
package module
v0.8.1-0...-a25970e Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 17, 2021 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 2 Imported by: 0



Build status Build Status Build status codecov.io coveralls.io go.dev reference GoDoc Go Report Card stability-unstable


The core packages of the Gonum suite are written in pure Go with some assembly. Installation is done using go get.

go get -u gonum.org/v1/gonum/...

Supported Go versions

Gonum supports and tests using the gc compiler on the two most recent Go releases on Linux (386, amd64 and arm64), macOS and Windows (both on amd64).

Release schedule

The Gonum modules are released on a six-month release schedule, aligned with the Go releases. i.e.: when Go-1.x is released, Gonum-v0.n.0 is released around the same time. Six months after, Go-1.x+1 is released, and Gonum-v0.n+1.0 as well.

The release schedule, based on the current Go release schedule is thus:

  • Gonum-v0.n.0: February
  • Gonum-v0.n+1.0: August

Build tags

The Gonum packages use a variety of build tags to set non-standard build conditions. Building Gonum applications will work without knowing how to use these tags, but they can be used during testing and to control the use of assembly and CGO code.

The current list of non-internal tags is as follows:

  • safe — do not use assembly or unsafe
  • bounds — use bounds checks even in internal calls
  • cblas — use CGO gonum.org/v1/netlib/blas/netlib BLAS implementation in tests (only in mat package)
  • noasm — do not use assembly implementations
  • tomita — use Tomita, Tanaka, Takahashi pivot choice for maximimal clique calculation, otherwise use random pivot (only in topo package)

Issues TODOs

If you find any bugs, feel free to file an issue on the github issue tracker. Discussions on API changes, added features, code review, or similar requests are preferred on the gonum-dev Google Group.



Original code is licensed under the Gonum License found in the LICENSE file. Portions of the code are subject to the additional licenses found in THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES. All third party code is licensed either under a BSD or MIT license.

Code in graph/formats/dot is dual licensed Public Domain Dedication and Gonum License, and users are free to choose the license which suits their needs for this code.

The W3C test suites in graph/formats/rdf are distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License and the W3C 3-clause BSD License.



Gonum is a set of packages designed to make writing numerical and scientific algorithms productive, performant, and scalable.

Gonum contains libraries for matrices and linear algebra; statistics, probability distributions, and sampling; tools for function differentiation, integration, and optimization; network creation and analysis; and more.



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func Version

func Version() (version, sum string)

Version returns the version of Gonum and its checksum. The returned values are only valid in binaries built with module support.

If a replace directive exists in the Gonum go.mod, the replace will be reported in the version in the following format:

"version=>[replace-path] [replace-version]"

and the replace sum will be returned in place of the original sum.

The exact version format returned by Version may change in future.


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Path Synopsis
Package blas provides interfaces for the BLAS linear algebra standard.
Package blas provides interfaces for the BLAS linear algebra standard.
Package blas32 provides a simple interface to the float32 BLAS API.
Package blas32 provides a simple interface to the float32 BLAS API.
Package blas64 provides a simple interface to the float64 BLAS API.
Package blas64 provides a simple interface to the float64 BLAS API.
Package cblas128 provides a simple interface to the complex128 BLAS API.
Package cblas128 provides a simple interface to the complex128 BLAS API.
Package cblas64 provides a simple interface to the complex64 BLAS API.
Package cblas64 provides a simple interface to the complex64 BLAS API.
Package gonum is a Go implementation of the BLAS API.
Package gonum is a Go implementation of the BLAS API.
Package testblas provides tests for blas implementations.
Package testblas provides tests for blas implementations.
Script for automatic code generation of the benchmark routines.
Script for automatic code generation of the benchmark routines.
Package cmplxs provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of complex128.
Package cmplxs provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of complex128.
Package cscalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with complex128 values.
Package cscalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with complex128 values.
Package fd provides functions to approximate derivatives using finite differences.
Package fd provides functions to approximate derivatives using finite differences.
Package fourier provides functions to perform Discrete Fourier Transforms.
Package fourier provides functions to perform Discrete Fourier Transforms.
Package fftpack implements Discrete Fourier Transform functions ported from the Fortran implementation of FFTPACK.
Package fftpack implements Discrete Fourier Transform functions ported from the Fortran implementation of FFTPACK.
Package window provides a set of functions to perform the transformation of sequence by different window functions.
Package window provides a set of functions to perform the transformation of sequence by different window functions.
Package floats provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of float64.
Package floats provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of float64.
Package scalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with float64 values.
Package scalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with float64 values.
Package graph defines graph interfaces.
Package graph defines graph interfaces.
Package community provides graph community detection functions.
Package community provides graph community detection functions.
Package encoding provides a common graph encoding API.
Package encoding provides a common graph encoding API.
Package digraph6 implements graphs specified by digraph6 strings.
Package digraph6 implements graphs specified by digraph6 strings.
Package dot implements GraphViz DOT marshaling and unmarshaling of graphs.
Package dot implements GraphViz DOT marshaling and unmarshaling of graphs.
Package graph6 implements graphs specified by graph6 strings.
Package graph6 implements graphs specified by graph6 strings.
Package graphql implements JSON marshaling and unmarshaling of graph as used by GraphQL
Package graphql implements JSON marshaling and unmarshaling of graph as used by GraphQL
Package flow provides control flow analysis functions.
Package flow provides control flow analysis functions.
Package cytoscapejs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Cytoscape.js JSON documents.
Package cytoscapejs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Cytoscape.js JSON documents.
Package dot implements a parser for Graphviz DOT files.
Package dot implements a parser for Graphviz DOT files.
Package ast declares the types used to represent abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs.
Package ast declares the types used to represent abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs.
Package astx implements utility functions for generating abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs.
Package astx implements utility functions for generating abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs.
Package error provides generated internal error functions for DOT parsing.
Package error provides generated internal error functions for DOT parsing.
Package lexer provides generated internal lexer functions for DOT parsing.
Package lexer provides generated internal lexer functions for DOT parsing.
Package parser provides generated internal parsing functions for DOT parsing.
Package parser provides generated internal parsing functions for DOT parsing.
Package token provides generated internal tokenizing functions for DOT parsing.
Package token provides generated internal tokenizing functions for DOT parsing.
Package util provides generated internal utility functions for DOT parsing.
Package util provides generated internal utility functions for DOT parsing.
Package gexf12 implements marshaling and unmarshaling of GEXF1.2 documents.
Package gexf12 implements marshaling and unmarshaling of GEXF1.2 documents.
Package sigmajs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Sigma.js JSON documents.
Package sigmajs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Sigma.js JSON documents.
Package gen provides random graph generation functions.
Package gen provides random graph generation functions.
Package linear provides common linear data structures.
Package linear provides common linear data structures.
Package ordered provides common sort ordering types.
Package ordered provides common sort ordering types.
Package set provides integer and graph.Node sets.
Package set provides integer and graph.Node sets.
Package iterator provides node, edge and line iterators.
Package iterator provides node, edge and line iterators.
Package layout defines functions for performing graph layout.
Package layout defines functions for performing graph layout.
Package multi provides a suite of multigraph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces.
Package multi provides a suite of multigraph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces.
Package network provides network analysis functions.
Package network provides network analysis functions.
Package path provides graph path finding functions.
Package path provides graph path finding functions.
Package dynamic provides incremental heuristic graph path finding functions.
Package dynamic provides incremental heuristic graph path finding functions.
Package testsgraphs provides a number of graphs used for testing routines in the path and path/dynamic packages.
Package testsgraphs provides a number of graphs used for testing routines in the path and path/dynamic packages.
Package product implements graph product functions.
Package product implements graph product functions.
Package uid implements unique ID provision for graphs.
Package uid implements unique ID provision for graphs.
Package simple provides a suite of simple graph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces.
Package simple provides a suite of simple graph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces.
Package spectral provides graph spectral analysis functions.
Package spectral provides graph spectral analysis functions.
Package testgraph provides a set of testing helper functions that test Gonum graph interface implementations.
Package testgraph provides a set of testing helper functions that test Gonum graph interface implementations.
Package topo provides graph topology analysis functions.
Package topo provides graph topology analysis functions.
Package traverse provides basic graph traversal primitives.
Package traverse provides basic graph traversal primitives.
Package integrate provides functions to compute an integral given a specific list of evaluations.
Package integrate provides functions to compute an integral given a specific list of evaluations.
Package quad provides numerical evaluation of definite integrals of single-variable functions.
Package quad provides numerical evaluation of definite integrals of single-variable functions.
Package testquad provides integrals for testing quadrature algorithms.
Package testquad provides integrals for testing quadrature algorithms.
Package c128 provides complex128 vector primitives.
Package c128 provides complex128 vector primitives.
Package c64 provides complex64 vector primitives.
Package c64 provides complex64 vector primitives.
Package f32 provides float32 vector primitives.
Package f32 provides float32 vector primitives.
Package f64 provides float64 vector primitives.
Package f64 provides float64 vector primitives.
Package cmplx64 provides complex64 versions of standard library math/cmplx package routines used by gonum/blas.
Package cmplx64 provides complex64 versions of standard library math/cmplx package routines used by gonum/blas.
Package math32 provides float32 versions of standard library math package routines used by gonum/blas/native.
Package math32 provides float32 versions of standard library math package routines used by gonum/blas/native.
Package testrand provides random generation and flags for testing.
Package testrand provides random generation and flags for testing.
Package interp implements 1-dimensional algorithms for interpolating values.
Package interp implements 1-dimensional algorithms for interpolating values.
Package lapack provides interfaces for the LAPACK linear algebra standard.
Package lapack provides interfaces for the LAPACK linear algebra standard.
Package gonum is a pure-go implementation of the LAPACK API.
Package gonum is a pure-go implementation of the LAPACK API.
Package lapack64 provides a set of convenient wrapper functions for LAPACK calls, as specified in the netlib standard (www.netlib.org).
Package lapack64 provides a set of convenient wrapper functions for LAPACK calls, as specified in the netlib standard (www.netlib.org).
Package testlapack implements a set of testing routines for Lapack functions.
Package testlapack implements a set of testing routines for Lapack functions.
Package mat provides implementations of float64 and complex128 matrix structures and linear algebra operations on them.
Package mat provides implementations of float64 and complex128 matrix structures and linear algebra operations on them.
Package mathext implements special math functions not implemented by the Go standard library.
Package mathext implements special math functions not implemented by the Go standard library.
Package amos implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Donald Amos.
Package amos implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Donald Amos.
Package cephes implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Stephen Mosher.
Package cephes implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Stephen Mosher.
Package gonum contains functions implemented by the gonum team.
Package gonum contains functions implemented by the gonum team.
Package prng provides random source PRNG implementations.
Package prng provides random source PRNG implementations.
Package dual provides the dual numeric type and functions.
Package dual provides the dual numeric type and functions.
Package dualcmplx provides the anti-commutative dual complex numeric type and functions.
Package dualcmplx provides the anti-commutative dual complex numeric type and functions.
Package dualquat provides the dual quaternion numeric type and functions.
Package dualquat provides the dual quaternion numeric type and functions.
Package hyperdual provides the hyperdual numeric type and functions.
Package hyperdual provides the hyperdual numeric type and functions.
Package quat provides the quaternion numeric type and functions.
Package quat provides the quaternion numeric type and functions.
Package optimize implements algorithms for finding the optimum value of functions.
Package optimize implements algorithms for finding the optimum value of functions.
Package lp implements routines to solve linear programming problems.
Package lp implements routines to solve linear programming problems.
Package functions provides objective functions for testing optimization algorithms.
Package functions provides objective functions for testing optimization algorithms.
Package barneshut provides routines for calculating n-body force approximations using the Barnes-Hut algorithm.
Package barneshut provides routines for calculating n-body force approximations using the Barnes-Hut algorithm.
Package kdtree implements a k-d tree.
Package kdtree implements a k-d tree.
Package r1 provides 1D vectors and intervals and operations on them.
Package r1 provides 1D vectors and intervals and operations on them.
Package r2 provides 2D vectors and boxes and operations on them.
Package r2 provides 2D vectors and boxes and operations on them.
Package r3 provides 3D vectors and boxes and operations on them.
Package r3 provides 3D vectors and boxes and operations on them.
Package vptree implements a vantage point tree.
Package vptree implements a vantage point tree.
Package stat provides generalized statistical functions.
Package stat provides generalized statistical functions.
Package card provides cardinality estimation functions.
Package card provides cardinality estimation functions.
Package combin implements routines involving combinatorics (permutations, combinations, etc.).
Package combin implements routines involving combinatorics (permutations, combinations, etc.).
Package distmat provides probability distributions over matrices.
Package distmat provides probability distributions over matrices.
Package distmv provides multivariate random distribution types.
Package distmv provides multivariate random distribution types.
Package distuv provides univariate random distribution types.
Package distuv provides univariate random distribution types.
Package mds provides multidimensional scaling functions.
Package mds provides multidimensional scaling functions.
Package samplemv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions.
Package samplemv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions.
Package sampleuv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions.
Package sampleuv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions.
Package spatial provides spatial statistical functions.
Package spatial provides spatial statistical functions.
Package unit provides a set of types and constants that facilitate the use of the International System of Units (SI).
Package unit provides a set of types and constants that facilitate the use of the International System of Units (SI).
Package constant provides fundamental constants satisfying unit.Uniter.
Package constant provides fundamental constants satisfying unit.Uniter.

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