
v0.4.19-rc2 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 27, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 95 Imported by: 0



Package commands implements the ipfs command interface

Using to define the command line and HTTP APIs. This is the interface available to folks using IPFS from outside of the Go language.



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const (
	ConfigOption  = "config"
	DebugOption   = "debug"
	LocalOption   = "local" // DEPRECATED: use OfflineOption
	OfflineOption = "offline"
	ApiOption     = "api"
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const P2PProtoPrefix = "/x/"

P2PProtoPrefix is the default required prefix for protocol names


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var ActiveReqsCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "List commands run on this IPFS node.",
		ShortDescription: `
Lists running and recently run commands.
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		ctx := env.(*oldcmds.Context)
		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, ctx.ReqLog.Report())
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(verboseOptionName, "v", "Print extra information."),
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"clear":    clearInactiveCmd,
		"set-time": setRequestClearCmd,
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *[]*cmds.ReqLogEntry) error {
			verbose, _ := req.Options[verboseOptionName].(bool)

			tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(w, 4, 4, 2, ' ', 0)
			if verbose {
				fmt.Fprint(tw, "ID\t")
			fmt.Fprint(tw, "Command\t")
			if verbose {
				fmt.Fprint(tw, "Arguments\tOptions\t")
			fmt.Fprintln(tw, "Active\tStartTime\tRunTime")

			for _, req := range *out {
				if verbose {
					fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%d\t", req.ID)
				fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t", req.Command)
				if verbose {
					fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%v\t[", req.Args)
					var keys []string
					for k := range req.Options {
						keys = append(keys, k)

					for _, k := range keys {
						fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s=%v,", k, req.Options[k])
					fmt.Fprintf(tw, "]\t")

				var live time.Duration
				if req.Active {
					live = time.Since(req.StartTime)
				} else {
					live = req.EndTime.Sub(req.StartTime)
				t := req.StartTime.Format(time.Stamp)
				fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%t\t%s\t%s\n", req.Active, t, live)

			return nil
	Type: []*cmds.ReqLogEntry{},
View Source
var AddCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Add a file or directory to ipfs.",
		ShortDescription: `
Adds contents of <path> to ipfs. Use -r to add directories (recursively).
		LongDescription: `
Adds contents of <path> to ipfs. Use -r to add directories.
Note that directories are added recursively, to form the ipfs

The wrap option, '-w', wraps the file (or files, if using the
recursive option) in a directory. This directory contains only
the files which have been added, and means that the file retains
its filename. For example:

  > ipfs add example.jpg
  added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg
  > ipfs add example.jpg -w
  added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg
  added QmaG4FuMqEBnQNn3C8XJ5bpW8kLs7zq2ZXgHptJHbKDDVx

You can now refer to the added file in a gateway, like so:


The chunker option, '-s', specifies the chunking strategy that dictates
how to break files into blocks. Blocks with same content can
be deduplicated. Different chunking strategies will produce different
hashes for the same file. The default is a fixed block size of
256 * 1024 bytes, 'size-262144'. Alternatively, you can use the
Rabin fingerprint chunker for content defined chunking by specifying
rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max] (where min/avg/max refer to the desired
chunk sizes in bytes), e.g. 'rabin-262144-524288-1048576'.

The following examples use very small byte sizes to demonstrate the
properties of the different chunkers on a small file. You'll likely
want to use a 1024 times larger chunk sizes for most files.

  > ipfs add --chunker=size-2048 ipfs-logo.svg
  added QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87 ipfs-logo.svg
  > ipfs add --chunker=rabin-512-1024-2048 ipfs-logo.svg
  added Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh2RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn ipfs-logo.svg

You can now check what blocks have been created by:

  > ipfs object links QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87
  QmY6yj1GsermExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059
  Qmf7ZQeSxq2fJVJbCmgTrLLVN9tDR9Wy5k75DxQKuz5Gyt 1195
  > ipfs object links Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh2RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn
  QmY6yj1GsermExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059
  QmerURi9k4XzKCaaPbsK6BL5pMEjF7PGphjDvkkjDtsVf3 868
  QmQB28iwSriSUSMqG2nXDTLtdPHgWb4rebBrU7Q1j4vxPv 338

	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.FileArg("path", true, true, "The path to a file to be added to ipfs.").EnableRecursive().EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(quietOptionName, "q", "Write minimal output."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(quieterOptionName, "Q", "Write only final hash."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(silentOptionName, "Write no output."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(progressOptionName, "p", "Stream progress data."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(trickleOptionName, "t", "Use trickle-dag format for dag generation."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(onlyHashOptionName, "n", "Only chunk and hash - do not write to disk."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(wrapOptionName, "w", "Wrap files with a directory object."),
		cmdkit.StringOption(stdinPathName, "Assign a name if the file source is stdin."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(hiddenOptionName, "H", "Include files that are hidden. Only takes effect on recursive add."),
		cmdkit.StringOption(chunkerOptionName, "s", "Chunking algorithm, size-[bytes] or rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max]").WithDefault("size-262144"),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(pinOptionName, "Pin this object when adding.").WithDefault(true),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(rawLeavesOptionName, "Use raw blocks for leaf nodes. (experimental)"),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(noCopyOptionName, "Add the file using filestore. Implies raw-leaves. (experimental)"),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(fstoreCacheOptionName, "Check the filestore for pre-existing blocks. (experimental)"),
		cmdkit.IntOption(cidVersionOptionName, "CID version. Defaults to 0 unless an option that depends on CIDv1 is passed. (experimental)"),
		cmdkit.StringOption(hashOptionName, "Hash function to use. Implies CIDv1 if not sha2-256. (experimental)").WithDefault("sha2-256"),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(inlineOptionName, "Inline small blocks into CIDs. (experimental)"),
		cmdkit.IntOption(inlineLimitOptionName, "Maximum block size to inline. (experimental)").WithDefault(32),
	PreRun: func(req *cmds.Request, env cmds.Environment) error {
		quiet, _ := req.Options[quietOptionName].(bool)
		quieter, _ := req.Options[quieterOptionName].(bool)
		quiet = quiet || quieter

		silent, _ := req.Options[silentOptionName].(bool)

		if quiet || silent {
			return nil

		_, found := req.Options[progressOptionName].(bool)
		if !found {
			req.Options[progressOptionName] = true

		return nil
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		progress, _ := req.Options[progressOptionName].(bool)
		trickle, _ := req.Options[trickleOptionName].(bool)
		wrap, _ := req.Options[wrapOptionName].(bool)
		hash, _ := req.Options[onlyHashOptionName].(bool)
		hidden, _ := req.Options[hiddenOptionName].(bool)
		silent, _ := req.Options[silentOptionName].(bool)
		chunker, _ := req.Options[chunkerOptionName].(string)
		dopin, _ := req.Options[pinOptionName].(bool)
		rawblks, rbset := req.Options[rawLeavesOptionName].(bool)
		nocopy, _ := req.Options[noCopyOptionName].(bool)
		fscache, _ := req.Options[fstoreCacheOptionName].(bool)
		cidVer, cidVerSet := req.Options[cidVersionOptionName].(int)
		hashFunStr, _ := req.Options[hashOptionName].(string)
		inline, _ := req.Options[inlineOptionName].(bool)
		inlineLimit, _ := req.Options[inlineLimitOptionName].(int)
		pathName, _ := req.Options[stdinPathName].(string)

		hashFunCode, ok := mh.Names[strings.ToLower(hashFunStr)]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized hash function: %s", strings.ToLower(hashFunStr))

		enc, err := cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		events := make(chan interface{}, adderOutChanSize)

		opts := []options.UnixfsAddOption{






		if cidVerSet {
			opts = append(opts, options.Unixfs.CidVersion(cidVer))

		if rbset {
			opts = append(opts, options.Unixfs.RawLeaves(rawblks))

		if trickle {
			opts = append(opts, options.Unixfs.Layout(options.TrickleLayout))

		errCh := make(chan error)
		go func() {
			var err error
			defer func() { errCh <- err }()
			defer close(events)
			_, err = api.Unixfs().Add(req.Context, req.Files, opts...)

		for event := range events {
			output, ok := event.(*coreiface.AddEvent)
			if !ok {
				return errors.New("unknown event type")

			h := ""
			if output.Path != nil {
				h = enc.Encode(output.Path.Cid())

				Name:  output.Name,
				Hash:  h,
				Bytes: output.Bytes,
				Size:  output.Size,

		return <-errCh
	PostRun: cmds.PostRunMap{
		cmds.CLI: func(res cmds.Response, re cmds.ResponseEmitter) error {
			sizeChan := make(chan int64, 1)
			outChan := make(chan interface{})
			req := res.Request()

			go func() {
				size, err := req.Files.Size()
				if err != nil {
					log.Warningf("error getting files size: %s", err)


				sizeChan <- size

			progressBar := func(wait chan struct{}) {
				defer close(wait)

				quiet, _ := req.Options[quietOptionName].(bool)
				quieter, _ := req.Options[quieterOptionName].(bool)
				quiet = quiet || quieter

				progress, _ := req.Options[progressOptionName].(bool)

				var bar *pb.ProgressBar
				if progress {
					bar = pb.New64(0).SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES)
					bar.ManualUpdate = true
					bar.ShowTimeLeft = false
					bar.ShowPercent = false
					bar.Output = os.Stderr

				lastFile := ""
				lastHash := ""
				var totalProgress, prevFiles, lastBytes int64

				for {
					select {
					case out, ok := <-outChan:
						if !ok {
							if quieter {
								fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, lastHash)

							break LOOP
						output := out.(*AddEvent)
						if len(output.Hash) > 0 {
							lastHash = output.Hash
							if quieter {

							if progress {

								fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\033[2K\r")
							if quiet {
								fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", output.Hash)
							} else {
								fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "added %s %s\n", output.Hash, output.Name)

						} else {
							if !progress {

							if len(lastFile) == 0 {
								lastFile = output.Name
							if output.Name != lastFile || output.Bytes < lastBytes {
								prevFiles += lastBytes
								lastFile = output.Name
							lastBytes = output.Bytes
							delta := prevFiles + lastBytes - totalProgress
							totalProgress = bar.Add64(delta)

						if progress {
					case size := <-sizeChan:
						if progress {
							bar.Total = size
							bar.ShowPercent = true
							bar.ShowBar = true
							bar.ShowTimeLeft = true
					case <-req.Context.Done():


				if progress && bar.Total == 0 && bar.Get() != 0 {
					bar.Total = bar.Get()
					bar.ShowPercent = true
					bar.ShowBar = true
					bar.ShowTimeLeft = true

			if e := res.Error(); e != nil {
				return e

			wait := make(chan struct{})
			go progressBar(wait)

			defer func() { <-wait }()
			defer close(outChan)

			for {
				v, err := res.Next()
				if err != nil {
					if err == io.EOF {
						return nil

					return err

				select {
				case outChan <- v:
				case <-req.Context.Done():
					return req.Context.Err()
	Type: AddEvent{},
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var BitswapCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline:          "Interact with the bitswap agent.",
		ShortDescription: ``,

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"stat":      bitswapStatCmd,
		"wantlist":  showWantlistCmd,
		"ledger":    ledgerCmd,
		"reprovide": reprovideCmd,
View Source
var BlockCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Interact with raw IPFS blocks.",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs block' is a plumbing command used to manipulate raw IPFS blocks.
Reads from stdin or writes to stdout, and <key> is a base58 encoded

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"stat": blockStatCmd,
		"get":  blockGetCmd,
		"put":  blockPutCmd,
		"rm":   blockRmCmd,
View Source
var BootstrapCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Show or edit the list of bootstrap peers.",
		ShortDescription: `
Running 'ipfs bootstrap' with no arguments will run 'ipfs bootstrap list'.
` + bootstrapSecurityWarning,

	Run:      bootstrapListCmd.Run,
	Encoders: bootstrapListCmd.Encoders,
	Type:     bootstrapListCmd.Type,

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"list": bootstrapListCmd,
		"add":  bootstrapAddCmd,
		"rm":   bootstrapRemoveCmd,
View Source
var CatCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline:          "Show IPFS object data.",
		ShortDescription: "Displays the data contained by an IPFS or IPNS object(s) at the given path.",

	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("ipfs-path", true, true, "The path to the IPFS object(s) to be outputted.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.Int64Option(offsetOptionName, "o", "Byte offset to begin reading from."),
		cmdkit.Int64Option(lengthOptionName, "l", "Maximum number of bytes to read."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		offset, _ := req.Options[offsetOptionName].(int64)
		if offset < 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify negative offset")

		max, found := req.Options[lengthOptionName].(int64)

		if max < 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify negative length")
		if !found {
			max = -1

		err = req.ParseBodyArgs()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		readers, length, err := cat(req.Context, api, req.Arguments, int64(offset), int64(max))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		reader := io.MultiReader(readers...)

		return res.Emit(reader)
	PostRun: cmds.PostRunMap{
		cmds.CLI: func(res cmds.Response, re cmds.ResponseEmitter) error {
			if res.Length() > 0 && res.Length() < progressBarMinSize {
				return cmds.Copy(re, res)

			for {
				v, err := res.Next()
				if err != nil {
					if err == io.EOF {
						return nil
					return err

				switch val := v.(type) {
				case io.Reader:
					bar, reader := progressBarForReader(os.Stderr, val, int64(res.Length()))

					err = re.Emit(reader)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					log.Warningf("cat postrun: received unexpected type %T", val)
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var CidCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Convert and discover properties of CIDs",
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"format": cidFmtCmd,
		"base32": base32Cmd,
		"bases":  basesCmd,
		"codecs": codecsCmd,
		"hashes": hashesCmd,
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var CommandsDaemonCmd = CommandsCmd(Root)

commandsDaemonCmd is the "ipfs commands" command for daemon

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var CommandsDaemonROCmd = CommandsCmd(RootRO)
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var ConfigCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Get and set ipfs config values.",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs config' controls configuration variables. It works like 'git config'.
The configuration values are stored in a config file inside your ipfs
		LongDescription: `
'ipfs config' controls configuration variables. It works
much like 'git config'. The configuration values are stored in a config
file inside your IPFS repository.


Get the value of the 'Datastore.Path' key:

  $ ipfs config Datastore.Path

Set the value of the 'Datastore.Path' key:

  $ ipfs config Datastore.Path ~/.ipfs/datastore
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"show":    configShowCmd,
		"edit":    configEditCmd,
		"replace": configReplaceCmd,
		"profile": configProfileCmd,
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("key", true, false, "The key of the config entry (e.g. \"Addresses.API\")."),
		cmdkit.StringArg("value", false, false, "The value to set the config entry to."),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(configBoolOptionName, "Set a boolean value."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(configJSONOptionName, "Parse stringified JSON."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		args := req.Arguments
		key := args[0]

		var output *ConfigField

		switch strings.ToLower(key) {
		case "identity", "identity.privkey":
			return errors.New("cannot show or change private key through API")

		cfgRoot, err := cmdenv.GetConfigRoot(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		r, err := fsrepo.Open(cfgRoot)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer r.Close()
		if len(args) == 2 {
			value := args[1]

			if parseJSON, _ := req.Options[configJSONOptionName].(bool); parseJSON {
				var jsonVal interface{}
				if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &jsonVal); err != nil {
					err = fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal json. %s", err)
					return err

				output, err = setConfig(r, key, jsonVal)
			} else if isbool, _ := req.Options[configBoolOptionName].(bool); isbool {
				output, err = setConfig(r, key, value == "true")
			} else {
				output, err = setConfig(r, key, value)
		} else {
			output, err = getConfig(r, key)

		if err != nil {
			return err

		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, output)
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *ConfigField) error {
			if len(req.Arguments) == 2 {
				return nil

			buf, err := config.HumanOutput(out.Value)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			buf = append(buf, byte('\n'))

			return nil
	Type: ConfigField{},
View Source
var DNSCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Resolve DNS links.",
		ShortDescription: `
Multihashes are hard to remember, but domain names are usually easy to
remember.  To create memorable aliases for multihashes, DNS TXT
records can point to other DNS links, IPFS objects, IPNS keys, etc.
This command resolves those links to the referenced object.
		LongDescription: `
Multihashes are hard to remember, but domain names are usually easy to
remember.  To create memorable aliases for multihashes, DNS TXT
records can point to other DNS links, IPFS objects, IPNS keys, etc.
This command resolves those links to the referenced object.

Note: This command can only recursively resolve DNS links,
it will fail to recursively resolve through IPNS keys etc.
For general-purpose recursive resolution, use ipfs name resolve -r.

For example, with this DNS TXT record:

	> dig +short TXT

The resolver will give:

	> ipfs dns

The resolver can recursively resolve:

	> dig +short TXT
	> ipfs dns -r

	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("domain-name", true, false, "The domain-name name to resolve.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(dnsRecursiveOptionName, "r", "Resolve until the result is not a DNS link."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		recursive, _ := req.Options[dnsRecursiveOptionName].(bool)
		name := req.Arguments[0]
		resolver := namesys.NewDNSResolver()

		var ropts []nsopts.ResolveOpt
		if !recursive {
			ropts = append(ropts, nsopts.Depth(1))

		output, err := resolver.Resolve(req.Context, name, ropts...)
		if err == namesys.ErrResolveFailed {
			return err
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &ncmd.ResolvedPath{Path: output})
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *ncmd.ResolvedPath) error {
			fmt.Fprintln(w, out.Path.String())
			return nil
	Type: ncmd.ResolvedPath{},
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var DefaultBufSize = 1048576

DefaultBufSize is the buffer size for gets. for now, 1MB, which is ~4 blocks. TODO: does this need to be configurable?

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var DhtCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline:          "Issue commands directly through the DHT.",
		ShortDescription: ``,

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"query":     queryDhtCmd,
		"findprovs": findProvidersDhtCmd,
		"findpeer":  findPeerDhtCmd,
		"get":       getValueDhtCmd,
		"put":       putValueDhtCmd,
		"provide":   provideRefDhtCmd,
View Source
var DiagCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Generate diagnostic reports.",

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"sys":  sysDiagCmd,
		"cmds": ActiveReqsCmd,
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var ErrDepthLimitExceeded = fmt.Errorf("depth limit exceeded")

ErrDepthLimitExceeded indicates that the max depth has been exceeded.

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var ErrInvalidCompressionLevel = errors.New("compression level must be between 1 and 9")
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var ErrNotDHT = errors.New("routing service is not a DHT")
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var ErrNotOnline = errors.New("this command must be run in online mode. Try running 'ipfs daemon' first")
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var ErrPingSelf = errors.New("error: can't ping self")

ErrPingSelf is returned when the user attempts to ping themself.

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var FileStoreCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Interact with filestore objects.",
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"ls":     lsFileStore,
		"verify": verifyFileStore,
		"dups":   dupsFileStore,
View Source
var FilesCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Interact with unixfs files.",
		ShortDescription: `
Files is an API for manipulating IPFS objects as if they were a unix

Most of the subcommands of 'ipfs files' accept the '--flush' flag. It defaults
to true. Use caution when setting this flag to false. It will improve
performance for large numbers of file operations, but it does so at the cost
of consistency guarantees. If the daemon is unexpectedly killed before running
'ipfs files flush' on the files in question, then data may be lost. This also
applies to running 'ipfs repo gc' concurrently with '--flush=false'
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(filesFlushOptionName, "f", "Flush target and ancestors after write.").WithDefault(true),
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"read":  filesReadCmd,
		"write": filesWriteCmd,
		"mv":    filesMvCmd,
		"cp":    filesCpCmd,
		"ls":    filesLsCmd,
		"mkdir": filesMkdirCmd,
		"stat":  filesStatCmd,
		"rm":    filesRmCmd,
		"flush": filesFlushCmd,
		"chcid": filesChcidCmd,

FilesCmd is the 'ipfs files' command

View Source
var GetCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Download IPFS objects.",
		ShortDescription: `
Stores to disk the data contained an IPFS or IPNS object(s) at the given path.

By default, the output will be stored at './<ipfs-path>', but an alternate
path can be specified with '--output=<path>' or '-o=<path>'.

To output a TAR archive instead of unpacked files, use '--archive' or '-a'.

To compress the output with GZIP compression, use '--compress' or '-C'. You
may also specify the level of compression by specifying '-l=<1-9>'.

	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("ipfs-path", true, false, "The path to the IPFS object(s) to be outputted.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.StringOption(outputOptionName, "o", "The path where the output should be stored."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(archiveOptionName, "a", "Output a TAR archive."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(compressOptionName, "C", "Compress the output with GZIP compression."),
		cmdkit.IntOption(compressionLevelOptionName, "l", "The level of compression (1-9)."),
	PreRun: func(req *cmds.Request, env cmds.Environment) error {
		_, err := getCompressOptions(req)
		return err
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		cmplvl, err := getCompressOptions(req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		p, err := iface.ParsePath(req.Arguments[0])
		if err != nil {
			return err

		file, err := api.Unixfs().Get(req.Context, p)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		size, err := file.Size()
		if err != nil {
			return err


		archive, _ := req.Options[archiveOptionName].(bool)
		reader, err := fileArchive(file, p.String(), archive, cmplvl)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return res.Emit(reader)
	PostRun: cmds.PostRunMap{
		cmds.CLI: func(res cmds.Response, re cmds.ResponseEmitter) error {
			req := res.Request()

			v, err := res.Next()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			outReader, ok := v.(io.Reader)
			if !ok {
				return e.New(e.TypeErr(outReader, v))

			outPath := getOutPath(req)

			cmplvl, err := getCompressOptions(req)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			archive, _ := req.Options[archiveOptionName].(bool)

			gw := getWriter{
				Out:         os.Stdout,
				Err:         os.Stderr,
				Archive:     archive,
				Compression: cmplvl,
				Size:        int64(res.Length()),

			return gw.Write(outReader, outPath)
View Source
var IDCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Show ipfs node id info.",
		ShortDescription: `
Prints out information about the specified peer.
If no peer is specified, prints out information for local peers.

'ipfs id' supports the format option for output with the following keys:
<id> : The peers id.
<aver>: Agent version.
<pver>: Protocol version.
<pubkey>: Public key.
<addrs>: Addresses (newline delimited).


    ipfs id Qmece2RkXhsKe5CRooNisBTh4SK119KrXXGmoK6V3kb8aH -f="<addrs>\n"
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("peerid", false, false, "Peer.ID of node to look up."),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.StringOption(formatOptionName, "f", "Optional output format."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		n, err := cmdenv.GetNode(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var id peer.ID
		if len(req.Arguments) > 0 {
			var err error
			id, err = peer.IDB58Decode(req.Arguments[0])
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid peer id")
		} else {
			id = n.Identity

		if id == n.Identity {
			output, err := printSelf(n)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return cmds.EmitOnce(res, output)

		if !n.OnlineMode() {
			return errors.New(offlineIdErrorMessage)

		p, err := n.Routing.FindPeer(req.Context, id)
		if err == kb.ErrLookupFailure {
			return errors.New(offlineIdErrorMessage)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		output, err := printPeer(n.Peerstore, p.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, output)
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *IdOutput) error {
			format, found := req.Options[formatOptionName].(string)
			if found {
				output := format
				output = strings.Replace(output, "<id>", out.ID, -1)
				output = strings.Replace(output, "<aver>", out.AgentVersion, -1)
				output = strings.Replace(output, "<pver>", out.ProtocolVersion, -1)
				output = strings.Replace(output, "<pubkey>", out.PublicKey, -1)
				output = strings.Replace(output, "<addrs>", strings.Join(out.Addresses, "\n"), -1)
				output = strings.Replace(output, "\\n", "\n", -1)
				output = strings.Replace(output, "\\t", "\t", -1)
				fmt.Fprint(w, output)
			} else {
				marshaled, err := json.MarshalIndent(out, "", "\t")
				if err != nil {
					return err
				marshaled = append(marshaled, byte('\n'))
				fmt.Fprintln(w, string(marshaled))
			return nil
	Type: IdOutput{},
View Source
var KeyCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Create and list IPNS name keypairs",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs key gen' generates a new keypair for usage with IPNS and 'ipfs name

  > ipfs key gen --type=rsa --size=2048 mykey
  > ipfs name publish --key=mykey QmSomeHash

'ipfs key list' lists the available keys.

  > ipfs key list
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"gen":    keyGenCmd,
		"list":   keyListCmd,
		"rename": keyRenameCmd,
		"rm":     keyRmCmd,
View Source
var LogCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Interact with the daemon log output.",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs log' contains utility commands to affect or read the logging
output of a running daemon.

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"level": logLevelCmd,
		"ls":    logLsCmd,
		"tail":  logTailCmd,
View Source
var LsCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "List directory contents for Unix filesystem objects.",
		ShortDescription: `
Displays the contents of an IPFS or IPNS object(s) at the given path, with
the following format:

  <link base58 hash> <link size in bytes> <link name>

The JSON output contains type information.

	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("ipfs-path", true, true, "The path to the IPFS object(s) to list links from.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(lsHeadersOptionNameTime, "v", "Print table headers (Hash, Size, Name)."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(lsResolveTypeOptionName, "Resolve linked objects to find out their types.").WithDefault(true),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(lsSizeOptionName, "Resolve linked objects to find out their file size.").WithDefault(true),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(lsStreamOptionName, "s", "Enable exprimental streaming of directory entries as they are traversed."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		resolveType, _ := req.Options[lsResolveTypeOptionName].(bool)
		resolveSize, _ := req.Options[lsSizeOptionName].(bool)
		stream, _ := req.Options[lsStreamOptionName].(bool)

		err = req.ParseBodyArgs()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		paths := req.Arguments

		enc, err := cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var processLink func(path string, link LsLink) error
		var dirDone func(i int)

		processDir := func() (func(path string, link LsLink) error, func(i int)) {
			return func(path string, link LsLink) error {
				output := []LsObject{{
					Hash:  path,
					Links: []LsLink{link},
				return res.Emit(&LsOutput{output})
			}, func(i int) {}
		done := func() error { return nil }

		if !stream {
			output := make([]LsObject, len(req.Arguments))

			processDir = func() (func(path string, link LsLink) error, func(i int)) {

				outputLinks := make([]LsLink, 0)
				return func(path string, link LsLink) error {

						outputLinks = append(outputLinks, link)
						return nil
					}, func(i int) {

						sort.Slice(outputLinks, func(i, j int) bool {
							return outputLinks[i].Name < outputLinks[j].Name

						output[i] = LsObject{
							Hash:  paths[i],
							Links: outputLinks,

			done = func() error {
				return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &LsOutput{output})

		for i, fpath := range paths {
			p, err := iface.ParsePath(fpath)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			results, err := api.Unixfs().Ls(req.Context, p,
				options.Unixfs.ResolveChildren(resolveSize || resolveType))
			if err != nil {
				return err

			processLink, dirDone = processDir()
			for link := range results {
				if link.Err != nil {
					return link.Err
				lsLink := LsLink{
					Name: link.Link.Name,
					Hash: enc.Encode(link.Link.Cid),

					Size: link.Size,
					Type: link.Type,
				if err := processLink(paths[i], lsLink); err != nil {
					return err
		return done()
	PostRun: cmds.PostRunMap{
		cmds.CLI: func(res cmds.Response, re cmds.ResponseEmitter) error {
			req := res.Request()
			lastObjectHash := ""

			for {
				v, err := res.Next()
				if err != nil {
					if err == io.EOF {
						return nil
					return err
				out := v.(*LsOutput)
				lastObjectHash = tabularOutput(req, os.Stdout, out, lastObjectHash, false)
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *LsOutput) error {

			ignoreBreaks, _ := req.Options[lsStreamOptionName].(bool)
			tabularOutput(req, w, out, "", ignoreBreaks)
			return nil
	Type: LsOutput{},
View Source
var MountCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Mounts IPFS to the filesystem (read-only).",
		ShortDescription: `
Mount IPFS at a read-only mountpoint on the OS (default: /ipfs and /ipns).
All IPFS objects will be accessible under that directory. Note that the
root will not be listable, as it is virtual. Access known paths directly.

You may have to create /ipfs and /ipns before using 'ipfs mount':

> sudo mkdir /ipfs /ipns
> sudo chown $(whoami) /ipfs /ipns
> ipfs daemon &
> ipfs mount
		LongDescription: `
Mount IPFS at a read-only mountpoint on the OS. The default, /ipfs and /ipns,
are set in the configuration file, but can be overriden by the options.
All IPFS objects will be accessible under this directory. Note that the
root will not be listable, as it is virtual. Access known paths directly.

You may have to create /ipfs and /ipns before using 'ipfs mount':

> sudo mkdir /ipfs /ipns
> sudo chown $(whoami) /ipfs /ipns
> ipfs daemon &
> ipfs mount


# setup
> mkdir foo
> echo "baz" > foo/bar
> ipfs add -r foo
added QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR foo/bar
added QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC foo
> ipfs ls QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC
QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR 12 bar
> ipfs cat QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR

# mount
> ipfs daemon &
> ipfs mount
IPFS mounted at: /ipfs
IPNS mounted at: /ipns
> cd /ipfs/QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC
> ls
> cat bar
> cat /ipfs/QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC/bar
> cat /ipfs/QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.StringOption(mountIPFSPathOptionName, "f", "The path where IPFS should be mounted."),
		cmdkit.StringOption(mountIPNSPathOptionName, "n", "The path where IPNS should be mounted."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		cfg, err := cmdenv.GetConfig(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		nd, err := cmdenv.GetNode(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if nd.LocalMode() {
			return ErrNotOnline

		fsdir, found := req.Options[mountIPFSPathOptionName].(string)
		if !found {
			fsdir = cfg.Mounts.IPFS

		nsdir, found := req.Options[mountIPNSPathOptionName].(string)
		if !found {
			nsdir = cfg.Mounts.IPNS

		err = nodeMount.Mount(nd, fsdir, nsdir)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var output config.Mounts
		output.IPFS = fsdir
		output.IPNS = nsdir
		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &output)
	Type: config.Mounts{},
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, mounts *config.Mounts) error {
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "IPFS mounted at: %s\n", mounts.IPFS)
			fmt.Fprintf(w, "IPNS mounted at: %s\n", mounts.IPNS)

			return nil
View Source
var P2PCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Libp2p stream mounting.",
		ShortDescription: `
Create and use tunnels to remote peers over libp2p

Note: this command is experimental and subject to change as usecases and APIs
are refined`,

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"stream":  p2pStreamCmd,
		"forward": p2pForwardCmd,
		"listen":  p2pListenCmd,
		"close":   p2pCloseCmd,
		"ls":      p2pLsCmd,

P2PCmd is the 'ipfs p2p' command

View Source
var PinCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Pin (and unpin) objects to local storage.",

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"add":    addPinCmd,
		"rm":     rmPinCmd,
		"ls":     listPinCmd,
		"verify": verifyPinCmd,
		"update": updatePinCmd,
View Source
var PingCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Send echo request packets to IPFS hosts.",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs ping' is a tool to test sending data to other nodes. It finds nodes
via the routing system, sends pings, waits for pongs, and prints out round-
trip latency information.
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("peer ID", true, true, "ID of peer to be pinged.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.IntOption(pingCountOptionName, "n", "Number of ping messages to send.").WithDefault(10),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		n, err := cmdenv.GetNode(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !n.OnlineMode() {
			return ErrNotOnline

		addr, pid, err := ParsePeerParam(req.Arguments[0])
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse peer address '%s': %s", req.Arguments[0], err)

		if pid == n.Identity {
			return ErrPingSelf

		if addr != nil {
			n.Peerstore.AddAddr(pid, addr, pstore.TempAddrTTL)

		numPings, _ := req.Options[pingCountOptionName].(int)
		if numPings <= 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: ping count must be greater than 0, was %d", numPings)

		if len(n.Peerstore.Addrs(pid)) == 0 {

			if err := res.Emit(&PingResult{
				Text:    fmt.Sprintf("Looking up peer %s", pid.Pretty()),
				Success: true,
			}); err != nil {
				return err

			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(req.Context, kPingTimeout)
			p, err := n.Routing.FindPeer(ctx, pid)
			if err != nil {
				return res.Emit(&PingResult{Text: fmt.Sprintf("Peer lookup error: %s", err)})
			n.Peerstore.AddAddrs(p.ID, p.Addrs, pstore.TempAddrTTL)

		if err := res.Emit(&PingResult{
			Text:    fmt.Sprintf("PING %s.", pid.Pretty()),
			Success: true,
		}); err != nil {
			return err

		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(req.Context, kPingTimeout*time.Duration(numPings))
		defer cancel()
		pings, err := ping.Ping(ctx, n.PeerHost, pid)
		if err != nil {
			return res.Emit(&PingResult{
				Success: false,
				Text:    fmt.Sprintf("Ping error: %s", err),

		var total time.Duration
		ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
		defer ticker.Stop()
		for i := 0; i < numPings; i++ {
			t, ok := <-pings
			if !ok {

			if err := res.Emit(&PingResult{
				Success: true,
				Time:    t,
			}); err != nil {
				return err

			total += t

			select {
			case <-ticker.C:
			case <-ctx.Done():
				return ctx.Err()
		averagems := total.Seconds() * 1000 / float64(numPings)
		return res.Emit(&PingResult{
			Success: true,
			Text:    fmt.Sprintf("Average latency: %.2fms", averagems),
	Type: PingResult{},
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, out *PingResult) error {
			if len(out.Text) > 0 {
				fmt.Fprintln(w, out.Text)
			} else if out.Success {
				fmt.Fprintf(w, "Pong received: time=%.2f ms\n", out.Time.Seconds()*1000)
			} else {
				fmt.Fprintf(w, "Pong failed\n")
			return nil
View Source
var PubsubCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "An experimental publish-subscribe system on ipfs.",
		ShortDescription: `
ipfs pubsub allows you to publish messages to a given topic, and also to
subscribe to new messages on a given topic.

This is an experimental feature. It is not intended in its current state
to be used in a production environment.

To use, the daemon must be run with '--enable-pubsub-experiment'.
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"pub":   PubsubPubCmd,
		"sub":   PubsubSubCmd,
		"ls":    PubsubLsCmd,
		"peers": PubsubPeersCmd,
View Source
var PubsubLsCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "List subscribed topics by name.",
		ShortDescription: `
ipfs pubsub ls lists out the names of topics you are currently subscribed to.

This is an experimental feature. It is not intended in its current state
to be used in a production environment.

To use, the daemon must be run with '--enable-pubsub-experiment'.
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		l, err := api.PubSub().Ls(req.Context)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, stringList{l})
	Type: stringList{},
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(stringListEncoder),
View Source
var PubsubPeersCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "List peers we are currently pubsubbing with.",
		ShortDescription: `
ipfs pubsub peers with no arguments lists out the pubsub peers you are
currently connected to. If given a topic, it will list connected
peers who are subscribed to the named topic.

This is an experimental feature. It is not intended in its current state
to be used in a production environment.

To use, the daemon must be run with '--enable-pubsub-experiment'.
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("topic", false, false, "topic to list connected peers of"),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var topic string
		if len(req.Arguments) == 1 {
			topic = req.Arguments[0]

		peers, err := api.PubSub().Peers(req.Context, options.PubSub.Topic(topic))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		list := &stringList{make([]string, 0, len(peers))}

		for _, peer := range peers {
			list.Strings = append(list.Strings, peer.Pretty())
		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, list)
	Type: stringList{},
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(stringListEncoder),
View Source
var PubsubPubCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Publish a message to a given pubsub topic.",
		ShortDescription: `
ipfs pubsub pub publishes a message to a specified topic.

This is an experimental feature. It is not intended in its current state
to be used in a production environment.

To use, the daemon must be run with '--enable-pubsub-experiment'.
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("topic", true, false, "Topic to publish to."),
		cmdkit.StringArg("data", true, true, "Payload of message to publish.").EnableStdin(),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		topic := req.Arguments[0]

		err = req.ParseBodyArgs()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, data := range req.Arguments[1:] {
			if err := api.PubSub().Publish(req.Context, topic, []byte(data)); err != nil {
				return err

		return nil
View Source
var PubsubSubCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Subscribe to messages on a given topic.",
		ShortDescription: `
ipfs pubsub sub subscribes to messages on a given topic.

This is an experimental feature. It is not intended in its current state
to be used in a production environment.

To use, the daemon must be run with '--enable-pubsub-experiment'.
		LongDescription: `
ipfs pubsub sub subscribes to messages on a given topic.

This is an experimental feature. It is not intended in its current state
to be used in a production environment.

To use, the daemon must be run with '--enable-pubsub-experiment'.

This command outputs data in the following encodings:
  * "json"
(Specified by the "--encoding" or "--enc" flag)
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("topic", true, false, "String name of topic to subscribe to."),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(pubsubDiscoverOptionName, "try to discover other peers subscribed to the same topic"),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		topic := req.Arguments[0]
		discover, _ := req.Options[pubsubDiscoverOptionName].(bool)

		sub, err := api.PubSub().Subscribe(req.Context, topic, options.PubSub.Discover(discover))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer sub.Close()

		if f, ok := res.(http.Flusher); ok {

		for {
			msg, err := sub.Next(req.Context)
			if err == io.EOF || err == context.Canceled {
				return nil
			} else if err != nil {
				return err

			if err := res.Emit(&pubsubMessage{
				Data:     msg.Data(),
				From:     []byte(msg.From()),
				Seqno:    msg.Seq(),
				TopicIDs: msg.Topics(),
			}); err != nil {
				return err
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, psm *pubsubMessage) error {
			_, err := w.Write(psm.Data)
			return err
		"ndpayload": cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, psm *pubsubMessage) error {
			psm.Data = append(psm.Data, '\n')
			_, err := w.Write(psm.Data)
			return err
		"lenpayload": cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, psm *pubsubMessage) error {
			buf := make([]byte, 8, len(psm.Data)+8)

			n := binary.PutUvarint(buf, uint64(len(psm.Data)))
			buf = append(buf[:n], psm.Data...)
			_, err := w.Write(buf)
			return err
	Type: pubsubMessage{},
View Source
var RefsCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "List links (references) from an object.",
		ShortDescription: `
Lists the hashes of all the links an IPFS or IPNS object(s) contains,
with the following format:

  <link base58 hash>

NOTE: List all references recursively by using the flag '-r'.
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"local": RefsLocalCmd,
	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("ipfs-path", true, true, "Path to the object(s) to list refs from.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.StringOption(refsFormatOptionName, "Emit edges with given format. Available tokens: <src> <dst> <linkname>.").WithDefault("<dst>"),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(refsEdgesOptionName, "e", "Emit edge format: `<from> -> <to>`."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(refsUniqueOptionName, "u", "Omit duplicate refs from output."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(refsRecursiveOptionName, "r", "Recursively list links of child nodes."),
		cmdkit.IntOption(refsMaxDepthOptionName, "Only for recursive refs, limits fetch and listing to the given depth").WithDefault(-1),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		err := req.ParseBodyArgs()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ctx := req.Context
		n, err := cmdenv.GetNode(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		enc, err := cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		unique, _ := req.Options[refsUniqueOptionName].(bool)
		recursive, _ := req.Options[refsRecursiveOptionName].(bool)
		maxDepth, _ := req.Options[refsMaxDepthOptionName].(int)
		edges, _ := req.Options[refsEdgesOptionName].(bool)
		format, _ := req.Options[refsFormatOptionName].(string)

		if !recursive {
			maxDepth = 1

		if edges {
			if format != "<dst>" {
				return errors.New("using format argument with edges is not allowed")

			format = "<src> -> <dst>"

		objs, err := objectsForPaths(ctx, n, req.Arguments)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		rw := RefWriter{
			res:      res,
			DAG:      n.DAG,
			Ctx:      ctx,
			Unique:   unique,
			PrintFmt: format,
			MaxDepth: maxDepth,

		for _, o := range objs {
			if _, err := rw.WriteRefs(o, enc); err != nil {
				if err := res.Emit(&RefWrapper{Err: err.Error()}); err != nil {
					return err

		return nil
	Encoders: refsEncoderMap,
	Type:     RefWrapper{},

RefsCmd is the `ipfs refs` command

View Source
var RefsLocalCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "List all local references.",
		ShortDescription: `
Displays the hashes of all local objects.

	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		ctx := req.Context
		n, err := cmdenv.GetNode(env)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		allKeys, err := n.Blockstore.AllKeysChan(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for k := range allKeys {
			err := res.Emit(&RefWrapper{Ref: k.String()})
			if err != nil {
				return err

		return nil
	Encoders: refsEncoderMap,
	Type:     RefWrapper{},
View Source
var RefsROCmd = &cmds.Command{}

RefsROCmd is `ipfs refs` command

View Source
var RepoCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Manipulate the IPFS repo.",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs repo' is a plumbing command used to manipulate the repo.

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"stat":    repoStatCmd,
		"gc":      repoGcCmd,
		"fsck":    repoFsckCmd,
		"version": repoVersionCmd,
		"verify":  repoVerifyCmd,
View Source
var ResolveCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Resolve the value of names to IPFS.",
		ShortDescription: `
There are a number of mutable name protocols that can link among
themselves and into IPNS. This command accepts any of these
identifiers and resolves them to the referenced item.
		LongDescription: `
There are a number of mutable name protocols that can link among
themselves and into IPNS. For example IPNS references can (currently)
point at an IPFS object, and DNS links can point at other DNS links, IPNS
entries, or IPFS objects. This command accepts any of these
identifiers and resolves them to the referenced item.


Resolve the value of your identity:

  $ ipfs resolve /ipns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy

Resolve the value of another name:

  $ ipfs resolve /ipns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n

Resolve the value of another name recursively:

  $ ipfs resolve -r /ipns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n

Resolve the value of an IPFS DAG path:

  $ ipfs resolve /ipfs/QmeZy1fGbwgVSrqbfh9fKQrAWgeyRnj7h8fsHS1oy3k99x/beep/boop


	Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
		cmdkit.StringArg("name", true, false, "The name to resolve.").EnableStdin(),
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(resolveRecursiveOptionName, "r", "Resolve until the result is an IPFS name."),
		cmdkit.IntOption(resolveDhtRecordCountOptionName, "dhtrc", "Number of records to request for DHT resolution."),
		cmdkit.StringOption(resolveDhtTimeoutOptionName, "dhtt", "Max time to collect values during DHT resolution eg \"30s\". Pass 0 for no timeout."),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		api, err := cmdenv.GetApi(env, req)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		name := req.Arguments[0]
		recursive, _ := req.Options[resolveRecursiveOptionName].(bool)

		var enc cidenc.Encoder
		switch {
		case !cmdenv.CidBaseDefined(req):

			enc, err = cmdenv.CidEncoderFromPath(name)
			if err == nil {

			enc, err = cmdenv.GetCidEncoder(req)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		if strings.HasPrefix(name, "/ipns/") && !recursive {
			rc, rcok := req.Options[resolveDhtRecordCountOptionName].(uint)
			dhtt, dhttok := req.Options[resolveDhtTimeoutOptionName].(string)
			ropts := []options.NameResolveOption{

			if rcok {
				ropts = append(ropts, options.Name.ResolveOption(nsopts.DhtRecordCount(rc)))
			if dhttok {
				d, err := time.ParseDuration(dhtt)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if d < 0 {
					return errors.New("DHT timeout value must be >= 0")
				ropts = append(ropts, options.Name.ResolveOption(nsopts.DhtTimeout(d)))
			p, err := api.Name().Resolve(req.Context, name, ropts...)

			if err != nil && err != ns.ErrResolveRecursion {
				return err
			return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &ncmd.ResolvedPath{Path: path.Path(p.String())})

		p, err := coreiface.ParsePath(name)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		rp, err := api.ResolvePath(req.Context, p)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		encoded := "/" + rp.Namespace() + "/" + enc.Encode(rp.Cid())
		if remainder := rp.Remainder(); remainder != "" {
			encoded += "/" + remainder

		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &ncmd.ResolvedPath{Path: path.Path(encoded)})
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, rp *ncmd.ResolvedPath) error {
			fmt.Fprintln(w, rp.Path.String())
			return nil
	Type: ncmd.ResolvedPath{},
View Source
var Root = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline:  "Global p2p merkle-dag filesystem.",
		Synopsis: "ipfs [--config=<config> | -c] [--debug=<debug> | -D] [--help=<help>] [-h=<h>] [--local=<local> | -L] [--api=<api>] <command> ...",
		Subcommands: `
  init          Initialize ipfs local configuration
  add <path>    Add a file to IPFS
  cat <ref>     Show IPFS object data
  get <ref>     Download IPFS objects
  ls <ref>      List links from an object
  refs <ref>    List hashes of links from an object

  block         Interact with raw blocks in the datastore
  object        Interact with raw dag nodes
  files         Interact with objects as if they were a unix filesystem
  dag           Interact with IPLD documents (experimental)

  daemon        Start a long-running daemon process
  mount         Mount an IPFS read-only mountpoint
  resolve       Resolve any type of name
  name          Publish and resolve IPNS names
  key           Create and list IPNS name keypairs
  dns           Resolve DNS links
  pin           Pin objects to local storage
  repo          Manipulate the IPFS repository
  stats         Various operational stats
  p2p           Libp2p stream mounting
  filestore     Manage the filestore (experimental)

  id            Show info about IPFS peers
  bootstrap     Add or remove bootstrap peers
  swarm         Manage connections to the p2p network
  dht           Query the DHT for values or peers
  ping          Measure the latency of a connection
  diag          Print diagnostics

  config        Manage configuration
  version       Show ipfs version information
  update        Download and apply go-ipfs updates
  commands      List all available commands
  cid           Convert and discover properties of CIDs

Use 'ipfs <command> --help' to learn more about each command.

ipfs uses a repository in the local file system. By default, the repo is
located at ~/.ipfs. To change the repo location, set the $IPFS_PATH
environment variable:

  export IPFS_PATH=/path/to/ipfsrepo


The CLI will exit with one of the following values:

0     Successful execution.
1     Failed executions.
	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.StringOption(ConfigOption, "c", "Path to the configuration file to use."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(DebugOption, "D", "Operate in debug mode."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(cmds.OptLongHelp, "Show the full command help text."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(cmds.OptShortHelp, "Show a short version of the command help text."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(LocalOption, "L", "Run the command locally, instead of using the daemon. DEPRECATED: use --offline."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(OfflineOption, "Run the command offline."),
		cmdkit.StringOption(ApiOption, "Use a specific API instance (defaults to /ip4/"),


View Source
var RootRO = &cmds.Command{}

RootRO is the readonly version of Root

View Source
var StatsCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Query IPFS statistics.",
		ShortDescription: `'ipfs stats' is a set of commands to help look at statistics
for your IPFS node.
		LongDescription: `'ipfs stats' is a set of commands to help look at statistics
for your IPFS node.`,

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"bw":      statBwCmd,
		"repo":    repoStatCmd,
		"bitswap": bitswapStatCmd,
View Source
var SwarmCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Interact with the swarm.",
		ShortDescription: `
'ipfs swarm' is a tool to manipulate the network swarm. The swarm is the
component that opens, listens for, and maintains connections to other
ipfs peers in the internet.
	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"addrs":      swarmAddrsCmd,
		"connect":    swarmConnectCmd,
		"disconnect": swarmDisconnectCmd,
		"filters":    swarmFiltersCmd,
		"peers":      swarmPeersCmd,
View Source
var TarCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline: "Utility functions for tar files in ipfs.",

	Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
		"add": tarAddCmd,
		"cat": tarCatCmd,
View Source
var VersionCmd = &cmds.Command{
	Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
		Tagline:          "Show ipfs version information.",
		ShortDescription: "Returns the current version of ipfs and exits.",

	Options: []cmdkit.Option{
		cmdkit.BoolOption(versionNumberOptionName, "n", "Only show the version number."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(versionCommitOptionName, "Show the commit hash."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(versionRepoOptionName, "Show repo version."),
		cmdkit.BoolOption(versionAllOptionName, "Show all version information"),
	Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) error {
		return cmds.EmitOnce(res, &VersionOutput{
			Version: version.CurrentVersionNumber,
			Commit:  version.CurrentCommit,
			Repo:    fmt.Sprint(fsrepo.RepoVersion),
			System:  runtime.GOARCH + "/" + runtime.GOOS,
			Golang:  runtime.Version(),
	Encoders: cmds.EncoderMap{
		cmds.Text: cmds.MakeTypedEncoder(func(req *cmds.Request, w io.Writer, version *VersionOutput) error {
			commit, _ := req.Options[versionCommitOptionName].(bool)
			commitTxt := ""
			if commit {
				commitTxt = "-" + version.Commit

			all, _ := req.Options[versionAllOptionName].(bool)
			if all {
				out := fmt.Sprintf("go-ipfs version: %s-%s\n"+
					"Repo version: %s\nSystem version: %s\nGolang version: %s\n",
					version.Version, version.Commit, version.Repo, version.System, version.Golang)
				fmt.Fprint(w, out)
				return nil

			repo, _ := req.Options[versionRepoOptionName].(bool)
			if repo {
				fmt.Fprintln(w, version.Repo)
				return nil

			number, _ := req.Options[versionNumberOptionName].(bool)
			if number {
				fmt.Fprintln(w, version.Version+commitTxt)
				return nil

			fmt.Fprint(w, fmt.Sprintf("ipfs version %s%s\n", version.Version, commitTxt))
			return nil
	Type: VersionOutput{},


func CommandsCmd

func CommandsCmd(root *cmds.Command) *cmds.Command

CommandsCmd takes in a root command, and returns a command that lists the subcommands in that root

func ExternalBinary added in v0.3.10

func ExternalBinary() *cmds.Command

func ParsePeerParam

func ParsePeerParam(text string) (ma.Multiaddr, peer.ID, error)


type AddEvent added in v0.4.19

type AddEvent struct {
	Name  string
	Hash  string `json:",omitempty"`
	Bytes int64  `json:",omitempty"`
	Size  string `json:",omitempty"`

type AddPinOutput added in v0.4.7

type AddPinOutput struct {
	Pins     []string
	Progress int `json:",omitempty"`

type BadNode added in v0.4.10

type BadNode struct {
	Cid string
	Err string

BadNode is used in PinVerifyRes

type BlockStat

type BlockStat struct {
	Key  string
	Size int

func (BlockStat) String

func (bs BlockStat) String() string

type BootstrapOutput

type BootstrapOutput struct {
	Peers []string

type CidFormatRes added in v0.4.18

type CidFormatRes struct {
	CidStr    string // Original Cid String passed in
	Formatted string // Formated Result
	ErrorMsg  string // Error

type CodeAndName added in v0.4.18

type CodeAndName struct {
	Code int
	Name string

type Command

type Command struct {
	Name        string
	Subcommands []Command
	Options     []Option
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ConfigField

type ConfigField struct {
	Key   string
	Value interface{}

type ConfigUpdateOutput added in v0.4.18

type ConfigUpdateOutput struct {
	OldCfg map[string]interface{}
	NewCfg map[string]interface{}

ConfigUpdateOutput is config profile apply command's output

type GcResult added in v0.4.8

type GcResult struct {
	Key   cid.Cid
	Error string `json:",omitempty"`

GcResult is the result returned by "repo gc" command.

type IdOutput

type IdOutput struct {
	ID              string
	PublicKey       string
	Addresses       []string
	AgentVersion    string
	ProtocolVersion string

type KeyList

type KeyList struct {
	Keys []cid.Cid

KeyList is a general type for outputting lists of keys

type KeyOutput added in v0.4.5

type KeyOutput struct {
	Name string
	Id   string

type KeyOutputList added in v0.4.5

type KeyOutputList struct {
	Keys []KeyOutput

type KeyRenameOutput added in v0.4.10

type KeyRenameOutput struct {
	Was       string
	Now       string
	Id        string
	Overwrite bool

KeyRenameOutput define the output type of keyRenameCmd

type LsLink struct {
	Name, Hash string
	Size       uint64
	Type       iface.FileType

LsLink contains printable data for a single ipld link in ls output

type LsObject added in v0.3.2

type LsObject struct {
	Hash  string
	Links []LsLink

LsObject is an element of LsOutput It can represent all or part of a directory

type LsOutput

type LsOutput struct {
	Objects []LsObject

LsOutput is a set of printable data for directories, it can be complete or partial

type MessageOutput

type MessageOutput struct {
	Message string

type Option added in v0.4.3

type Option struct {
	Names []string

type P2PListenerInfoOutput added in v0.4.10

type P2PListenerInfoOutput struct {
	Protocol      string
	ListenAddress string
	TargetAddress string

P2PListenerInfoOutput is output type of ls command

type P2PLsOutput added in v0.4.10

type P2PLsOutput struct {
	Listeners []P2PListenerInfoOutput

P2PLsOutput is output type of ls command

type P2PStreamInfoOutput added in v0.4.10

type P2PStreamInfoOutput struct {
	HandlerID     string
	Protocol      string
	OriginAddress string
	TargetAddress string

P2PStreamInfoOutput is output type of streams command

type P2PStreamsOutput added in v0.4.10

type P2PStreamsOutput struct {
	Streams []P2PStreamInfoOutput

P2PStreamsOutput is output type of streams command

type PinOutput

type PinOutput struct {
	Pins []string

type PinStatus added in v0.4.10

type PinStatus struct {
	Ok       bool
	BadNodes []BadNode `json:",omitempty"`

PinStatus is part of PinVerifyRes, do not use directly

type PinVerifyRes added in v0.4.10

type PinVerifyRes struct {
	Cid string

PinVerifyRes is the result returned for each pin checked in "pin verify"

func (PinVerifyRes) Format added in v0.4.10

func (r PinVerifyRes) Format(out io.Writer)

Format formats PinVerifyRes

type PingResult

type PingResult struct {
	Success bool
	Time    time.Duration
	Text    string

type RefKeyList added in v0.3.2

type RefKeyList struct {
	Keys map[string]RefKeyObject

type RefKeyObject added in v0.3.4

type RefKeyObject struct {
	Type string

type RefWrapper added in v0.3.5

type RefWrapper struct {
	Ref string
	Err string

type RefWriter

type RefWriter struct {
	DAG ipld.DAGService
	Ctx context.Context

	Unique   bool
	MaxDepth int
	PrintFmt string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RefWriter) WriteEdge

func (rw *RefWriter) WriteEdge(from, to cid.Cid, linkname string, enc cidenc.Encoder) error

Write one edge

func (*RefWriter) WriteRefs

func (rw *RefWriter) WriteRefs(n ipld.Node, enc cidenc.Encoder) (int, error)

WriteRefs writes refs of the given object to the underlying writer.

type RepoVersion added in v0.4.3

type RepoVersion struct {
	Version string

type VerifyProgress added in v0.4.3

type VerifyProgress struct {
	Msg      string
	Progress int

type VersionOutput

type VersionOutput struct {
	Version string
	Commit  string
	Repo    string
	System  string
	Golang  string


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳