
v0.3.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Nov 23, 2021 License: GPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 2




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const (
	// StateRegisterOnce can be election only once
	StateRegisterOnce uint8 = 1 << iota
	// StateResgisterAuto can be election in every epoch
	// StateUnregister can be redeem real time (after MaxRedeemHeight block)
	// StateUnregistered flag the asset which is unregistered in the height is redeemed
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const (
	OpQueryRegister uint8 = 1 << iota
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const (
	StateUnusedFlag    = 0xa0
	StateUsedFlag      = 0xa1
	StateSwitchingFlag = 0xa2
	StateRemovedFlag   = 0xa3
	StateAppendFlag    = 0xa4
	// health enter type
	TypeFixed  = 0xa1
	TypeWorked = 0xa2
	TypeBack   = 0xa3
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const (
	MainNetChainID    uint64 = 177
	TestNetChainID    uint64 = 212
	DevNetChainID     uint64 = 213
	SingleNodeChainID uint64 = 214
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const (
	DefaultGasLimit uint64 = 20000000 // Gas limit of the blocks before BlockchainParams contract is loaded.

	// Default intrinsic gas cost of transactions paying for gas in alternative currencies.
	// Calculated to estimate 1 balance read, 1 debit, and 4 credit transactions.
	IntrinsicGasForAlternativeFeeCurrency uint64 = 50 * thousand

	// Contract communication gas limits
	MaxGasForCalculateTargetEpochPaymentAndRewards uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForCommitments                           uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForComputeCommitment                     uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForBlockRandomness                       uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForDebitGasFeesTransactions              uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForCreditGasFeesTransactions             uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForDistributeEpochPayment                uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForDistributeEpochRewards                uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForElectValidators                       uint64 = 50 * million
	MaxGasForElectNValidatorSigners                uint64 = 50 * million
	MaxGasForGetAddressFor                         uint64 = 100 * thousand
	MaxGasForGetElectableValidators                uint64 = 100 * thousand
	MaxGasForGetEligibleValidatorGroupsVoteTotals  uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForGetGasPriceMinimum                    uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForGetGroupEpochRewards                  uint64 = 500 * thousand
	MaxGasForGetMembershipInLastEpoch              uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForGetOrComputeTobinTax                  uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForGetRegisteredValidators               uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForGetValidator                          uint64 = 100 * thousand
	MaxGasForGetWhiteList                          uint64 = 200 * thousand
	MaxGasForGetTransferWhitelist                  uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForIncreaseSupply                        uint64 = 50 * thousand
	MaxGasForIsFrozen                              uint64 = 20 * thousand
	MaxGasForMedianRate                            uint64 = 100 * thousand
	MaxGasForReadBlockchainParameter               uint64 = 40 * thousand // ad-hoc measurement is ~26k
	MaxGasForRevealAndCommit                       uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForUpdateGasPriceMinimum                 uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForUpdateTargetVotingYield               uint64 = 2 * million
	MaxGasForUpdateValidatorScore                  uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForTotalSupply                           uint64 = 50 * thousand
	MaxGasForMintGas                               uint64 = 5 * million
	MaxGasToReadErc20Balance                       uint64 = 100 * thousand
	MaxGasForIsReserveLow                          uint64 = 1 * million
	MaxGasForGetCarbonOffsettingPartner            uint64 = 20 * thousand
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const (
	VersionMajor = 0        // Major version component of the current release
	VersionMinor = 1        // Minor version component of the current release
	VersionPatch = 0        // Patch version component of the current release
	VersionMeta  = "stable" // Version metadata to append to the version string
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const HeaderStoreABIJSON = `` /* 1168-byte string literal not displayed */
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const (
	MaximumExtraDataSize uint64 = 32 // Maximum size extra data may be after Genesis.
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const RelayerABIJSON = `` /* 3382-byte string literal not displayed */
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const TxVerifyABIJSON = `` /* 1145-byte string literal not displayed */

TxVerifyABIJSON tx verify abi json

contract TxVerify {
	function txVerify(address router, address coin, uint256 srcChain, uint256 dstChain, bytes memory txProve) public returns(bool success, string memory message){}


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var (
	FbaseUnit          = new(big.Float).SetFloat64(float64(baseUnit.Int64()))
	Base               = new(big.Int).SetUint64(ethparams.InitialBaseFee)
	InvalidFee         = big.NewInt(65535)
	RelayerAddress     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("RelayerAddress"))
	HeaderStoreAddress = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("headerstoreAddress"))
	TxVerifyAddress    = common.BytesToAddress([]byte("txVerifyAddress"))
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var (
	CountInEpoch                       = 100
	MaxRedeemHeight             uint64 = 200
	NewEpochLength              uint64 = 200
	ElectionPoint               uint64 = 20
	FirstNewEpochID             uint64 = 1
	PowForkPoint                uint64 = 0
	ElectionMinLimitForRegister        = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(100000), big.NewInt(1e18))
	MinWorkEfficiency           uint64 = 1 //every relayer sync 1000 block at least
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var (
	ErrInvalidParam      = errors.New("Invalid Param")
	ErrOverEpochID       = errors.New("Over epoch id")
	ErrNotSequential     = errors.New("epoch id not sequential")
	ErrInvalidEpochInfo  = errors.New("Invalid epoch info")
	ErrNotFoundEpoch     = errors.New("cann't found the epoch info")
	ErrInvalidRegister   = errors.New("Invalid register account")
	ErrMatchEpochID      = errors.New("wrong match epoch id in a reward block")
	ErrNotRegister       = errors.New("Not match the register account")
	ErrNotDelegation     = errors.New("Not match the account")
	ErrNotMatchEpochInfo = errors.New("the epoch info is not match with accounts")
	ErrNotElectionTime   = errors.New("not time to election the next relayer")
	ErrAmountOver        = errors.New("the amount more than register amount")
	ErrDelegationSelf    = errors.New("wrong")
	ErrRedeemAmount      = errors.New("wrong redeem amount")
	ErrForbidAddress     = errors.New("Forbidding Address")
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var (
	ZeroAddress                  = BytesToAddress([]byte{})
	RegistrySmartContractAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000ce10")

	//AttestationsRegistryId         = makeRegistryId("Attestations")
	BlockchainParametersRegistryId = makeRegistryId("BlockchainParameters")
	ElectionRegistryId             = makeRegistryId("Election")
	EpochRewardsRegistryId         = makeRegistryId("EpochRewards")
	FeeCurrencyWhitelistRegistryId = makeRegistryId("FeeCurrencyWhitelist")
	FreezerRegistryId              = makeRegistryId("Freezer")
	GasPriceMinimumRegistryId      = makeRegistryId("GasPriceMinimum")
	GoldTokenRegistryId            = makeRegistryId("GoldToken")
	GovernanceRegistryId           = makeRegistryId("Governance")
	LockedGoldRegistryId           = makeRegistryId("LockedGold")
	RandomRegistryId               = makeRegistryId("Random")
	ReserveRegistryId              = makeRegistryId("Reserve")
	SortedOraclesRegistryId        = makeRegistryId("SortedOracles")
	StableTokenRegistryId          = makeRegistryId("StableToken")
	//TransferWhitelistRegistryId    = makeRegistryId("TransferWhitelist")
	ValidatorsRegistryId = makeRegistryId("Validators")

	// Function is "getOrComputeTobinTax()"
	// selector is first 4 bytes of keccak256 of "getOrComputeTobinTax()"
	// Source:
	// pip3 install pyethereum
	// python3 -c 'from ethereum.utils import sha3; print(sha3("getOrComputeTobinTax()")[0:4].hex())'
	TobinTaxFunctionSelector = hexutil.MustDecode("0x17f9a6f7")

	// Scale factor for the solidity fixidity library
	Fixidity1 = math.BigPow(10, 24)
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var (
	MainnetGenesisHash = common.HexToHash("0xf6285fd285d6c15aae581220e9b13f4d0ac75428ee90076e737f4e6125d31723")
	TestnetGenesisHash = common.HexToHash("0x63f425f4a8362103c2be5089223d8823cad0baf5827eeecd20ee4adbe7dec063")
	DevnetGenesisHash  = common.HexToHash("0x1c00a47a70d32300cf336207d290ccc2838d3ea03b2ba73c07bafdd6070ff23a")

Genesis hashes to enforce below configs on.

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var (
	MainnetChainConfig = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             big.NewInt(int64(MainNetChainID)),
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkSupport:      true,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          17280,
			ProposerPolicy: 2,
			BlockPeriod:    5,
			RequestTimeout: 3000,
			LookbackWindow: 12,

	TestnetConfig = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             big.NewInt(212),
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
		DAOForkSupport:      true,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          17280,
			ProposerPolicy: 2,
			BlockPeriod:    5,
			RequestTimeout: 3000,
			LookbackWindow: 12,

	DevnetConfig = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             big.NewInt(213),
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
		DAOForkSupport:      true,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          17280,
			ProposerPolicy: 2,
			BlockPeriod:    5,
			RequestTimeout: 3000,
			LookbackWindow: 12,
	MainnetNetWorkID uint64 = 177
	TestnetWorkID    uint64 = 212
	DevnetWorkID     uint64 = 213
	SingleWorkID     uint64 = 214
	//under params in cmd/node/defaults.go
	//DefaultHTTPPort    = 7445
	//DefaultWSPort      = 7446
	//ListenAddr         = 20201
	SingleChainID   = big.NewInt(214)
	SingleNetConfig = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             SingleChainID,
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
		DAOForkSupport:      false,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          17280,
			ProposerPolicy: 2,
			BlockPeriod:    5,
			RequestTimeout: 3000,
			LookbackWindow: 12,

	AllEthashProtocolChanges = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             big.NewInt(213),
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
		DAOForkSupport:      false,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		DonutBlock:          nil,
		EWASMBlock:          nil,
		CatalystBlock:       nil,
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          17280,
			ProposerPolicy: 2,
			BlockPeriod:    5,
			RequestTimeout: 3000,
			LookbackWindow: 12,
		FullHeaderChainAvailable: true,
		Faker:                    true,

	TestChainConfig = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
		DAOForkSupport:      false,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
		DonutBlock:          nil,
		EWASMBlock:          nil,
		CatalystBlock:       nil,
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          17280,
			ProposerPolicy: 2,
			BlockPeriod:    5,
			RequestTimeout: 3000,
			LookbackWindow: 12,
		FullHeaderChainAvailable: true,
		Faker:                    true,

	IstanbulTestChainConfig = &ChainConfig{
		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1337),
		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
		DAOForkSupport:      false,
		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
		BerlinBlock:         nil,
		LondonBlock:         nil,
		DonutBlock:          nil,
		EWASMBlock:          big.NewInt(0),
		CatalystBlock:       nil,
		Istanbul: &IstanbulConfig{
			Epoch:          300,
			ProposerPolicy: 0,
			RequestTimeout: 1000,
			BlockPeriod:    1,
		FullHeaderChainAvailable: true,
		Faker:                    false,
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var CurrentVersionInfo = func() *VersionInfo {
	return &VersionInfo{VersionMajor, VersionMinor, VersionPatch}
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var MainnetBootnodes = []string{

MainnetBootnodes are the enode URLs of the P2P bootstrap nodes running on the main network.

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var RelayerGas = map[string]uint64{
	"getBalance":      450000,
	"register":        2400000,
	"append":          2400000,
	"withdraw":        2520000,
	"getPeriodHeight": 450000,
	"getRelayers":     450000,
View Source
var TestnetBootnodes = []string{

TestnetBootnodes are the enode URLs of the P2P bootstrap nodes running on the test network.

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var Version = func() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", VersionMajor, VersionMinor, VersionPatch)

Version holds the textual version string.

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var VersionWithMeta = func() string {
	v := Version
	if VersionMeta != "" {
		v += "-" + VersionMeta
	return v

VersionWithMeta holds the textual version string including the metadata.


func ArchiveVersion

func ArchiveVersion(gitCommit string) string

ArchiveVersion holds the textual version string used for Atlas archives. e.g. "1.8.11-dea1ce05" for stable releases, or

"1.8.13-unstable-21c059b6" for unstable releases

func BytesToAddress added in v0.3.1

func BytesToAddress(b []byte) common.Address

BytesToAddress returns Address with value b. If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.

func KnownDNSNetwork

func KnownDNSNetwork(genesis common.Hash, protocol string) string

KnownDNSNetwork returns the address of a public DNS-based node list for the given genesis hash and protocol. See for more information.

func VersionWithCommit

func VersionWithCommit(gitCommit, gitDate string) string


type CSVRecorder added in v0.3.1

type CSVRecorder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A CSVRecorder enables easy writing of CSV data a specified writer. The header is written on creation. Writing is thread safe.

func NewCSVRecorder added in v0.3.1

func NewCSVRecorder(wc WriterCloser, fields ...string) *CSVRecorder

NewCSVRecorder creates a CSV recorder that writes to the supplied writer. The writer is retained and can be closed by calling CSVRecorder.Close() The header is immediately written upon construction.

func (*CSVRecorder) Close added in v0.3.1

func (c *CSVRecorder) Close() error

Close closes the writer. This is a no-op for a nil receiver.

func (*CSVRecorder) Write added in v0.3.1

func (c *CSVRecorder) Write(values ...interface{})

WriteRow writes out as csv row. Will convert the values to a string using "%v".

type ChainConfig added in v0.3.1

type ChainConfig struct {
	ChainID *big.Int `json:"chainId"` // chainId identifies the current chain and is used for replay protection

	HomesteadBlock *big.Int `json:"homesteadBlock,omitempty"` // Homestead switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already homestead)

	DAOForkBlock   *big.Int `json:"daoForkBlock,omitempty"`   // TheDAO hard-fork switch block (nil = no fork)
	DAOForkSupport bool     `json:"daoForkSupport,omitempty"` // Whether the nodes supports or opposes the DAO hard-fork

	// EIP150 implements the Gas price changes (
	EIP150Block *big.Int    `json:"eip150Block,omitempty"` // EIP150 HF block (nil = no fork)
	EIP150Hash  common.Hash `json:"eip150Hash,omitempty"`  // EIP150 HF hash (needed for header only clients as only gas pricing changed)

	EIP155Block *big.Int `json:"eip155Block,omitempty"` // EIP155 HF block
	EIP158Block *big.Int `json:"eip158Block,omitempty"` // EIP158 HF block

	ByzantiumBlock      *big.Int `json:"byzantiumBlock,omitempty"`      // Byzantium switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on byzantium)
	ConstantinopleBlock *big.Int `json:"constantinopleBlock,omitempty"` // Constantinople switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)
	PetersburgBlock     *big.Int `json:"petersburgBlock,omitempty"`     // Petersburg switch block (nil = same as Constantinople)
	IstanbulBlock       *big.Int `json:"istanbulBlock,omitempty"`       // Istanbul switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on istanbul)
	MuirGlacierBlock    *big.Int `json:"muirGlacierBlock,omitempty"`    // Eip-2384 (bomb delay) switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)
	BerlinBlock         *big.Int `json:"berlinBlock,omitempty"`         // Berlin switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on berlin)
	LondonBlock         *big.Int `json:"londonBlock,omitempty"`         // London switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on london)

	DonutBlock *big.Int `json:"donutBlock,omitempty"` // Donut switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)

	//YoloV3Block   *big.Int `json:"yoloV3Block,omitempty"`   // YOLO v3: Gas repricings TODO @holiman add EIP references
	EWASMBlock    *big.Int `json:"ewasmBlock,omitempty"`    // EWASM switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)
	CatalystBlock *big.Int `json:"catalystBlock,omitempty"` // Catalyst switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on catalyst)

	// Various consensus engines
	Istanbul *IstanbulConfig `json:"istanbul,omitempty"`

	// This does not belong here but passing it to every function is not possible since that breaks
	// some implemented interfaces and introduces churn across the geth codebase.
	FullHeaderChainAvailable bool // False for lightest Sync mode, true otherwise

	// Requests mock engine if true
	Faker bool `json:"faker,omitempty"`

ChainConfig is the core config which determines the blockchain settings.

ChainConfig is stored in the database on a per block basis. This means that any network, identified by its genesis block, can have its own set of configuration options.

func (*ChainConfig) CheckCompatible added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) CheckCompatible(newcfg *ChainConfig, height uint64) *ConfigCompatError

CheckCompatible checks whether scheduled fork transitions have been imported with a mismatching chain configuration.

func (*ChainConfig) CheckConfigForkOrder added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) CheckConfigForkOrder() error

CheckConfigForkOrder checks that we don't "skip" any forks, geth isn't pluggable enough to guarantee that forks can be implemented in a different order than on official networks

func (*ChainConfig) IsBerlin added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsBerlin(num *big.Int) bool

IsBerlin returns whether num is either equal to the Berlin fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsByzantium added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsByzantium(num *big.Int) bool

IsByzantium returns whether num is either equal to the Byzantium fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsCatalyst added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsCatalyst(num *big.Int) bool

IsCatalyst returns whether num is either equal to the Merge fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsConstantinople added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsConstantinople(num *big.Int) bool

IsConstantinople returns whether num is either equal to the Constantinople fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsDAOFork added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsDAOFork(num *big.Int) bool

IsDAOFork returns whether num is either equal to the DAO fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsEIP150 added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsEIP150(num *big.Int) bool

IsEIP150 returns whether num is either equal to the EIP150 fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsEIP155 added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsEIP155(num *big.Int) bool

IsEIP155 returns whether num is either equal to the EIP155 fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsEIP158 added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsEIP158(num *big.Int) bool

IsEIP158 returns whether num is either equal to the EIP158 fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsEWASM added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsEWASM(num *big.Int) bool

IsEWASM returns whether num represents a block number after the EWASM fork

func (*ChainConfig) IsHomestead added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsHomestead(num *big.Int) bool

IsHomestead returns whether num is either equal to the homestead block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsIstanbul added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsIstanbul(num *big.Int) bool

IsIstanbul returns whether num is either equal to the Istanbul fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsLondon added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsLondon(num *big.Int) bool

IsLondon returns whether num is either equal to the London fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsMuirGlacier added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsMuirGlacier(num *big.Int) bool

IsMuirGlacier returns whether num is either equal to the Muir Glacier (EIP-2384) fork block or greater.

func (*ChainConfig) IsPetersburg added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) IsPetersburg(num *big.Int) bool

IsPetersburg returns whether num is either - equal to or greater than the PetersburgBlock fork block, - OR is nil, and Constantinople is active

func (*ChainConfig) Rules added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) Rules(num *big.Int) Rules

Rules ensures c's ChainID is not nil.

func (*ChainConfig) String added in v0.3.1

func (c *ChainConfig) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.

type CliqueConfig added in v0.3.1

type CliqueConfig struct {
	Period uint64 `json:"period"` // Number of seconds between blocks to enforce
	Epoch  uint64 `json:"epoch"`  // Epoch length to reset votes and checkpoint

CliqueConfig is the consensus engine configs for proof-of-authority based sealing.

func (*CliqueConfig) String added in v0.3.1

func (c *CliqueConfig) String() string

String implements the stringer interface, returning the consensus engine details.

type ConfigCompatError added in v0.3.1

type ConfigCompatError struct {
	What string
	// block numbers of the stored and new configurations
	StoredConfig, NewConfig *big.Int
	// the block number to which the local chain must be rewound to correct the error
	RewindTo uint64

ConfigCompatError is raised if the locally-stored blockchain is initialised with a ChainConfig that would alter the past.

func (*ConfigCompatError) Error added in v0.3.1

func (err *ConfigCompatError) Error() string

type EthashConfig added in v0.3.1

type EthashConfig struct{}

EthashConfig is the consensus engine configs for proof-of-work based sealing.

func (*EthashConfig) String added in v0.3.1

func (c *EthashConfig) String() string

String implements the stringer interface, returning the consensus engine details.

type IstanbulConfig added in v0.3.1

type IstanbulConfig struct {
	Epoch          uint64 `json:"epoch"`                 // Epoch length to reset votes and checkpoint
	ProposerPolicy uint64 `json:"policy"`                // The policy for proposer selection
	LookbackWindow uint64 `json:"lookbackwindow"`        // The number of blocks to look back when calculating uptime
	BlockPeriod    uint64 `json:"blockperiod,omitempty"` // Default minimum difference between two consecutive block's timestamps in second

	// The base timeout for each Istanbul round in milliseconds. The first
	// round will have a timeout of exactly this and subsequent rounds will
	// have timeouts of this + additional time that increases with round
	// number.
	RequestTimeout uint64 `json:"requesttimeout,omitempty"`

IstanbulConfig is the consensus engine configs for Istanbul based sealing.

func (*IstanbulConfig) String added in v0.3.1

func (c *IstanbulConfig) String() string

String implements the stringer interface, returning the consensus engine details.

type RelayerMember

type RelayerMember struct {
	Coinbase    common.Address `json:"coinbase`
	RelayerBase common.Address `json:"relayerbase`
	Publickey   []byte
	Flag        uint32
	MType       uint32

func (*RelayerMember) Compared

func (c *RelayerMember) Compared(d *RelayerMember) bool

func (*RelayerMember) String

func (c *RelayerMember) String() string

func (*RelayerMember) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *RelayerMember) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error

type Rules added in v0.3.1

type Rules struct {
	ChainID                                                 *big.Int
	IsHomestead, IsEIP150, IsEIP155, IsEIP158               bool
	IsByzantium, IsConstantinople, IsPetersburg, IsIstanbul bool
	IsBerlin, IsLondon, IsCatalyst                          bool

Rules wraps ChainConfig and is merely syntactic sugar or can be used for functions that do not have or require information about the block.

Rules is a one time interface meaning that it shouldn't be used in between transition phases.

type VersionInfo added in v0.3.1

type VersionInfo struct {
	Major uint64
	Minor uint64
	Patch uint64

func (*VersionInfo) Cmp added in v0.3.1

func (v *VersionInfo) Cmp(version *VersionInfo) int

type WriterCloser added in v0.3.1

type WriterCloser interface {


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