
v0.30.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 5, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 34 Imported by: 0




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const (
	MaxConsecutiveConnectionAttempts                 = 5
	TimeoutForEstablishingAConnection                = 1 * time.Second
	MaxSessionsAllowedPerProvider                    = 1000 // Max number of sessions allowed per provider
	MaxAllowedBlockListedSessionPerProvider          = 3
	MaximumNumberOfFailuresAllowedPerConsumerSession = 3
	RelayNumberIncrement                             = 1
	DataReliabilitySessionId                         = 0 // data reliability session id is 0. we can change to more sessions later if needed.
	DataReliabilityRelayNumber                       = 1
	DataReliabilityCuSum                             = 0
	GeolocationFlag                                  = "geolocation"
	TendermintUnsubscribeAll                         = "unsubscribe_all"
	IndexNotFound                                    = -15
	MinValidAddressesForBlockingProbing              = 2
	BACKOFF_TIME_ON_FAILURE                          = 3 * time.Second
	BLOCKING_PROBE_SLEEP_TIME                        = 1000 * time.Millisecond // maximum amount of time to sleep before triggering probe, to scatter probes uniformly across chains
	BLOCKING_PROBE_TIMEOUT                           = time.Minute             // maximum time to wait for probe to complete before updating pairing
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const (
	PercentileToCalculateLatency = 0.9
	MinProvidersForSync          = 0.6
	OptimizerPerturbation        = 0.10
	LatencyThresholdStatic       = 1 * time.Second
	LatencyThresholdSlope        = 1 * time.Millisecond
	StaleEpochDistance           = 3 // relays done 3 epochs back are ready to be rewarded

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const AllowInsecureConnectionToProvidersFlag = "allow-insecure-provider-dialing"
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const (
	ReconnectCandidateTime = 2 * time.Minute
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const (


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var (
	PairingListEmptyError                                = sdkerrors.New("pairingListEmpty Error", 665, "No pairings available.") // client could not connect to any provider.
	UnreachableCodeError                                 = sdkerrors.New("UnreachableCode Error", 666, "Should not get here.")
	AllProviderEndpointsDisabledError                    = sdkerrors.New("AllProviderEndpointsDisabled Error", 667, "All endpoints are not available.") // a provider is completely unresponsive all endpoints are not available
	MaximumNumberOfSessionsExceededError                 = sdkerrors.New("MaximumNumberOfSessionsExceeded Error", 668, "Provider reached maximum number of active sessions.")
	MaxComputeUnitsExceededError                         = sdkerrors.New("MaxComputeUnitsExceeded Error", 669, "Consumer is trying to exceed the maximum number of compute units available.")
	EpochMismatchError                                   = sdkerrors.New("ReportingAnOldEpoch Error", 670, "Tried to Report to an older epoch")
	AddressIndexWasNotFoundError                         = sdkerrors.New("AddressIndexWasNotFound Error", 671, "address index was not found in list")
	LockMisUseDetectedError                              = sdkerrors.New("LockMisUseDetected Error", 672, "Faulty use of locks detected")
	SessionIsAlreadyBlockListedError                     = sdkerrors.New("SessionIsAlreadyBlockListed Error", 673, "Session is already in block list")
	NegativeComputeUnitsAmountError                      = sdkerrors.New("NegativeComputeUnitsAmount", 674, "Tried to subtract to negative compute units amount")
	ReportAndBlockProviderError                          = sdkerrors.New("ReportAndBlockProvider Error", 675, "Report and block the provider")
	BlockProviderError                                   = sdkerrors.New("BlockProvider Error", 676, "Block the provider")
	SessionOutOfSyncError                                = sdkerrors.New("SessionOutOfSync Error", 677, "Session went out of sync with the provider") // do no change the name, before also fixing the consumerSessionManager.ts file as it relies on the error message
	MaximumNumberOfBlockListedSessionsError              = sdkerrors.New("MaximumNumberOfBlockListedSessions Error", 678, "Provider reached maximum number of block listed sessions.")
	SendRelayError                                       = sdkerrors.New("SendRelay Error", 679, "Failed To Send Relay")
	DataReliabilityIndexRequestedIsOriginalProviderError = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilityIndexRequestedIsOriginalProvider Error", 680, "Data reliability session index belongs to the original provider")
	DataReliabilityIndexOutOfRangeError                  = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilityIndexOutOfRange Error", 681, "Trying to get provider index out of range")
	DataReliabilityAlreadySentThisEpochError             = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilityAlreadySentThisEpoch Error", 682, "Trying to send data reliability more than once per provider per epoch")
	FailedToConnectToEndPointForDataReliabilityError     = sdkerrors.New("FailedToConnectToEndPointForDataReliability Error", 683, "Failed to connect to a providers endpoints")
	DataReliabilityEpochMismatchError                    = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilityEpochMismatch Error", 684, "Data reliability epoch mismatch original session epoch.")
	NoDataReliabilitySessionWasCreatedError              = sdkerrors.New("NoDataReliabilitySessionWasCreated Error", 685, "No Data reliability session was created")
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var (
	InvalidEpochError                                = sdkerrors.New("InvalidEpoch Error", 881, "Requested Epoch Is Too Old")
	NewSessionWithRelayNumError                      = sdkerrors.New("NewSessionWithRelayNum Error", 882, "Requested Session With Relay Number Is Invalid")
	ConsumerIsBlockListed                            = sdkerrors.New("ConsumerIsBlockListed Error", 883, "This Consumer Is Blocked.")
	ConsumerNotRegisteredYet                         = sdkerrors.New("ConsumerNotActive Error", 884, "This Consumer Is Not Currently In The Pool.")
	SessionDoesNotExist                              = sdkerrors.New("SessionDoesNotExist Error", 885, "This Session Id Does Not Exist.")
	MaximumCULimitReachedByConsumer                  = sdkerrors.New("MaximumCULimitReachedByConsumer Error", 886, "Consumer reached maximum cu limit")
	ProviderConsumerCuMisMatch                       = sdkerrors.New("ProviderConsumerCuMisMatch Error", 887, "Provider and Consumer disagree on total cu for session")
	RelayNumberMismatch                              = sdkerrors.New("RelayNumberMismatch Error", 888, "Provider and Consumer disagree on relay number for session")
	SubscriptionInitiationError                      = sdkerrors.New("SubscriptionInitiationError Error", 889, "Provider failed initiating subscription")
	EpochIsNotRegisteredError                        = sdkerrors.New("EpochIsNotRegisteredError Error", 890, "Epoch is not registered in provider session manager")
	ConsumerIsNotRegisteredError                     = sdkerrors.New("ConsumerIsNotRegisteredError Error", 891, "Consumer is not registered in provider session manager")
	SubscriptionAlreadyExistsError                   = sdkerrors.New("SubscriptionAlreadyExists Error", 892, "Subscription already exists in single provider session")
	DataReliabilitySessionAlreadyUsedError           = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilitySessionAlreadyUsed Error", 893, "Data Reliability Session already used by this consumer in this epoch")
	DataReliabilityCuSumMisMatchError                = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilityCuSumMisMatch Error", 894, "Data Reliability Cu sum mismatch error")
	DataReliabilityRelayNumberMisMatchError          = sdkerrors.New("DataReliabilityRelayNumberMisMatch Error", 895, "Data Reliability RelayNumber mismatch error")
	SubscriptionPointerIsNilError                    = sdkerrors.New("SubscriptionPointerIsNil Error", 896, "Trying to unsubscribe a nil pointer.")
	CouldNotFindIndexAsConsumerNotYetRegisteredError = sdkerrors.New("CouldNotFindIndexAsConsumerNotYetRegistered Error", 897, "fetching provider index from psm failed")
	ProviderIndexMisMatchError                       = sdkerrors.New("ProviderIndexMisMatch Error", 898, "provider index mismatch")
	SessionIdNotFoundError                           = sdkerrors.New("SessionIdNotFound Error", 899, "Session Id not found")
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var AllowInsecureConnectionToProviders = false
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var AvailabilityPercentage sdk.Dec = sdk.NewDecWithPrec(1, 1) // TODO move to params pairing
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var DebugProbes = false


func CalculateAvailabilityScore

func CalculateAvailabilityScore(qosReport *QoSReport) (downtimePercentageRet, scaledAvailabilityScoreRet sdk.Dec)

func ConnectgRPCClient

func ConnectgRPCClient(ctx context.Context, address string, allowInsecure bool) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)

func GenerateSelfSignedCertificate

func GenerateSelfSignedCertificate() (tls.Certificate, error)

func GetAllProviders

func GetAllProviders(allAddresses []string, ignoredProviders map[string]struct{}) (returnedProviders []string)

func GetCaCertificate

func GetCaCertificate(serverCertPath, serverKeyPath string) (*tls.Config, error)

func GetTlsConfig

func GetTlsConfig(networkAddress NetworkAddressData) *tls.Config

func IsEpochValidForUse

func IsEpochValidForUse(targetEpoch, blockedEpochHeight uint64) bool

func IsSessionSyncLoss

func IsSessionSyncLoss(err error) bool

func SortByGeolocations

func SortByGeolocations(pairingEndpoints []*Endpoint, currentGeo planstypes.Geolocation)


type BadgeSession

type BadgeSession struct {
	BadgeCuAllocation uint64
	BadgeUser         string

type ConsumerSessionManager

type ConsumerSessionManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

created with NewConsumerSessionManager

func NewConsumerSessionManager

func NewConsumerSessionManager(rpcEndpoint *RPCEndpoint, providerOptimizer ProviderOptimizer, consumerMetricsManager *metrics.ConsumerMetricsManager) *ConsumerSessionManager

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) CalculateAddonValidAddresses

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) CalculateAddonValidAddresses(addon string, extensions []string) (supportingProviderAddresses []string)

csm is Rlocked

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) GenerateReconnectCallback

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) GenerateReconnectCallback(consumerSessionsWithProvider *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) func() error

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) GetAtomicPairingAddressesLength

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) GetAtomicPairingAddressesLength() uint64

Atomically read csm.pairingAddressesLength for data reliability.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) GetDataReliabilitySession added in v0.5.1

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) GetDataReliabilitySession(ctx context.Context, originalProviderAddress string, index int64, sessionEpoch uint64) (singleConsumerSession *SingleConsumerSession, providerAddress string, epoch uint64, err error)

Get a Data Reliability Session

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) GetReportedProviders

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) GetReportedProviders(epoch uint64) []*pairingtypes.ReportedProvider

Get the reported providers currently stored in the session manager.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) GetSessions

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) GetSessions(ctx context.Context, cuNeededForSession uint64, initUnwantedProviders map[string]struct{}, requestedBlock int64, addon string, extensions []*spectypes.Extension, stateful uint32, virtualEpoch uint64) (
	consumerSessionMap ConsumerSessionsMap, errRet error,

GetSessions will return a ConsumerSession, given cu needed for that session. The user can also request specific providers to not be included in the search for a session.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) Initialized

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) Initialized() bool

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) OnDataReliabilitySessionDone added in v0.5.1

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) OnDataReliabilitySessionDone(consumerSession *SingleConsumerSession,
	latestServicedBlock int64,
	specComputeUnits uint64,
	currentLatency time.Duration,
	expectedLatency time.Duration,
	expectedBH int64,
	numOfProviders int,
	providersCount uint64,
) error

On a successful DataReliability session we don't need to increase and update any field, we just need to unlock the session.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) OnDataReliabilitySessionFailure added in v0.5.1

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) OnDataReliabilitySessionFailure(consumerSession *SingleConsumerSession, errorReceived error) error

On a failed DataReliability session we don't decrease the cu unlike a normal session, we just unlock and verify if we need to block this session or provider.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionDone

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionDone(
	consumerSession *SingleConsumerSession,
	latestServicedBlock int64,
	specComputeUnits uint64,
	currentLatency time.Duration,
	expectedLatency time.Duration,
	expectedBH int64,
	numOfProviders int,
	providersCount uint64,
	isHangingApi bool,
) error

On a successful session this function will update all necessary fields in the consumerSession. and unlock it when it finishes

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionDoneIncreaseCUOnly

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionDoneIncreaseCUOnly(consumerSession *SingleConsumerSession) error

On a successful Subscribe relay

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionFailure

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionFailure(consumerSession *SingleConsumerSession, errorReceived error) error

Report session failure, mark it as blocked from future usages, report if timeout happened.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionUnUsed added in v0.5.1

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) OnSessionUnUsed(consumerSession *SingleConsumerSession) error

A Session can be created but unused if consumer found the response in the cache. So we need to unlock the session and decrease the cu that were applied

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) RPCEndpoint

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) RPCEndpoint() RPCEndpoint

this is being read in multiple locations and but never changes so no need to lock.

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) RemoveAddonAddresses

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) RemoveAddonAddresses(addon string, extensions []string)

func (*ConsumerSessionManager) UpdateAllProviders

func (csm *ConsumerSessionManager) UpdateAllProviders(epoch uint64, pairingList map[uint64]*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) error

type ConsumerSessionsMap

type ConsumerSessionsMap map[string]*SessionInfo

type ConsumerSessionsWithProvider

type ConsumerSessionsWithProvider struct {
	Lock              utils.LavaMutex
	PublicLavaAddress string
	Endpoints         []*Endpoint
	Sessions          map[int64]*SingleConsumerSession
	MaxComputeUnits   uint64
	UsedComputeUnits  uint64
	PairingEpoch      uint64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) ConflictAlreadyReported

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) ConflictAlreadyReported() bool

checking if this provider was reported this epoch already, as we can only report once per epoch

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) ConnectRawClientWithTimeout

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) ConnectRawClientWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, addr string) (*pairingtypes.RelayerClient, *grpc.ClientConn, error)

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) GetConsumerSessionInstanceFromEndpoint

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) GetConsumerSessionInstanceFromEndpoint(endpoint *Endpoint, numberOfResets uint64) (singleConsumerSession *SingleConsumerSession, pairingEpoch uint64, err error)

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) GetPairingEpoch

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) GetPairingEpoch() uint64

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) IsSupportingAddon

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) IsSupportingAddon(addon string) bool

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) IsSupportingExtensions

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) IsSupportingExtensions(extensions []string) bool

func (*ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) StoreConflictReported

func (cswp *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider) StoreConflictReported()

setting this provider as conflict reported.

type DataReliabilitySession

type DataReliabilitySession struct {
	SingleConsumerSession *SingleConsumerSession
	Epoch                 uint64
	ProviderPublicAddress string
	UniqueIdentifier      bool

type Endpoint

type Endpoint struct {
	NetworkAddress string // change at the end to NetworkAddress
	Enabled        bool
	Client         *pairingtypes.RelayerClient

	ConnectionRefusals uint64
	Addons             map[string]struct{}
	Extensions         map[string]struct{}
	Geolocation        planstypes.Geolocation
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type NetworkAddressData

type NetworkAddressData struct {
	Address    string `yaml:"address,omitempty" json:"address,omitempty" mapstructure:"address,omitempty"` // HOST:PORT
	KeyPem     string `yaml:"key-pem,omitempty" json:"key-pem,omitempty" mapstructure:"key-pem"`
	CertPem    string `yaml:"cert-pem,omitempty" json:"cert-pem,omitempty" mapstructure:"cert-pem"`
	DisableTLS bool   `yaml:"disable-tls,omitempty" json:"disable-tls,omitempty" mapstructure:"disable-tls"`

type ProviderOptimizer

type ProviderOptimizer interface {
	AppendProbeRelayData(providerAddress string, latency time.Duration, success bool)
	AppendRelayFailure(providerAddress string)
	AppendRelayData(providerAddress string, latency time.Duration, isHangingApi bool, cu, syncBlock uint64)
	ChooseProvider(allAddresses []string, ignoredProviders map[string]struct{}, cu uint64, requestedBlock int64, perturbationPercentage float64) (addresses []string)
	GetExcellenceQoSReportForProvider(string) *pairingtypes.QualityOfServiceReport
	Strategy() provideroptimizer.Strategy

type ProviderSessionManager

type ProviderSessionManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProviderSessionManager

func NewProviderSessionManager(rpcProviderEndpoint *RPCProviderEndpoint, numberOfBlocksKeptInMemory uint64) *ProviderSessionManager

Returning a new provider session manager

func (*ProviderSessionManager) GetBlockedEpochHeight

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) GetBlockedEpochHeight() uint64

func (*ProviderSessionManager) GetCurrentEpochAtomic

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) GetCurrentEpochAtomic() uint64

func (*ProviderSessionManager) GetSession

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) GetSession(ctx context.Context, consumerAddress string, epoch, sessionId, relayNumber uint64, badge *pairingtypes.Badge) (*SingleProviderSession, error)

func (*ProviderSessionManager) IsActiveProject

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) IsActiveProject(epoch uint64, projectId string) (providerSessionWithConsumer *ProviderSessionsWithConsumerProject, err error)

Check if consumer exists and is not blocked, if all is valid return the ProviderSessionsWithConsumer pointer

func (*ProviderSessionManager) IsValidEpoch

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) IsValidEpoch(epoch uint64) (valid bool)

func (*ProviderSessionManager) OnSessionDone

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) OnSessionDone(singleProviderSession *SingleProviderSession, relayNumber uint64) (err error)

OnSessionDone unlocks the session gracefully, this happens when session finished successfully

func (*ProviderSessionManager) OnSessionFailure

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) OnSessionFailure(singleProviderSession *SingleProviderSession, relayNumber uint64) (err error)

OnSessionDone unlocks the session gracefully, this happens when session finished with an error

func (*ProviderSessionManager) ProcessUnsubscribe

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) ProcessUnsubscribe(apiName, subscriptionID, consumerAddress string, epoch uint64) error

func (*ProviderSessionManager) RPCProviderEndpoint

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) RPCProviderEndpoint() *RPCProviderEndpoint

func (*ProviderSessionManager) RegisterProviderSessionWithConsumer

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) RegisterProviderSessionWithConsumer(ctx context.Context, consumerAddress string, epoch, sessionId, relayNumber, maxCuForConsumer uint64, pairedProviders int64, projectId string, badge *pairingtypes.Badge) (*SingleProviderSession, error)

func (*ProviderSessionManager) ReleaseSessionAndCreateSubscription

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) ReleaseSessionAndCreateSubscription(session *SingleProviderSession, subscription *RPCSubscription, consumerAddress string, epoch, relayNumber uint64) error

func (*ProviderSessionManager) ReportConsumer

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) ReportConsumer() (address string, epoch uint64, err error)

func (*ProviderSessionManager) SubscriptionEnded

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) SubscriptionEnded(consumerAddress string, epoch uint64, subscriptionID string)

try to disconnect the subscription incase we got an error. if fails to find assumes it was unsubscribed normally

func (*ProviderSessionManager) UpdateEpoch

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) UpdateEpoch(epoch uint64)

on a new epoch we are cleaning stale provider data, also we are making sure consumers who are trying to use past data are not capable to

func (*ProviderSessionManager) UpdateSessionCU

func (psm *ProviderSessionManager) UpdateSessionCU(consumerAddress string, epoch, sessionID, newCU uint64) error

Called when the reward server has information on a higher cu proof and usage and this providerSessionsManager needs to sync up on it

type ProviderSessionsEpochData

type ProviderSessionsEpochData struct {
	UsedComputeUnits    uint64
	MaxComputeUnits     uint64
	MissingComputeUnits uint64

type ProviderSessionsWithConsumerProject

type ProviderSessionsWithConsumerProject struct {
	Sessions map[uint64]*SingleProviderSession

	Lock sync.RWMutex
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

holds all of the data for a consumer (project) for a certain epoch

func NewProviderSessionsWithConsumer

func NewProviderSessionsWithConsumer(projectId string, epochData *ProviderSessionsEpochData, isDataReliability uint32, pairedProviders int64) *ProviderSessionsWithConsumerProject

func (*ProviderSessionsWithConsumerProject) SafeAddMissingComputeUnits

func (pswc *ProviderSessionsWithConsumerProject) SafeAddMissingComputeUnits(currentMissingCU uint64, allowedThreshold float64) (legitimate bool, totalMissingCu uint64)

type QoSReport

type QoSReport struct {
	LastQoSReport           *pairingtypes.QualityOfServiceReport
	LastExcellenceQoSReport *pairingtypes.QualityOfServiceReport
	LatencyScoreList        []sdk.Dec
	SyncScoreSum            int64
	TotalSyncScore          int64
	TotalRelays             uint64
	AnsweredRelays          uint64

type RPCEndpoint

type RPCEndpoint struct {
	NetworkAddress string `yaml:"network-address,omitempty" json:"network-address,omitempty" mapstructure:"network-address"` // HOST:PORT
	ChainID        string `yaml:"chain-id,omitempty" json:"chain-id,omitempty" mapstructure:"chain-id"`                      // spec chain identifier
	ApiInterface   string `yaml:"api-interface,omitempty" json:"api-interface,omitempty" mapstructure:"api-interface"`
	Geolocation    uint64 `yaml:"geolocation,omitempty" json:"geolocation,omitempty" mapstructure:"geolocation"`

func (*RPCEndpoint) Key

func (rpce *RPCEndpoint) Key() string

func (*RPCEndpoint) New

func (rpce *RPCEndpoint) New(address, chainID, apiInterface string, geolocation uint64) *RPCEndpoint

func (*RPCEndpoint) String

func (endpoint *RPCEndpoint) String() (retStr string)

type RPCProviderEndpoint

type RPCProviderEndpoint struct {
	NetworkAddress NetworkAddressData `yaml:"network-address,omitempty" json:"network-address,omitempty" mapstructure:"network-address,omitempty"`
	ChainID        string             `yaml:"chain-id,omitempty" json:"chain-id,omitempty" mapstructure:"chain-id"` // spec chain identifier
	ApiInterface   string             `yaml:"api-interface,omitempty" json:"api-interface,omitempty" mapstructure:"api-interface"`
	Geolocation    uint64             `yaml:"geolocation,omitempty" json:"geolocation,omitempty" mapstructure:"geolocation"`
	NodeUrls       []common.NodeUrl   `yaml:"node-urls,omitempty" json:"node-urls,omitempty" mapstructure:"node-urls"`

func (*RPCProviderEndpoint) AddonsString

func (endpoint *RPCProviderEndpoint) AddonsString() string

func (*RPCProviderEndpoint) Key

func (rpcpe *RPCProviderEndpoint) Key() string

func (*RPCProviderEndpoint) String

func (endpoint *RPCProviderEndpoint) String() string

func (*RPCProviderEndpoint) UrlsString

func (endpoint *RPCProviderEndpoint) UrlsString() string

func (*RPCProviderEndpoint) Validate

func (endpoint *RPCProviderEndpoint) Validate() error

type RPCSubscription

type RPCSubscription struct {
	Id                   string
	Sub                  *rpcclient.ClientSubscription
	SubscribeRepliesChan chan interface{}

type ReportedProviderEntry

type ReportedProviderEntry struct {
	Disconnections uint64
	Errors         uint64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ReportedProviders

type ReportedProviders struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewReportedProviders

func NewReportedProviders() *ReportedProviders

func (*ReportedProviders) GetReportedProviders

func (rp *ReportedProviders) GetReportedProviders() []*pairingtypes.ReportedProvider

func (*ReportedProviders) IsReported

func (rp *ReportedProviders) IsReported(address string) bool

func (*ReportedProviders) ReconnectCandidates

func (rp *ReportedProviders) ReconnectCandidates() []reconnectCandidate

func (*ReportedProviders) ReconnectProviders

func (rp *ReportedProviders) ReconnectProviders()

func (*ReportedProviders) RemoveReport

func (rp *ReportedProviders) RemoveReport(address string)

will be called after a disconnected provider got a valid connection

func (*ReportedProviders) ReportProvider

func (rp *ReportedProviders) ReportProvider(address string, errors uint64, disconnections uint64, reconnectCB func() error)

func (*ReportedProviders) Reset

func (rp *ReportedProviders) Reset()

type RouterKey

type RouterKey string

func NewRouterKey

func NewRouterKey(extensions []string) RouterKey

type SessionInfo

type SessionInfo struct {
	Session           *SingleConsumerSession
	Epoch             uint64
	ReportedProviders []*pairingtypes.ReportedProvider

type SessionWithProvider

type SessionWithProvider struct {
	SessionsWithProvider *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider
	CurrentEpoch         uint64

type SessionWithProviderMap

type SessionWithProviderMap map[string]*SessionWithProvider

type SingleConsumerSession

type SingleConsumerSession struct {
	CuSum         uint64
	LatestRelayCu uint64 // set by GetSessions cuNeededForSession
	QoSInfo       QoSReport
	SessionId     int64
	Parent        *ConsumerSessionsWithProvider

	RelayNum                    uint64
	LatestBlock                 int64
	Endpoint                    *Endpoint
	BlockListed                 bool   // if session lost sync we blacklist it.
	ConsecutiveNumberOfFailures uint64 // number of times this session has failed
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SingleConsumerSession) CalculateExpectedLatency

func (cs *SingleConsumerSession) CalculateExpectedLatency(timeoutGivenToRelay time.Duration) time.Duration

returns the expected latency to a threshold.

func (*SingleConsumerSession) CalculateQoS

func (cs *SingleConsumerSession) CalculateQoS(latency, expectedLatency time.Duration, blockHeightDiff int64, numOfProviders int, servicersToCount int64)

func (*SingleConsumerSession) IsDataReliabilitySession added in v0.5.1

func (scs *SingleConsumerSession) IsDataReliabilitySession() bool

validate if this is a data reliability session

type SingleProviderSession

type SingleProviderSession struct {
	CuSum         uint64
	LatestRelayCu uint64
	SessionID     uint64

	RelayNum      uint64
	PairingEpoch  uint64
	BadgeUserData *ProviderSessionsEpochData
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SingleProviderSession) DisbandSession

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) DisbandSession() error

func (*SingleProviderSession) GetOccupyingGuid

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) GetOccupyingGuid() uint64

func (*SingleProviderSession) GetPairingEpoch

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) GetPairingEpoch() uint64

func (*SingleProviderSession) IsBadgeSession

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) IsBadgeSession() bool

func (*SingleProviderSession) IsPayingRelay

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) IsPayingRelay() bool

to be used only when locked, otherwise can return wrong values is used to determine if the proof is beneficial and needs to be sent to rewardServer

func (*SingleProviderSession) PrepareDataReliabilitySessionForUsage

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) PrepareDataReliabilitySessionForUsage(relayRequestTotalCU uint64) error

In case the user session is a data reliability we just need to verify that the cusum is the amount agreed between the consumer and the provider

func (*SingleProviderSession) PrepareSessionForUsage

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) PrepareSessionForUsage(ctx context.Context, cuFromSpec, relayRequestTotalCU uint64, allowedThreshold float64, virtualEpoch uint64) error

if this errors out the caller needs to unlock the session, this is not implemented inside because code between getting the session and this needs the same behavior

func (*SingleProviderSession) SetPairingEpoch

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) SetPairingEpoch(epoch uint64)

func (*SingleProviderSession) VerifyLock

func (sps *SingleProviderSession) VerifyLock() error

Verify the SingleProviderSession is locked when getting to this function, if its not locked throw an error

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