Overview ¶
Command deprec(1) records the dependencies of a repository in a simple file and allows easy comparison to help track down dependency differences.
The file contains the Go version of the current system along with all dependencies' repositories and their revision id in the root of the repository. The Go version always goes on the first line. After that each dependency is listed in alphabetical order.
If a repository contains a Godeps file from godep(1), by default deprec(1) will refuse to dep.log without the -with-godep flag. It will however read the information in the Godeps file and use that to do its comparison.
The commands used to extract the revision ids are:
bzr revno git rev-parse HEAD hg id -i --debug svnversion
Compare the current repositories dep.log with the current state of the system
deprec -check
To create dep.log in current repository
To create several dep.log's simultaneously
deprec path/one other/path a/third/path
Use in a script
if deprec -s then echo different fi