Overview ¶
Package storage is a generated GoMock package.
Package storage is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func NewDatabaseNamespaceDataAccumulator(namespace databaseNamespace) bootstrap.NamespaceDataAccumulator
- func NewLeaseVerifier(retriever flushStateRetriever) *leaseVerifier
- func NewSeriesOptionsFromOptions(opts Options, ropts retention.Options) series.Options
- func NewSeriesResolver(wg *sync.WaitGroup, createdEntry *Entry, ...) bootstrap.SeriesRefResolver
- type AggregateTilesOptions
- type AggregateTilesProcess
- type BackgroundProcess
- type BootstrapCompleteFn
- type BootstrapEnqueueOptions
- type BootstrapResult
- type BootstrapState
- type ColdFlushNsOpts
- type Database
- type DatabaseBootstrapState
- type DebugMemorySegmentsOptions
- type Entry
- func (entry *Entry) DecrementReaderWriterCount()
- func (entry *Entry) IfAlreadyIndexedMarkIndexSuccessAndFinalize(blockStart xtime.UnixNano) bool
- func (entry *Entry) IncrementReaderWriterCount()
- func (entry *Entry) IndexedBlockCount() int
- func (entry *Entry) IndexedForBlockStart(indexBlockStart xtime.UnixNano) bool
- func (entry *Entry) IndexedRange() (xtime.UnixNano, xtime.UnixNano)
- func (entry *Entry) LoadBlock(block block.DatabaseBlock, writeType series.WriteType) error
- func (entry *Entry) MergeEntryIndexBlockStates(states doc.EntryIndexBlockStates)
- func (entry *Entry) NeedsIndexGarbageCollected() bool
- func (entry *Entry) NeedsIndexUpdate(indexBlockStartForWrite xtime.UnixNano) bool
- func (entry *Entry) OnIndexFinalize(blockStartNanos xtime.UnixNano)
- func (entry *Entry) OnIndexPrepare(blockStartNanos xtime.UnixNano)
- func (entry *Entry) OnIndexSuccess(blockStartNanos xtime.UnixNano)
- func (entry *Entry) ReaderWriterCount() int32
- func (entry *Entry) ReconciledOnIndexSeries() (doc.OnIndexSeries, resource.SimpleCloser, bool)
- func (entry *Entry) ReleaseRef()
- func (entry *Entry) SeriesRef() (bootstrap.SeriesRef, error)
- func (entry *Entry) SetInsertTime(t time.Time)
- func (entry *Entry) StringID() string
- func (entry *Entry) TryMarkIndexGarbageCollected() bool
- func (entry *Entry) TryReconcileDuplicates()
- func (entry *Entry) UniqueIndex() uint64
- func (entry *Entry) Write(ctx context.Context, timestamp xtime.UnixNano, value float64, unit xtime.Unit, ...) (bool, series.WriteType, error)
- type EntryMetrics
- type FileOpsProcess
- type FileOpsProcessFn
- type GetNamespaceFn
- type IndexWriter
- type IndexedErrorHandler
- type MemoryTracker
- type MemoryTrackerOptions
- type MockBackgroundProcess
- type MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder
- type MockColdFlushNsOpts
- type MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder
- type MockDatabase
- func (m *MockDatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNsID, targetNsID ident.ID, ...) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *MockDatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (writes.BatchWriter, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Bootstrap() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
- func (m *MockDatabase) Close() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) EXPECT() *MockDatabaseMockRecorder
- func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, ...) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
- func (m *MockDatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
- func (m *MockDatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
- func (m *MockDatabase) Open() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) Options() Options
- func (m *MockDatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Repair() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
- func (m *MockDatabase) Terminate() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, ...) error
- func (m *MockDatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, ...) error
- func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, ...) error
- func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, ...) error
- type MockDatabaseMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNsID, targetNsID, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(...) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockFileOpsProcess
- type MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder
- type MockIndexWriter
- type MockIndexWriterMockRecorder
- type MockIndexedErrorHandler
- type MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder
- type MockMemoryTracker
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) DecPendingLoadedBytes()
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) EXPECT() *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) IncNumLoadedBytes(x int64) bool
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) MarkLoadedAsPending()
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) NumLoadedBytes() int64
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) WaitForDec()
- type MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) DecPendingLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) IncNumLoadedBytes(x interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) MarkLoadedAsPending() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) NumLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) WaitForDec() *gomock.Call
- type MockNamespace
- func (m *MockNamespace) DocRef(id ident.ID) (doc.Metadata, bool, error)
- func (m *MockNamespace) EXPECT() *MockNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockNamespace) ID() ident.ID
- func (m *MockNamespace) Index() (NamespaceIndex, error)
- func (m *MockNamespace) Metadata() namespace.Metadata
- func (m *MockNamespace) NumSeries() int64
- func (m *MockNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
- func (m *MockNamespace) ReadOnly() bool
- func (m *MockNamespace) ReadableShardAt(shardID uint32) (databaseShard, namespace.Context, error)
- func (m *MockNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
- func (m *MockNamespace) SetIndex(reverseIndex NamespaceIndex) error
- func (m *MockNamespace) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (m *MockNamespace) Shards() []Shard
- func (m *MockNamespace) StorageOptions() Options
- type MockNamespaceHooks
- type MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder
- type MockNamespaceIndex
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) BackgroundCompact()
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) BlockForBlockStart(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (index.Block, error)
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime time0.UnixNano) time0.UnixNano
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults result.IndexResults) error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Bootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupCorruptedFileSets() error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupDuplicateFileSets(activeShards []uint32) error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t time0.UnixNano) error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Close() error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) ColdFlush(shards []databaseShard) (OnColdFlushDone, error)
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) DebugMemorySegments(opts DebugMemorySegmentsOptions) error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) EXPECT() *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Query(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time0.UnixNano) (namespaceIndexTickResult, error)
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WarmFlush(flush persist.IndexFlush, shards []databaseShard) error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WarmFlushBlockStarts() []time0.UnixNano
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WriteBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) error
- func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WritePending(pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert) error
- type MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BackgroundCompact() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockForBlockStart(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupCorruptedFileSets() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupDuplicateFileSets(activeShards interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) ColdFlush(shards interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) DebugMemorySegments(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WarmFlush(flush, shards interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WarmFlushBlockStarts() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WriteBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WritePending(pending interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) DocRef(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Index() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Metadata() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadOnly() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadableShardAt(shardID interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) SetIndex(reverseIndex interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) SetReadOnly(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) StorageOptions() *gomock.Call
- type MockOnColdFlush
- type MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder
- type MockOnColdFlushNamespace
- func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) Abort() error
- func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) CheckpointAndMaybeCompact() error
- func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) Done() error
- func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) EXPECT() *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) OnFlushNewSeries(arg0 persist.OnFlushNewSeriesEvent) error
- type MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) Abort() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) CheckpointAndMaybeCompact() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) Done() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) OnFlushNewSeries(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockOptions
- func (m *MockOptions) AdminClient() client.AdminClient
- func (m *MockOptions) BackgroundProcessFns() []NewBackgroundProcessFn
- func (m *MockOptions) BlockLeaseManager() block.LeaseManager
- func (m *MockOptions) BootstrapProcessProvider() bootstrap.ProcessProvider
- func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketPool() *series.BufferBucketPool
- func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool
- func (m *MockOptions) BytesPool() pool.CheckedBytesPool
- func (m *MockOptions) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool
- func (m *MockOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) CommitLogOptions() commitlog.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) ContextPool() context.Pool
- func (m *MockOptions) CoreFn() sync0.CoreFn
- func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockOptions() block.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager
- func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseSeriesPool() series.DatabaseSeriesPool
- func (m *MockOptions) DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap() map[string]string
- func (m *MockOptions) EXPECT() *MockOptionsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockOptions) EncoderPool() encoding.EncoderPool
- func (m *MockOptions) ErrorThresholdForLoad() int64
- func (m *MockOptions) ErrorWindowForLoad() time.Duration
- func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool
- func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool
- func (m *MockOptions) ForceColdWritesEnabled() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) IdentifierPool() ident.Pool
- func (m *MockOptions) IndexClaimsManager() fs.IndexClaimsManager
- func (m *MockOptions) IndexOptions() index.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) IterationOptions() index.IterationOptions
- func (m *MockOptions) LimitsOptions() limits.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) MediatorTickInterval() time.Duration
- func (m *MockOptions) MemoryTracker() MemoryTracker
- func (m *MockOptions) MmapReporter() mmap.Reporter
- func (m *MockOptions) MultiReaderIteratorPool() encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool
- func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceHooks() NamespaceHooks
- func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceInitializer() namespace.Initializer
- func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry() namespace.RuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry
- func (m *MockOptions) OnColdFlush() OnColdFlush
- func (m *MockOptions) PermitsOptions() permits.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) PersistManager() persist.Manager
- func (m *MockOptions) ReaderIteratorPool() encoding.ReaderIteratorPool
- func (m *MockOptions) RepairEnabled() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) RepairOptions() repair.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) RetrieveRequestPool() fs.RetrieveRequestPool
- func (m *MockOptions) RuntimeOptionsManager() runtime.OptionsManager
- func (m *MockOptions) SchemaRegistry() namespace.SchemaRegistry
- func (m *MockOptions) SegmentReaderPool() xio.SegmentReaderPool
- func (m *MockOptions) SeriesCachePolicy() series.CachePolicy
- func (m *MockOptions) SeriesOptions() series.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetAdminClient(value client.AdminClient) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBackgroundProcessFns(arg0 []NewBackgroundProcessFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr block.LeaseManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value bootstrap.ProcessProvider) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketPool(value *series.BufferBucketPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBytesPool(value pool.CheckedBytesPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetCommitLogOptions(value commitlog.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetContextPool(value context.Pool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetCoreFn(value sync0.CoreFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value block.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value series.DatabaseSeriesPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap(value map[string]string) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetEncoderPool(value encoding.EncoderPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value int64) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value time.Duration) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetForceColdWritesEnabled(value bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIdentifierPool(value ident.Pool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIndexClaimsManager(value fs.IndexClaimsManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIndexOptions(value index.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIterationOptions(arg0 index.IterationOptions) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetLimitsOptions(value limits.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetMediatorTickInterval(value time.Duration) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker MemoryTracker) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetMmapReporter(mmapReporter mmap.Reporter) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceHooks(hooks NamespaceHooks) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceInitializer(value namespace.Initializer) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry(value namespace.RuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetOnColdFlush(value OnColdFlush) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetPermitsOptions(value permits.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetPersistManager(value persist.Manager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.ReaderIteratorPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairEnabled(b bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairOptions(value repair.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value fs.RetrieveRequestPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value runtime.OptionsManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSchemaRegistry(registry namespace.SchemaRegistry) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSegmentReaderPool(value xio.SegmentReaderPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value series.CachePolicy) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesOptions(value series.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSourceLoggerBuilder(value limits.SourceLoggerBuilder) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetTileAggregator(aggregator TileAggregator) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetTruncateType(value series.TruncateType) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteBatchPool(value *writes.WriteBatchPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteTransformOptions(value series.WriteTransformOptions) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SourceLoggerBuilder() limits.SourceLoggerBuilder
- func (m *MockOptions) TileAggregator() TileAggregator
- func (m *MockOptions) TruncateType() series.TruncateType
- func (m *MockOptions) Validate() error
- func (m *MockOptions) WriteBatchPool() *writes.WriteBatchPool
- func (m *MockOptions) WriteTransformOptions() series.WriteTransformOptions
- type MockOptionsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AdminClient() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BackgroundProcessFns() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BlockLeaseManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BootstrapProcessProvider() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BytesPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CommitLogOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ContextPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CoreFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseSeriesPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) EncoderPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorThresholdForLoad() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorWindowForLoad() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ForceColdWritesEnabled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IdentifierPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexClaimsManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IterationOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) LimitsOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MediatorTickInterval() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MemoryTracker() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MmapReporter() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MultiReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceHooks() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceInitializer() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) OnColdFlush() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PermitsOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PersistManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairEnabled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RetrieveRequestPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RuntimeOptionsManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SchemaRegistry() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SegmentReaderPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesCachePolicy() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAdminClient(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBackgroundProcessFns(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBytesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCommitLogOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetContextPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCoreFn(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncoderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetForceColdWritesEnabled(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIdentifierPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexClaimsManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIterationOptions(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetLimitsOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMediatorTickInterval(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMmapReporter(mmapReporter interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceHooks(hooks interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceInitializer(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnColdFlush(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPermitsOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPersistManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairEnabled(b interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSchemaRegistry(registry interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSegmentReaderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSourceLoggerBuilder(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTileAggregator(aggregator interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTruncateType(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteBatchPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteTransformOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SourceLoggerBuilder() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) TileAggregator() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) TruncateType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) Validate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteBatchPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteTransformOptions() *gomock.Call
- type MockShard
- func (m *MockShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
- func (m *MockShard) Close() error
- func (m *MockShard) Closed() bool
- func (m *MockShard) EXPECT() *MockShardMockRecorder
- func (m *MockShard) ID() uint32
- func (m *MockShard) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockShard) NumSeries() int64
- func (m *MockShard) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fs.DataFileSetReader, error)
- func (m *MockShard) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id ident.ID) (*Entry, WritableSeriesOptions, error)
- type MockShardColdFlush
- type MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder
- type MockShardMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) Closed() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockTileAggregator
- type MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder
- type Mockdatabase
- func (m *Mockdatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNsID, targetNsID ident.ID, ...) (int64, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (writes.BatchWriter, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Bootstrap() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Close() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMockRecorder
- func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, ...) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
- func (m *Mockdatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Open() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Options() Options
- func (m *Mockdatabase) OwnedNamespaces() ([]databaseNamespace, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Repair() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Terminate() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces namespace.Map) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, ...) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, ...) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, ...) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, ...) error
- type MockdatabaseBootstrapManager
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Bootstrap() (BootstrapResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) BootstrapEnqueue(opts BootstrapEnqueueOptions)
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Report()
- type MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) BootstrapEnqueue(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseCleanupManager
- type MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseColdFlushManager
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) ColdFlushCleanup(t time0.UnixNano) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Disable() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Enable() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Report()
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Run(t time0.UnixNano) bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Status() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) WarmFlushCleanup(t time0.UnixNano) error
- type MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) ColdFlushCleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Disable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Enable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Run(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Status() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) WarmFlushCleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseFileSystemManager
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Disable() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Enable() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Flush(t time0.UnixNano) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Report()
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Run(t time0.UnixNano) bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Status() fileOpStatus
- type MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Disable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Enable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Flush(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Run(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Status() *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseFlushManager
- type MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseMediator
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Bootstrap() (BootstrapResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) BootstrapEnqueue(opts BootstrapEnqueueOptions)
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Close() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) DisableFileOpsAndWait()
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EnableFileOps()
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) IsOpen() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Open() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) RegisterBackgroundProcess(process BackgroundProcess) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Report()
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Tick(forceType forceType, startTime time0.UnixNano) error
- type MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) BootstrapEnqueue(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) DisableFileOpsAndWait() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) EnableFileOps() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsOpen() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) RegisterBackgroundProcess(process interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Tick(forceType, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNsID, targetNsID, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) OwnedNamespaces() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(...) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseNamespace
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNs databaseNamespace, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Bootstrap(ctx context.Context, bootstrapResult bootstrap.NamespaceResult) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Close() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) DocRef(id ident.ID) (doc.Metadata, bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time0.UnixNano) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, start, end time0.UnixNano, limit int64, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushIndex(flush persist.IndexFlush) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushState(shardID uint32, blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ID() ident.ID
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Index() (NamespaceIndex, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Metadata() namespace.Metadata
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd time0.UnixNano) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NumSeries() int64
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) OwnedShards() []databaseShard
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) PrepareBootstrap(ctx context.Context) ([]databaseShard, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadOnly() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadableShardAt(shardID uint32) (databaseShard, namespace.Context, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Repair(repairer databaseShardRepairer, tr time0.Range, opts NamespaceRepairOptions) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) SeriesRefResolver(shardID uint32, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator) (bootstrap.SeriesRefResolver, bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) SetIndex(reverseIndex NamespaceIndex) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ShardBootstrapState() ShardBootstrapStates
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Shards() []Shard
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Snapshot(blockStarts []time0.UnixNano, snapshotTime time0.UnixNano, ...) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) StorageOptions() Options
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time0.UnixNano) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Truncate() (int64, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WarmFlush(blockStart time0.UnixNano, flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Write(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, ...) (SeriesWrite, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WritePendingIndexInserts(pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, ...) (SeriesWrite, error)
- type MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNs, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Bootstrap(ctx, bootstrapResult interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) DocRef(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, shardID, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, shardID, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushIndex(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushState(shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Index() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Metadata() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) OwnedShards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) PrepareBootstrap(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadOnly() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadableShardAt(shardID interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Repair(repairer, tr, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SeriesRefResolver(shardID, id, tags interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SetIndex(reverseIndex interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SetReadOnly(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ShardBootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStarts, snapshotTime, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) StorageOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Truncate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WritePendingIndexInserts(pending interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tagResolver, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseRepairer
- type MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseShard
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNs, targetNs Namespace, shardID uint32, ...) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Bootstrap(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupCompactedFileSets() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain time0.UnixNano) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Close() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Closed() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer, resources coldFlushReusableResources, ...) (ShardColdFlush, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) DocRef(id ident.ID) (doc.Metadata, bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, starts []time0.UnixNano, ...) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx context.Context, seriesID ident.ID, start time0.UnixNano, version int, ...) (block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, start, end time0.UnixNano, limit int64, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot(blockStarts []time0.UnixNano) []time0.UnixNano
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FlushState(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ID() uint32
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) LatestVolume(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (int, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) LoadBlocks(series *result.Map) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError(blockStart time0.UnixNano, err error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) NumSeries() int64
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id ident.ID, blockStart time0.UnixNano)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fs.DataFileSetReader, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) PrepareBootstrap(ctx context.Context) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano, ...) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Repair(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context, nsMeta namespace.Metadata, ...) (repair.MetadataComparisonResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) SeriesRefResolver(id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator) (bootstrap.SeriesRefResolver, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart time0.UnixNano, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer, ...) (ShardSnapshotResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time0.UnixNano, nsCtx namespace.Context) (tickResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id ident.ID) (*Entry, WritableSeriesOptions, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) UpdateFlushStates()
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WarmFlush(blockStart time0.UnixNano, flush persist.FlushPreparer, ...) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Write(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, ...) (SeriesWrite, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, ...) (SeriesWrite, error)
- type MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNs, targetNs, shardID, onFlushSeries, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Bootstrap(ctx, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupCompactedFileSets() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Closed() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush, resources, nsCtx, onFlush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) DocRef(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, id, starts, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, seriesID, start, version, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot(blockStarts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FlushState(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) LatestVolume(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) LoadBlocks(series interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError(blockStart, err interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) PrepareBootstrap(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Repair(ctx, nsCtx, nsMeta, tr, repairer interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) SeriesRefResolver(id, tags interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) UpdateFlushStates() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tagResolver, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseShardRepairer
- func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Options() repair.Options
- func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Repair(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context, nsMeta namespace.Metadata, ...) (repair.MetadataComparisonResult, error)
- type MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseTickManager
- type MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder
- type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) EXPECT() *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) (*sync.WaitGroup, error)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertPending(pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert) (*sync.WaitGroup, error)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Start() error
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Stop() error
- type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertPending(pending interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
- type Namespace
- type NamespaceBootstrapStates
- type NamespaceHooks
- type NamespaceIndex
- type NamespaceRepairOptions
- type NamespacesByID
- type NewBackgroundProcessFn
- type NewEntryOptions
- type NewTileAggregatorFn
- type OnColdFlush
- type OnColdFlushDone
- type OnColdFlushNamespace
- type OptionTransform
- type Options
- type PageToken
- type SeriesWrite
- type Shard
- type ShardBootstrapStates
- type ShardColdFlush
- type ShardSnapshotResult
- type TileAggregator
- type WritableSeriesOptions
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var AggregateTilesProcesses = []AggregateTilesProcess{ AggregateTilesRegular, AggregateTilesBackfill, AggregateTilesAPI, }
AggregateTilesProcesses is a list of available AggregateTilesProcess values.
var ( // ErrDatabaseLoadLimitHit is the error returned when the database load limit // is hit or exceeded. ErrDatabaseLoadLimitHit = errors.New("error loading series, database load limit hit") )
Functions ¶
func NewDatabaseNamespaceDataAccumulator ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewDatabaseNamespaceDataAccumulator( namespace databaseNamespace, ) bootstrap.NamespaceDataAccumulator
NewDatabaseNamespaceDataAccumulator creates a data accumulator for the namespace.
func NewLeaseVerifier ¶ added in v0.10.2
func NewLeaseVerifier(retriever flushStateRetriever) *leaseVerifier
NewLeaseVerifier creates a new LeaseVerifier.
func NewSeriesOptionsFromOptions ¶
NewSeriesOptionsFromOptions creates a new set of database series options from provided options.
func NewSeriesResolver ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewSeriesResolver( wg *sync.WaitGroup, createdEntry *Entry, retrieveWritableSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCountFn retrieveWritableSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCountFn, ) bootstrap.SeriesRefResolver
NewSeriesResolver creates new series ref resolver.
Types ¶
type AggregateTilesOptions ¶ added in v0.15.14
type AggregateTilesOptions struct {
// Start and End specify the aggregation window.
Start, End xtime.UnixNano
// Step is the downsampling step.
Step time.Duration
InsOptions instrument.Options
Process AggregateTilesProcess
// MemorizeMetricTypes enables storing data into MetricTypeByName map.
MemorizeMetricTypes bool
// MemorizeMetricTypes enables assigning metric types from MetricTypeByName map.
BackfillMetricTypes bool
// MetricTypeByName is used when either MemorizeMetricTypes or BackfillMetricTypes is true.
MetricTypeByName map[string]annotation.Payload
AggregateTilesOptions is the options for large tile aggregation.
func NewAggregateTilesOptions ¶ added in v0.15.14
func NewAggregateTilesOptions( start, end xtime.UnixNano, step time.Duration, targetNsID ident.ID, process AggregateTilesProcess, memorizeMetricTypes, backfillMetricTypes bool, metricTypeByName map[string]annotation.Payload, insOpts instrument.Options, ) (AggregateTilesOptions, error)
NewAggregateTilesOptions creates new AggregateTilesOptions.
type AggregateTilesProcess ¶ added in v1.2.0
type AggregateTilesProcess uint8
AggregateTilesProcess identifies the process used for the aggregation.
const ( // AggregateTilesRegular indicates regular process. AggregateTilesRegular AggregateTilesProcess = iota // AggregateTilesBackfill indicates backfill. AggregateTilesBackfill // AggregateTilesAPI indicates invocation via API call. AggregateTilesAPI )
func (AggregateTilesProcess) String ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (p AggregateTilesProcess) String() string
type BackgroundProcess ¶ added in v0.15.17
type BackgroundProcess interface { // Start launches the BackgroundProcess to run asynchronously. Start() // Stop stops the BackgroundProcess. Stop() // Report reports runtime information. Report() }
BackgroundProcess is a background process that is run by the database.
type BootstrapCompleteFn ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BootstrapCompleteFn func(BootstrapResult)
BootstrapCompleteFn is a callback for when bootstrap is complete when using BootstrapEnqueue method.
type BootstrapEnqueueOptions ¶ added in v1.3.0
type BootstrapEnqueueOptions struct { // OnCompleteFn is an optional function to pass to execute once // the set of queued bootstraps are complete. OnCompleteFn BootstrapCompleteFn }
BootstrapEnqueueOptions is options to pass to BootstrapEnqueue when enqueuing a bootstrap.
type BootstrapResult ¶ added in v0.15.0
BootstrapResult is a bootstrap result.
type BootstrapState ¶
type BootstrapState int
BootstrapState is an enum representing the possible bootstrap states for a shard.
const ( // BootstrapNotStarted indicates bootstrap has not been started yet. BootstrapNotStarted BootstrapState = iota // Bootstrapping indicates bootstrap process is in progress. Bootstrapping // Bootstrapped indicates a bootstrap process has completed. Bootstrapped )
type ColdFlushNsOpts ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ColdFlushNsOpts interface { // ReuseResources enables reuse of per-namespace reusable resources. ReuseResources() bool }
ColdFlushNsOpts are options for OnColdFlush.ColdFlushNamespace.
func NewColdFlushNsOpts ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewColdFlushNsOpts(reuseResources bool) ColdFlushNsOpts
NewColdFlushNsOpts returns a new ColdFlushNsOpts.
type Database ¶
type Database interface { // Options returns the database options. Options() Options // AssignShardSet sets the shard set assignment and returns immediately. AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet) // Namespaces returns the namespaces. Namespaces() []Namespace // Namespace returns the specified namespace. Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool) // Open will open the database for writing and reading. Open() error // Close will close the database for writing and reading. Close releases // release resources held by owned namespaces. Close() error // ShardSet returns the set of shards currently associated with // this namespace. ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet // Terminate will close the database for writing and reading. Terminate does // NOT release any resources held by owned namespaces, instead relying upon // the GC to do so. Terminate() error // Write value to the database for an ID. Write( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, id ident.ID, timestamp xtime.UnixNano, value float64, unit xtime.Unit, annotation []byte, ) error // WriteTagged values to the database for an ID. WriteTagged( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, timestamp xtime.UnixNano, value float64, unit xtime.Unit, annotation []byte, ) error // BatchWriter returns a batch writer for the provided namespace that can // be used to issue a batch of writes to either WriteBatch // or WriteTaggedBatch. // // Note that when using the BatchWriter the caller owns the lifecycle of the series // IDs if they're being pooled its the callers responsibility to return them to the // appropriate pool, but the encoded tags and annotations are owned by the // writes.WriteBatch itself and will be finalized when the entire writes.WriteBatch is finalized // due to their lifecycle being more complicated. // Callers can still control the pooling of the encoded tags and annotations by using // the SetFinalizeEncodedTagsFn and SetFinalizeAnnotationFn on the WriteBatch itself. BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (writes.BatchWriter, error) // WriteBatch is the same as Write, but in batch. WriteBatch( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler, ) error // WriteTaggedBatch is the same as WriteTagged, but in batch. WriteTaggedBatch( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler, ) error // QueryIDs resolves the given query into known IDs. QueryIDs( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions, ) (index.QueryResult, error) // AggregateQuery resolves the given query into aggregated tags. AggregateQuery( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions, ) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error) // ReadEncoded retrieves encoded segments for an ID. ReadEncoded( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, id ident.ID, start, end xtime.UnixNano, ) (series.BlockReaderIter, error) // FetchBlocks retrieves data blocks for a given id and a list of block // start times. FetchBlocks( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, starts []xtime.UnixNano, ) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error) // FetchBlocksMetadataV2 retrieves blocks metadata for a given shard, returns the // fetched block metadata results, the next page token, and any error encountered. // If we have fetched all the block metadata, we return nil as the next page token. FetchBlocksMetadataV2( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end xtime.UnixNano, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions, ) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error) // Bootstrap bootstraps the database. Bootstrap() error // IsBootstrapped determines whether the database is bootstrapped. IsBootstrapped() bool // IsBootstrappedAndDurable determines whether the database is bootstrapped // and durable, meaning that it could recover all data in memory using only // the local disk. IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool // IsOverloaded determines whether the database is overloaded. IsOverloaded() bool // Repair will issue a repair and return nil on success or error on error. Repair() error // Truncate truncates data for the given namespace. Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error) // BootstrapState captures and returns a snapshot of the databases' // bootstrap state. BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState // FlushState returns the flush state for the specified shard and block start. FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart xtime.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error) // AggregateTiles does large tile aggregation from source namespace to target namespace. AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNsID, targetNsID ident.ID, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, error) }
Database is a time series database.
type DatabaseBootstrapState ¶
type DatabaseBootstrapState struct {
NamespaceBootstrapStates NamespaceBootstrapStates
DatabaseBootstrapState stores a snapshot of the bootstrap state for all shards across all namespaces at a given moment in time.
type DebugMemorySegmentsOptions ¶ added in v0.15.0
type DebugMemorySegmentsOptions struct {
OutputDirectory string
DebugMemorySegmentsOptions is a set of options to debug memory segments.
type Entry ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Entry struct { ID ident.ID Shard Shard Series series.DatabaseSeries Index uint64 IndexGarbageCollected *xatomic.Bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Entry is the entry in the shard ident.ID -> series map. It has additional members to track lifecycle and minimize indexing overhead. NB: users are expected to use `NewEntry` to construct these objects.
func NewEntry ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewEntry(opts NewEntryOptions) *Entry
NewEntry returns a new Entry.
func (*Entry) DecrementReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (entry *Entry) DecrementReaderWriterCount()
DecrementReaderWriterCount decrements the ref count on the Entry.
func (*Entry) IfAlreadyIndexedMarkIndexSuccessAndFinalize ¶ added in v1.2.0
IfAlreadyIndexedMarkIndexSuccessAndFinalize marks the entry as successfully indexed if already indexed and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
func (*Entry) IncrementReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (entry *Entry) IncrementReaderWriterCount()
IncrementReaderWriterCount increments the ref count on the Entry.
func (*Entry) IndexedBlockCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
IndexedBlockCount returns the count of indexed block states.
func (*Entry) IndexedForBlockStart ¶ added in v1.2.0
IndexedForBlockStart returns a bool to indicate if the Entry has been successfully indexed for the given index blockStart.
func (*Entry) IndexedRange ¶ added in v1.3.0
IndexedRange returns minimum and maximum blockStart values covered by index entry. The range is inclusive. Note that there may be uncovered gaps within the range. Returns (0, 0) for an empty range.
func (*Entry) MergeEntryIndexBlockStates ¶ added in v1.4.2
func (entry *Entry) MergeEntryIndexBlockStates(states doc.EntryIndexBlockStates)
MergeEntryIndexBlockStates merges the given states into the current indexed entry.
func (*Entry) NeedsIndexGarbageCollected ¶ added in v1.2.0
NeedsIndexGarbageCollected checks if the entry is eligible to be garbage collected from the index. Otherwise returns false.
func (*Entry) NeedsIndexUpdate ¶ added in v1.2.0
NeedsIndexUpdate returns a bool to indicate if the Entry needs to be indexed for the provided blockStart. It only allows a single index attempt at a time for a single entry. NB(prateek): NeedsIndexUpdate is a CAS, i.e. when this method returns true, it also sets state on the entry to indicate that a write for the given blockStart is going to be sent to the index, and other go routines should not attempt the same write. Callers are expected to ensure they follow this guideline. Further, every call to NeedsIndexUpdate which returns true needs to have a corresponding OnIndexFinalize() call. This is required for correct lifecycle maintenance.
func (*Entry) OnIndexFinalize ¶ added in v1.2.0
OnIndexFinalize marks any attempt for the given block start as finished and decrements the entry ref count.
func (*Entry) OnIndexPrepare ¶ added in v1.2.0
OnIndexPrepare prepares the Entry to be handed off to the indexing sub-system. NB(prateek): we retain the ref count on the entry while the indexing is pending, the callback executed on the entry once the indexing is completed releases this reference.
func (*Entry) OnIndexSuccess ¶ added in v1.2.0
OnIndexSuccess marks the given block start as successfully indexed.
func (*Entry) ReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
ReaderWriterCount returns the current ref count on the Entry.
func (*Entry) ReconciledOnIndexSeries ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (entry *Entry) ReconciledOnIndexSeries() (doc.OnIndexSeries, resource.SimpleCloser, bool)
ReconciledOnIndexSeries attempts to retrieve the most recent index entry from the shard if the entry this method was called on was never inserted there. If there is an error during retrieval, simply returns the current entry. Additionally, returns a cleanup function to run once finished using the reconciled entry and a boolean value indicating whether the result came from reconciliation or not.
func (*Entry) ReleaseRef ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (entry *Entry) ReleaseRef()
ReleaseRef must be called after using the series ref to release the reference count to the series so it can be expired by the owning shard eventually.
func (*Entry) SetInsertTime ¶ added in v1.2.0
SetInsertTime marks the entry as having been inserted into the shard at a given timestamp.
func (*Entry) TryMarkIndexGarbageCollected ¶ added in v1.2.0
TryMarkIndexGarbageCollected checks if the entry is eligible to be garbage collected from the index. If so, it marks the entry as GCed and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
func (*Entry) TryReconcileDuplicates ¶ added in v1.4.2
func (entry *Entry) TryReconcileDuplicates()
TryReconcileDuplicates attempts to reconcile the index states of this entry.
func (*Entry) UniqueIndex ¶ added in v1.2.0
UniqueIndex is the unique index for the series.
type EntryMetrics ¶ added in v1.4.2
type EntryMetrics struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EntryMetrics are metrics for an entry.
func NewEntryMetrics ¶ added in v1.4.2
func NewEntryMetrics(scope tally.Scope) *EntryMetrics
NewEntryMetrics builds an entry metrics.
type FileOpsProcess ¶ added in v1.2.0
type FileOpsProcess interface {
// Start launches the FileOpsProcess to run asynchronously.
FileOpsProcess is a background process that is run by the database.
type FileOpsProcessFn ¶ added in v1.2.0
type FileOpsProcessFn func()
FileOpsProcessFn is a file ops process function.
func (FileOpsProcessFn) Start ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (f FileOpsProcessFn) Start()
Start starts file ops process function.
type GetNamespaceFn ¶ added in v0.15.16
GetNamespaceFn will return a namespace for a given ID if present.
type IndexWriter ¶ added in v1.2.0
type IndexWriter interface { // WritePending indexes the provided pending entries. WritePending( pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert, ) error // BlockStartForWriteTime returns the index block start // time for the given writeTime. BlockStartForWriteTime( writeTime xtime.UnixNano, ) xtime.UnixNano }
IndexWriter accepts index inserts.
type IndexedErrorHandler ¶ added in v0.4.8
IndexedErrorHandler can handle individual errors based on their index. It is used primarily in cases where we need to handle errors in batches, but want to avoid an intermediary allocation of []error.
type MemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MemoryTracker interface { // IncNumLoadedBytes increments the number of bytes that have been loaded // into memory via the "Load()" API. IncNumLoadedBytes(x int64) (okToLoad bool) // NumLoadedBytes returns the number of bytes that have been loaded into memory via the // "Load()" API. NumLoadedBytes() int64 // MarkLoadedAsPending marks the current number of loaded bytes as pending // so that a subsequent call to DecPendingLoadedBytes() will decrement the // number of loaded bytes by the number that was set when this function was // last executed. MarkLoadedAsPending() // DecPendingLoadedBytes decrements the number of loaded bytes by the number // of pending bytes that were captured by the last call to MarkLoadedAsPending(). DecPendingLoadedBytes() // WaitForDec waits for the next call to DecPendingLoadedBytes before returning. WaitForDec() }
MemoryTracker tracks memory.
func NewMemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMemoryTracker(opts MemoryTrackerOptions) MemoryTracker
NewMemoryTracker creates a new MemoryTracker.
type MemoryTrackerOptions ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MemoryTrackerOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MemoryTrackerOptions are the options for the MemoryTracker.
func NewMemoryTrackerOptions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMemoryTrackerOptions(numLoadedBytesLimit int64) MemoryTrackerOptions
NewMemoryTrackerOptions creates a new MemoryTrackerOptions.
type MockBackgroundProcess ¶ added in v0.15.17
type MockBackgroundProcess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockBackgroundProcess is a mock of BackgroundProcess interface.
func NewMockBackgroundProcess ¶ added in v0.15.17
func NewMockBackgroundProcess(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockBackgroundProcess
NewMockBackgroundProcess creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockBackgroundProcess) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockBackgroundProcess) EXPECT() *MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockBackgroundProcess) Report ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockBackgroundProcess) Report()
Report mocks base method.
func (*MockBackgroundProcess) Start ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockBackgroundProcess) Start()
Start mocks base method.
func (*MockBackgroundProcess) Stop ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockBackgroundProcess) Stop()
Stop mocks base method.
type MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.17
type MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockBackgroundProcess.
func (*MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder) Report ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (mr *MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (*MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder) Start ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (mr *MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start.
func (*MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder) Stop ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (mr *MockBackgroundProcessMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
type MockColdFlushNsOpts ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockColdFlushNsOpts struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockColdFlushNsOpts is a mock of ColdFlushNsOpts interface.
func NewMockColdFlushNsOpts ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockColdFlushNsOpts(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockColdFlushNsOpts
NewMockColdFlushNsOpts creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockColdFlushNsOpts) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockColdFlushNsOpts) EXPECT() *MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockColdFlushNsOpts) ReuseResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockColdFlushNsOpts) ReuseResources() bool
ReuseResources mocks base method.
type MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockColdFlushNsOpts.
func (*MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder) ReuseResources ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockColdFlushNsOptsMockRecorder) ReuseResources() *gomock.Call
ReuseResources indicates an expected call of ReuseResources.
type MockDatabase ¶
type MockDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDatabase is a mock of Database interface.
func NewMockDatabase ¶
func NewMockDatabase(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockDatabase
NewMockDatabase creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockDatabase) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (m *MockDatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (m *MockDatabase) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNsID, targetNsID ident.ID, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, error)
AggregateTiles mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) BatchWriter ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockDatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (writes.BatchWriter, error)
BatchWriter mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Bootstrap() error
Bootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) EXPECT() *MockDatabaseMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockDatabase) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time0.UnixNano) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time0.UnixNano, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) FlushState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (m *MockDatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
IsBootstrappedAndDurable mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) IsOverloaded ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
IsOverloaded mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) Namespace ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
Namespace mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) Namespaces ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
Namespaces mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) QueryIDs ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
QueryIDs mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) ShardSet ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
ShardSet mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) Terminate ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Terminate() error
Terminate mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) Truncate ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
Truncate mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) Write ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
Write mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) WriteBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockDatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteBatch mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) WriteTagged ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
WriteTagged mocks base method.
func (*MockDatabase) WriteTaggedBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteTaggedBatch mocks base method.
type MockDatabaseMockRecorder ¶
type MockDatabaseMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDatabaseMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockDatabase.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNsID, targetNsID, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateTiles indicates an expected call of AggregateTiles.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
BatchWriter indicates an expected call of BatchWriter.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrappedAndDurable indicates an expected call of IsBootstrappedAndDurable.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
IsOverloaded indicates an expected call of IsOverloaded.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
Namespace indicates an expected call of Namespace.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
Namespaces indicates an expected call of Namespaces.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Open ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
Open indicates an expected call of Open.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryIDs indicates an expected call of QueryIDs.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
ShardSet indicates an expected call of ShardSet.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
Terminate indicates an expected call of Terminate.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
Truncate indicates an expected call of Truncate.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteBatch indicates an expected call of WriteBatch.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, namespace, id, tagResolver, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged.
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTaggedBatch indicates an expected call of WriteTaggedBatch.
type MockFileOpsProcess ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockFileOpsProcess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockFileOpsProcess is a mock of FileOpsProcess interface.
func NewMockFileOpsProcess ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockFileOpsProcess(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockFileOpsProcess
NewMockFileOpsProcess creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockFileOpsProcess) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockFileOpsProcess) EXPECT() *MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockFileOpsProcess) Start ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockFileOpsProcess) Start()
Start mocks base method.
type MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockFileOpsProcess.
func (*MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder) Start ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockFileOpsProcessMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start.
type MockIndexWriter ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIndexWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIndexWriter is a mock of IndexWriter interface.
func NewMockIndexWriter ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewMockIndexWriter(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIndexWriter
NewMockIndexWriter creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIndexWriter) BlockStartForWriteTime ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIndexWriter) BlockStartForWriteTime(arg0 time.UnixNano) time.UnixNano
BlockStartForWriteTime mocks base method.
func (*MockIndexWriter) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIndexWriter) EXPECT() *MockIndexWriterMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIndexWriter) WritePending ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockIndexWriter) WritePending(arg0 []writes.PendingIndexInsert) error
WritePending mocks base method.
type MockIndexWriterMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.2.0
type MockIndexWriterMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIndexWriterMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIndexWriter.
func (*MockIndexWriterMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIndexWriterMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockStartForWriteTime indicates an expected call of BlockStartForWriteTime.
func (*MockIndexWriterMockRecorder) WritePending ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockIndexWriterMockRecorder) WritePending(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
WritePending indicates an expected call of WritePending.
type MockIndexedErrorHandler ¶ added in v0.4.8
type MockIndexedErrorHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIndexedErrorHandler is a mock of IndexedErrorHandler interface.
func NewMockIndexedErrorHandler ¶ added in v0.4.8
func NewMockIndexedErrorHandler(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIndexedErrorHandler
NewMockIndexedErrorHandler creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIndexedErrorHandler) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockIndexedErrorHandler) EXPECT() *MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIndexedErrorHandler) HandleError ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockIndexedErrorHandler) HandleError(index int, err error)
HandleError mocks base method.
type MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.4.8
type MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIndexedErrorHandler.
func (*MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder) HandleError ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder) HandleError(index, err interface{}) *gomock.Call
HandleError indicates an expected call of HandleError.
type MockMemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockMemoryTracker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockMemoryTracker is a mock of MemoryTracker interface.
func NewMockMemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMockMemoryTracker(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockMemoryTracker
NewMockMemoryTracker creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockMemoryTracker) DecPendingLoadedBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) DecPendingLoadedBytes()
DecPendingLoadedBytes mocks base method.
func (*MockMemoryTracker) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) EXPECT() *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockMemoryTracker) IncNumLoadedBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) IncNumLoadedBytes(x int64) bool
IncNumLoadedBytes mocks base method.
func (*MockMemoryTracker) MarkLoadedAsPending ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) MarkLoadedAsPending()
MarkLoadedAsPending mocks base method.
func (*MockMemoryTracker) NumLoadedBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) NumLoadedBytes() int64
NumLoadedBytes mocks base method.
func (*MockMemoryTracker) WaitForDec ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) WaitForDec()
WaitForDec mocks base method.
type MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockMemoryTracker.
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) DecPendingLoadedBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) DecPendingLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
DecPendingLoadedBytes indicates an expected call of DecPendingLoadedBytes.
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) IncNumLoadedBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) IncNumLoadedBytes(x interface{}) *gomock.Call
IncNumLoadedBytes indicates an expected call of IncNumLoadedBytes.
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) MarkLoadedAsPending ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) MarkLoadedAsPending() *gomock.Call
MarkLoadedAsPending indicates an expected call of MarkLoadedAsPending.
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) NumLoadedBytes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) NumLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
NumLoadedBytes indicates an expected call of NumLoadedBytes.
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) WaitForDec ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) WaitForDec() *gomock.Call
WaitForDec indicates an expected call of WaitForDec.
type MockNamespace ¶
type MockNamespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespace is a mock of Namespace interface.
func NewMockNamespace ¶
func NewMockNamespace(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNamespace
NewMockNamespace creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockNamespace) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) EXPECT() *MockNamespaceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockNamespace) Index ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespace) Index() (NamespaceIndex, error)
Index mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) Metadata ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespace) Metadata() namespace.Metadata
Metadata mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) NumSeries ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) NumSeries() int64
NumSeries mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) Options ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
Options mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) ReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockNamespace) ReadOnly() bool
ReadOnly mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) ReadableShardAt ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockNamespace) ReadableShardAt(shardID uint32) (databaseShard, namespace.Context, error)
ReadableShardAt mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) Schema ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (m *MockNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
Schema mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) SetIndex ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockNamespace) SetIndex(reverseIndex NamespaceIndex) error
SetIndex mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockNamespace) SetReadOnly(value bool)
SetReadOnly mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespace) StorageOptions ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespace) StorageOptions() Options
StorageOptions mocks base method.
type MockNamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
type MockNamespaceHooks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespaceHooks is a mock of NamespaceHooks interface.
func NewMockNamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
func NewMockNamespaceHooks(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNamespaceHooks
NewMockNamespaceHooks creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockNamespaceHooks) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockNamespaceHooks) EXPECT() *MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockNamespaceHooks) OnCreatedNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockNamespaceHooks) OnCreatedNamespace(arg0 Namespace, arg1 GetNamespaceFn) error
OnCreatedNamespace mocks base method.
type MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.16
type MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNamespaceHooks.
func (*MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder) OnCreatedNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockNamespaceHooksMockRecorder) OnCreatedNamespace(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
OnCreatedNamespace indicates an expected call of OnCreatedNamespace.
type MockNamespaceIndex ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MockNamespaceIndex struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespaceIndex is a mock of NamespaceIndex interface.
func NewMockNamespaceIndex ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewMockNamespaceIndex(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNamespaceIndex
NewMockNamespaceIndex creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) AssignShardSet ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) BackgroundCompact ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) BackgroundCompact()
BackgroundCompact mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) BlockForBlockStart ¶ added in v0.15.0
BlockForBlockStart mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) BlockStartForWriteTime ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime time0.UnixNano) time0.UnixNano
BlockStartForWriteTime mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) Bootstrap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults result.IndexResults) error
Bootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) Bootstrapped ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Bootstrapped() bool
Bootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupCorruptedFileSets ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupCorruptedFileSets() error
CleanupCorruptedFileSets mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupDuplicateFileSets ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupDuplicateFileSets(activeShards []uint32) error
CleanupDuplicateFileSets mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t time0.UnixNano) error
CleanupExpiredFileSets mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) Close ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Close() error
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) ColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) ColdFlush(shards []databaseShard) (OnColdFlushDone, error)
ColdFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) DebugMemorySegments ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) DebugMemorySegments(opts DebugMemorySegmentsOptions) error
DebugMemorySegments mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) EXPECT() *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) Query ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Query(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
Query mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) Tick ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time0.UnixNano) (namespaceIndexTickResult, error)
Tick mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) WarmFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WarmFlush(flush persist.IndexFlush, shards []databaseShard) error
WarmFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) WarmFlushBlockStarts ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WarmFlushBlockStarts() []time0.UnixNano
WarmFlushBlockStarts mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) WriteBatch ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WriteBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) error
WriteBatch mocks base method.
func (*MockNamespaceIndex) WritePending ¶ added in v0.15.4
func (m *MockNamespaceIndex) WritePending(pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert) error
WritePending mocks base method.
type MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNamespaceIndex.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BackgroundCompact ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BackgroundCompact() *gomock.Call
BackgroundCompact indicates an expected call of BackgroundCompact.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockForBlockStart ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockForBlockStart(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockForBlockStart indicates an expected call of BlockForBlockStart.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockStartForWriteTime indicates an expected call of BlockStartForWriteTime.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults interface{}) *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrapped ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrapped() *gomock.Call
Bootstrapped indicates an expected call of Bootstrapped.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupCorruptedFileSets ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupCorruptedFileSets() *gomock.Call
CleanupCorruptedFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupCorruptedFileSets.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupDuplicateFileSets ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupDuplicateFileSets(activeShards interface{}) *gomock.Call
CleanupDuplicateFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupDuplicateFileSets.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
CleanupExpiredFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupExpiredFileSets.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Close ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) ColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) ColdFlush(shards interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlush indicates an expected call of ColdFlush.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) DebugMemorySegments ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) DebugMemorySegments(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
DebugMemorySegments indicates an expected call of DebugMemorySegments.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Query ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Tick ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WarmFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WarmFlush(flush, shards interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlush indicates an expected call of WarmFlush.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WarmFlushBlockStarts ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WarmFlushBlockStarts() *gomock.Call
WarmFlushBlockStarts indicates an expected call of WarmFlushBlockStarts.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WriteBatch ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WriteBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteBatch indicates an expected call of WriteBatch.
func (*MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WritePending ¶ added in v0.15.4
func (mr *MockNamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WritePending(pending interface{}) *gomock.Call
WritePending indicates an expected call of WritePending.
type MockNamespaceMockRecorder ¶
type MockNamespaceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNamespace.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) DocRef ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) DocRef(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
DocRef indicates an expected call of DocRef.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Index ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Index() *gomock.Call
Index indicates an expected call of Index.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Metadata ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Metadata() *gomock.Call
Metadata indicates an expected call of Metadata.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadOnly() *gomock.Call
ReadOnly indicates an expected call of ReadOnly.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadableShardAt ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadableShardAt(shardID interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadableShardAt indicates an expected call of ReadableShardAt.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
Schema indicates an expected call of Schema.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) SetIndex ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) SetIndex(reverseIndex interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIndex indicates an expected call of SetIndex.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) SetReadOnly(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetReadOnly indicates an expected call of SetReadOnly.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
Shards indicates an expected call of Shards.
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) StorageOptions ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) StorageOptions() *gomock.Call
StorageOptions indicates an expected call of StorageOptions.
type MockOnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MockOnColdFlush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOnColdFlush is a mock of OnColdFlush interface.
func NewMockOnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewMockOnColdFlush(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOnColdFlush
NewMockOnColdFlush creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockOnColdFlush) ColdFlushNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOnColdFlush) ColdFlushNamespace(ns Namespace, opts ColdFlushNsOpts) (OnColdFlushNamespace, error)
ColdFlushNamespace mocks base method.
func (*MockOnColdFlush) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOnColdFlush) EXPECT() *MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOnColdFlush.
func (*MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder) ColdFlushNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOnColdFlushMockRecorder) ColdFlushNamespace(ns, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlushNamespace indicates an expected call of ColdFlushNamespace.
type MockOnColdFlushNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MockOnColdFlushNamespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOnColdFlushNamespace is a mock of OnColdFlushNamespace interface.
func NewMockOnColdFlushNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewMockOnColdFlushNamespace(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOnColdFlushNamespace
NewMockOnColdFlushNamespace creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespace) Abort ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) Abort() error
Abort mocks base method.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespace) CheckpointAndMaybeCompact ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) CheckpointAndMaybeCompact() error
CheckpointAndMaybeCompact mocks base method.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespace) Done ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) Done() error
Done mocks base method.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespace) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) EXPECT() *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespace) OnFlushNewSeries ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOnColdFlushNamespace) OnFlushNewSeries(arg0 persist.OnFlushNewSeriesEvent) error
OnFlushNewSeries mocks base method.
type MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.0
type MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOnColdFlushNamespace.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) Abort ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) Abort() *gomock.Call
Abort indicates an expected call of Abort.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) CheckpointAndMaybeCompact ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) CheckpointAndMaybeCompact() *gomock.Call
CheckpointAndMaybeCompact indicates an expected call of CheckpointAndMaybeCompact.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) Done ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) Done() *gomock.Call
Done indicates an expected call of Done.
func (*MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) OnFlushNewSeries ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOnColdFlushNamespaceMockRecorder) OnFlushNewSeries(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
OnFlushNewSeries indicates an expected call of OnFlushNewSeries.
type MockOptions ¶
type MockOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOptions is a mock of Options interface.
func NewMockOptions ¶
func NewMockOptions(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOptions
NewMockOptions creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockOptions) AdminClient ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockOptions) AdminClient() client.AdminClient
AdminClient mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) BackgroundProcessFns ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockOptions) BackgroundProcessFns() []NewBackgroundProcessFn
BackgroundProcessFns mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) BlockLeaseManager ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (m *MockOptions) BlockLeaseManager() block.LeaseManager
BlockLeaseManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) BootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BootstrapProcessProvider() bootstrap.ProcessProvider
BootstrapProcessProvider mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) BufferBucketPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketPool() *series.BufferBucketPool
BufferBucketPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) BufferBucketVersionsPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool
BufferBucketVersionsPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) BytesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BytesPool() pool.CheckedBytesPool
BytesPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) CheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool
CheckedBytesWrapperPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) ClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
ClockOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) CommitLogOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) CommitLogOptions() commitlog.Options
CommitLogOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) ContextPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ContextPool() context.Pool
ContextPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) CoreFn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockOptions) CoreFn() sync0.CoreFn
CoreFn mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) DatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockOptions() block.Options
DatabaseBlockOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager
DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) DatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseSeriesPool() series.DatabaseSeriesPool
DatabaseSeriesPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap() map[string]string
DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockOptions) EXPECT() *MockOptionsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockOptions) EncoderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) EncoderPool() encoding.EncoderPool
EncoderPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) ErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ErrorThresholdForLoad() int64
ErrorThresholdForLoad mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) ErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ErrorWindowForLoad() time.Duration
ErrorWindowForLoad mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool
FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool
FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) ForceColdWritesEnabled ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) ForceColdWritesEnabled() bool
ForceColdWritesEnabled mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) IdentifierPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IdentifierPool() ident.Pool
IdentifierPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) IndexClaimsManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockOptions) IndexClaimsManager() fs.IndexClaimsManager
IndexClaimsManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) IndexOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IndexOptions() index.Options
IndexOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
InstrumentOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) IterationOptions ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) IterationOptions() index.IterationOptions
IterationOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) LimitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockOptions) LimitsOptions() limits.Options
LimitsOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) MediatorTickInterval ¶ added in v0.15.9
func (m *MockOptions) MediatorTickInterval() time.Duration
MediatorTickInterval mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) MemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockOptions) MemoryTracker() MemoryTracker
MemoryTracker mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) MmapReporter ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) MmapReporter() mmap.Reporter
MmapReporter mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) MultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) MultiReaderIteratorPool() encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool
MultiReaderIteratorPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) NamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceHooks() NamespaceHooks
NamespaceHooks mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) NamespaceInitializer ¶
func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceInitializer() namespace.Initializer
NamespaceInitializer mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry ¶ added in v0.15.6
func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry() namespace.RuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry
NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) OnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) OnColdFlush() OnColdFlush
OnColdFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) PermitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockOptions) PermitsOptions() permits.Options
PermitsOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) PersistManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) PersistManager() persist.Manager
PersistManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) ReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ReaderIteratorPool() encoding.ReaderIteratorPool
ReaderIteratorPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) RepairEnabled ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RepairEnabled() bool
RepairEnabled mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) RepairOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RepairOptions() repair.Options
RepairOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) RetrieveRequestPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) RetrieveRequestPool() fs.RetrieveRequestPool
RetrieveRequestPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) RuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RuntimeOptionsManager() runtime.OptionsManager
RuntimeOptionsManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SchemaRegistry ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (m *MockOptions) SchemaRegistry() namespace.SchemaRegistry
SchemaRegistry mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SegmentReaderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SegmentReaderPool() xio.SegmentReaderPool
SegmentReaderPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SeriesCachePolicy() series.CachePolicy
SeriesCachePolicy mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SeriesOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SeriesOptions() series.Options
SeriesOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetAdminClient ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetAdminClient(value client.AdminClient) Options
SetAdminClient mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetBackgroundProcessFns ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockOptions) SetBackgroundProcessFns(arg0 []NewBackgroundProcessFn) Options
SetBackgroundProcessFns mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetBlockLeaseManager ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (m *MockOptions) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr block.LeaseManager) Options
SetBlockLeaseManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetBootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value bootstrap.ProcessProvider) Options
SetBootstrapProcessProvider mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetBufferBucketPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketPool(value *series.BufferBucketPool) Options
SetBufferBucketPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool) Options
SetBufferBucketVersionsPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetBytesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBytesPool(value pool.CheckedBytesPool) Options
SetBytesPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool) Options
SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) Options
SetClockOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetCommitLogOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetCommitLogOptions(value commitlog.Options) Options
SetCommitLogOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetContextPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetContextPool(value context.Pool) Options
SetContextPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetCoreFn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetCoreFn(value sync0.CoreFn) Options
SetCoreFn mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value block.Options) Options
SetDatabaseBlockOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager) Options
SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetDatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value series.DatabaseSeriesPool) Options
SetDatabaseSeriesPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap(value map[string]string) Options
SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetEncoderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetEncoderPool(value encoding.EncoderPool) Options
SetEncoderPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() Options
SetEncodingM3TSZPooled mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value int64) Options
SetErrorThresholdForLoad mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value time.Duration) Options
SetErrorWindowForLoad mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool) Options
SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool) Options
SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetForceColdWritesEnabled ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) SetForceColdWritesEnabled(value bool) Options
SetForceColdWritesEnabled mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetIdentifierPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIdentifierPool(value ident.Pool) Options
SetIdentifierPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetIndexClaimsManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetIndexClaimsManager(value fs.IndexClaimsManager) Options
SetIndexClaimsManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetIndexOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIndexOptions(value index.Options) Options
SetIndexOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) Options
SetInstrumentOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetIterationOptions ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) SetIterationOptions(arg0 index.IterationOptions) Options
SetIterationOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetLimitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetLimitsOptions(value limits.Options) Options
SetLimitsOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetMediatorTickInterval ¶ added in v0.15.9
func (m *MockOptions) SetMediatorTickInterval(value time.Duration) Options
SetMediatorTickInterval mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetMemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker MemoryTracker) Options
SetMemoryTracker mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetMmapReporter ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetMmapReporter(mmapReporter mmap.Reporter) Options
SetMmapReporter mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool) Options
SetMultiReaderIteratorPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetNamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceHooks(hooks NamespaceHooks) Options
SetNamespaceHooks mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetNamespaceInitializer ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceInitializer(value namespace.Initializer) Options
SetNamespaceInitializer mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry ¶ added in v0.15.6
func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry(value namespace.RuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry) Options
SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetOnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetOnColdFlush(value OnColdFlush) Options
SetOnColdFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetPermitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetPermitsOptions(value permits.Options) Options
SetPermitsOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetPersistManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetPersistManager(value persist.Manager) Options
SetPersistManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.ReaderIteratorPool) Options
SetReaderIteratorPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetRepairEnabled ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairEnabled(b bool) Options
SetRepairEnabled mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetRepairOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairOptions(value repair.Options) Options
SetRepairOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetRetrieveRequestPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value fs.RetrieveRequestPool) Options
SetRetrieveRequestPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetRuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value runtime.OptionsManager) Options
SetRuntimeOptionsManager mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetSchemaRegistry ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (m *MockOptions) SetSchemaRegistry(registry namespace.SchemaRegistry) Options
SetSchemaRegistry mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetSegmentReaderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSegmentReaderPool(value xio.SegmentReaderPool) Options
SetSegmentReaderPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetSeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value series.CachePolicy) Options
SetSeriesCachePolicy mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetSeriesOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesOptions(value series.Options) Options
SetSeriesOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetSourceLoggerBuilder ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) SetSourceLoggerBuilder(value limits.SourceLoggerBuilder) Options
SetSourceLoggerBuilder mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetTileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) SetTileAggregator(aggregator TileAggregator) Options
SetTileAggregator mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetTruncateType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetTruncateType(value series.TruncateType) Options
SetTruncateType mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetWriteBatchPool ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteBatchPool(value *writes.WriteBatchPool) Options
SetWriteBatchPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SetWriteTransformOptions ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteTransformOptions(value series.WriteTransformOptions) Options
SetWriteTransformOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) SourceLoggerBuilder ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) SourceLoggerBuilder() limits.SourceLoggerBuilder
SourceLoggerBuilder mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) TileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockOptions) TileAggregator() TileAggregator
TileAggregator mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) TruncateType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (m *MockOptions) TruncateType() series.TruncateType
TruncateType mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) WriteBatchPool ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *MockOptions) WriteBatchPool() *writes.WriteBatchPool
WriteBatchPool mocks base method.
func (*MockOptions) WriteTransformOptions ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (m *MockOptions) WriteTransformOptions() series.WriteTransformOptions
WriteTransformOptions mocks base method.
type MockOptionsMockRecorder ¶
type MockOptionsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOptionsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) AdminClient ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AdminClient() *gomock.Call
AdminClient indicates an expected call of AdminClient.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BackgroundProcessFns ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BackgroundProcessFns() *gomock.Call
BackgroundProcessFns indicates an expected call of BackgroundProcessFns.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BlockLeaseManager ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BlockLeaseManager() *gomock.Call
BlockLeaseManager indicates an expected call of BlockLeaseManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BootstrapProcessProvider() *gomock.Call
BootstrapProcessProvider indicates an expected call of BootstrapProcessProvider.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketPool() *gomock.Call
BufferBucketPool indicates an expected call of BufferBucketPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketVersionsPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *gomock.Call
BufferBucketVersionsPool indicates an expected call of BufferBucketVersionsPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BytesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BytesPool() *gomock.Call
BytesPool indicates an expected call of BytesPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) CheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() *gomock.Call
CheckedBytesWrapperPool indicates an expected call of CheckedBytesWrapperPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
ClockOptions indicates an expected call of ClockOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) CommitLogOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CommitLogOptions() *gomock.Call
CommitLogOptions indicates an expected call of CommitLogOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ContextPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ContextPool() *gomock.Call
ContextPool indicates an expected call of ContextPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) CoreFn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CoreFn() *gomock.Call
CoreFn indicates an expected call of CoreFn.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockOptions() *gomock.Call
DatabaseBlockOptions indicates an expected call of DatabaseBlockOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() *gomock.Call
DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager indicates an expected call of DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseSeriesPool() *gomock.Call
DatabaseSeriesPool indicates an expected call of DatabaseSeriesPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap() *gomock.Call
DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap indicates an expected call of DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) EncoderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) EncoderPool() *gomock.Call
EncoderPool indicates an expected call of EncoderPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorThresholdForLoad() *gomock.Call
ErrorThresholdForLoad indicates an expected call of ErrorThresholdForLoad.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorWindowForLoad() *gomock.Call
ErrorWindowForLoad indicates an expected call of ErrorWindowForLoad.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ForceColdWritesEnabled ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ForceColdWritesEnabled() *gomock.Call
ForceColdWritesEnabled indicates an expected call of ForceColdWritesEnabled.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IdentifierPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IdentifierPool() *gomock.Call
IdentifierPool indicates an expected call of IdentifierPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexClaimsManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexClaimsManager() *gomock.Call
IndexClaimsManager indicates an expected call of IndexClaimsManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexOptions() *gomock.Call
IndexOptions indicates an expected call of IndexOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
InstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of InstrumentOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IterationOptions ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IterationOptions() *gomock.Call
IterationOptions indicates an expected call of IterationOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) LimitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) LimitsOptions() *gomock.Call
LimitsOptions indicates an expected call of LimitsOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) MediatorTickInterval ¶ added in v0.15.9
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MediatorTickInterval() *gomock.Call
MediatorTickInterval indicates an expected call of MediatorTickInterval.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) MemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MemoryTracker() *gomock.Call
MemoryTracker indicates an expected call of MemoryTracker.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) MmapReporter ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MmapReporter() *gomock.Call
MmapReporter indicates an expected call of MmapReporter.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) MultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MultiReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
MultiReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of MultiReaderIteratorPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceHooks() *gomock.Call
NamespaceHooks indicates an expected call of NamespaceHooks.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceInitializer ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceInitializer() *gomock.Call
NamespaceInitializer indicates an expected call of NamespaceInitializer.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry ¶ added in v0.15.6
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry() *gomock.Call
NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry indicates an expected call of NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) OnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) OnColdFlush() *gomock.Call
OnColdFlush indicates an expected call of OnColdFlush.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) PermitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PermitsOptions() *gomock.Call
PermitsOptions indicates an expected call of PermitsOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) PersistManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PersistManager() *gomock.Call
PersistManager indicates an expected call of PersistManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
ReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of ReaderIteratorPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairEnabled ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairEnabled() *gomock.Call
RepairEnabled indicates an expected call of RepairEnabled.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairOptions() *gomock.Call
RepairOptions indicates an expected call of RepairOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RetrieveRequestPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RetrieveRequestPool() *gomock.Call
RetrieveRequestPool indicates an expected call of RetrieveRequestPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RuntimeOptionsManager() *gomock.Call
RuntimeOptionsManager indicates an expected call of RuntimeOptionsManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SchemaRegistry ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SchemaRegistry() *gomock.Call
SchemaRegistry indicates an expected call of SchemaRegistry.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SegmentReaderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SegmentReaderPool() *gomock.Call
SegmentReaderPool indicates an expected call of SegmentReaderPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesCachePolicy() *gomock.Call
SeriesCachePolicy indicates an expected call of SeriesCachePolicy.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesOptions() *gomock.Call
SeriesOptions indicates an expected call of SeriesOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAdminClient ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAdminClient(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetAdminClient indicates an expected call of SetAdminClient.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBackgroundProcessFns ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBackgroundProcessFns(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBackgroundProcessFns indicates an expected call of SetBackgroundProcessFns.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBlockLeaseManager ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBlockLeaseManager indicates an expected call of SetBlockLeaseManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBootstrapProcessProvider indicates an expected call of SetBootstrapProcessProvider.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBufferBucketPool indicates an expected call of SetBufferBucketPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBufferBucketVersionsPool indicates an expected call of SetBufferBucketVersionsPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBytesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBytesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBytesPool indicates an expected call of SetBytesPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool indicates an expected call of SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetClockOptions indicates an expected call of SetClockOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCommitLogOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCommitLogOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCommitLogOptions indicates an expected call of SetCommitLogOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetContextPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetContextPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContextPool indicates an expected call of SetContextPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCoreFn ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCoreFn(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCoreFn indicates an expected call of SetCoreFn.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDatabaseBlockOptions indicates an expected call of SetDatabaseBlockOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager indicates an expected call of SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDatabaseSeriesPool indicates an expected call of SetDatabaseSeriesPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap indicates an expected call of SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncoderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncoderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetEncoderPool indicates an expected call of SetEncoderPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() *gomock.Call
SetEncodingM3TSZPooled indicates an expected call of SetEncodingM3TSZPooled.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetErrorThresholdForLoad indicates an expected call of SetErrorThresholdForLoad.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetErrorWindowForLoad indicates an expected call of SetErrorWindowForLoad.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetForceColdWritesEnabled ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetForceColdWritesEnabled(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetForceColdWritesEnabled indicates an expected call of SetForceColdWritesEnabled.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIdentifierPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIdentifierPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIdentifierPool indicates an expected call of SetIdentifierPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexClaimsManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexClaimsManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIndexClaimsManager indicates an expected call of SetIndexClaimsManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIndexOptions indicates an expected call of SetIndexOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of SetInstrumentOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIterationOptions ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIterationOptions(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIterationOptions indicates an expected call of SetIterationOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetLimitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetLimitsOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetLimitsOptions indicates an expected call of SetLimitsOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMediatorTickInterval ¶ added in v0.15.9
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMediatorTickInterval(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMediatorTickInterval indicates an expected call of SetMediatorTickInterval.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMemoryTracker ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMemoryTracker indicates an expected call of SetMemoryTracker.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMmapReporter ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMmapReporter(mmapReporter interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMmapReporter indicates an expected call of SetMmapReporter.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMultiReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of SetMultiReaderIteratorPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceHooks(hooks interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetNamespaceHooks indicates an expected call of SetNamespaceHooks.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceInitializer ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceInitializer(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetNamespaceInitializer indicates an expected call of SetNamespaceInitializer.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry ¶ added in v0.15.6
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry indicates an expected call of SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnColdFlush(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetOnColdFlush indicates an expected call of SetOnColdFlush.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPermitsOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPermitsOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPermitsOptions indicates an expected call of SetPermitsOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPersistManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPersistManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPersistManager indicates an expected call of SetPersistManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of SetReaderIteratorPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairEnabled ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairEnabled(b interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRepairEnabled indicates an expected call of SetRepairEnabled.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRepairOptions indicates an expected call of SetRepairOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRetrieveRequestPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRetrieveRequestPool indicates an expected call of SetRetrieveRequestPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRuntimeOptionsManager indicates an expected call of SetRuntimeOptionsManager.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSchemaRegistry ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSchemaRegistry(registry interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSchemaRegistry indicates an expected call of SetSchemaRegistry.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSegmentReaderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSegmentReaderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSegmentReaderPool indicates an expected call of SetSegmentReaderPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSeriesCachePolicy indicates an expected call of SetSeriesCachePolicy.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSeriesOptions indicates an expected call of SetSeriesOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSourceLoggerBuilder ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSourceLoggerBuilder(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSourceLoggerBuilder indicates an expected call of SetSourceLoggerBuilder.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTileAggregator(aggregator interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetTileAggregator indicates an expected call of SetTileAggregator.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTruncateType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTruncateType(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetTruncateType indicates an expected call of SetTruncateType.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteBatchPool ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteBatchPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetWriteBatchPool indicates an expected call of SetWriteBatchPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteTransformOptions ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteTransformOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetWriteTransformOptions indicates an expected call of SetWriteTransformOptions.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SourceLoggerBuilder ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SourceLoggerBuilder() *gomock.Call
SourceLoggerBuilder indicates an expected call of SourceLoggerBuilder.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) TileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) TileAggregator() *gomock.Call
TileAggregator indicates an expected call of TileAggregator.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) TruncateType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) TruncateType() *gomock.Call
TruncateType indicates an expected call of TruncateType.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) Validate ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) Validate() *gomock.Call
Validate indicates an expected call of Validate.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteBatchPool ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteBatchPool() *gomock.Call
WriteBatchPool indicates an expected call of WriteBatchPool.
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteTransformOptions ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteTransformOptions() *gomock.Call
WriteTransformOptions indicates an expected call of WriteTransformOptions.
type MockShard ¶
type MockShard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockShard is a mock of Shard interface.
func NewMockShard ¶
func NewMockShard(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockShard
NewMockShard creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockShard) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method.
func (*MockShard) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockShard) EXPECT() *MockShardMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockShard) IsBootstrapped ¶
IsBootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*MockShard) OpenStreamingReader ¶ added in v1.2.0
OpenStreamingReader mocks base method.
func (*MockShard) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockShard) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id ident.ID) (*Entry, WritableSeriesOptions, error)
TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount mocks base method.
type MockShardColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.3
type MockShardColdFlush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockShardColdFlush is a mock of ShardColdFlush interface.
func NewMockShardColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.3
func NewMockShardColdFlush(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockShardColdFlush
NewMockShardColdFlush creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockShardColdFlush) Done ¶ added in v0.15.3
func (m *MockShardColdFlush) Done() error
Done mocks base method.
func (*MockShardColdFlush) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.3
func (m *MockShardColdFlush) EXPECT() *MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.3
type MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockShardColdFlush.
func (*MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder) Done ¶ added in v0.15.3
func (mr *MockShardColdFlushMockRecorder) Done() *gomock.Call
Done indicates an expected call of Done.
type MockShardMockRecorder ¶
type MockShardMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockShardMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockShard.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) Close ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) Closed ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) Closed() *gomock.Call
Closed indicates an expected call of Closed.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) OpenStreamingReader ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
OpenStreamingReader indicates an expected call of OpenStreamingReader.
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount indicates an expected call of TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount.
type MockTileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
type MockTileAggregator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockTileAggregator is a mock of TileAggregator interface.
func NewMockTileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
func NewMockTileAggregator(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockTileAggregator
NewMockTileAggregator creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockTileAggregator) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockTileAggregator) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNs, targetNs Namespace, shardID uint32, onFlushSeries persist.OnFlushSeries, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, int, error)
AggregateTiles mocks base method.
func (*MockTileAggregator) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockTileAggregator) EXPECT() *MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.0.1
type MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockTileAggregator.
func (*MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockTileAggregatorMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNs, targetNs, shardID, onFlushSeries, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateTiles indicates an expected call of AggregateTiles.
type Mockdatabase ¶
type Mockdatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Mockdatabase is a mock of database interface.
func NewMockdatabase ¶
func NewMockdatabase(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *Mockdatabase
NewMockdatabase creates a new mock instance.
func (*Mockdatabase) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (m *Mockdatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (m *Mockdatabase) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNsID, targetNsID ident.ID, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, error)
AggregateTiles mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) BatchWriter ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *Mockdatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (writes.BatchWriter, error)
BatchWriter mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Bootstrap() error
Bootstrap mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) EXPECT ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*Mockdatabase) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time0.UnixNano) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time0.UnixNano, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) FlushState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (m *Mockdatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
IsBootstrappedAndDurable mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) IsOverloaded ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
IsOverloaded mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) Namespace ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
Namespace mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) Namespaces ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
Namespaces mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) OwnedNamespaces ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *Mockdatabase) OwnedNamespaces() ([]databaseNamespace, error)
OwnedNamespaces mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) QueryIDs ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
QueryIDs mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) ShardSet ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
ShardSet mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) Terminate ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Terminate() error
Terminate mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) Truncate ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
Truncate mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) UpdateOwnedNamespaces ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces namespace.Map) error
UpdateOwnedNamespaces mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) Write ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
Write mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) WriteBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteBatch mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) WriteTagged ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
WriteTagged mocks base method.
func (*Mockdatabase) WriteTaggedBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes writes.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteTaggedBatch mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManager ¶
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseBootstrapManager is a mock of databaseBootstrapManager interface.
func NewMockdatabaseBootstrapManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseBootstrapManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager
NewMockdatabaseBootstrapManager creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Bootstrap() (BootstrapResult, error)
Bootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) BootstrapEnqueue ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) BootstrapEnqueue(opts BootstrapEnqueueOptions)
BootstrapEnqueue mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
LastBootstrapCompletionTime mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Report()
Report mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseBootstrapManager.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) BootstrapEnqueue ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) BootstrapEnqueue(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
BootstrapEnqueue indicates an expected call of BootstrapEnqueue.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
LastBootstrapCompletionTime indicates an expected call of LastBootstrapCompletionTime.
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
type MockdatabaseCleanupManager ¶
type MockdatabaseCleanupManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseCleanupManager is a mock of databaseCleanupManager interface.
func NewMockdatabaseCleanupManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseCleanupManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseCleanupManager
NewMockdatabaseCleanupManager creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) ColdFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) ColdFlushCleanup(t time0.UnixNano) error
ColdFlushCleanup mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) Report()
Report mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) WarmFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) WarmFlushCleanup(t time0.UnixNano) error
WarmFlushCleanup mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseCleanupManager.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) ColdFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) ColdFlushCleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlushCleanup indicates an expected call of ColdFlushCleanup.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) WarmFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) WarmFlushCleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlushCleanup indicates an expected call of WarmFlushCleanup.
type MockdatabaseColdFlushManager ¶ added in v0.15.7
type MockdatabaseColdFlushManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseColdFlushManager is a mock of databaseColdFlushManager interface.
func NewMockdatabaseColdFlushManager ¶ added in v0.15.7
func NewMockdatabaseColdFlushManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager
NewMockdatabaseColdFlushManager creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) ColdFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) ColdFlushCleanup(t time0.UnixNano) error
ColdFlushCleanup mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Disable ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Disable() fileOpStatus
Disable mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Enable ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Enable() fileOpStatus
Enable mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Report ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Report()
Report mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Run ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Run(t time0.UnixNano) bool
Run mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Status ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) Status() fileOpStatus
Status mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) WarmFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseColdFlushManager) WarmFlushCleanup(t time0.UnixNano) error
WarmFlushCleanup mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.15.7
type MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseColdFlushManager.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) ColdFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) ColdFlushCleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlushCleanup indicates an expected call of ColdFlushCleanup.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Disable ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Disable() *gomock.Call
Disable indicates an expected call of Disable.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Enable ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Enable() *gomock.Call
Enable indicates an expected call of Enable.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Run ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Run(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
Run indicates an expected call of Run.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Status ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) Status() *gomock.Call
Status indicates an expected call of Status.
func (*MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) WarmFlushCleanup ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseColdFlushManagerMockRecorder) WarmFlushCleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlushCleanup indicates an expected call of WarmFlushCleanup.
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManager ¶
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFileSystemManager is a mock of databaseFileSystemManager interface.
func NewMockdatabaseFileSystemManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseFileSystemManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager
NewMockdatabaseFileSystemManager creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Disable ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Disable() fileOpStatus
Disable mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Enable ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Enable() fileOpStatus
Enable mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Flush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Flush(t time0.UnixNano) error
Flush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Report()
Report mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Run ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Run(t time0.UnixNano) bool
Run mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Status ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Status() fileOpStatus
Status mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseFileSystemManager.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Disable ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Disable() *gomock.Call
Disable indicates an expected call of Disable.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Enable ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Enable() *gomock.Call
Enable indicates an expected call of Enable.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Flush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Flush(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
Flush indicates an expected call of Flush.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime indicates an expected call of LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Run ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Run(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
Run indicates an expected call of Run.
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Status ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Status() *gomock.Call
Status indicates an expected call of Status.
type MockdatabaseFlushManager ¶
type MockdatabaseFlushManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFlushManager is a mock of databaseFlushManager interface.
func NewMockdatabaseFlushManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseFlushManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseFlushManager
NewMockdatabaseFlushManager creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) Flush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) Flush(startTime time0.UnixNano) error
Flush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) Report()
Report mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseFlushManager.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Flush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Flush(startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Flush indicates an expected call of Flush.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime indicates an expected call of LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime.
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
type MockdatabaseMediator ¶
type MockdatabaseMediator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseMediator is a mock of databaseMediator interface.
func NewMockdatabaseMediator ¶
func NewMockdatabaseMediator(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseMediator
NewMockdatabaseMediator creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Bootstrap() (BootstrapResult, error)
Bootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) BootstrapEnqueue ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) BootstrapEnqueue(opts BootstrapEnqueueOptions)
BootstrapEnqueue mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Close ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Close() error
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) DisableFileOpsAndWait ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) DisableFileOpsAndWait()
DisableFileOpsAndWait mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) EnableFileOps ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EnableFileOps()
EnableFileOps mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) IsOpen ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) IsOpen() bool
IsOpen mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
LastBootstrapCompletionTime mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time0.UnixNano, bool)
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Open ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Open() error
Open mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) RegisterBackgroundProcess ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) RegisterBackgroundProcess(process BackgroundProcess) error
RegisterBackgroundProcess mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Report()
Report mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseMediator.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) BootstrapEnqueue ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) BootstrapEnqueue(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
BootstrapEnqueue indicates an expected call of BootstrapEnqueue.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) DisableFileOpsAndWait ¶ added in v0.15.7
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) DisableFileOpsAndWait() *gomock.Call
DisableFileOpsAndWait indicates an expected call of DisableFileOpsAndWait.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) EnableFileOps ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) EnableFileOps() *gomock.Call
EnableFileOps indicates an expected call of EnableFileOps.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsOpen ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsOpen() *gomock.Call
IsOpen indicates an expected call of IsOpen.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
LastBootstrapCompletionTime indicates an expected call of LastBootstrapCompletionTime.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime indicates an expected call of LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Open ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
Open indicates an expected call of Open.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) RegisterBackgroundProcess ¶ added in v0.15.17
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) RegisterBackgroundProcess(process interface{}) *gomock.Call
RegisterBackgroundProcess indicates an expected call of RegisterBackgroundProcess.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Tick(forceType, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick.
type MockdatabaseMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseMockRecorder is the mock recorder for Mockdatabase.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNsID, targetNsID, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateTiles indicates an expected call of AggregateTiles.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
BatchWriter indicates an expected call of BatchWriter.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrappedAndDurable indicates an expected call of IsBootstrappedAndDurable.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
IsOverloaded indicates an expected call of IsOverloaded.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
Namespace indicates an expected call of Namespace.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
Namespaces indicates an expected call of Namespaces.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Open ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
Open indicates an expected call of Open.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) OwnedNamespaces ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) OwnedNamespaces() *gomock.Call
OwnedNamespaces indicates an expected call of OwnedNamespaces.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryIDs indicates an expected call of QueryIDs.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
ShardSet indicates an expected call of ShardSet.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
Terminate indicates an expected call of Terminate.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
Truncate indicates an expected call of Truncate.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) UpdateOwnedNamespaces ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateOwnedNamespaces indicates an expected call of UpdateOwnedNamespaces.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteBatch indicates an expected call of WriteBatch.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, namespace, id, tagResolver, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged.
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch ¶ added in v0.4.8
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTaggedBatch indicates an expected call of WriteTaggedBatch.
type MockdatabaseNamespace ¶
type MockdatabaseNamespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseNamespace is a mock of databaseNamespace interface.
func NewMockdatabaseNamespace ¶
func NewMockdatabaseNamespace(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseNamespace
NewMockdatabaseNamespace creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNs databaseNamespace, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, error)
AggregateTiles mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Bootstrap(ctx context.Context, bootstrapResult bootstrap.NamespaceResult) error
Bootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Close ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Close() error
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ColdFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
ColdFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time0.UnixNano) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, start, end time0.UnixNano, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushIndex ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushIndex(flush persist.IndexFlush) error
FlushIndex mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushState(shardID uint32, blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ID ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ID() ident.ID
ID mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Index ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Index() (NamespaceIndex, error)
Index mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Metadata ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Metadata() namespace.Metadata
Metadata mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) NeedsFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd time0.UnixNano) (bool, error)
NeedsFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) NumSeries ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NumSeries() int64
NumSeries mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Options ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
Options mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) OwnedShards ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) OwnedShards() []databaseShard
OwnedShards mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) PrepareBootstrap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) PrepareBootstrap(ctx context.Context) ([]databaseShard, error)
PrepareBootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) QueryIDs ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
QueryIDs mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadOnly() bool
ReadOnly mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadableShardAt ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadableShardAt(shardID uint32) (databaseShard, namespace.Context, error)
ReadableShardAt mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Repair(repairer databaseShardRepairer, tr time0.Range, opts NamespaceRepairOptions) error
Repair mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Schema ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
Schema mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) SeriesRefResolver ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) SeriesRefResolver(shardID uint32, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator) (bootstrap.SeriesRefResolver, bool, error)
SeriesRefResolver mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) SetIndex ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) SetIndex(reverseIndex NamespaceIndex) error
SetIndex mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) SetReadOnly(value bool)
SetReadOnly mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ShardBootstrapState ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ShardBootstrapState() ShardBootstrapStates
ShardBootstrapState mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Shards ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Shards() []Shard
Shards mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Snapshot ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Snapshot(blockStarts []time0.UnixNano, snapshotTime time0.UnixNano, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer) error
Snapshot mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) StorageOptions ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) StorageOptions() Options
StorageOptions mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Tick ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time0.UnixNano) error
Tick mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Truncate ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Truncate() (int64, error)
Truncate mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) WarmFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WarmFlush(blockStart time0.UnixNano, flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
WarmFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Write ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Write(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) (SeriesWrite, error)
Write mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) WritePendingIndexInserts ¶ added in v0.15.4
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WritePendingIndexInserts(pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert) error
WritePendingIndexInserts mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) WriteTagged ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) (SeriesWrite, error)
WriteTagged mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseNamespace.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNs, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateTiles indicates an expected call of AggregateTiles.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Bootstrap(ctx, bootstrapResult interface{}) *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ColdFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlush indicates an expected call of ColdFlush.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) DocRef ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) DocRef(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
DocRef indicates an expected call of DocRef.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, shardID, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, shardID, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushIndex ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushIndex(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushIndex indicates an expected call of FlushIndex.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushState(shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Index ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Index() *gomock.Call
Index indicates an expected call of Index.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Metadata ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Metadata() *gomock.Call
Metadata indicates an expected call of Metadata.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NeedsFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd interface{}) *gomock.Call
NeedsFlush indicates an expected call of NeedsFlush.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) OwnedShards ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) OwnedShards() *gomock.Call
OwnedShards indicates an expected call of OwnedShards.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) PrepareBootstrap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) PrepareBootstrap(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
PrepareBootstrap indicates an expected call of PrepareBootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) QueryIDs ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryIDs indicates an expected call of QueryIDs.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadOnly() *gomock.Call
ReadOnly indicates an expected call of ReadOnly.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadableShardAt ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadableShardAt(shardID interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadableShardAt indicates an expected call of ReadableShardAt.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Repair(repairer, tr, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
Schema indicates an expected call of Schema.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SeriesRefResolver ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SeriesRefResolver(shardID, id, tags interface{}) *gomock.Call
SeriesRefResolver indicates an expected call of SeriesRefResolver.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SetIndex ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SetIndex(reverseIndex interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIndex indicates an expected call of SetIndex.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) SetReadOnly(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetReadOnly indicates an expected call of SetReadOnly.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ShardBootstrapState ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ShardBootstrapState() *gomock.Call
ShardBootstrapState indicates an expected call of ShardBootstrapState.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
Shards indicates an expected call of Shards.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Snapshot ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStarts, snapshotTime, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
Snapshot indicates an expected call of Snapshot.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) StorageOptions ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) StorageOptions() *gomock.Call
StorageOptions indicates an expected call of StorageOptions.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Truncate ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Truncate() *gomock.Call
Truncate indicates an expected call of Truncate.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WarmFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlush indicates an expected call of WarmFlush.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WritePendingIndexInserts ¶ added in v0.15.4
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WritePendingIndexInserts(pending interface{}) *gomock.Call
WritePendingIndexInserts indicates an expected call of WritePendingIndexInserts.
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tagResolver, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged.
type MockdatabaseRepairer ¶
type MockdatabaseRepairer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseRepairer is a mock of databaseRepairer interface.
func NewMockdatabaseRepairer ¶
func NewMockdatabaseRepairer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseRepairer
NewMockdatabaseRepairer creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) Repair() error
Repair mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) Report()
Report mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) Start ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) Start()
Start mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseRepairer.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Start ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start.
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Stop ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
type MockdatabaseShard ¶
type MockdatabaseShard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShard is a mock of databaseShard interface.
func NewMockdatabaseShard ¶
func NewMockdatabaseShard(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseShard
NewMockdatabaseShard creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) AggregateTiles(ctx context.Context, sourceNs, targetNs Namespace, shardID uint32, onFlushSeries persist.OnFlushSeries, opts AggregateTilesOptions) (int64, error)
AggregateTiles mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) CleanupCompactedFileSets ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupCompactedFileSets() error
CleanupCompactedFileSets mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain time0.UnixNano) error
CleanupExpiredFileSets mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Close ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Close() error
Close mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Closed ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Closed() bool
Closed mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) ColdFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer, resources coldFlushReusableResources, nsCtx namespace.Context, onFlush persist.OnFlushSeries) (ShardColdFlush, error)
ColdFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, starts []time0.UnixNano, nsCtx namespace.Context) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksForColdFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx context.Context, seriesID ident.ID, start time0.UnixNano, version int, nsCtx namespace.Context) (block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocksForColdFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, start, end time0.UnixNano, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot(blockStarts []time0.UnixNano) []time0.UnixNano
FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FlushState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FlushState(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) LatestVolume ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) LatestVolume(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (int, error)
LatestVolume mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) LoadBlocks ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) LoadBlocks(series *result.Map) error
LoadBlocks mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError(blockStart time0.UnixNano, err error)
MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) NumSeries ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) NumSeries() int64
NumSeries mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) OnEvictedFromWiredList ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id ident.ID, blockStart time0.UnixNano)
OnEvictedFromWiredList mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) OpenStreamingReader ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart time0.UnixNano) (fs.DataFileSetReader, error)
OpenStreamingReader mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) PrepareBootstrap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) PrepareBootstrap(ctx context.Context) error
PrepareBootstrap mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time0.UnixNano, nsCtx namespace.Context) (series.BlockReaderIter, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Repair(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context, nsMeta namespace.Metadata, tr time0.Range, repairer databaseShardRepairer) (repair.MetadataComparisonResult, error)
Repair mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) SeriesRefResolver ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) SeriesRefResolver(id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator) (bootstrap.SeriesRefResolver, error)
SeriesRefResolver mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Snapshot ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart time0.UnixNano, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer, nsCtx namespace.Context) (ShardSnapshotResult, error)
Snapshot mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Tick ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time0.UnixNano, nsCtx namespace.Context) (tickResult, error)
Tick mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id ident.ID) (*Entry, WritableSeriesOptions, error)
TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) UpdateFlushStates ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) UpdateFlushStates()
UpdateFlushStates mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) WarmFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WarmFlush(blockStart time0.UnixNano, flush persist.FlushPreparer, nsCtx namespace.Context) error
WarmFlush mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Write ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Write(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte, wOpts series.WriteOptions) (SeriesWrite, error)
Write mocks base method.
func (*MockdatabaseShard) WriteTagged ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, tagResolver convert.TagMetadataResolver, timestamp time0.UnixNano, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte, wOpts series.WriteOptions) (SeriesWrite, error)
WriteTagged mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseShard.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) AggregateTiles ¶ added in v0.15.14
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) AggregateTiles(ctx, sourceNs, targetNs, shardID, onFlushSeries, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateTiles indicates an expected call of AggregateTiles.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Bootstrap(ctx, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupCompactedFileSets ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupCompactedFileSets() *gomock.Call
CleanupCompactedFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupCompactedFileSets.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain interface{}) *gomock.Call
CleanupExpiredFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupExpiredFileSets.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Closed ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Closed() *gomock.Call
Closed indicates an expected call of Closed.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ColdFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush, resources, nsCtx, onFlush interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlush indicates an expected call of ColdFlush.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) DocRef ¶ added in v0.15.6
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) DocRef(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
DocRef indicates an expected call of DocRef.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, id, starts, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksForColdFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, seriesID, start, version, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksForColdFlush indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksForColdFlush.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot(blockStarts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot indicates an expected call of FilterBlocksNeedSnapshot.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FlushState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FlushState(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) LatestVolume ¶ added in v0.15.16
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) LatestVolume(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
LatestVolume indicates an expected call of LatestVolume.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) LoadBlocks ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) LoadBlocks(series interface{}) *gomock.Call
LoadBlocks indicates an expected call of LoadBlocks.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError(blockStart, err interface{}) *gomock.Call
MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError indicates an expected call of MarkWarmIndexFlushStateSuccessOrError.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OnEvictedFromWiredList ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
OnEvictedFromWiredList indicates an expected call of OnEvictedFromWiredList.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OpenStreamingReader ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OpenStreamingReader(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
OpenStreamingReader indicates an expected call of OpenStreamingReader.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) PrepareBootstrap ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) PrepareBootstrap(ctx interface{}) *gomock.Call
PrepareBootstrap indicates an expected call of PrepareBootstrap.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Repair(ctx, nsCtx, nsMeta, tr, repairer interface{}) *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) SeriesRefResolver ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) SeriesRefResolver(id, tags interface{}) *gomock.Call
SeriesRefResolver indicates an expected call of SeriesRefResolver.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Snapshot ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
Snapshot indicates an expected call of Snapshot.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount indicates an expected call of TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) UpdateFlushStates ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) UpdateFlushStates() *gomock.Call
UpdateFlushStates indicates an expected call of UpdateFlushStates.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WarmFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlush indicates an expected call of WarmFlush.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write.
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tagResolver, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged.
type MockdatabaseShardRepairer ¶
type MockdatabaseShardRepairer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShardRepairer is a mock of databaseShardRepairer interface.
func NewMockdatabaseShardRepairer ¶
func NewMockdatabaseShardRepairer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseShardRepairer
NewMockdatabaseShardRepairer creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairer) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Options ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Options() repair.Options
Options mocks base method.
type MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseShardRepairer.
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options.
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Repair(ctx, nsCtx, nsMeta, tr, shard interface{}) *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair.
type MockdatabaseTickManager ¶
type MockdatabaseTickManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseTickManager is a mock of databaseTickManager interface.
func NewMockdatabaseTickManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseTickManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseTickManager
NewMockdatabaseTickManager creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockdatabaseTickManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseTickManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseTickManager.
func (*MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder) Tick(forceType, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick.
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue ¶
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue is a mock of namespaceIndexInsertQueue interface.
func NewMocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue ¶
func NewMocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue
NewMocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue creates a new mock instance.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) EXPECT() *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertBatch ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) (*sync.WaitGroup, error)
InsertBatch mocks base method.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertPending ¶ added in v0.15.4
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertPending(pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert) (*sync.WaitGroup, error)
InsertPending mocks base method.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Start ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Start() error
Start mocks base method.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Stop ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Stop() error
Stop mocks base method.
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder ¶
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertBatch ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertBatch indicates an expected call of InsertBatch.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertPending ¶ added in v0.15.4
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertPending(pending interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertPending indicates an expected call of InsertPending.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Start ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start.
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Stop ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace interface { // Options returns the namespace options. Options() namespace.Options // ID returns the ID of the namespace. ID() ident.ID // Metadata returns the metadata of the namespace. Metadata() namespace.Metadata // Schema returns the schema of the namespace. Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr // NumSeries returns the number of series in the namespace. NumSeries() int64 // Shards returns the shard description. Shards() []Shard // ReadableShardAt returns a readable (bootstrapped) shard by id. ReadableShardAt(shardID uint32) (databaseShard, namespace.Context, error) // SetIndex sets and enables reverse index for this namespace. SetIndex(reverseIndex NamespaceIndex) error // Index returns the reverse index backing the namespace, if it exists. Index() (NamespaceIndex, error) // StorageOptions returns storage options. StorageOptions() Options // ReadOnly returns true if this Namespace is read only. ReadOnly() bool // SetReadOnly sets the value of ReadOnly option. SetReadOnly(value bool) // DocRef returns the doc if already present in a namespace shard. DocRef(id ident.ID) (doc.Metadata, bool, error) }
Namespace is a time series database namespace.
type NamespaceBootstrapStates ¶
type NamespaceBootstrapStates map[string]ShardBootstrapStates
NamespaceBootstrapStates stores a snapshot of the bootstrap state for all shards across a number of namespaces at a given moment in time.
type NamespaceHooks ¶ added in v0.15.16
type NamespaceHooks interface { // OnCreatedNamespace gets invoked after each namespace is initialized. OnCreatedNamespace(Namespace, GetNamespaceFn) error }
NamespaceHooks allows dynamic plugging into the namespace lifecycle.
type NamespaceIndex ¶ added in v0.15.0
type NamespaceIndex interface { // AssignShardSet sets the shard set assignment and returns immediately. AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet) // BlockStartForWriteTime returns the index block start // time for the given writeTime. BlockStartForWriteTime( writeTime xtime.UnixNano, ) xtime.UnixNano // BlockForBlockStart returns an index block for a block start. BlockForBlockStart( blockStart xtime.UnixNano, ) (index.Block, error) // WriteBatch indexes the provided entries. WriteBatch( batch *index.WriteBatch, ) error // WritePending indexes the provided pending entries. WritePending( pending []writes.PendingIndexInsert, ) error // Query resolves the given query into known IDs. Query( ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions, ) (index.QueryResult, error) // AggregateQuery resolves the given query into aggregated tags. AggregateQuery( ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions, ) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error) // Bootstrap bootstraps the index with the provided segments. Bootstrap( bootstrapResults result.IndexResults, ) error // Bootstrapped is true if the bootstrap has completed. Bootstrapped() bool // CleanupExpiredFileSets removes expired fileset files. Expiration is calcuated // using the provided `t` as the frame of reference. CleanupExpiredFileSets(t xtime.UnixNano) error // CleanupCorruptedFileSets removes corrupted fileset files. CleanupCorruptedFileSets() error // CleanupDuplicateFileSets removes duplicate fileset files. CleanupDuplicateFileSets(activeShards []uint32) error // Tick performs internal house keeping in the index, including block rotation, // data eviction, and so on. Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime xtime.UnixNano) (namespaceIndexTickResult, error) // WarmFlush performs any warm flushes that the index has outstanding using // the owned shards of the database. WarmFlush( flush persist.IndexFlush, shards []databaseShard, ) error // WarmFlushBlockStarts returns all index blockStarts which have been flushed to disk. WarmFlushBlockStarts() []xtime.UnixNano // ColdFlush performs any cold flushes that the index has outstanding using // the owned shards of the database. Also returns a callback to be called when // cold flushing completes to perform houskeeping. ColdFlush(shards []databaseShard) (OnColdFlushDone, error) // DebugMemorySegments allows for debugging memory segments. DebugMemorySegments(opts DebugMemorySegmentsOptions) error // BackgroundCompact background compacts eligible segments. BackgroundCompact() // Close will release the index resources and close the index. Close() error }
NamespaceIndex indexes namespace writes.
type NamespaceRepairOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
type NamespaceRepairOptions struct {
Force bool
NamespaceRepairOptions is a set of repair options for repairing a namespace.
type NamespacesByID ¶
type NamespacesByID []Namespace
NamespacesByID is a sortable slice of namespaces by ID.
func (NamespacesByID) Len ¶
func (n NamespacesByID) Len() int
func (NamespacesByID) Less ¶
func (n NamespacesByID) Less(i, j int) bool
func (NamespacesByID) Swap ¶
func (n NamespacesByID) Swap(i, j int)
type NewBackgroundProcessFn ¶ added in v0.15.17
type NewBackgroundProcessFn func(Database, Options) (BackgroundProcess, error)
NewBackgroundProcessFn is a function that creates and returns a new BackgroundProcess.
type NewEntryOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
type NewEntryOptions struct { Shard Shard Series series.DatabaseSeries Index uint64 IndexWriter IndexWriter NowFn clock.NowFn EntryMetrics *EntryMetrics }
NewEntryOptions supplies options for a new entry.
type NewTileAggregatorFn ¶ added in v1.0.1
type NewTileAggregatorFn func(iOpts instrument.Options) TileAggregator
NewTileAggregatorFn creates a new TileAggregator.
type OnColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OnColdFlush interface {
ColdFlushNamespace(ns Namespace, opts ColdFlushNsOpts) (OnColdFlushNamespace, error)
OnColdFlush can perform work each time a series is flushed.
type OnColdFlushDone ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OnColdFlushDone func() error
OnColdFlushDone is a callback that performs house keeping once cold flushing completes.
type OnColdFlushNamespace ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OnColdFlushNamespace interface { persist.OnFlushSeries Abort() error Done() error }
OnColdFlushNamespace performs work on a per namespace level.
type OptionTransform ¶ added in v1.0.1
OptionTransform transforms given Options.
type Options ¶
type Options interface { // Validate validates assumptions baked into the code. Validate() error // SetEncodingM3TSZPooled sets m3tsz encoding with pooling. SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() Options // SetClockOptions sets the clock options. SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) Options // ClockOptions returns the clock options. ClockOptions() clock.Options // SetInstrumentOptions sets the instrumentation options. SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) Options // InstrumentOptions returns the instrumentation options. InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options // SetNamespaceInitializer sets the namespace registry initializer. SetNamespaceInitializer(value namespace.Initializer) Options // NamespaceInitializer returns the namespace registry initializer. NamespaceInitializer() namespace.Initializer // SetDatabaseBlockOptions sets the database block options. SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value block.Options) Options // DatabaseBlockOptions returns the database block options. DatabaseBlockOptions() block.Options // SetCommitLogOptions sets the commit log options. SetCommitLogOptions(value commitlog.Options) Options // CommitLogOptions returns the commit log options. CommitLogOptions() commitlog.Options // SetRuntimeOptionsManager sets the runtime options manager. SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value runtime.OptionsManager) Options // RuntimeOptionsManager returns the runtime options manager. RuntimeOptionsManager() runtime.OptionsManager // SetErrorWindowForLoad sets the error window for load. SetErrorWindowForLoad(value time.Duration) Options // ErrorWindowForLoad returns the error window for load. ErrorWindowForLoad() time.Duration // SetErrorThresholdForLoad sets the error threshold for load. SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value int64) Options // ErrorThresholdForLoad returns the error threshold for load. ErrorThresholdForLoad() int64 // SetIndexOptions set the indexing options. SetIndexOptions(value index.Options) Options // IndexOptions returns the indexing options. IndexOptions() index.Options // SetTruncateType sets the truncation type for the database. SetTruncateType(value series.TruncateType) Options // TruncateType returns the truncation type for the database. TruncateType() series.TruncateType // SetWriteTransformOptions sets options for transforming incoming writes // to the database. SetWriteTransformOptions(value series.WriteTransformOptions) Options // WriteTransformOptions returns the options for transforming incoming writes // to the database. WriteTransformOptions() series.WriteTransformOptions // SetRepairEnabled sets whether or not to enable the repair. SetRepairEnabled(b bool) Options // RepairEnabled returns whether the repair is enabled. RepairEnabled() bool // SetRepairOptions sets the repair options. SetRepairOptions(value repair.Options) Options // RepairOptions returns the repair options. RepairOptions() repair.Options // SetBootstrapProcessProvider sets the bootstrap process provider for the database. SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value bootstrap.ProcessProvider) Options // BootstrapProcessProvider returns the bootstrap process provider for the database. BootstrapProcessProvider() bootstrap.ProcessProvider // SetPersistManager sets the persistence manager. SetPersistManager(value persist.Manager) Options // PersistManager returns the persistence manager. PersistManager() persist.Manager // SetIndexClaimsManager sets the index claims manager. SetIndexClaimsManager(value fs.IndexClaimsManager) Options // IndexClaimsManager returns the index claims manager. IndexClaimsManager() fs.IndexClaimsManager // SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager sets the block retriever manager to // use when bootstrapping retrievable blocks instead of blocks // containing data. // If you don't wish to bootstrap retrievable blocks instead of // blocks containing data then do not set this manager. // You can opt into which namespace you wish to have this enabled for // by returning nil instead of a result when creating a new block retriever // for a namespace from the manager. SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager( value block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager, ) Options // NewBlockRetrieverFn returns the new block retriever constructor to // use when bootstrapping retrievable blocks instead of blocks // containing data. DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager // SetContextPool sets the contextPool. SetContextPool(value context.Pool) Options // ContextPool returns the contextPool. ContextPool() context.Pool // SetSeriesCachePolicy sets the series cache policy. SetSeriesCachePolicy(value series.CachePolicy) Options // SeriesCachePolicy returns the series cache policy. SeriesCachePolicy() series.CachePolicy // SetSeriesOptions sets the series options. SetSeriesOptions(value series.Options) Options // SeriesOptions returns the series options. SeriesOptions() series.Options // SetDatabaseSeriesPool sets the database series pool. SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value series.DatabaseSeriesPool) Options // DatabaseSeriesPool returns the database series pool. DatabaseSeriesPool() series.DatabaseSeriesPool // SetBytesPool sets the bytesPool. SetBytesPool(value pool.CheckedBytesPool) Options // BytesPool returns the bytesPool. BytesPool() pool.CheckedBytesPool // SetEncoderPool sets the contextPool. SetEncoderPool(value encoding.EncoderPool) Options // EncoderPool returns the contextPool. EncoderPool() encoding.EncoderPool // SetSegmentReaderPool sets the contextPool. SetSegmentReaderPool(value xio.SegmentReaderPool) Options // SegmentReaderPool returns the contextPool. SegmentReaderPool() xio.SegmentReaderPool // SetReaderIteratorPool sets the readerIteratorPool. SetReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.ReaderIteratorPool) Options // ReaderIteratorPool returns the readerIteratorPool. ReaderIteratorPool() encoding.ReaderIteratorPool // SetMultiReaderIteratorPool sets the multiReaderIteratorPool. SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool) Options // MultiReaderIteratorPool returns the multiReaderIteratorPool. MultiReaderIteratorPool() encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool // SetIdentifierPool sets the ID pool. SetIdentifierPool(value ident.Pool) Options // IdentifierPool returns the ID pool. IdentifierPool() ident.Pool // SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool sets the fetchBlockMetadataResultsPool. SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool) Options // FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool returns the fetchBlockMetadataResultsPool. FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool // SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool sets the fetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool. SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool) Options // FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool returns the fetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool. FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool // SetWriteBatchPool sets the WriteBatch pool. SetWriteBatchPool(value *writes.WriteBatchPool) Options // WriteBatchPool returns the WriteBatch pool. WriteBatchPool() *writes.WriteBatchPool // SetBufferBucketPool sets the BufferBucket pool. SetBufferBucketPool(value *series.BufferBucketPool) Options // BufferBucketPool returns the BufferBucket pool. BufferBucketPool() *series.BufferBucketPool // SetBufferBucketVersionsPool sets the BufferBucketVersions pool. SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool) Options // BufferBucketVersionsPool returns the BufferBucketVersions pool. BufferBucketVersionsPool() *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool // SetRetrieveRequestPool sets the retrieve request pool. SetRetrieveRequestPool(value fs.RetrieveRequestPool) Options // RetrieveRequestPool gets the retrieve request pool. RetrieveRequestPool() fs.RetrieveRequestPool // SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool sets the checked bytes wrapper pool. SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool) Options // CheckedBytesWrapperPool returns the checked bytes wrapper pool. CheckedBytesWrapperPool() xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool // SetSchemaRegistry sets the schema registry the database uses. SetSchemaRegistry(registry namespace.SchemaRegistry) Options // SchemaRegistry returns the schema registry the database uses. SchemaRegistry() namespace.SchemaRegistry // SetBlockLeaseManager sets the block leaser. SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr block.LeaseManager) Options // BlockLeaseManager returns the block leaser. BlockLeaseManager() block.LeaseManager // SetOnColdFlush sets the on cold flush processor. SetOnColdFlush(value OnColdFlush) Options // OnColdFlush returns the on cold flush processor. OnColdFlush() OnColdFlush // SetIterationOptions sets iteration options. SetIterationOptions(index.IterationOptions) Options // IterationOptions returns iteration options. IterationOptions() index.IterationOptions // SetForceColdWritesEnabled sets options for forcing cold writes. SetForceColdWritesEnabled(value bool) Options // ForceColdWritesEnabled returns options for forcing cold writes. ForceColdWritesEnabled() bool // SetSourceLoggerBuilder sets the limit source logger builder. SetSourceLoggerBuilder(value limits.SourceLoggerBuilder) Options // SourceLoggerBuilder returns the limit source logger builder. SourceLoggerBuilder() limits.SourceLoggerBuilder // SetMemoryTracker sets the MemoryTracker. SetMemoryTracker(memTracker MemoryTracker) Options // MemoryTracker returns the MemoryTracker. MemoryTracker() MemoryTracker // SetMmapReporter sets the mmap reporter. SetMmapReporter(mmapReporter mmap.Reporter) Options // MmapReporter returns the mmap reporter. MmapReporter() mmap.Reporter // SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap sets a map which if fields match it // will not index those metrics. SetDoNotIndexWithFieldsMap(value map[string]string) Options // DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap returns a map which if fields match it // will not index those metrics. DoNotIndexWithFieldsMap() map[string]string // SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry sets the namespace runtime options manager. SetNamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry(value namespace.RuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry) Options // NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry returns the namespace runtime options manager. NamespaceRuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry() namespace.RuntimeOptionsManagerRegistry // SetMediatorTickInterval sets the ticking interval for the mediator. SetMediatorTickInterval(value time.Duration) Options // MediatorTickInterval returns the ticking interval for the mediator. MediatorTickInterval() time.Duration // SetAdminClient sets the admin client for the database options. SetAdminClient(value client.AdminClient) Options // AdminClient returns the admin client. AdminClient() client.AdminClient // SetBackgroundProcessFns sets the list of functions that create background processes for the database. SetBackgroundProcessFns([]NewBackgroundProcessFn) Options // BackgroundProcessFns returns the list of functions that create background processes for the database. BackgroundProcessFns() []NewBackgroundProcessFn // SetNamespaceHooks sets the NamespaceHooks. SetNamespaceHooks(hooks NamespaceHooks) Options // NamespaceHooks returns the NamespaceHooks. NamespaceHooks() NamespaceHooks // SetTileAggregator sets the TileAggregator. SetTileAggregator(aggregator TileAggregator) Options // TileAggregator returns the TileAggregator. TileAggregator() TileAggregator // PermitsOptions returns the permits options. PermitsOptions() permits.Options // SetPermitsOptions sets the permits options. SetPermitsOptions(value permits.Options) Options // LimitsOptions returns the limit options. LimitsOptions() limits.Options // SetLimitsOptions sets the limits options. SetLimitsOptions(value limits.Options) Options // CoreFn gets the function for determining the current core. CoreFn() xsync.CoreFn // SetCoreFn sets the function for determining the current core. SetCoreFn(value xsync.CoreFn) Options }
Options represents the options for storage.
func DefaultTestOptions ¶ added in v0.9.2
func DefaultTestOptions() Options
DefaultTestOptions provides a single set of test storage options we save considerable memory by doing this avoiding creating default pools several times.
func NewOptions ¶
func NewOptions() Options
NewOptions creates a new set of storage options with defaults. NB: expensive, in tests use DefaultTestOptions instead.
type SeriesWrite ¶ added in v0.15.4
type SeriesWrite struct { Series ts.Series WasWritten bool NeedsIndex bool PendingIndexInsert writes.PendingIndexInsert }
SeriesWrite is a result of a series write.
type Shard ¶
type Shard interface { // ID returns the ID of the shard. ID() uint32 // NumSeries returns the number of series in the shard. NumSeries() int64 // IsBootstrapped returns whether the shard is already bootstrapped. IsBootstrapped() bool // BootstrapState returns the shards' bootstrap state. BootstrapState() BootstrapState // OpenStreamingReader creates and opens a streaming fs.DataFileSetReader // on the latest volume of the given block. OpenStreamingReader(blockStart xtime.UnixNano) (fs.DataFileSetReader, error) // TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount attempts to retrieve a writable series. // This increments the reader/writer count and so should be decremented when the series // is no longer held. TryRetrieveSeriesAndIncrementReaderWriterCount(id ident.ID) (*Entry, WritableSeriesOptions, error) // Close will release the shard resources and close the shard. Close() error // Closed indicates if shard was closed using Close. Closed() bool }
Shard is a time series database shard.
type ShardBootstrapStates ¶
type ShardBootstrapStates map[uint32]BootstrapState
ShardBootstrapStates stores a snapshot of the bootstrap state for all shards for a given namespace.
type ShardColdFlush ¶ added in v0.15.3
type ShardColdFlush interface {
Done() error
ShardColdFlush exposes a done method to finalize shard cold flush by persisting data and updating shard state/block leases.
type ShardSnapshotResult ¶ added in v0.15.14
type ShardSnapshotResult struct {
SeriesPersist int
ShardSnapshotResult is a result from a shard snapshot.
type TileAggregator ¶ added in v1.0.1
type TileAggregator interface { // AggregateTiles does tile aggregation. AggregateTiles( ctx context.Context, sourceNs, targetNs Namespace, shardID uint32, onFlushSeries persist.OnFlushSeries, opts AggregateTilesOptions, ) (processedTileCount int64, nextVolume int, err error) }
TileAggregator is the interface for AggregateTiles.
type WritableSeriesOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
type WritableSeriesOptions struct { // WriteNewSeriesAsync specifies if the series should be async written. WriteNewSeriesAsync bool }
WritableSeriesOptions defines writable series options.
Source Files
- bootstrap.go
- bootstrap_hooks.go
- bootstrap_instrumentation.go
- cleanup.go
- coldflush.go
- database.go
- dice.go
- dirty_series_map_gen.go
- dirty_series_new_map_gen.go
- entry.go
- flush.go
- forward_index_dice.go
- fs.go
- fs_merge_with_mem.go
- id_list_gen.go
- index.go
- index_insert_queue.go
- lease_verifier.go
- lookup_mock.go
- mediator.go
- mem_tracker.go
- namespace.go
- namespace_bootstrap_data_accumulator.go
- namespace_map_gen.go
- namespace_new_map_gen.go
- namespace_readers.go
- options.go
- repair.go
- result.go
- series_resolver.go
- shard.go
- shard_insert_queue.go
- shard_map_gen.go
- shard_new_map_gen.go
- storage_mock.go
- tick.go
- types.go
- util.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package block is a generated GoMock package.
Package block is a generated GoMock package. |
Package bootstrap is a generated GoMock package.
Package bootstrap is a generated GoMock package. |
Package commitlog implements commit log bootstrapping.
Package commitlog implements commit log bootstrapping. |
Package fs implements file system bootstrapping.
Package fs implements file system bootstrapping. |
Package peers implements peers bootstrapping.
Package peers implements peers bootstrapping. |
Package uninitialized implements uninitialized topology bootstrapping.
Package uninitialized implements uninitialized topology bootstrapping. |
Package index is a generated GoMock package.
Package index is a generated GoMock package. |
Package convert contains various conversions.
Package convert contains various conversions. |
Package limits contains paths to enforce read query limits.
Package limits contains paths to enforce read query limits. |
Package permits is a generated GoMock package.
Package permits is a generated GoMock package. |
Package series is a generated GoMock package.
Package series is a generated GoMock package. |