mHub - simple message hub
Topic: string
string with the following format action.object_name.object_id
: can be any action ex.: create
, list
, update
, delete
, sync
, etc.
: is the object name or group of objects, ex: mug
or cat
: if action affects a particular object id, is the id of that object, otherwise if null
or even nothing.
Use Case

A running redis instance check here how to start
Quick Start
go get -u
go build -o mhub
this assume that you have a running REDIS SEVER on localhost:6379.
it will listen on port 8083 at localhost address.
import mhubClient ""
func main() {
// Create a Client
srvAddr := "localhost:8083"
isSecure := false
cli, err := mhubClient.NewHubClient(srvAddr, isSecure)
if err != nil {
// Define what to do with Topic messages that you'll receive from http stream.
cli.MessageHandler = func(msg interface{}) error {
fmt.Println(msg) // in this case: just print them to stdout
return nil
// Get the auto-generated Client ID. It's great for debug purpose
// You can then use the ClientID in a variable $CLIENTID for debug purpose to post like:
// curl -X POST -H "X-Subscriber-ID: $CLIENTID" \
// http://localhost:8083/publish/test \
// -d '{"msgType":"publish","topic":"test1","msg":"yay!"}'
// Add a New Topic
// This will add a Topic to the Client (local information)
if ok := cli.AddTopic([]string{"test1", "test2"}); !ok {
// do something if not OK
// not that you'll not receive any messages if not declare topics here
// like fmt.println("failed to add topics")
// Subscribe the client with topics you have added
// This will subscribe cli.ClientID to topics 'test1' and 'test2'.
if ok := cli.Subscribe(); !ok {
panic("failed to subscribe")
// Client can also publish to hub, so other clients can get messages
// This will publish to topic 'test1'
cli.Publish("test1", "Yay!")
// Me() is additional information you can get from Hub about this client.
// This will retried a http stream messages to be parsed by cli.MessageHandler
Advanced Usage
Generate Certificates
if cli, err := mhubClient.NewHubClient(srvAddr, true)
you have to create a tls certificate to use by the server and the client.
mkdir ~/mhub_certificates
cd ~/mhub_certificates
cp $GOPATH/src/ .
./ localhost
Start the message Hub Server
Option 1: Build and start
go build -o mhub
./mhub #for default values
# OR
HUB_ADDR=localhost HUB_PORT=8083 REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379 REDIS_PASSWD="" ./mhub
Option 2: Instantiate Hub Server in your project
import ""
func main(){
hub := mhub.NewHub()
// Possible actions/configurations:
// hub.Subscribers = append(hub.Subscribers, mhub.Subscriber{ID: "FC27C37A-59C5-4913-976C-2CB6C55781A1", Topics: []string{"topic1", "topic2"}})
// hub.Topics = append(hub.Topics, "topic1")
// hub.Topics = append(hub.Topics, "topic2")
// hub.Registry = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: "localhost:6379", DB: 0})
// work with mhub instance or Just start it
// it will serve on port 8083
// hub.Serve()
// Possible Environment Variables for Hub:
// HUB_ADDR: hostname or ip address
// HUB_PORT: port number
// HUB_SECURE: true or false // will configure tls and ./ can help to generate certificates
// Note that, if HUB_SECURE is true, client must also be secure ex: cli.NewClient("localhost:8083", true)
Option 3: Docker