
This repository hosts the code for palitra-lambda
, an AWS Lambda function that given a picture and a certain limit N
, returns the N
most frequent colors in a picture, approximated to CSS3 color names.
├── LICENSE <-- MIT License file
├── Makefile <-- Make to automate build
├── <-- This instructions file
├── palitra <-- Source code for lambda function + test
├── Gopkg.lock <-- Go dep dependencies exact versions
├── Gopkg.toml <-- Go dependencies requirements
└── template.yaml
Available Scripts
This scripts are accessible in the Makefile.
: Installs the function's dependencies
: Formats the code according to the Go standard
: Builds an optimized binary for 64-bit Linux in ./bin/palitra
: Packages the binary into a zip file ready to be uploaded to AWS
: Removes the compiled binary and the zip file
: Removes the Go dependency folder created by dep
: Runs the Go integration tests
- palitra: this is the original Golang CLI utility that has been used as the base of this Lambda function.
Make an AWS Lambda function yourself
How can you generate a Golang lambda function similar to this one?
Just type in sam init -r go1.x -n awesome-unicorns
and there you go.
It requires you to have AWS SAM cli installed. You can installed via the following:
python3 -m pip install aws-sam-cli
Check that the script is installed properly by typing which sam