go-wfs is a Go server implementation of OGC WFS 3.0.
routes.go: maps urls to functions (from handlers.go)
handlers.go: actual work done here
server.go: simple interface to start the server.
collection_meta_data.go: generates content for metadata requests
conformance.go: generates content for conformance requests
FeatureCollectionJSONSchema: provides a string variable populated with the schema for a geojson FeatureCollection
features.go: generates content for feature data requests
FeatureSchema.go: provides a string variable populated with the schema for a geojson Feature
openapi3.go: encapsulates generation of json OpenAPI3 document for WFS service.
root.go: generates content for a root path ("/") request
validation.go: helper functions for validating encoded responses
wfs3_types.go: go structs to mirror the types & their schemas specified in the wfs3 spec.
provider.go: wraps github.com/go-spatial/tegola/provider.Tiler
to provide convenience methods & additional behavior
main.go: Executable entry-point.
Defaults to run on localhost:9000. Visit http://localhost:9000/api for OpenAPI definition of
service. Take a look at server/routes.go
for a concise list of supported URLs.
Build Instructions
# create directory for local env
mkdir /path/to/golang-env
export GOPATH=/path/to/golang-env
# install tegola
go get github.com/go-spatial/tegola
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/go-spatial/tegola
git checkout v0.7.0
# install other supporting packages
go get github.com/jban332/kin-openapi/openapi3
go get github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter
go get github.com/rs/cors
go get github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema
# install go-wfs
go get github.com/go-spatial/go-wfs
# start server on http://localhost:9000/
go run main.go # or go build main.go
Requests Overview
Features are identified by a collection name and feature primary key pair.
Bugs and Issues
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.