README ¶ go-prompter Build full-featured CLI prompts in GoLang. A SQL prompt demo with most of the major features in play: Features Single-line and Multi-line prompt with line numbers Syntax-Highlighting - use Chroma or roll-your-own Flexible Auto-Complete drop-downs Start with built-in AutoCompleter for simple Keywords SetAutoCompleter(...) Expand to context based additional Keywords using SetAutoCompleterContextual(...) Generate prompts with or without a "prefix" Header and Footer generator functions for dynamic content History integration with built-in go-back/go-forward/list/rerun Completely customizable KeyMap Control what Actions can be triggered by what (special) Key-combinations Custom command-shortcuts if the KeyMap is not flexible enough Extremely flexible Styling/Customization Auto-Complete look and feel Cursor look and feel Dimensions (height/width) Line-Numbers look and feel Scrollbar look and feel Bonus Input package that wraps around bubbletea and provides a basic interface to capture input events Key-presses Mouse-clicks and motion Window/terminal resizes Powerline package to generate Powerline-like lines Supports "segments" on both left and right sides Can auto-adjust and auto-remove segments to meet terminal width limitations Usable as header and/or prefix for the Prompt Expand ▾ Collapse ▴ Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis examples color input powerline prompt/powerline prompt/simple prompt/sql input mocks input Code generated by MockGen. Code generated by MockGen. prompt Code generated by MockGen. Code generated by MockGen. powerline prompt Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.