-compose
- clone this repo or at least fetch the docker-compose.yaml
- create a config.yaml (at least a slack token is required) or take a look in config-example.yaml
- add your Slack user id or user name in the "allowed_users:" section of the config.yaml
docker-compose up
Advanced (when planning working on the bot core)
- install go (at least 1.14)
- clone/fork this repo
- create a config.yaml (at least a slack token is required) or take a look in config-example.yaml
- run
go run cmd/bot/main.go
to run the go application
As slack user, you just have to send a private message to the bot user/app containing the command to execute.
Additionally you can execute bot commands in channels by prefix your command with @bot_name, e.g. @slack-bot start job DailyDeployment
Note: You have to invite the bot into the channel to be able to handle commands.
The help
command just prints a list of all available commands of this bot.
With help *command*
you'll get a short description and some examples for a single command.

The bot is able to start and monitor jenkins job on a simple but powerful way.
By default the commands are not available and not visible in the "help", till the "" is defined in the config file.
Start Jenkins jobs
The start job
command starts a Jenkins job and shows the current progress. Attention: only whitelisted jobs in the config are startable!
In additions each job can have a configurable trigger
which make it possible to create custom commands to start jobs. (it's a regexp which takes parameter names into account).
E.g. "start daily deployment" could be the trigger for one jenkins job. Sending this text to the bot would start he job.
After starting a job the bot will show the estimated build time and some action buttons. There you can open the logs or abort the build directly.
The bot is also able to parse parameters and lookup branch names using a fuzzy branch search.
trigger job DeployBeta
start job BackendTests TEST-123
(search for a full branch name, containing TEST-123. e.g. feature/TEST-123-added-feature-456)

Jenkins build notifications
The bot has also the possibility to create one time notifications for jenkins builds. This might be useful for long running jobs where the devs is waiting for the result.
inform me about build NightlyTests
(watches the most recent running build)
inform me about build MyJobName #423
(specify a build number)
inform job MyJobName
(alternative syntax)
Jenkins job notifications
Receive slack messages for all process builds for the given job:
watch JenkinsSelfCheck
notifies about any build of Job JenkinsSelfCheck
unwatch JenkinsSelfCheck
Jenkins status
Small command to disable/enable job execution on Jenkins side.
disable job NightlyTests
(disable job on jenkins)
enable job NightlyTests
Jenkins retry
When a build failed you are able to retry any build by:
retry build NightlyTests
(retries the last build of a job)
retry build NightlyTests #100
(retries given build)
jenkins nodes
lists all available Jenkins nodes. The online/offline status and number of executors are visible.

Pull Requests
If you just paste a link to a Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/Stash Pull request, the bot will track the state of the ticket!
- When a developer was added as reviewer, it will add a "eyes" reaction to show other devs that someone is already taking a look
- When the reviewer approved the ticket, a checkmark is added
- After merging the pull request, it will add a "merge" reaction

Extra Features:
For Bitbucket the bot is able to extract the current build status (e.g. from Jenkins/Bamboo etc) and show failed and running builds (fire reaction) as a reaction (circle arrow reaction). When the build is stable, the build reactions disappear.

Command Queue
The queue
command (with the alias then
) is able to queue the given command, until the currently running command finished.
Example following scenario: you have a build job (which might take some minutes) and a deploy job which relies of the build artifacts. Now you can do:
trigger job Build feature1234
to start the Build job with given branch
queue trigger job DeployBranch feature1234
queue reply Deployment is done!
Other example:
delay 1h
then send message #backend coffee time?
To see all running background commands (like Jenkins jobs or PR watcher) use this command:
The bot is able to query information from Jira, either from a single ticket, or a whole list of tickets.
By default the commands are not available and not visible in the "help", till the "" is defined in the config file.
jira TEST-1234
jira 1242
(opens the ticket, using the configured default jira project)
jql type=bug and status=open
(use default project by default)
jira "Second city"
(text search of tickets in default project)

It's also possible to get a notification when there is a state change in a certain Jira ticket.
It's possible to create buttons which are performing any bot action when pressing the button.
Slack interactions

add button "Start Deployment" "trigger job LiveDeployment"
- only whitelisted users can click the button
- each button is only active once (but it will stay with the)
- slack needs to reach the server via public domain/IP! See this slack documentation about some tricks.
Config without a public reachable IP/Domain
- start local server (using local port 4390 by default)
- In App settings open the "Interactivity & Shortcuts" for your app and make sure it's enabled.
- Add the request URL. E.g. (Note:
is the slack-bot handle)
- In "Basic Information" of the Slack app, use the "Signing Secret" as server.signing_secret below.
- Add this to the config and start the bot:
listen: # using local tunnel
verification_secret: 12345678qwertzuiopasdfghj
Custom variables
Configure user specific variables to customize bot behaviour. E.g. each developer has his own server environment.
Example: Having this global config:
- name: deploy
trigger: "deploy (?P<branch>.*)"
- deploy {{.branch}} to {{ customVariable "defaultServer" }}
User can define his default environment once by using set variable serverEnvironment aws-02
Then the deploy feature-123
will deploy the branch to the defined aws-02
Each user can define his own variables.
Quiz command
If you need a small break and want to play a little quiz game you can do so by calling this command.
No more than 50 questions are allowed.
The questions are from different categories and difficult levels and are either multiple choice or true/false questions.
quiz 10
to start a quiz with 10 questions
answer 1
to answer a question with the first answer

Weather command
It's possible to setup OpenWeatherMap to get information about the current weather at your location.

Example config:
apikey: "612325WD623562376678"
location: "Hamburg, DE"
units: "metric"
Custom command
Every user is able to define own command aliases.
This is a handy feature to avoid tying the same command every day.
list commands
add command 'myCommand' 'trigger job RestoreWorld 7
-> then just call myCommand
add command 'build master' 'trigger job Deploy master ; then trigger job DeployClient master'
delete command 'build master'
- -> then you can execute
to trigger this jenkins job

Defined "Commands" (former called "Macros") are very magical and can be defined in the yaml configuration files.
They have a trigger (a regular expression) and have a list of sub commands which will be executed.
They take parameter groups from regexp into account - so they can be very flexible!
One simple example to start two Jenkins jobs with a given branch name at the same time:
- name: build clients
trigger: "build clients (?P<branch>.*)"
- "reply I'll build {{ .branch }} for you"
- "trigger job BuildFrontendClient {{ .branch }}"
- "trigger job BuildMobileClient {{ .branch }}"
- "then reply done! :checkmark:"

Note: In the commands you can use the full set of template features of go -> loops/conditions are possible!
With retry
or repeat
your last executed command will be re-executed. -> Useful when a failed Jenkins job got fixed.
A small command which might be useful in combination with command
command or as hook for jenkins jobs.
Example command: delay 10m trigger job DeployWorldwide
As reply you'll get a command to stop the queued job (like stop timer 123456
). As everyone can send the command, the command can be used to announce a deployment and in doubt, the execution can still be stopped by everyone.
Reply / send message
and send message
are also small commands which are useful in combination with command
or jenkins hooks.
send message to #backend The job failed :panic:
delay 10m send message to @peter_pan I should notify you to...
Simple command if you are not able to decide between different options
random Pizza Pasta
-> produce either "Pizza" or "Pasta"
random Peter Paul Tom Jan
-> who has to take about organizing food today?
- Make sure Go version 1.12+ is installed
- clone the project
- create config file called
(you can take a look at config.example.yaml
Run without docker
This command will start the bot, using the config.yaml
file by default. Use the -config
argument to use the config file(s) from another location.
go run cmd/bot/main.go
Run via docker-compose
Attention: Create a config.yaml file first
docker-compose up --build
The configuration is managed via simple .yaml files which are storing the credentials for the external services and the custom commands etc.
It's supported to split up the configuration into multiple files.
Possible structure:
containing the credentials for the external services (slack, jenkins) - can be managed by puppet/ansible etc.
configuration of jenkins job and their parameters etc
custom commands for a specific team
To load the config files, use go run cmd/bot/main.go -config /path/to/config/*.yaml
which merged all configs together.
To run this bot, you need a "bot token" for your slack application.
Take a look here how to get one.
To be able to start or monitor jenkins jobs, you have to setup the host and the credentials first. The user needs read access to the jobs and the right to trigger jobs for your whitelisted jobs.
username: jenkinsuser
password: secret
Jenkins jobs
To be able to start a job, the job and it's parameters have to be defined in the config.
A job without any parameter looks very simple:
Then you can use trigger job CleanupJob
or start job CleanupJob
to start the job. It will also notify you when the job succeeded or failed (incl. error log).
Next a job with two parameters:
- name: BRANCH
default: master
type: branch
- name: GROUP
default: all
This job can handle two parameters:
- BRANCH: VCS branch name, "master" as default
- GROUP: optional parameter, using "all" as default
If you setup the VSC in the config, you don't have to pass the full branch name but can use the fuzzy search.
start job RunTests
would start "all" groups on master branch
start job JIRA-1224 unit
would try to find a matching branch for the ticket number. (Error message if there is no unique search result!)
Now a more complex example with more magic:
trigger: "deploy (?P<BRANCH>[\\w\\-_\\.\\/]*) to (?P<ENVIRONMENT>prod|test|dev)"
- name: BRANCH
default: master
type: branch
- reply Tadaa: Take a look on http://{{ .ENVIRONMENT }}
Step by step:
The trigger
is a regular expression to start the job which may contain named groups. The regexp groups will be matched to the job parameters automatically.
Then you can use deploy bugfix-1234 to test
to start the jenkins job.
Note: You can always start this job also via start job DeployBranch master
. The trigger
is just an alternative.
The onsuccess
is a hook which will be executed when a job ist started via this bot.
In addition onsuccess
and onerror
is also available...e.g. to send custom error messages.
It's possible to define periodical commands via crons, using the robfig/cron library.
Example config
- schedule: "0 8 * * *"
- trigger job BuildClients
- then deploy master to staging
channel: "#backend"
VCS / Stash / Bitbucket
To be able to resolve branch names in jenkins trigger, a VCS system can be configured (at the moment it's just Stash/Bitbucket).
type: bitbucket
username: readonlyuser
password: secret
project: MyProjectKey
repository: repo_name
If no config is provided, there is no automated branch lookup and the "branch" parameters are passed 1:1 to the jenkins job.
File structure
contains the code classes of the bot: connection to slack, user management, command matching
entry points aka main.go for the bot and the CLI test tool
real command implementing the bot.Command interface
communication interfaces for Slack, Jenkins, Jira etc...
Create a new (native) command
If you need a new command, which is not implementable with a "command" command, you have to write to write go code.
- create a new file within the "commands/" directory or one submodule of it
- create a new struct which fulfills the bot.Command interface. The service.SlackClient might be needed as dependency
- GetMatcher() needs to provide the information which command text is matching our command
- register the command in command/commands.go
- restart the bot application
- it's recommended to fulfill the bot.HelpProvider (your command will show up in `help)
- it's also recommended to create a integration test for your command
There is a handy CLI application which emulates the Slack application...just chat with your local console without any Slack connection!

make run-cli
There are a bunch of tests which can be executed via:
make test
Test coverage is generated to build/coverage.html
make test-coverage