Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BlockCreationReward(height int64) int64
- func CheckpointCheck(id BlockID, height int64) error
- func CudaInit() int
- func CudaMinerMine(minerNum int, startNonce int64) int64
- func CudaMinerUpdate(minerNum int, headerBytes []byte, ...) int64
- func HandlePortForward(port uint16, fwd bool) (string, bool, error)
- func IsInitialBlockDownload(ledger Ledger, blockStore BlockStorage) (bool, int64, error)
- func OpenCLInit() int
- func OpenCLMinerMine(minerNum int, startNonce int64) int64
- func OpenCLMinerUpdate(minerNum int, headerBytes []byte, ...) int64
- type BalanceCache
- type BalanceMessage
- type BalancesMessage
- type Block
- type BlockHeader
- type BlockHeaderHasher
- type BlockHeaderMessage
- type BlockID
- type BlockMessage
- type BlockQueue
- type BlockStorage
- type BlockStorageDisk
- func (b *BlockStorageDisk) Close() error
- func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetBlock(id BlockID) (*Block, error)
- func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetBlockBytes(id BlockID) ([]byte, error)
- func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetBlockHeader(id BlockID) (*BlockHeader, int64, error)
- func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetTransaction(id BlockID, index int) (*Transaction, *BlockHeader, error)
- func (b BlockStorageDisk) Store(id BlockID, block *Block, now int64) error
- type BranchType
- type CertificateManager
- type DNSSeeder
- type FilterAddMessage
- type FilterBlockMessage
- type FilterLoadMessage
- type FilterResultMessage
- type FilterTransactionQueueMessage
- type FindCommonAncestorMessage
- type GetBalanceMessage
- type GetBalancesMessage
- type GetBlockByHeightMessage
- type GetBlockHeaderByHeightMessage
- type GetBlockHeaderMessage
- type GetBlockMessage
- type GetPublicKeyTransactionsMessage
- type GetTransactionMessage
- type GetWorkMessage
- type HashWithRead
- type HashrateMonitor
- type IRC
- type InvBlockMessage
- type Ledger
- type LedgerDisk
- func (l LedgerDisk) Balance() (int64, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) Close() error
- func (l LedgerDisk) ConnectBlock(id BlockID, block *Block) ([]TransactionID, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) DisconnectBlock(id BlockID, block *Block) ([]TransactionID, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetBlockIDForHeight(height int64) (*BlockID, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetBranchType(id BlockID) (BranchType, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetChainTip() (*BlockID, int64, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalance(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) (int64, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalanceAt(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, height int64) (int64, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalances(pubKeys []ed25519.PublicKey) (map[[ed25519.PublicKeySize]byte]int64, *BlockID, int64, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyTransactionIndicesRange(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, startHeight, endHeight int64, startIndex, limit int) ([]BlockID, []int, int64, int, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) GetTransactionIndex(id TransactionID) (*BlockID, int, error)
- func (l LedgerDisk) SetBranchType(id BlockID, branchType BranchType) error
- type Message
- type Miner
- type NewTx
- type Peer
- type PeerAddressesMessage
- type PeerManager
- type PeerStorage
- type PeerStorageDisk
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Close() error
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Delete(addr string) error
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Get(count int) ([]string, error)
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) GetSince(count int, when int64) ([]string, error)
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectAttempt(addr string) error
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectFailure(addr string) error
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectSuccess(addr string) error
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnDisconnect(addr string) error
- func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Store(addr string) (bool, error)
- type Processor
- func (p *Processor) ProcessBlock(id BlockID, block *Block, from string) error
- func (p *Processor) ProcessTransaction(id TransactionID, tx *Transaction, from string) error
- func (p *Processor) RegisterForNewTransactions(ch chan<- NewTx)
- func (p *Processor) RegisterForTipChange(ch chan<- TipChange)
- func (p *Processor) Run()
- func (p *Processor) Shutdown()
- func (p *Processor) UnregisterForNewTransactions(ch chan<- NewTx)
- func (p *Processor) UnregisterForTipChange(ch chan<- TipChange)
- type PublicKeyBalance
- type PublicKeyTransactionsMessage
- type PushTransactionMessage
- type PushTransactionResultMessage
- type Signature
- type SubmitWorkMessage
- type SubmitWorkResultMessage
- type TipChange
- type TipHeaderMessage
- type Transaction
- func (tx Transaction) Contains(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) bool
- func (tx Transaction) ID() (TransactionID, error)
- func (tx Transaction) IsCoinbase() bool
- func (tx Transaction) IsExpired(height int64) bool
- func (tx Transaction) IsMature(height int64) bool
- func (tx *Transaction) Sign(privKey ed25519.PrivateKey) error
- func (tx Transaction) Verify() (bool, error)
- type TransactionID
- type TransactionMessage
- type TransactionQueue
- type TransactionQueueMemory
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Add(id TransactionID, tx *Transaction) (bool, error)
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) AddBatch(ids []TransactionID, txs []*Transaction, height int64) error
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Exists(id TransactionID) bool
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) ExistsSigned(id TransactionID, signature Signature) bool
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Get(limit int) []*Transaction
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Len() int
- func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) RemoveBatch(ids []TransactionID, height int64, more bool) error
- type TransactionRelayPolicyMessage
- type Wallet
- func (w *Wallet) AddFilter(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) error
- func (w *Wallet) AddKey(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, privKey ed25519.PrivateKey) error
- func (w *Wallet) Connect(addr string, genesisID BlockID, tlsVerify bool) error
- func (w *Wallet) GetBalance(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) (int64, int64, error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetBalances(pubKeys []ed25519.PublicKey) ([]PublicKeyBalance, int64, error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetKeys() ([]ed25519.PublicKey, error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetPrivateKey(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) (ed25519.PrivateKey, error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetPublicKeyTransactions(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, startHeight, endHeight int64, startIndex, limit int) (startH, stopH int64, stopIndex int, fb []*FilterBlockMessage, err error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetTipHeader() (BlockID, BlockHeader, error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetTransaction(id TransactionID) (*Transaction, *BlockID, int64, error)
- func (w *Wallet) GetTransactionRelayPolicy() (minFee, minAmount int64, err error)
- func (w *Wallet) IsConnected() bool
- func (w *Wallet) NewKeys(count int) ([]ed25519.PublicKey, error)
- func (w *Wallet) Run()
- func (w *Wallet) Send(from, to ed25519.PublicKey, amount, fee, matures, expires int64, memo string) (TransactionID, error)
- func (w *Wallet) SetFilter() error
- func (w *Wallet) SetFilterBlockCallback(callback func(*FilterBlockMessage))
- func (w *Wallet) SetPassphrase(passphrase string) (bool, error)
- func (w *Wallet) SetTransactionCallback(callback func(*Transaction))
- func (w *Wallet) Shutdown() error
- func (w *Wallet) VerifyKey(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) error
- type WorkMessage
Constants ¶
const ArgonKeyLength = 32
const ArgonMemory = 64 * 1024
const ArgonSaltLength = 16
const ArgonThreads = 4
const ArgonTime = 1
const BitcoinCashRetargetAlgorithmHeight = 28861
height at which we switch from bitcoin's difficulty adjustment algorithm to bitcoin cash's algorithm
const BlocksUntilNewSeries = 1008 // 1 week in blocks
const BlocksUntilRewardHalving = 210000 // 4 years in blocks
const BlocksUntilTransactionsPerBlockDoubling = 105000 // 2 years in blocks
const CheckpointsEnabled = true
CheckpointsEnabled can be disabled for testing.
const CoinbaseMaturity = 100 // blocks
const CruzbitsPerCruz = 100000000
const CudaEnabled = false
const DefaultCruzbitPort = 8831
const GenesisBlockJson = `` /* 741-byte string literal not displayed */
GenesisBlockJson is the first block in the chain. The memo field is the hash of the tip of the bitcoin blockchain at the time of this block's creation.
const InitialCoinbaseReward = 50 * CruzbitsPerCruz
const InitialMaxTransactionsPerBlock = 10000 // 16.666... tx/sec, ~4 MBish in JSON
const InitialTarget = "00000000ffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
const LatestCheckpointHeight = 145142
LatestCheckpointHeight is used to determine if the client is synced.
const MaxFutureSeconds = 2 * 60 * 60 // 2 hours
const MaxInboundPeerConnections = 128
const MaxInboundPeerConnectionsFromSameHost = 4
const MaxMemoLength = 100 // bytes (ascii/utf8 only)
const MaxMoney = 21000000 * CruzbitsPerCruz
const MaxNumber int64 = 1<<53 - 1
given our JSON protocol we should respect Javascript's Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER value
const MaxOutboundPeerConnections = 8
const MaxProtocolMessageLength = 2 * 1024 * 1024 // doesn't apply to blocks
const MaxTipAge = 24 * 60 * 60 * 30
MaxTipAge is originally 24 hours, but has been increased to 30 days to prevent deadlock caused by low mining volume
const MaxTransactionQueueLength = MaxTransactionsToIncludePerBlock * 10
const MaxTransactionsPerBlock = 1<<31 - 1
const MaxTransactionsPerBlockExceededAtHeight = 1852032 // pre-calculated
const MaxTransactionsToIncludePerBlock = InitialMaxTransactionsPerBlock
if you change this it needs to be less than the maximum at the current height
const MinAmountCruzbits = 1000000 // 0.01 cruz
const MinFeeCruzbits = 1000000 // 0.01 cruz
const NumBlocksForMedianTmestamp = 11
const OpenclEnabled = false
const Protocol = "cruzbit.1"
Protocol is the name of this version of the cruzbit peer protocol.
const RetargetInterval = 2016 // 2 weeks in blocks
const RetargetSmaWindow = 144 // 1 day in blocks
const RetargetTime = 1209600 // 2 weeks in seconds
const Server = ""
const TargetSpacing = 600 // every 10 minutes
Variables ¶
var Checkpoints map[int64]string = map[int64]string{
18144: "000000000000b83e78ec29355d098256936389010d7450a288763ed4f191069e",
36288: "00000000000052bd43e85cf60f2ecd1c5016083e6a560b3ee57427c7f2dd64e8",
54432: "000000000001131d0597533737d7aadac0a5d4e132caa4c47c793c02e6d56063",
72576: "0000000000013873c9974f8468c7e03419e02f49aaf9761f4d6c19e233d0bb3d",
90720: "0000000000026254d69f914ff774ed8691d30003c8094d03e61aa8ed4c862c5f",
108864: "00000000001d7b35c09ac85a4e5b577dc62569f2782220723f1613ea268c66aa",
127008: "000000000013df027075d395d6f97e03cd8285db6c37b1575e66ede1c480d3de",
145142: "0000000006dcd69479a3f4f40a301d22e78b1f56de44e00c1fa3191967fd1425",
Checkpoints are known height and block ID pairs on the main chain.
var PeerUpgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ Subprotocols: []string{Protocol}, CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }, }
PeerUpgrader upgrades the incoming HTTP connection to a WebSocket if the subprotocol matches.
var Seeders = [...]string{
Functions ¶
func BlockCreationReward ¶
BlockCreationReward computes the expected block reward for the given height.
func CheckpointCheck ¶
CheckpointCheck returns an error if the passed height is a checkpoint and the passed block ID does not match the given checkpoint block ID.
func CudaMinerMine ¶
func CudaMinerUpdate ¶
func HandlePortForward ¶
HandlePortForward manages port (un)forwarding using UPnP.
func IsInitialBlockDownload ¶
func IsInitialBlockDownload(ledger Ledger, blockStore BlockStorage) (bool, int64, error)
IsInitialBlockDownload returns true if it appears we're still syncing the block chain.
func OpenCLInit ¶
func OpenCLInit() int
func OpenCLMinerMine ¶
Types ¶
type BalanceCache ¶
type BalanceCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BalanceCache maintains a partial unconfirmed view of the ledger. It's used by Ledger when (dis-)connecting blocks and by TransactionQueueMemory when deciding whether or not to add a transaction to the queue.
func NewBalanceCache ¶
func NewBalanceCache(ledger Ledger, minBalance int64) *BalanceCache
NewBalanceCache returns a new instance of a BalanceCache.
func (*BalanceCache) Apply ¶
func (b *BalanceCache) Apply(tx *Transaction) (bool, error)
Apply applies the effect of the transaction to the invovled parties' cached balances. It returns false if sender balance would go negative as a result of applying this transaction. It also returns false if a remaining non-zero sender balance would be less than minBalance.
func (*BalanceCache) Balances ¶
func (b *BalanceCache) Balances() map[[ed25519.PublicKeySize]byte]int64
Balances returns the underlying cache of balances.
func (*BalanceCache) Undo ¶
func (b *BalanceCache) Undo(tx *Transaction) error
Undo undoes the effects of a transaction on the invovled parties' cached balances.
type BalanceMessage ¶
type BalanceMessage struct { BlockID *BlockID `json:"block_id,omitempty"` Height int64 `json:"height,omitempty"` PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey `json:"public_key"` Balance int64 `json:"balance"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
BalanceMessage is used to send a public key's balance to a peer. Type: "balance".
type BalancesMessage ¶
type BalancesMessage struct { BlockID *BlockID `json:"block_id,omitempty"` Height int64 `json:"height,omitempty"` Balances []PublicKeyBalance `json:"balances,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
BalancesMessage is used to send a public key balances to a peer. Type: "balances".
type Block ¶
type Block struct { Header *BlockHeader `json:"header"` Transactions []*Transaction `json:"transactions"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Block represents a block in the block chain. It has a header and a list of transactions. As blocks are connected their transactions affect the underlying ledger.
func NewBlock ¶
func NewBlock(previous BlockID, height int64, target, chainWork BlockID, transactions []*Transaction) ( *Block, error)
NewBlock creates and returns a new Block to be mined.
func (*Block) AddTransaction ¶
func (b *Block) AddTransaction(id TransactionID, tx *Transaction) error
AddTransaction adds a new transaction to the block. Called by miner when mining a new block.
type BlockHeader ¶
type BlockHeader struct { Previous BlockID `json:"previous"` HashListRoot TransactionID `json:"hash_list_root"` Time int64 `json:"time"` Target BlockID `json:"target"` ChainWork BlockID `json:"chain_work"` // total cumulative chain work Nonce int64 `json:"nonce"` // not used for crypto Height int64 `json:"height"` TransactionCount int32 `json:"transaction_count"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BlockHeader contains data used to determine block validity and its place in the block chain.
func (BlockHeader) Compare ¶
func (header BlockHeader) Compare(theirHeader *BlockHeader, thisWhen, theirWhen int64) bool
Compare returns true if the header indicates it is a better chain than "theirHeader" up to both points. "thisWhen" is the timestamp of when we stored this block header. "theirWhen" is the timestamp of when we stored "theirHeader".
func (BlockHeader) ID ¶
func (header BlockHeader) ID() (BlockID, error)
ID computes an ID for a given block header.
type BlockHeaderHasher ¶
type BlockHeaderHasher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockHeaderHasher is used to more efficiently hash JSON serialized block headers while mining.
func NewBlockHeaderHasher ¶
func NewBlockHeaderHasher() *BlockHeaderHasher
NewBlockHeaderHasher returns a newly initialized BlockHeaderHasher
func (*BlockHeaderHasher) Update ¶
func (h *BlockHeaderHasher) Update(minerNum int, header *BlockHeader) (*big.Int, int64)
Update is called everytime the header is updated and the caller wants its new hash value/ID.
type BlockHeaderMessage ¶
type BlockHeaderMessage struct { BlockID *BlockID `json:"block_id,omitempty"` BlockHeader *BlockHeader `json:"header,omitempty"` }
BlockHeaderMessage is used to send a peer a block's header. Type: "block_header".
type BlockID ¶
type BlockID [32]byte // SHA3-256 hash
BlockID is a block's unique identifier.
func (BlockID) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals BlockID as a hex string.
func (*BlockID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals BlockID hex string to BlockID.
type BlockMessage ¶
type BlockMessage struct { BlockID *BlockID `json:"block_id,omitempty"` Block *Block `json:"block,omitempty"` }
BlockMessage is used to send a peer a complete block. Type: "block".
type BlockQueue ¶
type BlockQueue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockQueue is a queue of blocks to download.
func NewBlockQueue ¶
func NewBlockQueue() *BlockQueue
NewBlockQueue returns a new instance of a BlockQueue.
func (*BlockQueue) Add ¶
func (b *BlockQueue) Add(id BlockID, who string) bool
Add adds the block ID to the back of the queue and records the address of the peer who pushed it if it didn't exist in the queue. If it did exist and maxQueueWait has elapsed, the block is left in its position but the peer responsible for download is updated.
func (*BlockQueue) Exists ¶
func (b *BlockQueue) Exists(id BlockID) bool
Exists returns true if the block ID exists in the queue.
func (*BlockQueue) Peek ¶
func (b *BlockQueue) Peek() (BlockID, bool)
Peek returns the ID of the block at the front of the queue.
type BlockStorage ¶
type BlockStorage interface { // Store is called to store all of the block's information. Store(id BlockID, block *Block, now int64) error // Get returns the referenced block. GetBlock(id BlockID) (*Block, error) // GetBlockBytes returns the referenced block as a byte slice. GetBlockBytes(id BlockID) ([]byte, error) // GetBlockHeader returns the referenced block's header and the timestamp of when it was stored. GetBlockHeader(id BlockID) (*BlockHeader, int64, error) // GetTransaction returns a transaction within a block and the block's header. GetTransaction(id BlockID, index int) (*Transaction, *BlockHeader, error) }
BlockStorage is an interface for storing blocks and their transactions.
type BlockStorageDisk ¶
type BlockStorageDisk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockStorageDisk is an on-disk BlockStorage implementation using the filesystem for blocks and LevelDB for block headers.
func NewBlockStorageDisk ¶
func NewBlockStorageDisk(dirPath, dbPath string, readOnly, compress bool) (*BlockStorageDisk, error)
NewBlockStorageDisk returns a new instance of on-disk block storage.
func (*BlockStorageDisk) Close ¶
func (b *BlockStorageDisk) Close() error
Close is called to close any underlying storage.
func (BlockStorageDisk) GetBlock ¶
func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetBlock(id BlockID) (*Block, error)
Get returns the referenced block.
func (BlockStorageDisk) GetBlockBytes ¶
func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetBlockBytes(id BlockID) ([]byte, error)
GetBlockBytes returns the referenced block as a byte slice.
func (BlockStorageDisk) GetBlockHeader ¶
func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetBlockHeader(id BlockID) (*BlockHeader, int64, error)
GetBlockHeader returns the referenced block's header and the timestamp of when it was stored.
func (BlockStorageDisk) GetTransaction ¶
func (b BlockStorageDisk) GetTransaction(id BlockID, index int) ( *Transaction, *BlockHeader, error)
GetTransaction returns a transaction within a block and the block's header.
type BranchType ¶
type BranchType int
BranchType indicates the type of branch a particular block resides on. Only blocks currently on the main branch are considered confirmed and only transactions in those blocks affect public key balances. Values are: MAIN, SIDE, ORPHAN or UNKNOWN.
type CertificateManager ¶
type CertificateManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CertificateManager maintains one or more TLS certificates, and determines which to use for incoming Peer connections
func NewCertificateManager ¶
func NewCertificateManager(dataDir, certPath, keyPath string) *CertificateManager
NewCertificateManager returns a new CertificateManager, creates the initial self-signed certificate,
and loads the external certificate, if file paths were provided in program config
func (*CertificateManager) CheckCertificates ¶
func (cm *CertificateManager) CheckCertificates() (time.Duration, error)
CheckCertificates is called periodically to ensure both the self-signed and external TLS certificates
are valid (not expired), and recreates or reloads them from disk where necessary
func (*CertificateManager) GetCertificateFunc ¶
func (cm *CertificateManager) GetCertificateFunc() func(*tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error)
GetCertificateFunc is called from the PeerManager's httpd.Server when a new Listener is created,
ensuring that the most appropriate TLS certificate can be served when new connections are made
type DNSSeeder ¶
type DNSSeeder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DNSSeeder returns known peers in response to DNS queries.
func NewDNSSeeder ¶
func NewDNSSeeder(peerStore PeerStorage, port int) *DNSSeeder
NewDNSSeeder creates a new DNS seeder given a PeerStorage interface.
type FilterAddMessage ¶
FilterAddMessage is used to request the addition of the given public keys to the current filter. The filter is created if it's not set. Type: "filter_add".
type FilterBlockMessage ¶
type FilterBlockMessage struct { BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"` Header *BlockHeader `json:"header"` Transactions []*Transaction `json:"transactions"` }
FilterBlockMessage represents a pared down block containing only transactions relevant to the peer given their filter. Type: "filter_block".
type FilterLoadMessage ¶
FilterLoadMessage is used to request that we load a filter which is used to filter transactions returned to the peer based on interest. Type: "filter_load"
type FilterResultMessage ¶
type FilterResultMessage struct {
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
FilterResultMessage indicates whether or not the filter request was successful. Type: "filter_result".
type FilterTransactionQueueMessage ¶
type FilterTransactionQueueMessage struct { Transactions []*Transaction `json:"transactions"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
FilterTransactionQueueMessage returns a pared down view of the unconfirmed transaction queue containing only transactions relevant to the peer given their filter. Type: "filter_transaction_queue".
type FindCommonAncestorMessage ¶
type FindCommonAncestorMessage struct {
BlockIDs []BlockID `json:"block_ids"`
FindCommonAncestorMessage is used to find a common ancestor with a peer. Type: "find_common_ancestor".
type GetBalanceMessage ¶
GetBalanceMessage requests a public key's balance. Type: "get_balance".
type GetBalancesMessage ¶
GetBalancesMessage requests a set of public key balances. Type: "get_balances".
type GetBlockByHeightMessage ¶
type GetBlockByHeightMessage struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
GetBlockByHeightMessage is used to request a block for download. Type: "get_block_by_height".
type GetBlockHeaderByHeightMessage ¶
type GetBlockHeaderByHeightMessage struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
GetBlockHeaderByHeightMessage is used to request a block header. Type: "get_block_header_by_height".
type GetBlockHeaderMessage ¶
type GetBlockHeaderMessage struct {
BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"`
GetBlockHeaderMessage is used to request a block header. Type: "get_block_header".
type GetBlockMessage ¶
type GetBlockMessage struct {
BlockID BlockID `json:"block_id"`
GetBlockMessage is used to request a block for download. Type: "get_block".
type GetPublicKeyTransactionsMessage ¶
type GetPublicKeyTransactionsMessage struct { PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey `json:"public_key"` StartHeight int64 `json:"start_height"` StartIndex int `json:"start_index"` EndHeight int64 `json:"end_height"` Limit int `json:"limit"` }
GetPublicKeyTransactionsMessage requests transactions associated with a given public key over a given height range of the block chain. Type: "get_public_key_transactions".
type GetTransactionMessage ¶
type GetTransactionMessage struct {
TransactionID TransactionID `json:"transaction_id"`
GetTransactionMessage is used to request a confirmed transaction. Type: "get_transaction".
type GetWorkMessage ¶
type GetWorkMessage struct { PublicKeys []ed25519.PublicKey `json:"public_keys"` Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"` }
GetWorkMessage is used by a mining peer to request mining work. Type: "get_work"
type HashWithRead ¶
type HashWithRead interface { hash.Hash // the sha3 state objects aren't exported from stdlib but some of their methods like Read are. // we can get the sum without the clone done by Sum which saves us a malloc in the fast path Read(out []byte) (n int, err error) }
HashWithRead extends hash.Hash to provide a Read interface.
type HashrateMonitor ¶
type HashrateMonitor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HashrateMonitor collects hash counts from all miners in order to monitor and display the aggregate hashrate.
func NewHashrateMonitor ¶
func NewHashrateMonitor(hashUpdateChan chan int64) *HashrateMonitor
NewHashrateMonitor returns a new HashrateMonitor instance.
func (*HashrateMonitor) Run ¶
func (h *HashrateMonitor) Run()
Run executes the hashrate monitor's main loop in its own goroutine.
func (*HashrateMonitor) Shutdown ¶
func (h *HashrateMonitor) Shutdown()
Shutdown stops the hashrate monitor synchronously.
type IRC ¶
type IRC struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IRC is used for bootstrapping the network for now. It primarily exists as a backup to our current limited set of DNS seeders.
func (*IRC) Connect ¶
Connect connects the IRC bootstrapper to the IRC network. port is our local cruzbit port. If it's set to 0 we won't be used for inbound connections.
type InvBlockMessage ¶
type InvBlockMessage struct {
BlockIDs []BlockID `json:"block_ids"`
InvBlockMessage is used to communicate blocks available for download. Type: "inv_block".
type Ledger ¶
type Ledger interface { // GetChainTip returns the ID and the height of the block at the current tip of the main chain. GetChainTip() (*BlockID, int64, error) // GetBlockIDForHeight returns the ID of the block at the given block chain height. GetBlockIDForHeight(height int64) (*BlockID, error) // SetBranchType sets the branch type for the given block. SetBranchType(id BlockID, branchType BranchType) error // GetBranchType returns the branch type for the given block. GetBranchType(id BlockID) (BranchType, error) // ConnectBlock connects a block to the tip of the block chain and applies the transactions // to the ledger. ConnectBlock(id BlockID, block *Block) ([]TransactionID, error) // DisconnectBlock disconnects a block from the tip of the block chain and undoes the effects // of the transactions on the ledger. DisconnectBlock(id BlockID, block *Block) ([]TransactionID, error) // GetPublicKeyBalance returns the current balance of a given public key. GetPublicKeyBalance(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) (int64, error) // GetPublicKeyBalances returns the current balance of the given public keys // along with block ID and height of the corresponding main chain tip. GetPublicKeyBalances(pubKeys []ed25519.PublicKey) ( map[[ed25519.PublicKeySize]byte]int64, *BlockID, int64, error) // GetTransactionIndex returns the index of a processed transaction. GetTransactionIndex(id TransactionID) (*BlockID, int, error) // GetPublicKeyTransactionIndicesRange returns transaction indices involving a given public key // over a range of heights. If startHeight > endHeight this iterates in reverse. GetPublicKeyTransactionIndicesRange( pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, startHeight, endHeight int64, startIndex, limit int) ( []BlockID, []int, int64, int, error) // Balance returns the total current ledger balance by summing the balance of all public keys. // It's only used offline for verification purposes. Balance() (int64, error) // GetPublicKeyBalanceAt returns the public key balance at the given height. // It's only used offline for historical and verification purposes. // This is only accurate when the full block chain is indexed (pruning disabled.) GetPublicKeyBalanceAt(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, height int64) (int64, error) }
Ledger is an interface to a ledger built from the most-work chain of blocks. It manages and computes public key balances as well as transaction and public key transaction indices. It also maintains an index of the block chain by height as well as branch information.
type LedgerDisk ¶
type LedgerDisk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LedgerDisk is an on-disk implemenation of the Ledger interface using LevelDB.
func NewLedgerDisk ¶
func NewLedgerDisk(dbPath string, readOnly, prune bool, blockStore BlockStorage) (*LedgerDisk, error)
NewLedgerDisk returns a new instance of LedgerDisk.
func (LedgerDisk) Balance ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) Balance() (int64, error)
Balance returns the total current ledger balance by summing the balance of all public keys. It's only used offline for verification purposes.
func (LedgerDisk) Close ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) Close() error
Close is called to close any underlying storage.
func (LedgerDisk) ConnectBlock ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) ConnectBlock(id BlockID, block *Block) ([]TransactionID, error)
ConnectBlock connects a block to the tip of the block chain and applies the transactions to the ledger.
func (LedgerDisk) DisconnectBlock ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) DisconnectBlock(id BlockID, block *Block) ([]TransactionID, error)
DisconnectBlock disconnects a block from the tip of the block chain and undoes the effects of the transactions on the ledger.
func (LedgerDisk) GetBlockIDForHeight ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetBlockIDForHeight(height int64) (*BlockID, error)
GetBlockIDForHeight returns the ID of the block at the given block chain height.
func (LedgerDisk) GetBranchType ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetBranchType(id BlockID) (BranchType, error)
GetBranchType returns the branch type for the given block.
func (LedgerDisk) GetChainTip ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetChainTip() (*BlockID, int64, error)
GetChainTip returns the ID and the height of the block at the current tip of the main chain.
func (LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalance ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalance(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) (int64, error)
GetPublicKeyBalance returns the current balance of a given public key.
func (LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalanceAt ¶
GetPublicKeyBalanceAt returns the public key balance at the given height. It's only used offline for historical and verification purposes. This is only accurate when the full block chain is indexed (pruning disabled.)
func (LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalances ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyBalances(pubKeys []ed25519.PublicKey) ( map[[ed25519.PublicKeySize]byte]int64, *BlockID, int64, error)
GetPublicKeyBalances returns the current balance of the given public keys along with block ID and height of the corresponding main chain tip.
func (LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyTransactionIndicesRange ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetPublicKeyTransactionIndicesRange( pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, startHeight, endHeight int64, startIndex, limit int) ( []BlockID, []int, int64, int, error)
GetPublicKeyTransactionIndicesRange returns transaction indices involving a given public key over a range of heights. If startHeight > endHeight this iterates in reverse.
func (LedgerDisk) GetTransactionIndex ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) GetTransactionIndex(id TransactionID) (*BlockID, int, error)
GetTransactionIndex returns the index of a processed transaction.
func (LedgerDisk) SetBranchType ¶
func (l LedgerDisk) SetBranchType(id BlockID, branchType BranchType) error
SetBranchType sets the branch type for the given block.
type Message ¶
type Message struct { Type string `json:"type"` Body interface{} `json:"body,omitempty"` }
Message is a message frame for all messages in the cruzbit.1 protocol.
type Miner ¶
type Miner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Miner tries to mine a new tip block.
type NewTx ¶
type NewTx struct { TransactionID TransactionID // transaction ID Transaction *Transaction // new transaction Source string // who sent it }
NewTx is a message sent to registered new transaction channels when a transaction is queued.
type Peer ¶
type Peer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Peer is a peer client in the network. They all speak WebSocket protocol to each other. Peers could be fully validating and mining nodes or simply wallets.
func NewPeer ¶
func NewPeer(conn *websocket.Conn, genesisID BlockID, peerStore PeerStorage, blockStore BlockStorage, ledger Ledger, processor *Processor, txQueue TransactionQueue, blockQueue *BlockQueue, addrChan chan<- string) *Peer
NewPeer returns a new instance of a peer.
func (*Peer) OnClose ¶
func (p *Peer) OnClose(closeHandler func())
OnClose specifies a handler to call when the peer connection is closed.
type PeerAddressesMessage ¶
type PeerAddressesMessage struct {
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
PeerAddressesMessage is used to communicate a list of potential peer addresses known by a peer. Type: "peer_addresses". Sent in response to the empty "get_peer_addresses" message type.
type PeerManager ¶
type PeerManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PeerManager manages incoming and outgoing peer connections on behalf of the client. It also manages finding peers to connect to.
func NewPeerManager ¶
func NewPeerManager( genesisID BlockID, peerStore PeerStorage, blockStore BlockStorage, ledger Ledger, processor *Processor, txQueue TransactionQueue, dataDir, myExternalIP, peer, certPath, keyPath string, port, inboundLimit int, accept, irc, dnsseed bool, banMap map[string]bool) *PeerManager
NewPeerManager returns a new PeerManager instance.
func (*PeerManager) Run ¶
func (p *PeerManager) Run()
Run executes the PeerManager's main loop in its own goroutine. It determines our connectivity and manages sourcing peer addresses from seed sources as well as maintaining full outbound connections and accepting inbound connections.
func (*PeerManager) Shutdown ¶
func (p *PeerManager) Shutdown()
Shutdown stops the peer manager synchronously.
type PeerStorage ¶
type PeerStorage interface { // Store stores a peer address. Returns true if the peer was newly added to storage. Store(addr string) (bool, error) // Get returns some peers for us to attempt to connect to. Get(count int) ([]string, error) // GetSince returns some peers to tell others about last active less than "when" ago. GetSince(count int, when int64) ([]string, error) // Delete is called to explicitly remove a peer address from storage. Delete(addr string) error // OnConnectAttempt is called prior to attempting to connect to the peer. OnConnectAttempt(addr string) error // OnConnectSuccess is called upon successful handshake with the peer. OnConnectSuccess(addr string) error // OnConnectFailure is called upon connection failure. OnConnectFailure(addr string) error // OnDisconnect is called upon disconnection. OnDisconnect(addr string) error }
PeerStorage is an interface for storing peer addresses and information about their connectivity.
type PeerStorageDisk ¶
type PeerStorageDisk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PeerStorageDisk is an on-disk implementation of the PeerStorage interface using LevelDB.
func NewPeerStorageDisk ¶
func NewPeerStorageDisk(dbPath string) (*PeerStorageDisk, error)
NewPeerStorageDisk returns a new PeerStorageDisk instance.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) Close ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Close() error
Close is called to close any underlying storage.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) Delete ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Delete(addr string) error
Delete is called to explicitly remove a peer address from storage.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) Get ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) Get(count int) ([]string, error)
Get returns some peers for us to attempt to connect to.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) GetSince ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) GetSince(count int, when int64) ([]string, error)
GetSince returns some peers to tell others about last active less than "when" ago.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectAttempt ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectAttempt(addr string) error
OnConnectAttempt is called prior to attempting to connect to the peer.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectFailure ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectFailure(addr string) error
OnConnectFailure is called upon connection failure.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectSuccess ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnConnectSuccess(addr string) error
OnConnectSuccess is called upon successful handshake with the peer.
func (*PeerStorageDisk) OnDisconnect ¶
func (p *PeerStorageDisk) OnDisconnect(addr string) error
OnDisconnect is called upon disconnection.
type Processor ¶
type Processor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Processor processes blocks and transactions in order to construct the ledger. It also manages the storage of all block chain data as well as inclusion of new transactions into the transaction queue.
func NewProcessor ¶
func NewProcessor(genesisID BlockID, blockStore BlockStorage, txQueue TransactionQueue, ledger Ledger) *Processor
NewProcessor returns a new Processor instance.
func (*Processor) ProcessBlock ¶
ProcessBlock is called to process a new candidate block chain tip.
func (*Processor) ProcessTransaction ¶
func (p *Processor) ProcessTransaction(id TransactionID, tx *Transaction, from string) error
ProcessTransaction is called to process a new candidate transaction for the transaction queue.
func (*Processor) RegisterForNewTransactions ¶
RegisterForNewTransactions is called to register to receive notifications of newly queued transactions.
func (*Processor) RegisterForTipChange ¶
RegisterForTipChange is called to register to receive notifications of tip block changes.
func (*Processor) Run ¶
func (p *Processor) Run()
Run executes the Processor's main loop in its own goroutine. It verifies and processes blocks and transactions.
func (*Processor) Shutdown ¶
func (p *Processor) Shutdown()
Shutdown stops the processor synchronously.
func (*Processor) UnregisterForNewTransactions ¶
UnregisterForNewTransactions is called to unregister to receive notifications of newly queued transactions
func (*Processor) UnregisterForTipChange ¶
UnregisterForTipChange is called to unregister to receive notifications of tip block changes.
type PublicKeyBalance ¶
type PublicKeyBalance struct { PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey `json:"public_key"` Balance int64 `json:"balance"` }
PublicKeyBalance is an entry in the BalancesMessage's Balances field.
type PublicKeyTransactionsMessage ¶
type PublicKeyTransactionsMessage struct { PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey `json:"public_key"` StartHeight int64 `json:"start_height"` StopHeight int64 `json:"stop_height"` StopIndex int `json:"stop_index"` FilterBlocks []*FilterBlockMessage `json:"filter_blocks"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
PublicKeyTransactionsMessage is used to return a list of block headers and the transactions relevant to the public key over a given height range of the block chain. Type: "public_key_transactions".
type PushTransactionMessage ¶
type PushTransactionMessage struct {
Transaction *Transaction `json:"transaction"`
PushTransactionMessage is used to push a newly processed unconfirmed transaction to peers. Type: "push_transaction".
type PushTransactionResultMessage ¶
type PushTransactionResultMessage struct { TransactionID TransactionID `json:"transaction_id"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
PushTransactionResultMessage is sent in response to a PushTransactionMessage. Type: "push_transaction_result".
type SubmitWorkMessage ¶
type SubmitWorkMessage struct { WorkID int32 `json:"work_id"` Header *BlockHeader `json:"header"` }
SubmitWorkMessage is used by a mining peer to submit a potential solution to the client. Type: "submit_work"
type SubmitWorkResultMessage ¶
type SubmitWorkResultMessage struct { WorkID int32 `json:"work_id"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
SubmitWorkResultMessage is used to inform a mining peer of the result of its work. Type: "submit_work_result"
type TipChange ¶
type TipChange struct { BlockID BlockID // block ID of the main chain tip block Block *Block // full block Source string // who sent the block that caused this change Connect bool // true if the tip has been connected. false for disconnected More bool // true if the tip has been connected and more connections are expected }
TipChange is a message sent to registered new tip channels on main chain tip (dis-)connection..
type TipHeaderMessage ¶
type TipHeaderMessage struct { BlockID *BlockID `json:"block_id,omitempty"` BlockHeader *BlockHeader `json:"header,omitempty"` TimeSeen int64 `json:"time_seen,omitempty"` }
TipHeaderMessage is used to send a peer the header for the tip block in the block chain. Type: "tip_header". It is sent in response to the empty "get_tip_header" message type.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { Time int64 `json:"time"` Nonce int32 `json:"nonce"` // collision prevention. pseudorandom. not used for crypto From ed25519.PublicKey `json:"from,omitempty"` To ed25519.PublicKey `json:"to"` Amount int64 `json:"amount"` Fee int64 `json:"fee,omitempty"` Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"` // max 100 characters Matures int64 `json:"matures,omitempty"` // block height. if set transaction can't be mined before Expires int64 `json:"expires,omitempty"` // block height. if set transaction can't be mined after Series int64 `json:"series"` // +1 roughly once a week to allow for pruning history Signature Signature `json:"signature,omitempty"` }
Transaction represents a ledger transaction. It transfers value from one public key to another.
func NewTransaction ¶
func NewTransaction(from, to ed25519.PublicKey, amount, fee, matures, expires, height int64, memo string) *Transaction
NewTransaction returns a new unsigned transaction.
func (Transaction) Contains ¶
func (tx Transaction) Contains(pubKey ed25519.PublicKey) bool
Contains returns true if the transaction is relevant to the given public key.
func (Transaction) ID ¶
func (tx Transaction) ID() (TransactionID, error)
ID computes an ID for a given transaction.
func (Transaction) IsCoinbase ¶
func (tx Transaction) IsCoinbase() bool
IsCoinbase returns true if the transaction is a coinbase. A coinbase is the first transaction in every block used to reward the miner for mining the block.
func (Transaction) IsExpired ¶
func (tx Transaction) IsExpired(height int64) bool
IsExpired returns true if the transaction cannot be mined at the given height.
func (Transaction) IsMature ¶
func (tx Transaction) IsMature(height int64) bool
IsMature returns true if the transaction can be mined at the given height.
func (*Transaction) Sign ¶
func (tx *Transaction) Sign(privKey ed25519.PrivateKey) error
Sign is called to sign a transaction.
func (Transaction) Verify ¶
func (tx Transaction) Verify() (bool, error)
Verify is called to verify only that the transaction is properly signed.
type TransactionID ¶
type TransactionID [32]byte // SHA3-256 hash
TransactionID is a transaction's unique identifier.
func (TransactionID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (id TransactionID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals TransactionID as a hex string.
func (TransactionID) String ¶
func (id TransactionID) String() string
String implements the Stringer interface.
func (*TransactionID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (id *TransactionID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a hex string to TransactionID.
type TransactionMessage ¶
type TransactionMessage struct { BlockID *BlockID `json:"block_id,omitempty"` Height int64 `json:"height,omitempty"` TransactionID TransactionID `json:"transaction_id"` Transaction *Transaction `json:"transaction,omitempty"` }
TransactionMessage is used to send a peer a confirmed transaction. Type: "transaction"
type TransactionQueue ¶
type TransactionQueue interface { // Add adds the transaction to the queue. Returns true if the transaction was added to the queue on this call. Add(id TransactionID, tx *Transaction) (bool, error) // AddBatch adds a batch of transactions to the queue (a block has been disconnected.) // "height" is the block chain height after this disconnection. AddBatch(ids []TransactionID, txs []*Transaction, height int64) error // RemoveBatch removes a batch of transactions from the queue (a block has been connected.) // "height" is the block chain height after this connection. // "more" indicates if more connections are coming. RemoveBatch(ids []TransactionID, height int64, more bool) error // Get returns transactions in the queue for the miner. Get(limit int) []*Transaction // Exists returns true if the given transaction is in the queue. Exists(id TransactionID) bool // ExistsSigned returns true if the given transaction is in the queue and contains the given signature. ExistsSigned(id TransactionID, signature Signature) bool // Len returns the queue length. Len() int }
TransactionQueue is an interface to a queue of transactions to be confirmed.
type TransactionQueueMemory ¶
type TransactionQueueMemory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionQueueMemory is an in-memory FIFO implementation of the TransactionQueue interface.
func NewTransactionQueueMemory ¶
func NewTransactionQueueMemory(ledger Ledger) *TransactionQueueMemory
NewTransactionQueueMemory returns a new NewTransactionQueueMemory instance.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) Add ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Add(id TransactionID, tx *Transaction) (bool, error)
Add adds the transaction to the queue. Returns true if the transaction was added to the queue on this call.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) AddBatch ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) AddBatch(ids []TransactionID, txs []*Transaction, height int64) error
AddBatch adds a batch of transactions to the queue (a block has been disconnected.) "height" is the block chain height after this disconnection.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) Exists ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Exists(id TransactionID) bool
Exists returns true if the given transaction is in the queue.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) ExistsSigned ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) ExistsSigned(id TransactionID, signature Signature) bool
ExistsSigned returns true if the given transaction is in the queue and contains the given signature.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) Get ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Get(limit int) []*Transaction
Get returns transactions in the queue for the miner.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) Len ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) Len() int
Len returns the queue length.
func (*TransactionQueueMemory) RemoveBatch ¶
func (t *TransactionQueueMemory) RemoveBatch(ids []TransactionID, height int64, more bool) error
RemoveBatch removes a batch of transactions from the queue (a block has been connected.) "height" is the block chain height after this connection. "more" indicates if more connections are coming.
type TransactionRelayPolicyMessage ¶
type TransactionRelayPolicyMessage struct { MinFee int64 `json:"min_fee"` MinAmount int64 `json:"min_amount"` }
TransactionRelayPolicyMessage is used to communicate this node's current settings for min fee and min amount. Type: "transaction_relay_policy". Sent in response to the empty "get_transaction_relay_policy" message type.
type Wallet ¶
type Wallet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Wallet manages keys and transactions on behalf of a user.
func (*Wallet) Connect ¶
Connect connects to a peer for transaction history, balance information, and sending new transactions. The threat model assumes the peer the wallet is speaking to is not an adversary.
func (*Wallet) GetBalance ¶
GetBalance returns a public key's balance as well as the current block height.
func (*Wallet) GetBalances ¶
GetBalances returns a set of public key balances as well as the current block height.
func (*Wallet) GetPrivateKey ¶
Retrieve a private key for a given public key
func (*Wallet) GetPublicKeyTransactions ¶
func (w *Wallet) GetPublicKeyTransactions( pubKey ed25519.PublicKey, startHeight, endHeight int64, startIndex, limit int) ( startH, stopH int64, stopIndex int, fb []*FilterBlockMessage, err error)
GetPublicKeyTransactions retrieves information about historic transactions involving the given public key.
func (*Wallet) GetTipHeader ¶
func (w *Wallet) GetTipHeader() (BlockID, BlockHeader, error)
GetTipHeader returns the current tip of the main chain's header.
func (*Wallet) GetTransaction ¶
func (w *Wallet) GetTransaction(id TransactionID) (*Transaction, *BlockID, int64, error)
GetTransaction retrieves information about a historic transaction.
func (*Wallet) GetTransactionRelayPolicy ¶
GetTransactionRelayPolicy returns the peer's transaction relay policy.
func (*Wallet) IsConnected ¶
IsConnected returns true if the wallet is connected to a peer.
func (*Wallet) NewKeys ¶
NewKeys generates, encrypts and stores new private keys and returns the public keys.
func (*Wallet) Run ¶
func (w *Wallet) Run()
Run executes the Wallet's main loop in its own goroutine. It manages reading and writing to the peer WebSocket.
func (*Wallet) Send ¶
func (w *Wallet) Send(from, to ed25519.PublicKey, amount, fee, matures, expires int64, memo string) ( TransactionID, error)
Send creates, signs and pushes a transaction out to the network.
func (*Wallet) SetFilterBlockCallback ¶
func (w *Wallet) SetFilterBlockCallback(callback func(*FilterBlockMessage))
SetFilterBlockCallback sets a callback to receive new filter blocks with confirmed transactions relevant to this wallet.
func (*Wallet) SetTransactionCallback ¶
func (w *Wallet) SetTransactionCallback(callback func(*Transaction))
SetTransactionCallback sets a callback to receive new transactions relevant to the wallet.
type WorkMessage ¶
type WorkMessage struct { WorkID int32 `json:"work_id"` Header *BlockHeader `json:"header"` MinTime int64 `json:"min_time"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
WorkMessage is used by a client to send work to perform to a mining peer. The timestamp and nonce in the header can be manipulated by the mining peer. It is the mining peer's responsibility to ensure the timestamp is not set below the minimum timestamp and that the nonce does not exceed MaxNumber (2^53-1). Type: "work"
Source Files
- balance_cache.go
- block.go
- block_header_hasher.go
- block_queue.go
- block_storage.go
- block_storage_disk.go
- certificate_manager.go
- checkpoints.go
- constants.go
- cuda_stubs.go
- dns.go
- genesis.go
- irc.go
- ledger.go
- ledger_disk.go
- miner.go
- opencl_stubs.go
- peer.go
- peer_manager.go
- peer_storage.go
- peer_storage_disk.go
- processor.go
- protocol.go
- tls.go
- transaction.go
- transaction_queue.go
- transaction_queue_memory.go
- upnp.go
- wallet.go