Overview ¶
Package main is a simple wrapper of the real etcd entrypoint package (located at to ensure that etcd is still "go getable"; e.g. `go get` works as expected and builds a binary in $GOBIN/etcd
This package should NOT be extended or modified in any way; to modify the etcd binary, work in the `` package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package alarm manages health status alarms in etcd.
Package alarm manages health status alarms in etcd. |
Package auth provides client role authentication for accessing keys in etcd.
Package auth provides client role authentication for accessing keys in etcd. |
Package authpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package authpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package client provides bindings for the etcd APIs.
Package client provides bindings for the etcd APIs. |
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, focusing on the correctness of the etcd v2 client.
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, focusing on the correctness of the etcd v2 client. |
Package clientv3 implements the official Go etcd client for v3.
Package clientv3 implements the official Go etcd client for v3. |
Package concurrency implements concurrency operations on top of etcd such as distributed locks, barriers, and elections.
Package concurrency implements concurrency operations on top of etcd such as distributed locks, barriers, and elections. |
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focuses on correctness of etcd client.
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focuses on correctness of etcd client. |
Package mirror implements etcd mirroring operations.
Package mirror implements etcd mirroring operations. |
Package main is a simple wrapper of the real etcd entrypoint package (located at to ensure that etcd is still "go getable"; e.g.
Package main is a simple wrapper of the real etcd entrypoint package (located at to ensure that etcd is still "go getable"; e.g. |
Package alarm manages health status alarms in etcd.
Package alarm manages health status alarms in etcd. |
Package auth provides client role authentication for accessing keys in etcd.
Package auth provides client role authentication for accessing keys in etcd. |
Package authpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package authpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package client provides bindings for the etcd APIs.
Package client provides bindings for the etcd APIs. |
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, focusing on the correctness of the etcd v2 client.
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, focusing on the correctness of the etcd v2 client. |
Package clientv3 implements the official Go etcd client for v3.
Package clientv3 implements the official Go etcd client for v3. |
Package concurrency implements concurrency operations on top of etcd such as distributed locks, barriers, and elections.
Package concurrency implements concurrency operations on top of etcd such as distributed locks, barriers, and elections. |
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focuses on correctness of etcd client.
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focuses on correctness of etcd client. |
Package mirror implements etcd mirroring operations.
Package mirror implements etcd mirroring operations. |
Package compactor implements automated policies for compacting etcd's mvcc storage.
Package compactor implements automated policies for compacting etcd's mvcc storage. |
raftexample is a simple KV store using the raft and rafthttp libraries.
raftexample is a simple KV store using the raft and rafthttp libraries. |
Package discovery provides an implementation of the cluster discovery that is used by etcd.
Package discovery provides an implementation of the cluster discovery that is used by etcd. |
Package e2e implements tests built upon etcd binaries, and focus on end-to-end testing.
Package e2e implements tests built upon etcd binaries, and focus on end-to-end testing. |
Package embed provides bindings for embedding an etcd server in a program.
Package embed provides bindings for embedding an etcd server in a program. |
Package error describes errors in etcd project.
Package error describes errors in etcd project. |
etcdctl is a command line application that controls etcd.
etcdctl is a command line application that controls etcd. |
Package ctlv2 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v2 API.
Package ctlv2 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v2 API. |
Package command is a set of libraries for etcdctl commands.
Package command is a set of libraries for etcdctl commands. |
Package ctlv3 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v3 API.
Package ctlv3 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v3 API. |
Package command is a set of libraries for etcd v3 commands.
Package command is a set of libraries for etcd v3 commands. |
Package etcdmain contains the main entry point for the etcd binary.
Package etcdmain contains the main entry point for the etcd binary. |
Package etcdserver defines how etcd servers interact and store their states.
Package etcdserver defines how etcd servers interact and store their states. |
Package api manages the capabilities and features that are exposed to clients by the etcd cluster.
Package api manages the capabilities and features that are exposed to clients by the etcd cluster. |
Package v2http provides etcd client and server implementations.
Package v2http provides etcd client and server implementations. |
Package httptypes defines how etcd's HTTP API entities are serialized to and deserialized from JSON.
Package httptypes defines how etcd's HTTP API entities are serialized to and deserialized from JSON. |
Package v3rpc implements etcd v3 RPC system based on gRPC.
Package v3rpc implements etcd v3 RPC system based on gRPC. |
Package rpctypes has types and values shared by the etcd server and client for v3 RPC interaction.
Package rpctypes has types and values shared by the etcd server and client for v3 RPC interaction. |
Package auth implements etcd authentication.
Package auth implements etcd authentication. |
Package etcdserverpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package etcdserverpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package stats defines a standard interface for etcd cluster statistics.
Package stats defines a standard interface for etcd cluster statistics. |
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focus on etcd correctness.
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focus on etcd correctness. |
Package lease provides an interface and implemetation for time-limited leases over arbitrary resources.
Package lease provides an interface and implemetation for time-limited leases over arbitrary resources. |
Package leasehttp serves lease renewals made through HTTP requests.
Package leasehttp serves lease renewals made through HTTP requests. |
Package leasepb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package leasepb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package mvcc defines etcd's stable MVCC storage.
Package mvcc defines etcd's stable MVCC storage. |
Package backend defines a standard interface for etcd's backend MVCC storage.
Package backend defines a standard interface for etcd's backend MVCC storage. |
Package mvccpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package mvccpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package adt implements useful abstract data types.
Package adt implements useful abstract data types. |
Package contention provides facilities for detecting system contention.
Package contention provides facilities for detecting system contention. |
Package cors handles cross-origin HTTP requests (CORS).
Package cors handles cross-origin HTTP requests (CORS). |
Package cpuutil provides facilities for detecting cpu-specific features.
Package cpuutil provides facilities for detecting cpu-specific features. |
Package crc provides utility function for cyclic redundancy check algorithms.
Package crc provides utility function for cyclic redundancy check algorithms. |
Package expect implements a small expect-style interface
Package expect implements a small expect-style interface |
Package fileutil implements utility functions related to files and paths.
Package fileutil implements utility functions related to files and paths. |
Package flags implements command-line flag parsing.
Package flags implements command-line flag parsing. |
Package httputil provides HTTP utility functions.
Package httputil provides HTTP utility functions. |
Package idutil implements utility functions for generating unique, randomized ids.
Package idutil implements utility functions for generating unique, randomized ids. |
Package ioutil implements I/O utility functions.
Package ioutil implements I/O utility functions. |
Package logutil includes utilities to facilitate logging.
Package logutil includes utilities to facilitate logging. |
Package mockstorage provides mock implementations for etcdserver's storage interface.
Package mockstorage provides mock implementations for etcdserver's storage interface. |
Package mockstore provides mock structures for the etcd store package.
Package mockstore provides mock structures for the etcd store package. |
Package mockwait provides mock implementations for pkg/wait.
Package mockwait provides mock implementations for pkg/wait. |
Package monotime provides a fast monotonic clock source.
Package monotime provides a fast monotonic clock source. |
Package netutil implements network-related utility functions.
Package netutil implements network-related utility functions. |
Package osutil implements operating system-related utility functions.
Package osutil implements operating system-related utility functions. |
Package pathutil implements utility functions for handling slash-separated paths.
Package pathutil implements utility functions for handling slash-separated paths. |
Package pbutil defines interfaces for handling Protocol Buffer objects.
Package pbutil defines interfaces for handling Protocol Buffer objects. |
Package report generates human-readable benchmark reports.
Package report generates human-readable benchmark reports. |
Package runtime implements utility functions for runtime systems.
Package runtime implements utility functions for runtime systems. |
Package schedule provides mechanisms and policies for scheduling units of work.
Package schedule provides mechanisms and policies for scheduling units of work. |
Package testutil provides test utility functions.
Package testutil provides test utility functions. |
Package tlsutil provides utility functions for handling TLS.
Package tlsutil provides utility functions for handling TLS. |
Package transport implements various HTTP transport utilities based on Go net package.
Package transport implements various HTTP transport utilities based on Go net package. |
Package types declares various data types and implements type-checking functions.
Package types declares various data types and implements type-checking functions. |
Package wait provides utility functions for polling, listening using Go channel.
Package wait provides utility functions for polling, listening using Go channel. |
Package grpcproxy is an OSI level 7 proxy for etcd v3 API requests.
Package grpcproxy is an OSI level 7 proxy for etcd v3 API requests. |
Package httpproxy implements etcd httpproxy.
Package httpproxy implements etcd httpproxy. |
Package tcpproxy is an OSI level 4 proxy for routing etcd clients to etcd servers.
Package tcpproxy is an OSI level 4 proxy for routing etcd clients to etcd servers. |
Package raft sends and receives messages in the Protocol Buffer format defined in the raftpb package.
Package raft sends and receives messages in the Protocol Buffer format defined in the raftpb package. |
Package raftpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package raftpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package rafttest provides functional tests for etcd's raft implementation.
Package rafttest provides functional tests for etcd's raft implementation. |
Package rafthttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcd/raft pkg.
Package rafthttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcd/raft pkg. |
Package snap stores raft nodes' states with snapshots.
Package snap stores raft nodes' states with snapshots. |
Package snappb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package snappb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package store defines etcd's in-memory key/value store.
Package store defines etcd's in-memory key/value store. |
benchmark is a program for benchmarking etcd v3 API performance.
benchmark is a program for benchmarking etcd v3 API performance. |
Package cmd implements individual benchmark commands for the benchmark utility.
Package cmd implements individual benchmark commands for the benchmark utility. |
etcd-dump-db inspects etcd db files.
etcd-dump-db inspects etcd db files. |
etcd-dump-logs is a program for analyzing etcd server write ahead logs.
etcd-dump-logs is a program for analyzing etcd server write ahead logs. |
etcd-agent is a daemon for controlling an etcd process via HTTP RPC.
etcd-agent is a daemon for controlling an etcd process via HTTP RPC. |
Package client provides a client implementation to control an etcd-agent.
Package client provides a client implementation to control an etcd-agent. |
etcd-runner is a program for testing etcd clientv3 features against a fault injected cluster.
etcd-runner is a program for testing etcd clientv3 features against a fault injected cluster. |
etcd-tester is a single controller for all etcd-agents to manage an etcd cluster and simulate failures.
etcd-tester is a single controller for all etcd-agents to manage an etcd cluster and simulate failures. |
Package main is the entry point for the local tester network bridge.
Package main is the entry point for the local tester network bridge. |
Package version implements etcd version parsing and contains latest version information.
Package version implements etcd version parsing and contains latest version information. |
Package wal provides an implementation of a write ahead log that is used by etcd.
Package wal provides an implementation of a write ahead log that is used by etcd. |
Package walpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package walpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
etcdctl is a command line application that controls etcd.
etcdctl is a command line application that controls etcd. |
Package ctlv2 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v2 API.
Package ctlv2 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v2 API. |
Package command is a set of libraries for etcdctl commands.
Package command is a set of libraries for etcdctl commands. |
Package ctlv3 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v3 API.
Package ctlv3 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v3 API. |
Package command is a set of libraries for etcd v3 commands.
Package command is a set of libraries for etcd v3 commands. |
benchmark is a program for benchmarking etcd v3 API performance.
benchmark is a program for benchmarking etcd v3 API performance. |
Package cmd implements individual benchmark commands for the benchmark utility.
Package cmd implements individual benchmark commands for the benchmark utility. |
etcd-dump-db inspects etcd db files.
etcd-dump-db inspects etcd db files. |
etcd-dump-logs is a program for analyzing etcd server write ahead logs.
etcd-dump-logs is a program for analyzing etcd server write ahead logs. |
etcd-agent is a daemon for controlling an etcd process via HTTP RPC.
etcd-agent is a daemon for controlling an etcd process via HTTP RPC. |
Package client provides a client implementation to control an etcd-agent.
Package client provides a client implementation to control an etcd-agent. |
etcd-runner is a program for testing etcd clientv3 features against a fault injected cluster.
etcd-runner is a program for testing etcd clientv3 features against a fault injected cluster. |
etcd-tester is a single controller for all etcd-agents to manage an etcd cluster and simulate failures.
etcd-tester is a single controller for all etcd-agents to manage an etcd cluster and simulate failures. |
Package main is the entry point for the local tester network bridge.
Package main is the entry point for the local tester network bridge. |
Package compactor implements automated policies for compacting etcd's mvcc storage.
Package compactor implements automated policies for compacting etcd's mvcc storage. |
raftexample is a simple KV store using the raft and rafthttp libraries.
raftexample is a simple KV store using the raft and rafthttp libraries. |
Package discovery provides an implementation of the cluster discovery that is used by etcd.
Package discovery provides an implementation of the cluster discovery that is used by etcd. |
Package e2e implements tests built upon etcd binaries, and focus on end-to-end testing.
Package e2e implements tests built upon etcd binaries, and focus on end-to-end testing. |
Package embed provides bindings for embedding an etcd server in a program.
Package embed provides bindings for embedding an etcd server in a program. |
Package error describes errors in etcd project.
Package error describes errors in etcd project. |
etcdctl is a command line application that controls etcd.
etcdctl is a command line application that controls etcd. |
Package ctlv2 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v2 API.
Package ctlv2 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v2 API. |
Package command is a set of libraries for etcdctl commands.
Package command is a set of libraries for etcdctl commands. |
Package ctlv3 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v3 API.
Package ctlv3 contains the main entry point for the etcdctl for v3 API. |
Package command is a set of libraries for etcd v3 commands.
Package command is a set of libraries for etcd v3 commands. |
Package etcdmain contains the main entry point for the etcd binary.
Package etcdmain contains the main entry point for the etcd binary. |
Package etcdserver defines how etcd servers interact and store their states.
Package etcdserver defines how etcd servers interact and store their states. |
Package api manages the capabilities and features that are exposed to clients by the etcd cluster.
Package api manages the capabilities and features that are exposed to clients by the etcd cluster. |
Package v2http provides etcd client and server implementations.
Package v2http provides etcd client and server implementations. |
Package httptypes defines how etcd's HTTP API entities are serialized to and deserialized from JSON.
Package httptypes defines how etcd's HTTP API entities are serialized to and deserialized from JSON. |
Package v3rpc implements etcd v3 RPC system based on gRPC.
Package v3rpc implements etcd v3 RPC system based on gRPC. |
Package rpctypes has types and values shared by the etcd server and client for v3 RPC interaction.
Package rpctypes has types and values shared by the etcd server and client for v3 RPC interaction. |
Package auth implements etcd authentication.
Package auth implements etcd authentication. |
Package etcdserverpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package etcdserverpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package stats defines a standard interface for etcd cluster statistics.
Package stats defines a standard interface for etcd cluster statistics. |
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focus on etcd correctness.
Package integration implements tests built upon embedded etcd, and focus on etcd correctness. |
Package lease provides an interface and implemetation for time-limited leases over arbitrary resources.
Package lease provides an interface and implemetation for time-limited leases over arbitrary resources. |
Package leasehttp serves lease renewals made through HTTP requests.
Package leasehttp serves lease renewals made through HTTP requests. |
Package leasepb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package leasepb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package mvcc defines etcd's stable MVCC storage.
Package mvcc defines etcd's stable MVCC storage. |
Package backend defines a standard interface for etcd's backend MVCC storage.
Package backend defines a standard interface for etcd's backend MVCC storage. |
Package mvccpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package mvccpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package adt implements useful abstract data types.
Package adt implements useful abstract data types. |
Package contention provides facilities for detecting system contention.
Package contention provides facilities for detecting system contention. |
Package cors handles cross-origin HTTP requests (CORS).
Package cors handles cross-origin HTTP requests (CORS). |
Package cpuutil provides facilities for detecting cpu-specific features.
Package cpuutil provides facilities for detecting cpu-specific features. |
Package crc provides utility function for cyclic redundancy check algorithms.
Package crc provides utility function for cyclic redundancy check algorithms. |
Package expect implements a small expect-style interface
Package expect implements a small expect-style interface |
Package fileutil implements utility functions related to files and paths.
Package fileutil implements utility functions related to files and paths. |
Package flags implements command-line flag parsing.
Package flags implements command-line flag parsing. |
Package httputil provides HTTP utility functions.
Package httputil provides HTTP utility functions. |
Package idutil implements utility functions for generating unique, randomized ids.
Package idutil implements utility functions for generating unique, randomized ids. |
Package ioutil implements I/O utility functions.
Package ioutil implements I/O utility functions. |
Package logutil includes utilities to facilitate logging.
Package logutil includes utilities to facilitate logging. |
Package mockstorage provides mock implementations for etcdserver's storage interface.
Package mockstorage provides mock implementations for etcdserver's storage interface. |
Package mockstore provides mock structures for the etcd store package.
Package mockstore provides mock structures for the etcd store package. |
Package mockwait provides mock implementations for pkg/wait.
Package mockwait provides mock implementations for pkg/wait. |
Package monotime provides a fast monotonic clock source.
Package monotime provides a fast monotonic clock source. |
Package netutil implements network-related utility functions.
Package netutil implements network-related utility functions. |
Package osutil implements operating system-related utility functions.
Package osutil implements operating system-related utility functions. |
Package pathutil implements utility functions for handling slash-separated paths.
Package pathutil implements utility functions for handling slash-separated paths. |
Package pbutil defines interfaces for handling Protocol Buffer objects.
Package pbutil defines interfaces for handling Protocol Buffer objects. |
Package report generates human-readable benchmark reports.
Package report generates human-readable benchmark reports. |
Package runtime implements utility functions for runtime systems.
Package runtime implements utility functions for runtime systems. |
Package schedule provides mechanisms and policies for scheduling units of work.
Package schedule provides mechanisms and policies for scheduling units of work. |
Package testutil provides test utility functions.
Package testutil provides test utility functions. |
Package tlsutil provides utility functions for handling TLS.
Package tlsutil provides utility functions for handling TLS. |
Package transport implements various HTTP transport utilities based on Go net package.
Package transport implements various HTTP transport utilities based on Go net package. |
Package types declares various data types and implements type-checking functions.
Package types declares various data types and implements type-checking functions. |
Package wait provides utility functions for polling, listening using Go channel.
Package wait provides utility functions for polling, listening using Go channel. |
Package grpcproxy is an OSI level 7 proxy for etcd v3 API requests.
Package grpcproxy is an OSI level 7 proxy for etcd v3 API requests. |
Package httpproxy implements etcd httpproxy.
Package httpproxy implements etcd httpproxy. |
Package tcpproxy is an OSI level 4 proxy for routing etcd clients to etcd servers.
Package tcpproxy is an OSI level 4 proxy for routing etcd clients to etcd servers. |
Package raft sends and receives messages in the Protocol Buffer format defined in the raftpb package.
Package raft sends and receives messages in the Protocol Buffer format defined in the raftpb package. |
Package raftpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package raftpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package rafttest provides functional tests for etcd's raft implementation.
Package rafttest provides functional tests for etcd's raft implementation. |
Package rafthttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcd/raft pkg.
Package rafthttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcd/raft pkg. |
Package snap stores raft nodes' states with snapshots.
Package snap stores raft nodes' states with snapshots. |
Package snappb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package snappb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package store defines etcd's in-memory key/value store.
Package store defines etcd's in-memory key/value store. |
benchmark is a program for benchmarking etcd v3 API performance.
benchmark is a program for benchmarking etcd v3 API performance. |
Package cmd implements individual benchmark commands for the benchmark utility.
Package cmd implements individual benchmark commands for the benchmark utility. |
etcd-dump-db inspects etcd db files.
etcd-dump-db inspects etcd db files. |
etcd-dump-logs is a program for analyzing etcd server write ahead logs.
etcd-dump-logs is a program for analyzing etcd server write ahead logs. |
etcd-agent is a daemon for controlling an etcd process via HTTP RPC.
etcd-agent is a daemon for controlling an etcd process via HTTP RPC. |
Package client provides a client implementation to control an etcd-agent.
Package client provides a client implementation to control an etcd-agent. |
etcd-runner is a program for testing etcd clientv3 features against a fault injected cluster.
etcd-runner is a program for testing etcd clientv3 features against a fault injected cluster. |
etcd-tester is a single controller for all etcd-agents to manage an etcd cluster and simulate failures.
etcd-tester is a single controller for all etcd-agents to manage an etcd cluster and simulate failures. |
Package main is the entry point for the local tester network bridge.
Package main is the entry point for the local tester network bridge. |
Package version implements etcd version parsing and contains latest version information.
Package version implements etcd version parsing and contains latest version information. |
Package wal provides an implementation of a write ahead log that is used by etcd.
Package wal provides an implementation of a write ahead log that is used by etcd. |
Package walpb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package walpb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
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