A simple cli to manage your time entries and projects on Clockify from terminal

See the project site for the how to setup and use this CLI.
See more information about the sub-commands at: https://clockify-cli.netlify.app/en/commands/clockify-cli/
On how to help improve the tool, suggest new features or report bugs, please take a look at the
- List time entries from a day
- Report time entries using a date range
- Inform date range as parameters
- "auto filter" for last month
- "auto filter" for this month
- Start a new time entry
- Cloning last time entry
- Ask input interactively
- Stop the last entry
- List workspace projects
- List Clockify Workspaces
- List Clockify Workspaces Users
- List Clockify Tags
- Edit time entry
- Configuration management
- Initialize configuration
- Update individual configuration
- Show current configuration
How to install 
brew install lucassabreu/tap/clockify-cli
sudo snap install clockify-cli
Using go get
go get -u github.com/lucassabreu/clockify-cli
By Hand
Go to the releases page and download the pre-compiled
binary that fits your system.
Apache License