Path | Synopsis |
Package chk contains functions for checking and testing computations
Package chk contains functions for checking and testing computations |
Package examples contains several examples using Gosl.
Package examples contains several examples using Gosl. |
Package benchmark contains some benchmark tests using Gosl.
Package benchmark contains some benchmark tests using Gosl. |
Package ex contains some examples using Gosl/pde.
Package ex contains some examples using Gosl/pde. |
Package fun (functions) implements special functions such as elliptical, orthogonal polynomials, Bessel, discrete Fourier transform, polynomial interpolators, and more.
Package fun (functions) implements special functions such as elliptical, orthogonal polynomials, Bessel, discrete Fourier transform, polynomial interpolators, and more. |
Package dbf implements a database of f(t,{x}) functions (e.g.
Package dbf implements a database of f(t,{x}) functions (e.g. |
Package fftw wraps the FFTW library to perform Fourier Transforms using the "fast" method by Cooley and Tukey
Package fftw wraps the FFTW library to perform Fourier Transforms using the "fast" method by Cooley and Tukey |
Package gm (geometry and meshes) implements auxiliary functions for handling geometry and mesh structures
Package gm (geometry and meshes) implements auxiliary functions for handling geometry and mesh structures |
Package msh defines mesh data structures and implements interpolation functions for finite element analyses (FEA)
Package msh defines mesh data structures and implements interpolation functions for finite element analyses (FEA) |
Package rw implements reader and writers for geometry files such as the STEP file format
Package rw implements reader and writers for geometry files such as the STEP file format |
Package tri wraps Triangle to perform mesh generation a Delaunay triangulation
Package tri wraps Triangle to perform mesh generation a Delaunay triangulation |
Package graph implements solvers based on Graph theory
Package graph implements solvers based on Graph theory |
Package io (input/output) implements auxiliary functions for printing, parsing, handling files, directories, etc.
Package io (input/output) implements auxiliary functions for printing, parsing, handling files, directories, etc. |
Package h5 wraps the HDF5 library.
Package h5 wraps the HDF5 library. |
Package la implements functions and structure for Linear Algebra computations.
Package la implements functions and structure for Linear Algebra computations. |
Package data wraps test_mat from This package should be used in tests only
Package data wraps test_mat from This package should be used in tests only |
Package mkl implements lower-level linear algebra routines using MKL for maximum efficiency.
Package mkl implements lower-level linear algebra routines using MKL for maximum efficiency. |
Package oblas implements lower-level linear algebra routines using OpenBLAS for maximum efficiency.
Package oblas implements lower-level linear algebra routines using OpenBLAS for maximum efficiency. |
Package ml implements Machine Learning algorithms
Package ml implements Machine Learning algorithms |
Package imgd (image-data) adds functionality to process image-data, e.g.
Package imgd (image-data) adds functionality to process image-data, e.g. |
Package mpi wraps the Message Passing Interface for parallel computations
Package mpi wraps the Message Passing Interface for parallel computations |
Package num implements fundamental numerical methods such as numerical derivative and quadrature, root finding solvers (Brent's and Newton's methods), among others.
Package num implements fundamental numerical methods such as numerical derivative and quadrature, root finding solvers (Brent's and Newton's methods), among others. |
Package qpck wraps the QUADPACK library for numerical integration
Package qpck wraps the QUADPACK library for numerical integration |
Package ode implements solvers for ordinary differential equations, including explicit and implicit Runge-Kutta methods; e.g.
Package ode implements solvers for ordinary differential equations, including explicit and implicit Runge-Kutta methods; e.g. |
Package opt implements routines for solving optimisation problems
Package opt implements routines for solving optimisation problems |
Package pde implements numerical methods for the solution of Partial Differential Equations.
Package pde implements numerical methods for the solution of Partial Differential Equations. |
Package plt contains functions for plotting, drawing in 2D or 3D, and generationg PNG and EPS files
Package plt contains functions for plotting, drawing in 2D or 3D, and generationg PNG and EPS files |
Package rnd implements random numbers generators (wrapping the standard functions or the Mersenne Twister library).
Package rnd implements random numbers generators (wrapping the standard functions or the Mersenne Twister library). |
Package dsfmt wraps the dSFMT Double precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister
Package dsfmt wraps the dSFMT Double precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister |
Package sfmt wraps the SFMT SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister
Package sfmt wraps the SFMT SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister |
Package tools holds a number of tools.
Package tools holds a number of tools. |
Package tsr implements Tensors using the smart approach by considering the Mandel's basis
Package tsr implements Tensors using the smart approach by considering the Mandel's basis |
Package utl implements functions for simplifying calculations and allocation of structures such as slices and slices of slices.
Package utl implements functions for simplifying calculations and allocation of structures such as slices and slices of slices. |
Package al implements classical algorithms such as Queue, Stack and others Package al implements classical algorithms such as Queue, Stack and others Package al implements classical algorithms such as Queue, Stack and others
Package al implements classical algorithms such as Queue, Stack and others Package al implements classical algorithms such as Queue, Stack and others Package al implements classical algorithms such as Queue, Stack and others |
Package vtk wraps the visualisation tool kit (VTK) for drawing 3D surfaces (scalar fields, vector fields, etc.)
Package vtk wraps the visualisation tool kit (VTK) for drawing 3D surfaces (scalar fields, vector fields, etc.) |
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