Helper utility for find regexp and patterns in Kafka message (json). Do regexp (in golang format) search in specified fields of Kafka message or finds patterns loaded from file in specified field. If rule expression after "if" true when writes alarm message to specified on start up Kafka topic.
- Due to some optimisation in calculating logic expressions (calc only needed part, for example if one operand of "and" is false do not calculate second) and usage of reverse polish notation internally in code operand sequence and bracket distribution can make sugnificient impact on processing speed
- Measured processing speed with 3 rule with simple regexps and one list with ~100000 paterns ~40-50 kEps on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5320 @ 1.86GHz
- In rule if statement between operands, operators and brackets MUST BE SPACES
- For lists loaded from files used aho corasick pattern match algorithm - no regexps!
- Generally where is no full syntax error checks
- cloudflare/ahokorasick has very high memory consumption. list of ~45 000 domains consume ~5 Gb memory
cfg file format:
#declare regexp as variables to use in rules
varname1 = regexp
varname2 = regexp
# declare variables with regexps load from files
varname3 = path_to_file
varname4 = path_to_file
#rule declaration simple logic supported in if statement : & - AND, | - OR, = - equal, != - not equal
rule rulename
if field1=varname1 & field2=varname2 | field3!=varname3
alarm Some text to put in alarm message