Overview ¶
Package recryptor provides a collection of cryptographic primitives. The goal of this module is to be used as a tool for experimental deployment of cryptographic algorithms targeting Post-Quantum (PQ) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).
Following blog post describes ideas behind RECRYPTOR in more details:
Path | Synopsis |
Package abe provides Attribute-based data encryption algorithms.
Package abe provides Attribute-based data encryption algorithms. |
Package cpabe provides Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption algorithms.
Package cpabe provides Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption algorithms. |
Package tkn20 implements a ciphertext-policy ABE by Tomida, Kawahara, Nishimaki.
Package tkn20 implements a ciphertext-policy ABE by Tomida, Kawahara, Nishimaki. |
Package blindsign provides blind signature schemes.
Package blindsign provides blind signature schemes. |
Package blindrsa implements the RSA Blind Signature Protocol as defined in [RFC9474].
Package blindrsa implements the RSA Blind Signature Protocol as defined in [RFC9474]. |
Package partiallyblindrsa implements a partially blind RSA protocol.
Package partiallyblindrsa implements a partially blind RSA protocol. |
Package cipher provides data encryption algorithms.
Package cipher provides data encryption algorithms. |
Package ascon provides ASCON family of light-weight AEAD ciphers.
Package ascon provides ASCON family of light-weight AEAD ciphers. |
Package dh provides variety of Diffie-Hellman key exchange methods.
Package dh provides variety of Diffie-Hellman key exchange methods. |
Package csidh implements commutative supersingular isogeny-based Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm (CSIDH) resulting from the group action.
Package csidh implements commutative supersingular isogeny-based Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm (CSIDH) resulting from the group action. |
Package curve4q implements Diffie-Hellman operations using the FourQ curve at the 128-bit security level.
Package curve4q implements Diffie-Hellman operations using the FourQ curve at the 128-bit security level. |
Package sidh is deprecated, it provides SIDH and SIKE key encapsulation mechanisms.
Package sidh is deprecated, it provides SIDH and SIKE key encapsulation mechanisms. |
Package common provides types, variables, constants and functions commonly used in SIDH or SIKE.
Package common provides types, variables, constants and functions commonly used in SIDH or SIKE. |
Package p503 provides implementation of field arithmetic used in SIDH and SIKE.
Package p503 provides implementation of field arithmetic used in SIDH and SIKE. |
Package p751 provides implementation of field arithmetic used in SIDH and SIKE.
Package p751 provides implementation of field arithmetic used in SIDH and SIKE. |
Package x25519 provides Diffie-Hellman functions as specified in RFC-7748.
Package x25519 provides Diffie-Hellman functions as specified in RFC-7748. |
Package x448 provides Diffie-Hellman functions as specified in RFC-7748.
Package x448 provides Diffie-Hellman functions as specified in RFC-7748. |
Package ecc provides implementation of arithmetic on some elliptic curves.
Package ecc provides implementation of arithmetic on some elliptic curves. |
Package bls12381 provides bilinear pairings using the BLS12-381 curve.
Package bls12381 provides bilinear pairings using the BLS12-381 curve. |
Package ff provides finite fields of characteristic P381.
Package ff provides finite fields of characteristic P381. |
Package fourq provides elliptic curve operations over FourQ curve.
Package fourq provides elliptic curve operations over FourQ curve. |
Package goldilocks provides elliptic curve operations over the goldilocks curve.
Package goldilocks provides elliptic curve operations over the goldilocks curve. |
Package p384 provides optimized elliptic curve operations on the P-384 curve.
Package p384 provides optimized elliptic curve operations on the P-384 curve. |
Package expander generates arbitrary bytes from an XOF or Hash function.
Package expander generates arbitrary bytes from an XOF or Hash function. |
Package group provides prime-order groups based on elliptic curves.
Package group provides prime-order groups based on elliptic curves. |
Package hpke implements the Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard specified by draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-07.
Package hpke implements the Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard specified by draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-07. |
Package nist implements helpers to generate NIST's Known Answer Tests (KATs).
Package nist implements helpers to generate NIST's Known Answer Tests (KATs). |
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202.
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202. |
Package kem provides a unified interface for KEM schemes.
Package kem provides a unified interface for KEM schemes. |
Package frodo provides the key encapsulation mechanism FrodoKEM.
Package frodo provides the key encapsulation mechanism FrodoKEM. |
Package frodo640shake implements the variant FrodoKEM-640 with SHAKE.
Package frodo640shake implements the variant FrodoKEM-640 with SHAKE. |
Package hybrid defines several hybrid classical/quantum KEMs for use in TLS.
Package hybrid defines several hybrid classical/quantum KEMs for use in TLS. |
Package kyber implements the CRYSTALS-Kyber.CCAKEM IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
Package kyber implements the CRYSTALS-Kyber.CCAKEM IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
Package kyber1024 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism Kyber1024.CCAKEM as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
Package kyber1024 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism Kyber1024.CCAKEM as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
Package kyber512 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism Kyber512.CCAKEM as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
Package kyber512 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism Kyber512.CCAKEM as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
Package kyber768 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism Kyber768.CCAKEM as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
Package kyber768 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism Kyber768.CCAKEM as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
Package mlkem implements IND-CCA2 secure ML-KEM key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) as defined in FIPS 203.
Package mlkem implements IND-CCA2 secure ML-KEM key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) as defined in FIPS 203. |
Package mlkem1024 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism ML-KEM-1024 as defined in FIPS203.
Package mlkem1024 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism ML-KEM-1024 as defined in FIPS203. |
Package mlkem512 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism ML-KEM-512 as defined in FIPS203.
Package mlkem512 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism ML-KEM-512 as defined in FIPS203. |
Package mlkem768 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism ML-KEM-768 as defined in FIPS203.
Package mlkem768 implements the IND-CCA2 secure key encapsulation mechanism ML-KEM-768 as defined in FIPS203. |
Package schemes contains a register of KEM schemes.
Package schemes contains a register of KEM schemes. |
Package sike is deprecated, it contains the SIKE key encapsulation mechanism.
Package sike is deprecated, it contains the SIKE key encapsulation mechanism. |
Package sikep434 is deprecated, it implements the key encapsulation mechanism SIKEp434.
Package sikep434 is deprecated, it implements the key encapsulation mechanism SIKEp434. |
Package sikep503 is deprecated, it implements the key encapsulation mechanism SIKEp503.
Package sikep503 is deprecated, it implements the key encapsulation mechanism SIKEp503. |
Package sikep751 is deprecated, it implements the key encapsulation mechanism SIKEp751.
Package sikep751 is deprecated, it implements the key encapsulation mechanism SIKEp751. |
Package math provides some utility functions for big integers.
Package math provides some utility functions for big integers. |
Package fp25519 provides prime field arithmetic over GF(2^255-19).
Package fp25519 provides prime field arithmetic over GF(2^255-19). |
Package fp448 provides prime field arithmetic over GF(2^448-2^224-1).
Package fp448 provides prime field arithmetic over GF(2^448-2^224-1). |
Package mlsbset provides a constant-time exponentiation method with precomputation.
Package mlsbset provides a constant-time exponentiation method with precomputation. |
Package polynomial provides representations of polynomials over the scalars of a group.
Package polynomial provides representations of polynomials over the scalars of a group. |
Package oprf provides Verifiable, Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions.
Package oprf provides Verifiable, Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions. |
Package ot provides oblivious-transfer protocols.
Package ot provides oblivious-transfer protocols. |
Package pke provides a variety of public key encryption mechanisms.
Package pke provides a variety of public key encryption mechanisms. |
Package kyber implements the CRYSTALS-Kyber.CPAPKE public key encryption as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
Package kyber implements the CRYSTALS-Kyber.CPAPKE public key encryption as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
kyber1024 implements the IND-CPA-secure Public Key Encryption scheme Kyber1024.CPAPKE as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
kyber1024 implements the IND-CPA-secure Public Key Encryption scheme Kyber1024.CPAPKE as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
kyber512 implements the IND-CPA-secure Public Key Encryption scheme Kyber512.CPAPKE as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
kyber512 implements the IND-CPA-secure Public Key Encryption scheme Kyber512.CPAPKE as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
kyber768 implements the IND-CPA-secure Public Key Encryption scheme Kyber768.CPAPKE as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
kyber768 implements the IND-CPA-secure Public Key Encryption scheme Kyber768.CPAPKE as submitted to round 3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
Package secretsharing provides methods to split secrets into shares.
Package secretsharing provides methods to split secrets into shares. |
Package sign provides unified interfaces for signature schemes.
Package sign provides unified interfaces for signature schemes. |
Package bls provides BLS signatures using the BLS12-381 pairing curve.
Package bls provides BLS signatures using the BLS12-381 pairing curve. |
Deprecated. |
mode2 implements the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme Dilithium2 as submitted to round3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
mode2 implements the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme Dilithium2 as submitted to round3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
mode3 implements the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme Dilithium3 as submitted to round3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
mode3 implements the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme Dilithium3 as submitted to round3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
mode5 implements the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme Dilithium5 as submitted to round3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in
mode5 implements the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme Dilithium5 as submitted to round3 of the NIST PQC competition and described in |
Package ed25519 implements Ed25519 signature scheme as described in RFC-8032.
Package ed25519 implements Ed25519 signature scheme as described in RFC-8032. |
Package ed448 implements Ed448 signature scheme as described in RFC-8032.
Package ed448 implements Ed448 signature scheme as described in RFC-8032. |
Package eddilithium2 implements the hybrid signature scheme Ed25519-Dilithium2.
Package eddilithium2 implements the hybrid signature scheme Ed25519-Dilithium2. |
Package eddilithium3 implements the hybrid signature scheme Ed448-Dilithium3.
Package eddilithium3 implements the hybrid signature scheme Ed448-Dilithium3. |
mldsa implements NIST post-quantum signature scheme ML-DSA (FIPS204)
mldsa implements NIST post-quantum signature scheme ML-DSA (FIPS204) |
mldsa44 implements NIST signature scheme ML-DSA-44 as defined in FIPS204.
mldsa44 implements NIST signature scheme ML-DSA-44 as defined in FIPS204. |
mldsa65 implements NIST signature scheme ML-DSA-65 as defined in FIPS204.
mldsa65 implements NIST signature scheme ML-DSA-65 as defined in FIPS204. |
mldsa87 implements NIST signature scheme ML-DSA-87 as defined in FIPS204.
mldsa87 implements NIST signature scheme ML-DSA-87 as defined in FIPS204. |
Package schemes contains a register of signature algorithms.
Package schemes contains a register of signature algorithms. |
Package simd provides parallel implementations of some primitives.
Package simd provides parallel implementations of some primitives. |
Package keccakf1600 provides a two and four-way Keccak-f[1600] permutation in parallel.
Package keccakf1600 provides a two and four-way Keccak-f[1600] permutation in parallel. |
Package tss provides threshold signature schemes.
Package tss provides threshold signature schemes. |
Package rsa provides RSA threshold signature scheme.
Package rsa provides RSA threshold signature scheme. |
Package xof provides an interface for eXtendable-Output Functions.
Package xof provides an interface for eXtendable-Output Functions. |
k12 implements the KangarooTwelve XOF.
k12 implements the KangarooTwelve XOF. |
Package zk provides primitives for zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge.
Package zk provides primitives for zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge. |
Package dl provides a Schnorr NIZK discrete-log proof.
Package dl provides a Schnorr NIZK discrete-log proof. |
Package dleq provides zero-knowledge proofs of Discrete-Logarithm Equivalence (DLEQ).
Package dleq provides zero-knowledge proofs of Discrete-Logarithm Equivalence (DLEQ). |
Package qndleq provides zero-knowledge proofs of Discrete-Logarithm Equivalence (DLEQ) on Qn.
Package qndleq provides zero-knowledge proofs of Discrete-Logarithm Equivalence (DLEQ) on Qn. |
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