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Published: Aug 8, 2018 License: MIT Imports: 8 Imported by: 0


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const ERC20ABI = "" /* 2309-byte string literal not displayed */

ERC20ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

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const EtherDeltaABI = "" /* 10232-byte string literal not displayed */

EtherDeltaABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.

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const EtherTokenABI = "" /* 2933-byte string literal not displayed */

EtherTokenABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type ERC20

type ERC20 struct {
	ERC20Caller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	ERC20Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	ERC20Filterer   // Log filterer for contract events

ERC20 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC20

func NewERC20(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*ERC20, error)

NewERC20 creates a new instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type ERC20Approval

type ERC20Approval struct {
	Owner   common.Address
	Spender common.Address
	Value   *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC20Approval represents a Approval event raised by the ERC20 contract.

type ERC20ApprovalIterator

type ERC20ApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *ERC20Approval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20ApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the ERC20 contract.

func (*ERC20ApprovalIterator) Close

func (it *ERC20ApprovalIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC20ApprovalIterator) Error

func (it *ERC20ApprovalIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC20ApprovalIterator) Next

func (it *ERC20ApprovalIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type ERC20Caller

type ERC20Caller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC20Caller

func NewERC20Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*ERC20Caller, error)

NewERC20Caller creates a new read-only instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC20Caller) Allowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) Allowance(opts *bind.CallOpts, _owner common.Address, _spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(_owner address, _spender address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Caller) BalanceOf

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, _owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(_owner address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Caller) Decimals

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) Decimals(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint8, error)

Decimals is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x313ce567.

Solidity: function decimals() constant returns(uint8)

func (*ERC20Caller) Name

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) Name(opts *bind.CallOpts) (string, error)

Name is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x06fdde03.

Solidity: function name() constant returns(string)

func (*ERC20Caller) Symbol

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) Symbol(opts *bind.CallOpts) (string, error)

Symbol is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x95d89b41.

Solidity: function symbol() constant returns(string)

func (*ERC20Caller) TotalSupply

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Caller) TotalSupply(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type ERC20CallerRaw

type ERC20CallerRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC20Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC20CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC20CallerRaw) Call

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type ERC20CallerSession

type ERC20CallerSession struct {
	Contract *ERC20Caller  // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session

ERC20CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*ERC20CallerSession) Allowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) Allowance(_owner common.Address, _spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(_owner address, _spender address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) BalanceOf(_owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(_owner address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) Decimals

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) Decimals() (uint8, error)

Decimals is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x313ce567.

Solidity: function decimals() constant returns(uint8)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) Name

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) Name() (string, error)

Name is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x06fdde03.

Solidity: function name() constant returns(string)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) Symbol

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) Symbol() (string, error)

Symbol is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x95d89b41.

Solidity: function symbol() constant returns(string)

func (*ERC20CallerSession) TotalSupply

func (_ERC20 *ERC20CallerSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type ERC20Filterer

type ERC20Filterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewERC20Filterer

func NewERC20Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*ERC20Filterer, error)

NewERC20Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC20Filterer) FilterApproval

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, _owner []common.Address, _spender []common.Address) (*ERC20ApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(_owner indexed address, _spender indexed address, _value uint256)

func (*ERC20Filterer) FilterTransfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, _from []common.Address, _to []common.Address) (*ERC20TransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(_from indexed address, _to indexed address, _value uint256)

func (*ERC20Filterer) WatchApproval

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC20Approval, _owner []common.Address, _spender []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(_owner indexed address, _spender indexed address, _value uint256)

func (*ERC20Filterer) WatchTransfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Filterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *ERC20Transfer, _from []common.Address, _to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(_from indexed address, _to indexed address, _value uint256)

type ERC20Raw

type ERC20Raw struct {
	Contract *ERC20 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC20Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC20Raw) Call

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*ERC20Raw) Transact

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC20Raw) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC20Session

type ERC20Session struct {
	Contract     *ERC20            // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC20Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*ERC20Session) Allowance

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Allowance(_owner common.Address, _spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(_owner address, _spender address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Session) Approve

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Approve(_spender common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(_spender address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Session) BalanceOf

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) BalanceOf(_owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(_owner address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Session) Decimals

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Decimals() (uint8, error)

Decimals is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x313ce567.

Solidity: function decimals() constant returns(uint8)

func (*ERC20Session) Name

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Name() (string, error)

Name is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x06fdde03.

Solidity: function name() constant returns(string)

func (*ERC20Session) Symbol

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Symbol() (string, error)

Symbol is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x95d89b41.

Solidity: function symbol() constant returns(string)

func (*ERC20Session) TotalSupply

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

func (*ERC20Session) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) Transfer(_to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(_to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Session) TransferFrom

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Session) TransferFrom(_from common.Address, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(_from address, _to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

type ERC20Transactor

type ERC20Transactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewERC20Transactor

func NewERC20Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*ERC20Transactor, error)

NewERC20Transactor creates a new write-only instance of ERC20, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*ERC20Transactor) Approve

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _spender common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(_spender address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Transactor) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(_to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20Transactor) TransferFrom

func (_ERC20 *ERC20Transactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _from common.Address, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(_from address, _to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

type ERC20TransactorRaw

type ERC20TransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *ERC20Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

ERC20TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*ERC20TransactorRaw) Transact

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*ERC20TransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type ERC20TransactorSession

type ERC20TransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *ERC20Transactor  // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

ERC20TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) Approve

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) Approve(_spender common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(_spender address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) Transfer

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) Transfer(_to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(_to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*ERC20TransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_ERC20 *ERC20TransactorSession) TransferFrom(_from common.Address, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(_from address, _to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

type ERC20Transfer

type ERC20Transfer struct {
	From  common.Address
	To    common.Address
	Value *big.Int
	Raw   types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

ERC20Transfer represents a Transfer event raised by the ERC20 contract.

type ERC20TransferIterator

type ERC20TransferIterator struct {
	Event *ERC20Transfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ERC20TransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the ERC20 contract.

func (*ERC20TransferIterator) Close

func (it *ERC20TransferIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*ERC20TransferIterator) Error

func (it *ERC20TransferIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*ERC20TransferIterator) Next

func (it *ERC20TransferIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherDelta

type EtherDelta struct {
	EtherDeltaCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	EtherDeltaTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	EtherDeltaFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

EtherDelta is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewEtherDelta

func NewEtherDelta(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*EtherDelta, error)

NewEtherDelta creates a new instance of EtherDelta, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type EtherDeltaCaller

type EtherDeltaCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewEtherDeltaCaller

func NewEtherDeltaCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*EtherDeltaCaller, error)

NewEtherDeltaCaller creates a new read-only instance of EtherDelta, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) AccountLevelsAddr

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) AccountLevelsAddr(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)

AccountLevelsAddr is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf3412942.

Solidity: function accountLevelsAddr() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) Admin

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) Admin(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)

Admin is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf851a440.

Solidity: function admin() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) AmountFilled

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) AmountFilled(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

AmountFilled is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x46be96c3.

Solidity: function amountFilled(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) AvailableVolume

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) AvailableVolume(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

AvailableVolume is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xfb6e155f.

Solidity: function availableVolume(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) BalanceOf

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, token common.Address, user common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf7888aec.

Solidity: function balanceOf(token address, user address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) FeeAccount

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) FeeAccount(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error)

FeeAccount is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x65e17c9d.

Solidity: function feeAccount() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) FeeMake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) FeeMake(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

FeeMake is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x57786394.

Solidity: function feeMake() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) FeeRebate

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) FeeRebate(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

FeeRebate is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x731c2f81.

Solidity: function feeRebate() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) FeeTake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) FeeTake(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

FeeTake is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xc281309e.

Solidity: function feeTake() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) OrderFills

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) OrderFills(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

OrderFills is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x19774d43.

Solidity: function orderFills( address, bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) Orders

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) Orders(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (bool, error)

Orders is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xbb5f4629.

Solidity: function orders( address, bytes32) constant returns(bool)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) TestTrade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) TestTrade(opts *bind.CallOpts, tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte, amount *big.Int, sender common.Address) (bool, error)

TestTrade is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6c86888b.

Solidity: function testTrade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32, amount uint256, sender address) constant returns(bool)

func (*EtherDeltaCaller) Tokens

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCaller) Tokens(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 common.Address, arg1 common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Tokens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x508493bc.

Solidity: function tokens( address, address) constant returns(uint256)

type EtherDeltaCallerRaw

type EtherDeltaCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *EtherDeltaCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

EtherDeltaCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*EtherDeltaCallerRaw) Call

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type EtherDeltaCallerSession

type EtherDeltaCallerSession struct {
	Contract *EtherDeltaCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session

EtherDeltaCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) AccountLevelsAddr

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) AccountLevelsAddr() (common.Address, error)

AccountLevelsAddr is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf3412942.

Solidity: function accountLevelsAddr() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) Admin

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) Admin() (common.Address, error)

Admin is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf851a440.

Solidity: function admin() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) AmountFilled

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) AmountFilled(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

AmountFilled is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x46be96c3.

Solidity: function amountFilled(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) AvailableVolume

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) AvailableVolume(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

AvailableVolume is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xfb6e155f.

Solidity: function availableVolume(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) BalanceOf(token common.Address, user common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf7888aec.

Solidity: function balanceOf(token address, user address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeAccount

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeAccount() (common.Address, error)

FeeAccount is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x65e17c9d.

Solidity: function feeAccount() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeMake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeMake() (*big.Int, error)

FeeMake is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x57786394.

Solidity: function feeMake() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeRebate

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeRebate() (*big.Int, error)

FeeRebate is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x731c2f81.

Solidity: function feeRebate() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeTake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) FeeTake() (*big.Int, error)

FeeTake is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xc281309e.

Solidity: function feeTake() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) OrderFills

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) OrderFills(arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

OrderFills is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x19774d43.

Solidity: function orderFills( address, bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) Orders

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) Orders(arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (bool, error)

Orders is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xbb5f4629.

Solidity: function orders( address, bytes32) constant returns(bool)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) TestTrade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) TestTrade(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte, amount *big.Int, sender common.Address) (bool, error)

TestTrade is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6c86888b.

Solidity: function testTrade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32, amount uint256, sender address) constant returns(bool)

func (*EtherDeltaCallerSession) Tokens

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaCallerSession) Tokens(arg0 common.Address, arg1 common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Tokens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x508493bc.

Solidity: function tokens( address, address) constant returns(uint256)

type EtherDeltaCancel

type EtherDeltaCancel struct {
	TokenGet   common.Address
	AmountGet  *big.Int
	TokenGive  common.Address
	AmountGive *big.Int
	Expires    *big.Int
	Nonce      *big.Int
	User       common.Address
	V          uint8
	R          [32]byte
	S          [32]byte
	Raw        types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherDeltaCancel represents a Cancel event raised by the EtherDelta contract.

type EtherDeltaCancelIterator

type EtherDeltaCancelIterator struct {
	Event *EtherDeltaCancel // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaCancelIterator is returned from FilterCancel and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Cancel events raised by the EtherDelta contract.

func (*EtherDeltaCancelIterator) Close

func (it *EtherDeltaCancelIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherDeltaCancelIterator) Error

func (it *EtherDeltaCancelIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherDeltaCancelIterator) Next

func (it *EtherDeltaCancelIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherDeltaDeposit

type EtherDeltaDeposit struct {
	Token   common.Address
	User    common.Address
	Amount  *big.Int
	Balance *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherDeltaDeposit represents a Deposit event raised by the EtherDelta contract.

type EtherDeltaDepositIterator

type EtherDeltaDepositIterator struct {
	Event *EtherDeltaDeposit // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaDepositIterator is returned from FilterDeposit and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Deposit events raised by the EtherDelta contract.

func (*EtherDeltaDepositIterator) Close

func (it *EtherDeltaDepositIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherDeltaDepositIterator) Error

func (it *EtherDeltaDepositIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherDeltaDepositIterator) Next

func (it *EtherDeltaDepositIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherDeltaFilterer

type EtherDeltaFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewEtherDeltaFilterer

func NewEtherDeltaFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*EtherDeltaFilterer, error)

NewEtherDeltaFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of EtherDelta, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterCancel

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterCancel(opts *bind.FilterOpts) (*EtherDeltaCancelIterator, error)

FilterCancel is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x1e0b760c386003e9cb9bcf4fcf3997886042859d9b6ed6320e804597fcdb28b0.

Solidity: event Cancel(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterDeposit

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterDeposit(opts *bind.FilterOpts) (*EtherDeltaDepositIterator, error)

FilterDeposit is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xdcbc1c05240f31ff3ad067ef1ee35ce4997762752e3a095284754544f4c709d7.

Solidity: event Deposit(token address, user address, amount uint256, balance uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterOrder

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterOrder(opts *bind.FilterOpts) (*EtherDeltaOrderIterator, error)

FilterOrder is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x3f7f2eda73683c21a15f9435af1028c93185b5f1fa38270762dc32be606b3e85.

Solidity: event Order(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterTrade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterTrade(opts *bind.FilterOpts) (*EtherDeltaTradeIterator, error)

FilterTrade is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x6effdda786735d5033bfad5f53e5131abcced9e52be6c507b62d639685fbed6d.

Solidity: event Trade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, get address, give address)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterWithdraw

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) FilterWithdraw(opts *bind.FilterOpts) (*EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator, error)

FilterWithdraw is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xf341246adaac6f497bc2a656f546ab9e182111d630394f0c57c710a59a2cb567.

Solidity: event Withdraw(token address, user address, amount uint256, balance uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchCancel

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchCancel(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherDeltaCancel) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchCancel is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x1e0b760c386003e9cb9bcf4fcf3997886042859d9b6ed6320e804597fcdb28b0.

Solidity: event Cancel(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchDeposit

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchDeposit(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherDeltaDeposit) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchDeposit is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xdcbc1c05240f31ff3ad067ef1ee35ce4997762752e3a095284754544f4c709d7.

Solidity: event Deposit(token address, user address, amount uint256, balance uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchOrder

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchOrder(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherDeltaOrder) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchOrder is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x3f7f2eda73683c21a15f9435af1028c93185b5f1fa38270762dc32be606b3e85.

Solidity: event Order(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchTrade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchTrade(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherDeltaTrade) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTrade is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x6effdda786735d5033bfad5f53e5131abcced9e52be6c507b62d639685fbed6d.

Solidity: event Trade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, get address, give address)

func (*EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchWithdraw

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaFilterer) WatchWithdraw(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherDeltaWithdraw) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchWithdraw is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xf341246adaac6f497bc2a656f546ab9e182111d630394f0c57c710a59a2cb567.

Solidity: event Withdraw(token address, user address, amount uint256, balance uint256)

type EtherDeltaOrder

type EtherDeltaOrder struct {
	TokenGet   common.Address
	AmountGet  *big.Int
	TokenGive  common.Address
	AmountGive *big.Int
	Expires    *big.Int
	Nonce      *big.Int
	User       common.Address
	Raw        types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherDeltaOrder represents a Order event raised by the EtherDelta contract.

type EtherDeltaOrderIterator

type EtherDeltaOrderIterator struct {
	Event *EtherDeltaOrder // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaOrderIterator is returned from FilterOrder and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Order events raised by the EtherDelta contract.

func (*EtherDeltaOrderIterator) Close

func (it *EtherDeltaOrderIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherDeltaOrderIterator) Error

func (it *EtherDeltaOrderIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherDeltaOrderIterator) Next

func (it *EtherDeltaOrderIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherDeltaRaw

type EtherDeltaRaw struct {
	Contract *EtherDelta // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

EtherDeltaRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*EtherDeltaRaw) Call

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*EtherDeltaRaw) Transact

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*EtherDeltaRaw) Transfer

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type EtherDeltaSession

type EtherDeltaSession struct {
	Contract     *EtherDelta       // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

EtherDeltaSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*EtherDeltaSession) AccountLevelsAddr

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) AccountLevelsAddr() (common.Address, error)

AccountLevelsAddr is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf3412942.

Solidity: function accountLevelsAddr() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Admin

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Admin() (common.Address, error)

Admin is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf851a440.

Solidity: function admin() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) AmountFilled

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) AmountFilled(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

AmountFilled is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x46be96c3.

Solidity: function amountFilled(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) AvailableVolume

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) AvailableVolume(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

AvailableVolume is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xfb6e155f.

Solidity: function availableVolume(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) BalanceOf

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) BalanceOf(token common.Address, user common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf7888aec.

Solidity: function balanceOf(token address, user address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) CancelOrder

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) CancelOrder(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

CancelOrder is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x278b8c0e.

Solidity: function cancelOrder(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) ChangeAccountLevelsAddr

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) ChangeAccountLevelsAddr(accountLevelsAddr_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeAccountLevelsAddr is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe8f6bc2e.

Solidity: function changeAccountLevelsAddr(accountLevelsAddr_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) ChangeAdmin

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) ChangeAdmin(admin_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeAdmin is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8f283970.

Solidity: function changeAdmin(admin_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeAccount

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeAccount(feeAccount_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeAccount is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x71ffcb16.

Solidity: function changeFeeAccount(feeAccount_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeMake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeMake(feeMake_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeMake is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x54d03b5c.

Solidity: function changeFeeMake(feeMake_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeRebate

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeRebate(feeRebate_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeRebate is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5e1d7ae4.

Solidity: function changeFeeRebate(feeRebate_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeTake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) ChangeFeeTake(feeTake_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeTake is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8823a9c0.

Solidity: function changeFeeTake(feeTake_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Deposit

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Deposit() (*types.Transaction, error)

Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0e30db0.

Solidity: function deposit() returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) DepositToken

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) DepositToken(token common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x338b5dea.

Solidity: function depositToken(token address, amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) FeeAccount

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) FeeAccount() (common.Address, error)

FeeAccount is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x65e17c9d.

Solidity: function feeAccount() constant returns(address)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) FeeMake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) FeeMake() (*big.Int, error)

FeeMake is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x57786394.

Solidity: function feeMake() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) FeeRebate

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) FeeRebate() (*big.Int, error)

FeeRebate is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x731c2f81.

Solidity: function feeRebate() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) FeeTake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) FeeTake() (*big.Int, error)

FeeTake is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xc281309e.

Solidity: function feeTake() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Order

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Order(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Order is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0b927666.

Solidity: function order(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) OrderFills

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) OrderFills(arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (*big.Int, error)

OrderFills is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x19774d43.

Solidity: function orderFills( address, bytes32) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Orders

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Orders(arg0 common.Address, arg1 [32]byte) (bool, error)

Orders is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xbb5f4629.

Solidity: function orders( address, bytes32) constant returns(bool)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) TestTrade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) TestTrade(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte, amount *big.Int, sender common.Address) (bool, error)

TestTrade is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x6c86888b.

Solidity: function testTrade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32, amount uint256, sender address) constant returns(bool)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Tokens

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Tokens(arg0 common.Address, arg1 common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Tokens is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x508493bc.

Solidity: function tokens( address, address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Trade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Trade(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Trade is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0a19b14a.

Solidity: function trade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32, amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) Withdraw

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) Withdraw(amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e1a7d4d.

Solidity: function withdraw(amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaSession) WithdrawToken

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaSession) WithdrawToken(token common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x9e281a98.

Solidity: function withdrawToken(token address, amount uint256) returns()

type EtherDeltaTrade

type EtherDeltaTrade struct {
	TokenGet   common.Address
	AmountGet  *big.Int
	TokenGive  common.Address
	AmountGive *big.Int
	Get        common.Address
	Give       common.Address
	Raw        types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherDeltaTrade represents a Trade event raised by the EtherDelta contract.

type EtherDeltaTradeIterator

type EtherDeltaTradeIterator struct {
	Event *EtherDeltaTrade // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaTradeIterator is returned from FilterTrade and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Trade events raised by the EtherDelta contract.

func (*EtherDeltaTradeIterator) Close

func (it *EtherDeltaTradeIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherDeltaTradeIterator) Error

func (it *EtherDeltaTradeIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherDeltaTradeIterator) Next

func (it *EtherDeltaTradeIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherDeltaTransactor

type EtherDeltaTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewEtherDeltaTransactor

func NewEtherDeltaTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*EtherDeltaTransactor, error)

NewEtherDeltaTransactor creates a new write-only instance of EtherDelta, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) CancelOrder

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) CancelOrder(opts *bind.TransactOpts, tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

CancelOrder is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x278b8c0e.

Solidity: function cancelOrder(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeAccountLevelsAddr

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeAccountLevelsAddr(opts *bind.TransactOpts, accountLevelsAddr_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeAccountLevelsAddr is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe8f6bc2e.

Solidity: function changeAccountLevelsAddr(accountLevelsAddr_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeAdmin

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeAdmin(opts *bind.TransactOpts, admin_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeAdmin is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8f283970.

Solidity: function changeAdmin(admin_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeAccount

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeAccount(opts *bind.TransactOpts, feeAccount_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeAccount is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x71ffcb16.

Solidity: function changeFeeAccount(feeAccount_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeMake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeMake(opts *bind.TransactOpts, feeMake_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeMake is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x54d03b5c.

Solidity: function changeFeeMake(feeMake_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeRebate

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeRebate(opts *bind.TransactOpts, feeRebate_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeRebate is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5e1d7ae4.

Solidity: function changeFeeRebate(feeRebate_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeTake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) ChangeFeeTake(opts *bind.TransactOpts, feeTake_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeTake is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8823a9c0.

Solidity: function changeFeeTake(feeTake_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) Deposit

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) Deposit(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0e30db0.

Solidity: function deposit() returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) DepositToken

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) DepositToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, token common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x338b5dea.

Solidity: function depositToken(token address, amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) Order

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) Order(opts *bind.TransactOpts, tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Order is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0b927666.

Solidity: function order(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) Trade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) Trade(opts *bind.TransactOpts, tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Trade is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0a19b14a.

Solidity: function trade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32, amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) Withdraw

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) Withdraw(opts *bind.TransactOpts, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e1a7d4d.

Solidity: function withdraw(amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactor) WithdrawToken

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactor) WithdrawToken(opts *bind.TransactOpts, token common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x9e281a98.

Solidity: function withdrawToken(token address, amount uint256) returns()

type EtherDeltaTransactorRaw

type EtherDeltaTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *EtherDeltaTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

EtherDeltaTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type EtherDeltaTransactorSession

type EtherDeltaTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *EtherDeltaTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts     // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

EtherDeltaTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) CancelOrder

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) CancelOrder(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte) (*types.Transaction, error)

CancelOrder is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x278b8c0e.

Solidity: function cancelOrder(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeAccountLevelsAddr

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeAccountLevelsAddr(accountLevelsAddr_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeAccountLevelsAddr is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe8f6bc2e.

Solidity: function changeAccountLevelsAddr(accountLevelsAddr_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeAdmin

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeAdmin(admin_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeAdmin is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8f283970.

Solidity: function changeAdmin(admin_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeAccount

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeAccount(feeAccount_ common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeAccount is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x71ffcb16.

Solidity: function changeFeeAccount(feeAccount_ address) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeMake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeMake(feeMake_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeMake is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x54d03b5c.

Solidity: function changeFeeMake(feeMake_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeRebate

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeRebate(feeRebate_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeRebate is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5e1d7ae4.

Solidity: function changeFeeRebate(feeRebate_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeTake

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) ChangeFeeTake(feeTake_ *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

ChangeFeeTake is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8823a9c0.

Solidity: function changeFeeTake(feeTake_ uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Deposit

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Deposit() (*types.Transaction, error)

Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0e30db0.

Solidity: function deposit() returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) DepositToken

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) DepositToken(token common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

DepositToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x338b5dea.

Solidity: function depositToken(token address, amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Order

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Order(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Order is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0b927666.

Solidity: function order(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Trade

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Trade(tokenGet common.Address, amountGet *big.Int, tokenGive common.Address, amountGive *big.Int, expires *big.Int, nonce *big.Int, user common.Address, v uint8, r [32]byte, s [32]byte, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Trade is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0a19b14a.

Solidity: function trade(tokenGet address, amountGet uint256, tokenGive address, amountGive uint256, expires uint256, nonce uint256, user address, v uint8, r bytes32, s bytes32, amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Withdraw

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) Withdraw(amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e1a7d4d.

Solidity: function withdraw(amount uint256) returns()

func (*EtherDeltaTransactorSession) WithdrawToken

func (_EtherDelta *EtherDeltaTransactorSession) WithdrawToken(token common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

WithdrawToken is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x9e281a98.

Solidity: function withdrawToken(token address, amount uint256) returns()

type EtherDeltaWithdraw

type EtherDeltaWithdraw struct {
	Token   common.Address
	User    common.Address
	Amount  *big.Int
	Balance *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherDeltaWithdraw represents a Withdraw event raised by the EtherDelta contract.

type EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator

type EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator struct {
	Event *EtherDeltaWithdraw // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator is returned from FilterWithdraw and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Withdraw events raised by the EtherDelta contract.

func (*EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator) Close

func (it *EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator) Error

func (it *EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator) Next

func (it *EtherDeltaWithdrawIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherToken

type EtherToken struct {
	EtherTokenCaller     // Read-only binding to the contract
	EtherTokenTransactor // Write-only binding to the contract
	EtherTokenFilterer   // Log filterer for contract events

EtherToken is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewEtherToken

func NewEtherToken(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*EtherToken, error)

NewEtherToken creates a new instance of EtherToken, bound to a specific deployed contract.

type EtherTokenApproval

type EtherTokenApproval struct {
	Owner   common.Address
	Spender common.Address
	Value   *big.Int
	Raw     types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherTokenApproval represents a Approval event raised by the EtherToken contract.

type EtherTokenApprovalIterator

type EtherTokenApprovalIterator struct {
	Event *EtherTokenApproval // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherTokenApprovalIterator is returned from FilterApproval and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Approval events raised by the EtherToken contract.

func (*EtherTokenApprovalIterator) Close

func (it *EtherTokenApprovalIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherTokenApprovalIterator) Error

func (it *EtherTokenApprovalIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherTokenApprovalIterator) Next

func (it *EtherTokenApprovalIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

type EtherTokenCaller

type EtherTokenCaller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherTokenCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewEtherTokenCaller

func NewEtherTokenCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*EtherTokenCaller, error)

NewEtherTokenCaller creates a new read-only instance of EtherToken, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*EtherTokenCaller) Allowance

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCaller) Allowance(opts *bind.CallOpts, _owner common.Address, _spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(_owner address, _spender address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenCaller) BalanceOf

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCaller) BalanceOf(opts *bind.CallOpts, _owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(_owner address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenCaller) Decimals

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCaller) Decimals(opts *bind.CallOpts) (uint8, error)

Decimals is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x313ce567.

Solidity: function decimals() constant returns(uint8)

func (*EtherTokenCaller) Name

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCaller) Name(opts *bind.CallOpts) (string, error)

Name is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x06fdde03.

Solidity: function name() constant returns(string)

func (*EtherTokenCaller) Symbol

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCaller) Symbol(opts *bind.CallOpts) (string, error)

Symbol is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x95d89b41.

Solidity: function symbol() constant returns(string)

func (*EtherTokenCaller) TotalSupply

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCaller) TotalSupply(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type EtherTokenCallerRaw

type EtherTokenCallerRaw struct {
	Contract *EtherTokenCaller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

EtherTokenCallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*EtherTokenCallerRaw) Call

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

type EtherTokenCallerSession

type EtherTokenCallerSession struct {
	Contract *EtherTokenCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for
	CallOpts bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session

EtherTokenCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call options.

func (*EtherTokenCallerSession) Allowance

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerSession) Allowance(_owner common.Address, _spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(_owner address, _spender address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenCallerSession) BalanceOf

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerSession) BalanceOf(_owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(_owner address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenCallerSession) Decimals

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerSession) Decimals() (uint8, error)

Decimals is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x313ce567.

Solidity: function decimals() constant returns(uint8)

func (*EtherTokenCallerSession) Name

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerSession) Name() (string, error)

Name is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x06fdde03.

Solidity: function name() constant returns(string)

func (*EtherTokenCallerSession) Symbol

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerSession) Symbol() (string, error)

Symbol is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x95d89b41.

Solidity: function symbol() constant returns(string)

func (*EtherTokenCallerSession) TotalSupply

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenCallerSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

type EtherTokenFilterer

type EtherTokenFilterer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherTokenFilterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events.

func NewEtherTokenFilterer

func NewEtherTokenFilterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*EtherTokenFilterer, error)

NewEtherTokenFilterer creates a new log filterer instance of EtherToken, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*EtherTokenFilterer) FilterApproval

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenFilterer) FilterApproval(opts *bind.FilterOpts, _owner []common.Address, _spender []common.Address) (*EtherTokenApprovalIterator, error)

FilterApproval is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(_owner indexed address, _spender indexed address, _value uint256)

func (*EtherTokenFilterer) FilterTransfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenFilterer) FilterTransfer(opts *bind.FilterOpts, _from []common.Address, _to []common.Address) (*EtherTokenTransferIterator, error)

FilterTransfer is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(_from indexed address, _to indexed address, _value uint256)

func (*EtherTokenFilterer) WatchApproval

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenFilterer) WatchApproval(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherTokenApproval, _owner []common.Address, _spender []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchApproval is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925.

Solidity: event Approval(_owner indexed address, _spender indexed address, _value uint256)

func (*EtherTokenFilterer) WatchTransfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenFilterer) WatchTransfer(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *EtherTokenTransfer, _from []common.Address, _to []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error)

WatchTransfer is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef.

Solidity: event Transfer(_from indexed address, _to indexed address, _value uint256)

type EtherTokenRaw

type EtherTokenRaw struct {
	Contract *EtherToken // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on

EtherTokenRaw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*EtherTokenRaw) Call

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error

Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named returns.

func (*EtherTokenRaw) Transact

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*EtherTokenRaw) Transfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type EtherTokenSession

type EtherTokenSession struct {
	Contract     *EtherToken       // Generic contract binding to set the session for
	CallOpts     bind.CallOpts     // Call options to use throughout this session
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

EtherTokenSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set call and transact options.

func (*EtherTokenSession) Allowance

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Allowance(_owner common.Address, _spender common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

Allowance is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdd62ed3e.

Solidity: function allowance(_owner address, _spender address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenSession) Approve

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Approve(_spender common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(_spender address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenSession) BalanceOf

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) BalanceOf(_owner common.Address) (*big.Int, error)

BalanceOf is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x70a08231.

Solidity: function balanceOf(_owner address) constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenSession) Decimals

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Decimals() (uint8, error)

Decimals is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x313ce567.

Solidity: function decimals() constant returns(uint8)

func (*EtherTokenSession) Deposit

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Deposit() (*types.Transaction, error)

Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0e30db0.

Solidity: function deposit() returns()

func (*EtherTokenSession) Name

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Name() (string, error)

Name is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x06fdde03.

Solidity: function name() constant returns(string)

func (*EtherTokenSession) Symbol

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Symbol() (string, error)

Symbol is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x95d89b41.

Solidity: function symbol() constant returns(string)

func (*EtherTokenSession) TotalSupply

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) TotalSupply() (*big.Int, error)

TotalSupply is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x18160ddd.

Solidity: function totalSupply() constant returns(uint256)

func (*EtherTokenSession) Transfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Transfer(_to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(_to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenSession) TransferFrom

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) TransferFrom(_from common.Address, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(_from address, _to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenSession) Withdraw

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenSession) Withdraw(amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e1a7d4d.

Solidity: function withdraw(amount uint256) returns()

type EtherTokenTransactor

type EtherTokenTransactor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherTokenTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func NewEtherTokenTransactor

func NewEtherTokenTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*EtherTokenTransactor, error)

NewEtherTokenTransactor creates a new write-only instance of EtherToken, bound to a specific deployed contract.

func (*EtherTokenTransactor) Approve

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactor) Approve(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _spender common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(_spender address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenTransactor) Deposit

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactor) Deposit(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0e30db0.

Solidity: function deposit() returns()

func (*EtherTokenTransactor) Transfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactor) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(_to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenTransactor) TransferFrom

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactor) TransferFrom(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _from common.Address, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(_from address, _to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenTransactor) Withdraw

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactor) Withdraw(opts *bind.TransactOpts, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e1a7d4d.

Solidity: function withdraw(amount uint256) returns()

type EtherTokenTransactorRaw

type EtherTokenTransactorRaw struct {
	Contract *EtherTokenTransactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on

EtherTokenTransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.

func (*EtherTokenTransactorRaw) Transact

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values.

func (*EtherTokenTransactorRaw) Transfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling its default method if one is available.

type EtherTokenTransactorSession

type EtherTokenTransactorSession struct {
	Contract     *EtherTokenTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for
	TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts     // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session

EtherTokenTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, with pre-set transact options.

func (*EtherTokenTransactorSession) Approve

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorSession) Approve(_spender common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Approve is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x095ea7b3.

Solidity: function approve(_spender address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenTransactorSession) Deposit

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorSession) Deposit() (*types.Transaction, error)

Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0e30db0.

Solidity: function deposit() returns()

func (*EtherTokenTransactorSession) Transfer

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorSession) Transfer(_to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Transfer is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xa9059cbb.

Solidity: function transfer(_to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenTransactorSession) TransferFrom

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorSession) TransferFrom(_from common.Address, _to common.Address, _value *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

TransferFrom is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x23b872dd.

Solidity: function transferFrom(_from address, _to address, _value uint256) returns(bool)

func (*EtherTokenTransactorSession) Withdraw

func (_EtherToken *EtherTokenTransactorSession) Withdraw(amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)

Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x2e1a7d4d.

Solidity: function withdraw(amount uint256) returns()

type EtherTokenTransfer

type EtherTokenTransfer struct {
	From  common.Address
	To    common.Address
	Value *big.Int
	Raw   types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos

EtherTokenTransfer represents a Transfer event raised by the EtherToken contract.

type EtherTokenTransferIterator

type EtherTokenTransferIterator struct {
	Event *EtherTokenTransfer // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EtherTokenTransferIterator is returned from FilterTransfer and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Transfer events raised by the EtherToken contract.

func (*EtherTokenTransferIterator) Close

func (it *EtherTokenTransferIterator) Close() error

Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying resources.

func (*EtherTokenTransferIterator) Error

func (it *EtherTokenTransferIterator) Error() error

Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering.

func (*EtherTokenTransferIterator) Next

func (it *EtherTokenTransferIterator) Next() bool

Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure.

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