Gosoline Application Framework

Gosoline is a Golang based application framework specialized for building
microservices in the cloud. It provides tools for handling most of the common
challenges like configuration, logging, structured code execution, handling
http requests, asynchronous message processing, writing integration tests and
much more.
Why use it?
- Provides an all-in-one solution for the primary use cases
- Out-of-the-box solutions for many AWS services
- Reduces a lot of needed glue and boilerplate code
- Uses a lot of sane default values to to just run code from the IDE (e.g. uses localstack instead of AWS)
- Makes it easy to build a microservice-based architecture which uses a lot of asynchronous event processing
Key Features
- Configuration management
- Logging
- Metrics
- Tracing
- Fixture loading
- Integration tests
- Application lifecycle management
- Api server
- Consumer and producer applications
- Integrates well with AWS
Read our documentation to learn how to use gosoline.
Every application consists of at least a main.go and config.dist.yml file.
package main
import (
func main() {
application.WithModuleFactory("hello-world", NewHelloWorldModule),
func NewHelloWorldModule(ctx context.Context, config cfg.Config, logger log.Logger) (kernel.Module, error) {
return &HelloWorldModule{
logger: logger.WithChannel("hello-world"),
}, nil
type HelloWorldModule struct {
logger log.Logger
func (h HelloWorldModule) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
h.logger.Info("Hello World")
return nil
env: dev
app_project: gosoline
app_family: example
app_name: application
14:10:10.242 main info applied priority 8 config post processor 'gosoline.log.handler_main' application: application
14:10:10.242 kernel info starting kernel application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info all modules created application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg api.health.path=/health application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg api.health.port=8090 application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg app_family=example application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg app_name=application application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg app_project=gosoline application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg cfg.server.port=8070 application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg env=dev application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg kernel.killTimeout=10s application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg log.handlers.main.formatter=console application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg log.handlers.main.level=info application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg log.handlers.main.timestamp_format=15:04:05.000 application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg log.handlers.main.type=iowriter application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg log.handlers.main.writer=stdout application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg metric.application={app_name} application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg metric.enabled=false application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg metric.environment={env} application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg metric.family={app_family} application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg metric.interval=1m0s application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg metric.project={app_project} application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg stream.metrics.messages_per_runner.enabled=false application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg stream.metrics.messages_per_runner.leader_election=streamMprMetrics application: application
14:10:10.243 kernel info cfg stream.metrics.messages_per_runner.max_increase_percent=200 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info cfg stream.metrics.messages_per_runner.max_increase_period=5m0s application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info cfg stream.metrics.messages_per_runner.period=1m0s application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info cfg stream.metrics.messages_per_runner.target_value=0 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info cfg fingerprint: 8df18fc41a40039f92f1f4213aee4869 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stage 0 up and running application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stage 1024 up and running application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stage 2048 up and running application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info kernel up and running application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info running background module metric in stage 0 application: application
14:10:10.244 metrics info metrics not enabled.. application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopped background module metric application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info running background module api-health-check in stage 1024 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info running foreground module hello-world in stage 2048 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info running background module config-server in stage 1024 application: application
14:10:10.244 hello-world info Hello World application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopped foreground module hello-world application: application
14:10:10.244 config-server info serving config on address [::]:8070 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopping kernel due to: no more foreground modules in running state application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopping stage 2048 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopped stage 2048 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopping stage 1024 application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopped background module api-health-check application: application
14:10:10.244 kernel info stopped background module config-server application: application
14:10:10.245 kernel info stopped stage 1024 application: application
14:10:10.245 kernel info stopping stage 0 application: application
14:10:10.245 kernel info stopped stage 0 application: application
14:10:10.245 kernel info leaving kernel application: application
Integration test execution
On linux it's very straight to execute the integration tests:
go test -tags integration,fixtures ./test/...
To run them on macOS you will (once initially and after each system update) have to execute this:
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
Afterwards simply execute:
go test -tags integration,fixtures ./test/...