Index ¶
- Variables
- func IsAir(s StateID) bool
- func IsAirBlock(b Block) bool
- type AcaciaButton
- type AcaciaDoor
- type AcaciaFence
- type AcaciaFenceGate
- type AcaciaHangingSign
- type AcaciaLeaves
- type AcaciaLog
- type AcaciaPlanks
- type AcaciaPressurePlate
- type AcaciaSapling
- type AcaciaSign
- type AcaciaSlab
- type AcaciaStairs
- type AcaciaTrapdoor
- type AcaciaWallHangingSign
- type AcaciaWallSign
- type AcaciaWood
- type ActivatorRail
- type Air
- type Allium
- type AmethystBlock
- type AmethystCluster
- type AncientDebris
- type Andesite
- type AndesiteSlab
- type AndesiteStairs
- type AndesiteWall
- type Anvil
- type AttachFace
- type AttachedMelonStem
- type AttachedPumpkinStem
- type Axis
- type Azalea
- type AzaleaLeaves
- type AzureBluet
- type Bamboo
- type BambooBlock
- type BambooButton
- type BambooDoor
- type BambooFence
- type BambooFenceGate
- type BambooHangingSign
- type BambooLeaves
- type BambooMosaic
- type BambooMosaicSlab
- type BambooMosaicStairs
- type BambooPlanks
- type BambooPressurePlate
- type BambooSapling
- type BambooSign
- type BambooSlab
- type BambooStairs
- type BambooTrapdoor
- type BambooWallHangingSign
- type BambooWallSign
- type BannerEntity
- type Barrel
- type BarrelEntity
- type Barrier
- type Basalt
- type Beacon
- type BeaconEntity
- type BedEntity
- type BedPart
- type Bedrock
- type BeeNest
- type Beehive
- type BeehiveEntity
- type Beetroots
- type Bell
- type BellAttachType
- type BellEntity
- type BigDripleaf
- type BigDripleafStem
- type BirchButton
- type BirchDoor
- type BirchFence
- type BirchFenceGate
- type BirchHangingSign
- type BirchLeaves
- type BirchLog
- type BirchPlanks
- type BirchPressurePlate
- type BirchSapling
- type BirchSign
- type BirchSlab
- type BirchStairs
- type BirchTrapdoor
- type BirchWallHangingSign
- type BirchWallSign
- type BirchWood
- type BlackBanner
- type BlackBed
- type BlackCandle
- type BlackCandleCake
- type BlackCarpet
- type BlackConcrete
- type BlackConcretePowder
- type BlackGlazedTerracotta
- type BlackShulkerBox
- type BlackStainedGlass
- type BlackStainedGlassPane
- type BlackTerracotta
- type BlackWallBanner
- type BlackWool
- type Blackstone
- type BlackstoneSlab
- type BlackstoneStairs
- type BlackstoneWall
- type BlastFurnace
- type BlastFurnaceEntity
- type Block
- type BlueBanner
- type BlueBed
- type BlueCandle
- type BlueCandleCake
- type BlueCarpet
- type BlueConcrete
- type BlueConcretePowder
- type BlueGlazedTerracotta
- type BlueIce
- type BlueOrchid
- type BlueShulkerBox
- type BlueStainedGlass
- type BlueStainedGlassPane
- type BlueTerracotta
- type BlueWallBanner
- type BlueWool
- type BoneBlock
- type Bookshelf
- type Boolean
- type BrainCoral
- type BrainCoralBlock
- type BrainCoralFan
- type BrainCoralWallFan
- type BrewingStand
- type BrewingStandEntity
- type BrickSlab
- type BrickStairs
- type BrickWall
- type Bricks
- type BrownBanner
- type BrownBed
- type BrownCandle
- type BrownCandleCake
- type BrownCarpet
- type BrownConcrete
- type BrownConcretePowder
- type BrownGlazedTerracotta
- type BrownMushroom
- type BrownMushroomBlock
- type BrownShulkerBox
- type BrownStainedGlass
- type BrownStainedGlassPane
- type BrownTerracotta
- type BrownWallBanner
- type BrownWool
- type BubbleColumn
- type BubbleCoral
- type BubbleCoralBlock
- type BubbleCoralFan
- type BubbleCoralWallFan
- type BuddingAmethyst
- type Cactus
- type Cake
- type Calcite
- type Campfire
- type CampfireEntity
- type Candle
- type CandleCake
- type Carrots
- type CartographyTable
- type CarvedPumpkin
- type Cauldron
- type CaveAir
- type CaveVines
- type CaveVinesPlant
- type Chain
- type ChainCommandBlock
- type CherryButton
- type CherryDoor
- type CherryFence
- type CherryFenceGate
- type CherryHangingSign
- type CherryLeaves
- type CherryLog
- type CherryPlanks
- type CherryPressurePlate
- type CherrySapling
- type CherrySign
- type CherrySlab
- type CherryStairs
- type CherryTrapdoor
- type CherryWallHangingSign
- type CherryWallSign
- type CherryWood
- type Chest
- type ChestEntity
- type ChestType
- type ChippedAnvil
- type ChiseledBookshelf
- type ChiseledBookshelfEntity
- type ChiseledDeepslate
- type ChiseledNetherBricks
- type ChiseledPolishedBlackstone
- type ChiseledQuartzBlock
- type ChiseledRedSandstone
- type ChiseledSandstone
- type ChiseledStoneBricks
- type ChorusFlower
- type ChorusPlant
- type Clay
- type CoalBlock
- type CoalOre
- type CoarseDirt
- type CobbledDeepslate
- type CobbledDeepslateSlab
- type CobbledDeepslateStairs
- type CobbledDeepslateWall
- type Cobblestone
- type CobblestoneSlab
- type CobblestoneStairs
- type CobblestoneWall
- type Cobweb
- type Cocoa
- type CommandBlock
- type CommandBlockEntity
- type Comparator
- type ComparatorEntity
- type ComparatorMode
- type Composter
- type Conduit
- type ConduitEntity
- type CopperBlock
- type CopperOre
- type Cornflower
- type CrackedDeepslateBricks
- type CrackedDeepslateTiles
- type CrackedNetherBricks
- type CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks
- type CrackedStoneBricks
- type CraftingTable
- type CreeperHead
- type CreeperWallHead
- type CrimsonButton
- type CrimsonDoor
- type CrimsonFence
- type CrimsonFenceGate
- type CrimsonFungus
- type CrimsonHangingSign
- type CrimsonHyphae
- type CrimsonNylium
- type CrimsonPlanks
- type CrimsonPressurePlate
- type CrimsonRoots
- type CrimsonSign
- type CrimsonSlab
- type CrimsonStairs
- type CrimsonStem
- type CrimsonTrapdoor
- type CrimsonWallHangingSign
- type CrimsonWallSign
- type CryingObsidian
- type CutCopper
- type CutCopperSlab
- type CutCopperStairs
- type CutRedSandstone
- type CutRedSandstoneSlab
- type CutSandstone
- type CutSandstoneSlab
- type CyanBanner
- type CyanBed
- type CyanCandle
- type CyanCandleCake
- type CyanCarpet
- type CyanConcrete
- type CyanConcretePowder
- type CyanGlazedTerracotta
- type CyanShulkerBox
- type CyanStainedGlass
- type CyanStainedGlassPane
- type CyanTerracotta
- type CyanWallBanner
- type CyanWool
- type DamagedAnvil
- type Dandelion
- type DarkOakButton
- type DarkOakDoor
- type DarkOakFence
- type DarkOakFenceGate
- type DarkOakHangingSign
- type DarkOakLeaves
- type DarkOakLog
- type DarkOakPlanks
- type DarkOakPressurePlate
- type DarkOakSapling
- type DarkOakSign
- type DarkOakSlab
- type DarkOakStairs
- type DarkOakTrapdoor
- type DarkOakWallHangingSign
- type DarkOakWallSign
- type DarkOakWood
- type DarkPrismarine
- type DarkPrismarineSlab
- type DarkPrismarineStairs
- type DaylightDetector
- type DaylightDetectorEntity
- type DeadBrainCoral
- type DeadBrainCoralBlock
- type DeadBrainCoralFan
- type DeadBrainCoralWallFan
- type DeadBubbleCoral
- type DeadBubbleCoralBlock
- type DeadBubbleCoralFan
- type DeadBubbleCoralWallFan
- type DeadBush
- type DeadFireCoral
- type DeadFireCoralBlock
- type DeadFireCoralFan
- type DeadFireCoralWallFan
- type DeadHornCoral
- type DeadHornCoralBlock
- type DeadHornCoralFan
- type DeadHornCoralWallFan
- type DeadTubeCoral
- type DeadTubeCoralBlock
- type DeadTubeCoralFan
- type DeadTubeCoralWallFan
- type DecoratedPot
- type DecoratedPotEntity
- type Deepslate
- type DeepslateBrickSlab
- type DeepslateBrickStairs
- type DeepslateBrickWall
- type DeepslateBricks
- type DeepslateCoalOre
- type DeepslateCopperOre
- type DeepslateDiamondOre
- type DeepslateEmeraldOre
- type DeepslateGoldOre
- type DeepslateIronOre
- type DeepslateLapisOre
- type DeepslateRedstoneOre
- type DeepslateTileSlab
- type DeepslateTileStairs
- type DeepslateTileWall
- type DeepslateTiles
- type DetectorRail
- type DiamondBlock
- type DiamondOre
- type Diorite
- type DioriteSlab
- type DioriteStairs
- type DioriteWall
- type Direction
- type Dirt
- type DirtPath
- type Dispenser
- type DispenserEntity
- type DoorHingeSide
- type DoubleBlockHalf
- type DragonEgg
- type DragonHead
- type DragonWallHead
- type DriedKelpBlock
- type DripstoneBlock
- type DripstoneThickness
- type Dropper
- type DropperEntity
- type EmeraldBlock
- type EmeraldOre
- type EnchantingTable
- type EnchantingTableEntity
- type EndGateway
- type EndGatewayEntity
- type EndPortal
- type EndPortalEntity
- type EndPortalFrame
- type EndRod
- type EndStone
- type EndStoneBrickSlab
- type EndStoneBrickStairs
- type EndStoneBrickWall
- type EndStoneBricks
- type EnderChest
- type EnderChestEntity
- type Entity
- type EntityType
- type ExposedCopper
- type ExposedCutCopper
- type ExposedCutCopperSlab
- type ExposedCutCopperStairs
- type Farmland
- type Fern
- type Fire
- type FireCoral
- type FireCoralBlock
- type FireCoralFan
- type FireCoralWallFan
- type FletchingTable
- type FlowerPot
- type FloweringAzalea
- type FloweringAzaleaLeaves
- type Frogspawn
- type FrontAndTop
- type FrostedIce
- type Furnace
- type FurnaceEntity
- type GildedBlackstone
- type Glass
- type GlassPane
- type GlowLichen
- type Glowstone
- type GoldBlock
- type GoldOre
- type Granite
- type GraniteSlab
- type GraniteStairs
- type GraniteWall
- type Grass
- type GrassBlock
- type Gravel
- type GrayBanner
- type GrayBed
- type GrayCandle
- type GrayCandleCake
- type GrayCarpet
- type GrayConcrete
- type GrayConcretePowder
- type GrayGlazedTerracotta
- type GrayShulkerBox
- type GrayStainedGlass
- type GrayStainedGlassPane
- type GrayTerracotta
- type GrayWallBanner
- type GrayWool
- type GreenBanner
- type GreenBed
- type GreenCandle
- type GreenCandleCake
- type GreenCarpet
- type GreenConcrete
- type GreenConcretePowder
- type GreenGlazedTerracotta
- type GreenShulkerBox
- type GreenStainedGlass
- type GreenStainedGlassPane
- type GreenTerracotta
- type GreenWallBanner
- type GreenWool
- type Grindstone
- type Half
- type HangingRoots
- type HangingSignEntity
- type HayBlock
- type HeavyWeightedPressurePlate
- type HoneyBlock
- type HoneycombBlock
- type Hopper
- type HopperEntity
- type HornCoral
- type HornCoralBlock
- type HornCoralFan
- type HornCoralWallFan
- type Ice
- type InfestedChiseledStoneBricks
- type InfestedCobblestone
- type InfestedCrackedStoneBricks
- type InfestedDeepslate
- type InfestedMossyStoneBricks
- type InfestedStone
- type InfestedStoneBricks
- type Integer
- type IronBars
- type IronBlock
- type IronDoor
- type IronOre
- type IronTrapdoor
- type JackOLantern
- type Jigsaw
- type JigsawEntity
- type Jukebox
- type JukeboxEntity
- type JungleButton
- type JungleDoor
- type JungleFence
- type JungleFenceGate
- type JungleHangingSign
- type JungleLeaves
- type JungleLog
- type JunglePlanks
- type JunglePressurePlate
- type JungleSapling
- type JungleSign
- type JungleSlab
- type JungleStairs
- type JungleTrapdoor
- type JungleWallHangingSign
- type JungleWallSign
- type JungleWood
- type Kelp
- type KelpPlant
- type Ladder
- type Lantern
- type LapisBlock
- type LapisOre
- type LargeAmethystBud
- type LargeFern
- type Lava
- type LavaCauldron
- type Lectern
- type LecternEntity
- type Lever
- type Light
- type LightBlueBanner
- type LightBlueBed
- type LightBlueCandle
- type LightBlueCandleCake
- type LightBlueCarpet
- type LightBlueConcrete
- type LightBlueConcretePowder
- type LightBlueGlazedTerracotta
- type LightBlueShulkerBox
- type LightBlueStainedGlass
- type LightBlueStainedGlassPane
- type LightBlueTerracotta
- type LightBlueWallBanner
- type LightBlueWool
- type LightGrayBanner
- type LightGrayBed
- type LightGrayCandle
- type LightGrayCandleCake
- type LightGrayCarpet
- type LightGrayConcrete
- type LightGrayConcretePowder
- type LightGrayGlazedTerracotta
- type LightGrayShulkerBox
- type LightGrayStainedGlass
- type LightGrayStainedGlassPane
- type LightGrayTerracotta
- type LightGrayWallBanner
- type LightGrayWool
- type LightWeightedPressurePlate
- type LightningRod
- type Lilac
- type LilyOfTheValley
- type LilyPad
- type LimeBanner
- type LimeBed
- type LimeCandle
- type LimeCandleCake
- type LimeCarpet
- type LimeConcrete
- type LimeConcretePowder
- type LimeGlazedTerracotta
- type LimeShulkerBox
- type LimeStainedGlass
- type LimeStainedGlassPane
- type LimeTerracotta
- type LimeWallBanner
- type LimeWool
- type Lodestone
- type Loom
- type MagentaBanner
- type MagentaBed
- type MagentaCandle
- type MagentaCandleCake
- type MagentaCarpet
- type MagentaConcrete
- type MagentaConcretePowder
- type MagentaGlazedTerracotta
- type MagentaShulkerBox
- type MagentaStainedGlass
- type MagentaStainedGlassPane
- type MagentaTerracotta
- type MagentaWallBanner
- type MagentaWool
- type MagmaBlock
- type MangroveButton
- type MangroveDoor
- type MangroveFence
- type MangroveFenceGate
- type MangroveHangingSign
- type MangroveLeaves
- type MangroveLog
- type MangrovePlanks
- type MangrovePressurePlate
- type MangrovePropagule
- type MangroveRoots
- type MangroveSign
- type MangroveSlab
- type MangroveStairs
- type MangroveTrapdoor
- type MangroveWallHangingSign
- type MangroveWallSign
- type MangroveWood
- type MediumAmethystBud
- type Melon
- type MelonStem
- type MobSpawnerEntity
- type MossBlock
- type MossCarpet
- type MossyCobblestone
- type MossyCobblestoneSlab
- type MossyCobblestoneStairs
- type MossyCobblestoneWall
- type MossyStoneBrickSlab
- type MossyStoneBrickStairs
- type MossyStoneBrickWall
- type MossyStoneBricks
- type MovingPiston
- type Mud
- type MudBrickSlab
- type MudBrickStairs
- type MudBrickWall
- type MudBricks
- type MuddyMangroveRoots
- type MushroomStem
- type Mycelium
- type NetherBrickFence
- type NetherBrickSlab
- type NetherBrickStairs
- type NetherBrickWall
- type NetherBricks
- type NetherGoldOre
- type NetherPortal
- type NetherQuartzOre
- type NetherSprouts
- type NetherWart
- type NetherWartBlock
- type NetheriteBlock
- type Netherrack
- type NoteBlock
- type NoteBlockInstrument
- type OakButton
- type OakDoor
- type OakFence
- type OakFenceGate
- type OakHangingSign
- type OakLeaves
- type OakLog
- type OakPlanks
- type OakPressurePlate
- type OakSapling
- type OakSign
- type OakSlab
- type OakStairs
- type OakTrapdoor
- type OakWallHangingSign
- type OakWallSign
- type OakWood
- type Observer
- type Obsidian
- type OchreFroglight
- type OrangeBanner
- type OrangeBed
- type OrangeCandle
- type OrangeCandleCake
- type OrangeCarpet
- type OrangeConcrete
- type OrangeConcretePowder
- type OrangeGlazedTerracotta
- type OrangeShulkerBox
- type OrangeStainedGlass
- type OrangeStainedGlassPane
- type OrangeTerracotta
- type OrangeTulip
- type OrangeWallBanner
- type OrangeWool
- type OxeyeDaisy
- type OxidizedCopper
- type OxidizedCutCopper
- type OxidizedCutCopperSlab
- type OxidizedCutCopperStairs
- type PackedIce
- type PackedMud
- type PearlescentFroglight
- type Peony
- type PetrifiedOakSlab
- type PiglinHead
- type PiglinWallHead
- type PinkBanner
- type PinkBed
- type PinkCandle
- type PinkCandleCake
- type PinkCarpet
- type PinkConcrete
- type PinkConcretePowder
- type PinkGlazedTerracotta
- type PinkPetals
- type PinkShulkerBox
- type PinkStainedGlass
- type PinkStainedGlassPane
- type PinkTerracotta
- type PinkTulip
- type PinkWallBanner
- type PinkWool
- type Piston
- type PistonEntity
- type PistonHead
- type PistonType
- type PlayerHead
- type PlayerWallHead
- type Podzol
- type PointedDripstone
- type PolishedAndesite
- type PolishedAndesiteSlab
- type PolishedAndesiteStairs
- type PolishedBasalt
- type PolishedBlackstone
- type PolishedBlackstoneBrickSlab
- type PolishedBlackstoneBrickStairs
- type PolishedBlackstoneBrickWall
- type PolishedBlackstoneBricks
- type PolishedBlackstoneButton
- type PolishedBlackstonePressurePlate
- type PolishedBlackstoneSlab
- type PolishedBlackstoneStairs
- type PolishedBlackstoneWall
- type PolishedDeepslate
- type PolishedDeepslateSlab
- type PolishedDeepslateStairs
- type PolishedDeepslateWall
- type PolishedDiorite
- type PolishedDioriteSlab
- type PolishedDioriteStairs
- type PolishedGranite
- type PolishedGraniteSlab
- type PolishedGraniteStairs
- type Poppy
- type Potatoes
- type PottedAcaciaSapling
- type PottedAllium
- type PottedAzaleaBush
- type PottedAzureBluet
- type PottedBamboo
- type PottedBirchSapling
- type PottedBlueOrchid
- type PottedBrownMushroom
- type PottedCactus
- type PottedCherrySapling
- type PottedCornflower
- type PottedCrimsonFungus
- type PottedCrimsonRoots
- type PottedDandelion
- type PottedDarkOakSapling
- type PottedDeadBush
- type PottedFern
- type PottedFloweringAzaleaBush
- type PottedJungleSapling
- type PottedLilyOfTheValley
- type PottedMangrovePropagule
- type PottedOakSapling
- type PottedOrangeTulip
- type PottedOxeyeDaisy
- type PottedPinkTulip
- type PottedPoppy
- type PottedRedMushroom
- type PottedRedTulip
- type PottedSpruceSapling
- type PottedTorchflower
- type PottedWarpedFungus
- type PottedWarpedRoots
- type PottedWhiteTulip
- type PottedWitherRose
- type PowderSnow
- type PowderSnowCauldron
- type PoweredRail
- type Prismarine
- type PrismarineBrickSlab
- type PrismarineBrickStairs
- type PrismarineBricks
- type PrismarineSlab
- type PrismarineStairs
- type PrismarineWall
- type Pumpkin
- type PumpkinStem
- type PurpleBanner
- type PurpleBed
- type PurpleCandle
- type PurpleCandleCake
- type PurpleCarpet
- type PurpleConcrete
- type PurpleConcretePowder
- type PurpleGlazedTerracotta
- type PurpleShulkerBox
- type PurpleStainedGlass
- type PurpleStainedGlassPane
- type PurpleTerracotta
- type PurpleWallBanner
- type PurpleWool
- type PurpurBlock
- type PurpurPillar
- type PurpurSlab
- type PurpurStairs
- type QuartzBlock
- type QuartzBricks
- type QuartzPillar
- type QuartzSlab
- type QuartzStairs
- type Rail
- type RailShape
- type RawCopperBlock
- type RawGoldBlock
- type RawIronBlock
- type RedBanner
- type RedBed
- type RedCandle
- type RedCandleCake
- type RedCarpet
- type RedConcrete
- type RedConcretePowder
- type RedGlazedTerracotta
- type RedMushroom
- type RedMushroomBlock
- type RedNetherBrickSlab
- type RedNetherBrickStairs
- type RedNetherBrickWall
- type RedNetherBricks
- type RedSand
- type RedSandstone
- type RedSandstoneSlab
- type RedSandstoneStairs
- type RedSandstoneWall
- type RedShulkerBox
- type RedStainedGlass
- type RedStainedGlassPane
- type RedTerracotta
- type RedTulip
- type RedWallBanner
- type RedWool
- type RedstoneBlock
- type RedstoneLamp
- type RedstoneOre
- type RedstoneSide
- type RedstoneTorch
- type RedstoneWallTorch
- type RedstoneWire
- type ReinforcedDeepslate
- type Repeater
- type RepeatingCommandBlock
- type RespawnAnchor
- type RootedDirt
- type RoseBush
- type Sand
- type Sandstone
- type SandstoneSlab
- type SandstoneStairs
- type SandstoneWall
- type Scaffolding
- type Sculk
- type SculkCatalyst
- type SculkCatalystEntity
- type SculkSensor
- type SculkSensorEntity
- type SculkSensorPhase
- type SculkShrieker
- type SculkShriekerEntity
- type SculkVein
- type SeaLantern
- type SeaPickle
- type Seagrass
- type Shroomlight
- type ShulkerBox
- type ShulkerBoxEntity
- type SignEntity
- type SkeletonSkull
- type SkeletonWallSkull
- type SkullEntity
- type SlabType
- type SlimeBlock
- type SmallAmethystBud
- type SmallDripleaf
- type SmithingTable
- type Smoker
- type SmokerEntity
- type SmoothBasalt
- type SmoothQuartz
- type SmoothQuartzSlab
- type SmoothQuartzStairs
- type SmoothRedSandstone
- type SmoothRedSandstoneSlab
- type SmoothRedSandstoneStairs
- type SmoothSandstone
- type SmoothSandstoneSlab
- type SmoothSandstoneStairs
- type SmoothStone
- type SmoothStoneSlab
- type Snow
- type SnowBlock
- type SoulCampfire
- type SoulFire
- type SoulLantern
- type SoulSand
- type SoulSoil
- type SoulTorch
- type SoulWallTorch
- type Spawner
- type Sponge
- type SporeBlossom
- type SpruceButton
- type SpruceDoor
- type SpruceFence
- type SpruceFenceGate
- type SpruceHangingSign
- type SpruceLeaves
- type SpruceLog
- type SprucePlanks
- type SprucePressurePlate
- type SpruceSapling
- type SpruceSign
- type SpruceSlab
- type SpruceStairs
- type SpruceTrapdoor
- type SpruceWallHangingSign
- type SpruceWallSign
- type SpruceWood
- type StairsShape
- type State
- type StateID
- type StickyPiston
- type Stone
- type StoneBrickSlab
- type StoneBrickStairs
- type StoneBrickWall
- type StoneBricks
- type StoneButton
- type StonePressurePlate
- type StoneSlab
- type StoneStairs
- type Stonecutter
- type StrippedAcaciaLog
- type StrippedAcaciaWood
- type StrippedBambooBlock
- type StrippedBirchLog
- type StrippedBirchWood
- type StrippedCherryLog
- type StrippedCherryWood
- type StrippedCrimsonHyphae
- type StrippedCrimsonStem
- type StrippedDarkOakLog
- type StrippedDarkOakWood
- type StrippedJungleLog
- type StrippedJungleWood
- type StrippedMangroveLog
- type StrippedMangroveWood
- type StrippedOakLog
- type StrippedOakWood
- type StrippedSpruceLog
- type StrippedSpruceWood
- type StrippedWarpedHyphae
- type StrippedWarpedStem
- type StructureBlock
- type StructureBlockEntity
- type StructureMode
- type StructureVoid
- type SugarCane
- type Sunflower
- type SuspiciousSand
- type SuspiciousSandEntity
- type SweetBerryBush
- type TallGrass
- type TallSeagrass
- type Target
- type Terracotta
- type Tilt
- type TintedGlass
- type Tnt
- type Torch
- type Torchflower
- type TorchflowerCrop
- type TrappedChest
- type TrappedChestEntity
- type Tripwire
- type TripwireHook
- type TubeCoral
- type TubeCoralBlock
- type TubeCoralFan
- type TubeCoralWallFan
- type Tuff
- type TurtleEgg
- type TwistingVines
- type TwistingVinesPlant
- type VerdantFroglight
- type Vine
- type VoidAir
- type WallSide
- type WallTorch
- type WarpedButton
- type WarpedDoor
- type WarpedFence
- type WarpedFenceGate
- type WarpedFungus
- type WarpedHangingSign
- type WarpedHyphae
- type WarpedNylium
- type WarpedPlanks
- type WarpedPressurePlate
- type WarpedRoots
- type WarpedSign
- type WarpedSlab
- type WarpedStairs
- type WarpedStem
- type WarpedTrapdoor
- type WarpedWallHangingSign
- type WarpedWallSign
- type WarpedWartBlock
- type Water
- type WaterCauldron
- type WaxedCopperBlock
- type WaxedCutCopper
- type WaxedCutCopperSlab
- type WaxedCutCopperStairs
- type WaxedExposedCopper
- type WaxedExposedCutCopper
- type WaxedExposedCutCopperSlab
- type WaxedExposedCutCopperStairs
- type WaxedOxidizedCopper
- type WaxedOxidizedCutCopper
- type WaxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab
- type WaxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs
- type WaxedWeatheredCopper
- type WaxedWeatheredCutCopper
- type WaxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab
- type WaxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs
- type WeatheredCopper
- type WeatheredCutCopper
- type WeatheredCutCopperSlab
- type WeatheredCutCopperStairs
- type WeepingVines
- type WeepingVinesPlant
- type WetSponge
- type Wheat
- type WhiteBanner
- type WhiteBed
- type WhiteCandle
- type WhiteCandleCake
- type WhiteCarpet
- type WhiteConcrete
- type WhiteConcretePowder
- type WhiteGlazedTerracotta
- type WhiteShulkerBox
- type WhiteStainedGlass
- type WhiteStainedGlassPane
- type WhiteTerracotta
- type WhiteTulip
- type WhiteWallBanner
- type WhiteWool
- type WitherRose
- type WitherSkeletonSkull
- type WitherSkeletonWallSkull
- type YellowBanner
- type YellowBed
- type YellowCandle
- type YellowCandleCake
- type YellowCarpet
- type YellowConcrete
- type YellowConcretePowder
- type YellowGlazedTerracotta
- type YellowShulkerBox
- type YellowStainedGlass
- type YellowStainedGlassPane
- type YellowTerracotta
- type YellowWallBanner
- type YellowWool
- type ZombieHead
- type ZombieWallHead
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( ToStateID map[Block]StateID StateList []Block )
View Source
var BitsPerBlock int
BitsPerBlock indicates how many bits are needed to represent all possible block states. This value is used to determine the size of the global palette.
View Source
var EntityList = [...]Entity{ FurnaceEntity{}, ChestEntity{}, TrappedChestEntity{}, EnderChestEntity{}, JukeboxEntity{}, DispenserEntity{}, DropperEntity{}, SignEntity{}, HangingSignEntity{}, MobSpawnerEntity{}, PistonEntity{}, BrewingStandEntity{}, EnchantingTableEntity{}, EndPortalEntity{}, BeaconEntity{}, SkullEntity{}, DaylightDetectorEntity{}, HopperEntity{}, ComparatorEntity{}, BannerEntity{}, StructureBlockEntity{}, EndGatewayEntity{}, CommandBlockEntity{}, ShulkerBoxEntity{}, BedEntity{}, ConduitEntity{}, BarrelEntity{}, SmokerEntity{}, BlastFurnaceEntity{}, LecternEntity{}, BellEntity{}, JigsawEntity{}, CampfireEntity{}, BeehiveEntity{}, SculkSensorEntity{}, SculkCatalystEntity{}, SculkShriekerEntity{}, ChiseledBookshelfEntity{}, SuspiciousSandEntity{}, DecoratedPotEntity{}, }
View Source
var EntityTypes map[string]EntityType
View Source
var FromID = map[string]Block{}/* 998 elements not displayed */
Functions ¶
func IsAirBlock ¶
Types ¶
type AcaciaButton ¶
type AcaciaButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (AcaciaButton) ID ¶
func (AcaciaButton) ID() string
type AcaciaDoor ¶
type AcaciaDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (AcaciaDoor) ID ¶
func (AcaciaDoor) ID() string
type AcaciaFence ¶
type AcaciaFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (AcaciaFence) ID ¶
func (AcaciaFence) ID() string
type AcaciaFenceGate ¶
type AcaciaFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (AcaciaFenceGate) ID ¶
func (AcaciaFenceGate) ID() string
type AcaciaHangingSign ¶
type AcaciaHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaHangingSign) ID ¶
func (AcaciaHangingSign) ID() string
type AcaciaLeaves ¶
type AcaciaLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaLeaves) ID ¶
func (AcaciaLeaves) ID() string
type AcaciaPlanks ¶
type AcaciaPlanks struct{}
func (AcaciaPlanks) ID ¶
func (AcaciaPlanks) ID() string
type AcaciaPressurePlate ¶
type AcaciaPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (AcaciaPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (AcaciaPressurePlate) ID() string
type AcaciaSapling ¶
type AcaciaSapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (AcaciaSapling) ID ¶
func (AcaciaSapling) ID() string
type AcaciaSign ¶
type AcaciaSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaSign) ID ¶
func (AcaciaSign) ID() string
type AcaciaSlab ¶
func (AcaciaSlab) ID ¶
func (AcaciaSlab) ID() string
type AcaciaStairs ¶
type AcaciaStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaStairs) ID ¶
func (AcaciaStairs) ID() string
type AcaciaTrapdoor ¶
type AcaciaTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (AcaciaTrapdoor) ID() string
type AcaciaWallHangingSign ¶
type AcaciaWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (AcaciaWallHangingSign) ID() string
type AcaciaWallSign ¶
type AcaciaWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AcaciaWallSign) ID ¶
func (AcaciaWallSign) ID() string
type AcaciaWood ¶
type AcaciaWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (AcaciaWood) ID ¶
func (AcaciaWood) ID() string
type ActivatorRail ¶
type ActivatorRail struct { Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Shape RailShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (ActivatorRail) ID ¶
func (ActivatorRail) ID() string
type AmethystBlock ¶
type AmethystBlock struct{}
func (AmethystBlock) ID ¶
func (AmethystBlock) ID() string
type AmethystCluster ¶
type AmethystCluster struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AmethystCluster) ID ¶
func (AmethystCluster) ID() string
type AncientDebris ¶
type AncientDebris struct{}
func (AncientDebris) ID ¶
func (AncientDebris) ID() string
type AndesiteSlab ¶
func (AndesiteSlab) ID ¶
func (AndesiteSlab) ID() string
type AndesiteStairs ¶
type AndesiteStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AndesiteStairs) ID ¶
func (AndesiteStairs) ID() string
type AndesiteWall ¶
type AndesiteWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (AndesiteWall) ID ¶
func (AndesiteWall) ID() string
type AttachFace ¶
type AttachFace byte
const ( AttachFaceFloor AttachFace = iota AttachFaceWall AttachFaceCeiling )
func (AttachFace) MarshalText ¶
func (a AttachFace) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (AttachFace) String ¶
func (a AttachFace) String() string
func (*AttachFace) UnmarshalText ¶
func (a *AttachFace) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type AttachedMelonStem ¶
type AttachedMelonStem struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (AttachedMelonStem) ID ¶
func (AttachedMelonStem) ID() string
type AttachedPumpkinStem ¶
type AttachedPumpkinStem struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (AttachedPumpkinStem) ID ¶
func (AttachedPumpkinStem) ID() string
type AzaleaLeaves ¶
type AzaleaLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (AzaleaLeaves) ID ¶
func (AzaleaLeaves) ID() string
type Bamboo ¶
type Bamboo struct { Age Integer `nbt:"age"` Leaves BambooLeaves `nbt:"leaves"` Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"` }
type BambooBlock ¶
type BambooBlock struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (BambooBlock) ID ¶
func (BambooBlock) ID() string
type BambooButton ¶
type BambooButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (BambooButton) ID ¶
func (BambooButton) ID() string
type BambooDoor ¶
type BambooDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (BambooDoor) ID ¶
func (BambooDoor) ID() string
type BambooFence ¶
type BambooFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (BambooFence) ID ¶
func (BambooFence) ID() string
type BambooFenceGate ¶
type BambooFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (BambooFenceGate) ID ¶
func (BambooFenceGate) ID() string
type BambooHangingSign ¶
type BambooHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooHangingSign) ID ¶
func (BambooHangingSign) ID() string
type BambooLeaves ¶
type BambooLeaves byte
const ( BambooLeavesNone BambooLeaves = iota BambooLeavesSmall BambooLeavesLarge )
func (BambooLeaves) MarshalText ¶
func (b BambooLeaves) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (BambooLeaves) String ¶
func (b BambooLeaves) String() string
func (*BambooLeaves) UnmarshalText ¶
func (b *BambooLeaves) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type BambooMosaic ¶
type BambooMosaic struct{}
func (BambooMosaic) ID ¶
func (BambooMosaic) ID() string
type BambooMosaicSlab ¶
func (BambooMosaicSlab) ID ¶
func (BambooMosaicSlab) ID() string
type BambooMosaicStairs ¶
type BambooMosaicStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooMosaicStairs) ID ¶
func (BambooMosaicStairs) ID() string
type BambooPlanks ¶
type BambooPlanks struct{}
func (BambooPlanks) ID ¶
func (BambooPlanks) ID() string
type BambooPressurePlate ¶
type BambooPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (BambooPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (BambooPressurePlate) ID() string
type BambooSapling ¶
type BambooSapling struct{}
func (BambooSapling) ID ¶
func (BambooSapling) ID() string
type BambooSign ¶
type BambooSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooSign) ID ¶
func (BambooSign) ID() string
type BambooSlab ¶
func (BambooSlab) ID ¶
func (BambooSlab) ID() string
type BambooStairs ¶
type BambooStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooStairs) ID ¶
func (BambooStairs) ID() string
type BambooTrapdoor ¶
type BambooTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (BambooTrapdoor) ID() string
type BambooWallHangingSign ¶
type BambooWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (BambooWallHangingSign) ID() string
type BambooWallSign ¶
type BambooWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BambooWallSign) ID ¶
func (BambooWallSign) ID() string
type BannerEntity ¶
type BannerEntity struct{}
func (BannerEntity) ID ¶
func (BannerEntity) ID() string
func (BannerEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BannerEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type BarrelEntity ¶
type BarrelEntity struct{}
func (BarrelEntity) ID ¶
func (BarrelEntity) ID() string
func (BarrelEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BarrelEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type BeaconEntity ¶
type BeaconEntity struct{}
func (BeaconEntity) ID ¶
func (BeaconEntity) ID() string
func (BeaconEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BeaconEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type BeehiveEntity ¶
type BeehiveEntity struct{}
func (BeehiveEntity) ID ¶
func (BeehiveEntity) ID() string
func (BeehiveEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BeehiveEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type Bell ¶
type Bell struct { Attachment BellAttachType `nbt:"attachment"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type BellAttachType ¶
type BellAttachType byte
const ( BellAttachTypeFloor BellAttachType = iota BellAttachTypeCeiling BellAttachTypeSingleWall BellAttachTypeDoubleWall )
func (BellAttachType) MarshalText ¶
func (b BellAttachType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (BellAttachType) String ¶
func (b BellAttachType) String() string
func (*BellAttachType) UnmarshalText ¶
func (b *BellAttachType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type BellEntity ¶
type BellEntity struct{}
func (BellEntity) ID ¶
func (BellEntity) ID() string
func (BellEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BellEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type BigDripleaf ¶
type BigDripleaf struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Tilt Tilt `nbt:"tilt"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BigDripleaf) ID ¶
func (BigDripleaf) ID() string
type BigDripleafStem ¶
type BigDripleafStem struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BigDripleafStem) ID ¶
func (BigDripleafStem) ID() string
type BirchButton ¶
type BirchButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (BirchButton) ID ¶
func (BirchButton) ID() string
type BirchDoor ¶
type BirchDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type BirchFence ¶
type BirchFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (BirchFence) ID ¶
func (BirchFence) ID() string
type BirchFenceGate ¶
type BirchFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (BirchFenceGate) ID ¶
func (BirchFenceGate) ID() string
type BirchHangingSign ¶
type BirchHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BirchHangingSign) ID ¶
func (BirchHangingSign) ID() string
type BirchLeaves ¶
type BirchLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BirchLeaves) ID ¶
func (BirchLeaves) ID() string
type BirchPressurePlate ¶
type BirchPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (BirchPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (BirchPressurePlate) ID() string
type BirchSapling ¶
type BirchSapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (BirchSapling) ID ¶
func (BirchSapling) ID() string
type BirchStairs ¶
type BirchStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BirchStairs) ID ¶
func (BirchStairs) ID() string
type BirchTrapdoor ¶
type BirchTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BirchTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (BirchTrapdoor) ID() string
type BirchWallHangingSign ¶
type BirchWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BirchWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (BirchWallHangingSign) ID() string
type BirchWallSign ¶
type BirchWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BirchWallSign) ID ¶
func (BirchWallSign) ID() string
type BlackBanner ¶
type BlackBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (BlackBanner) ID ¶
func (BlackBanner) ID() string
type BlackBed ¶
type BlackCandle ¶
type BlackCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BlackCandle) ID ¶
func (BlackCandle) ID() string
type BlackCandleCake ¶
type BlackCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (BlackCandleCake) ID ¶
func (BlackCandleCake) ID() string
type BlackConcrete ¶
type BlackConcrete struct{}
func (BlackConcrete) ID ¶
func (BlackConcrete) ID() string
type BlackConcretePowder ¶
type BlackConcretePowder struct{}
func (BlackConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (BlackConcretePowder) ID() string
type BlackGlazedTerracotta ¶
type BlackGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BlackGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (BlackGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type BlackShulkerBox ¶
type BlackShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BlackShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (BlackShulkerBox) ID() string
type BlackStainedGlass ¶
type BlackStainedGlass struct{}
func (BlackStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (BlackStainedGlass) ID() string
type BlackStainedGlassPane ¶
type BlackStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (BlackStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (BlackStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type BlackTerracotta ¶
type BlackTerracotta struct{}
func (BlackTerracotta) ID ¶
func (BlackTerracotta) ID() string
type BlackWallBanner ¶
type BlackWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BlackWallBanner) ID ¶
func (BlackWallBanner) ID() string
type BlackstoneSlab ¶
func (BlackstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (BlackstoneSlab) ID() string
type BlackstoneStairs ¶
type BlackstoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BlackstoneStairs) ID ¶
func (BlackstoneStairs) ID() string
type BlackstoneWall ¶
type BlackstoneWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (BlackstoneWall) ID ¶
func (BlackstoneWall) ID() string
type BlastFurnace ¶
func (BlastFurnace) ID ¶
func (BlastFurnace) ID() string
type BlastFurnaceEntity ¶
type BlastFurnaceEntity struct{}
func (BlastFurnaceEntity) ID ¶
func (BlastFurnaceEntity) ID() string
func (BlastFurnaceEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BlastFurnaceEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type BlueBanner ¶
type BlueBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (BlueBanner) ID ¶
func (BlueBanner) ID() string
type BlueBed ¶
type BlueCandle ¶
type BlueCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BlueCandle) ID ¶
func (BlueCandle) ID() string
type BlueCandleCake ¶
type BlueCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (BlueCandleCake) ID ¶
func (BlueCandleCake) ID() string
type BlueConcrete ¶
type BlueConcrete struct{}
func (BlueConcrete) ID ¶
func (BlueConcrete) ID() string
type BlueConcretePowder ¶
type BlueConcretePowder struct{}
func (BlueConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (BlueConcretePowder) ID() string
type BlueGlazedTerracotta ¶
type BlueGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BlueGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (BlueGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type BlueShulkerBox ¶
type BlueShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BlueShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (BlueShulkerBox) ID() string
type BlueStainedGlass ¶
type BlueStainedGlass struct{}
func (BlueStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (BlueStainedGlass) ID() string
type BlueStainedGlassPane ¶
type BlueStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (BlueStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (BlueStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type BlueTerracotta ¶
type BlueTerracotta struct{}
func (BlueTerracotta) ID ¶
func (BlueTerracotta) ID() string
type BlueWallBanner ¶
type BlueWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BlueWallBanner) ID ¶
func (BlueWallBanner) ID() string
type BrainCoral ¶
type BrainCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (BrainCoral) ID ¶
func (BrainCoral) ID() string
type BrainCoralBlock ¶
type BrainCoralBlock struct{}
func (BrainCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (BrainCoralBlock) ID() string
type BrainCoralFan ¶
type BrainCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (BrainCoralFan) ID ¶
func (BrainCoralFan) ID() string
type BrainCoralWallFan ¶
type BrainCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BrainCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (BrainCoralWallFan) ID() string
type BrewingStand ¶
type BrewingStand struct { Has_bottle_0 Boolean `nbt:"has_bottle_0"` Has_bottle_1 Boolean `nbt:"has_bottle_1"` Has_bottle_2 Boolean `nbt:"has_bottle_2"` }
func (BrewingStand) ID ¶
func (BrewingStand) ID() string
type BrewingStandEntity ¶
type BrewingStandEntity struct{}
func (BrewingStandEntity) ID ¶
func (BrewingStandEntity) ID() string
func (BrewingStandEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (b BrewingStandEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type BrickStairs ¶
type BrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BrickStairs) ID ¶
func (BrickStairs) ID() string
type BrickWall ¶
type BrownBanner ¶
type BrownBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (BrownBanner) ID ¶
func (BrownBanner) ID() string
type BrownBed ¶
type BrownCandle ¶
type BrownCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BrownCandle) ID ¶
func (BrownCandle) ID() string
type BrownCandleCake ¶
type BrownCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (BrownCandleCake) ID ¶
func (BrownCandleCake) ID() string
type BrownConcrete ¶
type BrownConcrete struct{}
func (BrownConcrete) ID ¶
func (BrownConcrete) ID() string
type BrownConcretePowder ¶
type BrownConcretePowder struct{}
func (BrownConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (BrownConcretePowder) ID() string
type BrownGlazedTerracotta ¶
type BrownGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BrownGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (BrownGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type BrownMushroom ¶
type BrownMushroom struct{}
func (BrownMushroom) ID ¶
func (BrownMushroom) ID() string
type BrownMushroomBlock ¶
type BrownMushroomBlock struct { Down Boolean `nbt:"down"` East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (BrownMushroomBlock) ID ¶
func (BrownMushroomBlock) ID() string
type BrownShulkerBox ¶
type BrownShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BrownShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (BrownShulkerBox) ID() string
type BrownStainedGlass ¶
type BrownStainedGlass struct{}
func (BrownStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (BrownStainedGlass) ID() string
type BrownStainedGlassPane ¶
type BrownStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (BrownStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (BrownStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type BrownTerracotta ¶
type BrownTerracotta struct{}
func (BrownTerracotta) ID ¶
func (BrownTerracotta) ID() string
type BrownWallBanner ¶
type BrownWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (BrownWallBanner) ID ¶
func (BrownWallBanner) ID() string
type BubbleColumn ¶
type BubbleColumn struct {
Drag Boolean `nbt:"drag"`
func (BubbleColumn) ID ¶
func (BubbleColumn) ID() string
type BubbleCoral ¶
type BubbleCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (BubbleCoral) ID ¶
func (BubbleCoral) ID() string
type BubbleCoralBlock ¶
type BubbleCoralBlock struct{}
func (BubbleCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (BubbleCoralBlock) ID() string
type BubbleCoralFan ¶
type BubbleCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (BubbleCoralFan) ID ¶
func (BubbleCoralFan) ID() string
type BubbleCoralWallFan ¶
type BubbleCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (BubbleCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (BubbleCoralWallFan) ID() string
type BuddingAmethyst ¶
type BuddingAmethyst struct{}
func (BuddingAmethyst) ID ¶
func (BuddingAmethyst) ID() string
type Campfire ¶
type CampfireEntity ¶
type CampfireEntity struct{}
func (CampfireEntity) ID ¶
func (CampfireEntity) ID() string
func (CampfireEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (c CampfireEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type Candle ¶
type CandleCake ¶
type CandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (CandleCake) ID ¶
func (CandleCake) ID() string
type CartographyTable ¶
type CartographyTable struct{}
func (CartographyTable) ID ¶
func (CartographyTable) ID() string
type CarvedPumpkin ¶
type CarvedPumpkin struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (CarvedPumpkin) ID ¶
func (CarvedPumpkin) ID() string
type CaveVinesPlant ¶
type CaveVinesPlant struct {
Berries Boolean `nbt:"berries"`
func (CaveVinesPlant) ID ¶
func (CaveVinesPlant) ID() string
type ChainCommandBlock ¶
type ChainCommandBlock struct { Conditional Boolean `nbt:"conditional"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` }
func (ChainCommandBlock) ID ¶
func (ChainCommandBlock) ID() string
type CherryButton ¶
type CherryButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (CherryButton) ID ¶
func (CherryButton) ID() string
type CherryDoor ¶
type CherryDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (CherryDoor) ID ¶
func (CherryDoor) ID() string
type CherryFence ¶
type CherryFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (CherryFence) ID ¶
func (CherryFence) ID() string
type CherryFenceGate ¶
type CherryFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (CherryFenceGate) ID ¶
func (CherryFenceGate) ID() string
type CherryHangingSign ¶
type CherryHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherryHangingSign) ID ¶
func (CherryHangingSign) ID() string
type CherryLeaves ¶
type CherryLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherryLeaves) ID ¶
func (CherryLeaves) ID() string
type CherryPlanks ¶
type CherryPlanks struct{}
func (CherryPlanks) ID ¶
func (CherryPlanks) ID() string
type CherryPressurePlate ¶
type CherryPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (CherryPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (CherryPressurePlate) ID() string
type CherrySapling ¶
type CherrySapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (CherrySapling) ID ¶
func (CherrySapling) ID() string
type CherrySign ¶
type CherrySign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherrySign) ID ¶
func (CherrySign) ID() string
type CherrySlab ¶
func (CherrySlab) ID ¶
func (CherrySlab) ID() string
type CherryStairs ¶
type CherryStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherryStairs) ID ¶
func (CherryStairs) ID() string
type CherryTrapdoor ¶
type CherryTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherryTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (CherryTrapdoor) ID() string
type CherryWallHangingSign ¶
type CherryWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherryWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (CherryWallHangingSign) ID() string
type CherryWallSign ¶
type CherryWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CherryWallSign) ID ¶
func (CherryWallSign) ID() string
type CherryWood ¶
type CherryWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (CherryWood) ID ¶
func (CherryWood) ID() string
type Chest ¶
type ChestEntity ¶
type ChestEntity struct{}
func (ChestEntity) ID ¶
func (ChestEntity) ID() string
func (ChestEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (c ChestEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type ChestType ¶
type ChestType byte
func (ChestType) MarshalText ¶
func (*ChestType) UnmarshalText ¶
type ChippedAnvil ¶
type ChippedAnvil struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (ChippedAnvil) ID ¶
func (ChippedAnvil) ID() string
type ChiseledBookshelf ¶
type ChiseledBookshelf struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Slot_0_occupied Boolean `nbt:"slot_0_occupied"` Slot_1_occupied Boolean `nbt:"slot_1_occupied"` Slot_2_occupied Boolean `nbt:"slot_2_occupied"` Slot_3_occupied Boolean `nbt:"slot_3_occupied"` Slot_4_occupied Boolean `nbt:"slot_4_occupied"` Slot_5_occupied Boolean `nbt:"slot_5_occupied"` }
func (ChiseledBookshelf) ID ¶
func (ChiseledBookshelf) ID() string
type ChiseledBookshelfEntity ¶
type ChiseledBookshelfEntity struct{}
func (ChiseledBookshelfEntity) ID ¶
func (ChiseledBookshelfEntity) ID() string
func (ChiseledBookshelfEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (c ChiseledBookshelfEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type ChiseledDeepslate ¶
type ChiseledDeepslate struct{}
func (ChiseledDeepslate) ID ¶
func (ChiseledDeepslate) ID() string
type ChiseledNetherBricks ¶
type ChiseledNetherBricks struct{}
func (ChiseledNetherBricks) ID ¶
func (ChiseledNetherBricks) ID() string
type ChiseledPolishedBlackstone ¶
type ChiseledPolishedBlackstone struct{}
func (ChiseledPolishedBlackstone) ID ¶
func (ChiseledPolishedBlackstone) ID() string
type ChiseledQuartzBlock ¶
type ChiseledQuartzBlock struct{}
func (ChiseledQuartzBlock) ID ¶
func (ChiseledQuartzBlock) ID() string
type ChiseledRedSandstone ¶
type ChiseledRedSandstone struct{}
func (ChiseledRedSandstone) ID ¶
func (ChiseledRedSandstone) ID() string
type ChiseledSandstone ¶
type ChiseledSandstone struct{}
func (ChiseledSandstone) ID ¶
func (ChiseledSandstone) ID() string
type ChiseledStoneBricks ¶
type ChiseledStoneBricks struct{}
func (ChiseledStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (ChiseledStoneBricks) ID() string
type ChorusFlower ¶
type ChorusFlower struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (ChorusFlower) ID ¶
func (ChorusFlower) ID() string
type ChorusPlant ¶
type ChorusPlant struct { Down Boolean `nbt:"down"` East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (ChorusPlant) ID ¶
func (ChorusPlant) ID() string
type CobbledDeepslate ¶
type CobbledDeepslate struct{}
func (CobbledDeepslate) ID ¶
func (CobbledDeepslate) ID() string
type CobbledDeepslateSlab ¶
type CobbledDeepslateSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CobbledDeepslateSlab) ID ¶
func (CobbledDeepslateSlab) ID() string
type CobbledDeepslateStairs ¶
type CobbledDeepslateStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CobbledDeepslateStairs) ID ¶
func (CobbledDeepslateStairs) ID() string
type CobbledDeepslateWall ¶
type CobbledDeepslateWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (CobbledDeepslateWall) ID ¶
func (CobbledDeepslateWall) ID() string
type CobblestoneSlab ¶
func (CobblestoneSlab) ID ¶
func (CobblestoneSlab) ID() string
type CobblestoneStairs ¶
type CobblestoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CobblestoneStairs) ID ¶
func (CobblestoneStairs) ID() string
type CobblestoneWall ¶
type CobblestoneWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (CobblestoneWall) ID ¶
func (CobblestoneWall) ID() string
type CommandBlock ¶
type CommandBlock struct { Conditional Boolean `nbt:"conditional"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` }
func (CommandBlock) ID ¶
func (CommandBlock) ID() string
type CommandBlockEntity ¶
type CommandBlockEntity struct{}
func (CommandBlockEntity) ID ¶
func (CommandBlockEntity) ID() string
func (CommandBlockEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (c CommandBlockEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type Comparator ¶
type Comparator struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Mode ComparatorMode `nbt:"mode"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (Comparator) ID ¶
func (Comparator) ID() string
type ComparatorEntity ¶
type ComparatorEntity struct{}
func (ComparatorEntity) ID ¶
func (ComparatorEntity) ID() string
func (ComparatorEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (c ComparatorEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type ComparatorMode ¶
type ComparatorMode byte
const ( ComparatorModeCompare ComparatorMode = iota ComparatorModeSubtract )
func (ComparatorMode) MarshalText ¶
func (c ComparatorMode) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (ComparatorMode) String ¶
func (c ComparatorMode) String() string
func (*ComparatorMode) UnmarshalText ¶
func (c *ComparatorMode) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type ConduitEntity ¶
type ConduitEntity struct{}
func (ConduitEntity) ID ¶
func (ConduitEntity) ID() string
func (ConduitEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (c ConduitEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type CrackedDeepslateBricks ¶
type CrackedDeepslateBricks struct{}
func (CrackedDeepslateBricks) ID ¶
func (CrackedDeepslateBricks) ID() string
type CrackedDeepslateTiles ¶
type CrackedDeepslateTiles struct{}
func (CrackedDeepslateTiles) ID ¶
func (CrackedDeepslateTiles) ID() string
type CrackedNetherBricks ¶
type CrackedNetherBricks struct{}
func (CrackedNetherBricks) ID ¶
func (CrackedNetherBricks) ID() string
type CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks ¶
type CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks struct{}
func (CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks) ID ¶
func (CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks) ID() string
type CrackedStoneBricks ¶
type CrackedStoneBricks struct{}
func (CrackedStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (CrackedStoneBricks) ID() string
type CraftingTable ¶
type CraftingTable struct{}
func (CraftingTable) ID ¶
func (CraftingTable) ID() string
type CreeperHead ¶
type CreeperHead struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (CreeperHead) ID ¶
func (CreeperHead) ID() string
type CreeperWallHead ¶
type CreeperWallHead struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (CreeperWallHead) ID ¶
func (CreeperWallHead) ID() string
type CrimsonButton ¶
type CrimsonButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (CrimsonButton) ID ¶
func (CrimsonButton) ID() string
type CrimsonDoor ¶
type CrimsonDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (CrimsonDoor) ID ¶
func (CrimsonDoor) ID() string
type CrimsonFence ¶
type CrimsonFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (CrimsonFence) ID ¶
func (CrimsonFence) ID() string
type CrimsonFenceGate ¶
type CrimsonFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (CrimsonFenceGate) ID ¶
func (CrimsonFenceGate) ID() string
type CrimsonFungus ¶
type CrimsonFungus struct{}
func (CrimsonFungus) ID ¶
func (CrimsonFungus) ID() string
type CrimsonHangingSign ¶
type CrimsonHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CrimsonHangingSign) ID ¶
func (CrimsonHangingSign) ID() string
type CrimsonHyphae ¶
type CrimsonHyphae struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (CrimsonHyphae) ID ¶
func (CrimsonHyphae) ID() string
type CrimsonNylium ¶
type CrimsonNylium struct{}
func (CrimsonNylium) ID ¶
func (CrimsonNylium) ID() string
type CrimsonPlanks ¶
type CrimsonPlanks struct{}
func (CrimsonPlanks) ID ¶
func (CrimsonPlanks) ID() string
type CrimsonPressurePlate ¶
type CrimsonPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (CrimsonPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (CrimsonPressurePlate) ID() string
type CrimsonRoots ¶
type CrimsonRoots struct{}
func (CrimsonRoots) ID ¶
func (CrimsonRoots) ID() string
type CrimsonSign ¶
type CrimsonSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CrimsonSign) ID ¶
func (CrimsonSign) ID() string
type CrimsonSlab ¶
func (CrimsonSlab) ID ¶
func (CrimsonSlab) ID() string
type CrimsonStairs ¶
type CrimsonStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CrimsonStairs) ID ¶
func (CrimsonStairs) ID() string
type CrimsonStem ¶
type CrimsonStem struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (CrimsonStem) ID ¶
func (CrimsonStem) ID() string
type CrimsonTrapdoor ¶
type CrimsonTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CrimsonTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (CrimsonTrapdoor) ID() string
type CrimsonWallHangingSign ¶
type CrimsonWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CrimsonWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (CrimsonWallHangingSign) ID() string
type CrimsonWallSign ¶
type CrimsonWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CrimsonWallSign) ID ¶
func (CrimsonWallSign) ID() string
type CryingObsidian ¶
type CryingObsidian struct{}
func (CryingObsidian) ID ¶
func (CryingObsidian) ID() string
type CutCopperSlab ¶
func (CutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (CutCopperSlab) ID() string
type CutCopperStairs ¶
type CutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (CutCopperStairs) ID() string
type CutRedSandstone ¶
type CutRedSandstone struct{}
func (CutRedSandstone) ID ¶
func (CutRedSandstone) ID() string
type CutRedSandstoneSlab ¶
type CutRedSandstoneSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CutRedSandstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (CutRedSandstoneSlab) ID() string
type CutSandstone ¶
type CutSandstone struct{}
func (CutSandstone) ID ¶
func (CutSandstone) ID() string
type CutSandstoneSlab ¶
func (CutSandstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (CutSandstoneSlab) ID() string
type CyanBanner ¶
type CyanBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (CyanBanner) ID ¶
func (CyanBanner) ID() string
type CyanBed ¶
type CyanCandle ¶
type CyanCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (CyanCandle) ID ¶
func (CyanCandle) ID() string
type CyanCandleCake ¶
type CyanCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (CyanCandleCake) ID ¶
func (CyanCandleCake) ID() string
type CyanConcrete ¶
type CyanConcrete struct{}
func (CyanConcrete) ID ¶
func (CyanConcrete) ID() string
type CyanConcretePowder ¶
type CyanConcretePowder struct{}
func (CyanConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (CyanConcretePowder) ID() string
type CyanGlazedTerracotta ¶
type CyanGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (CyanGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (CyanGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type CyanShulkerBox ¶
type CyanShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (CyanShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (CyanShulkerBox) ID() string
type CyanStainedGlass ¶
type CyanStainedGlass struct{}
func (CyanStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (CyanStainedGlass) ID() string
type CyanStainedGlassPane ¶
type CyanStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (CyanStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (CyanStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type CyanTerracotta ¶
type CyanTerracotta struct{}
func (CyanTerracotta) ID ¶
func (CyanTerracotta) ID() string
type CyanWallBanner ¶
type CyanWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (CyanWallBanner) ID ¶
func (CyanWallBanner) ID() string
type DamagedAnvil ¶
type DamagedAnvil struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (DamagedAnvil) ID ¶
func (DamagedAnvil) ID() string
type DarkOakButton ¶
type DarkOakButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (DarkOakButton) ID ¶
func (DarkOakButton) ID() string
type DarkOakDoor ¶
type DarkOakDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (DarkOakDoor) ID ¶
func (DarkOakDoor) ID() string
type DarkOakFence ¶
type DarkOakFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (DarkOakFence) ID ¶
func (DarkOakFence) ID() string
type DarkOakFenceGate ¶
type DarkOakFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (DarkOakFenceGate) ID ¶
func (DarkOakFenceGate) ID() string
type DarkOakHangingSign ¶
type DarkOakHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakHangingSign) ID ¶
func (DarkOakHangingSign) ID() string
type DarkOakLeaves ¶
type DarkOakLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakLeaves) ID ¶
func (DarkOakLeaves) ID() string
type DarkOakLog ¶
type DarkOakLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (DarkOakLog) ID ¶
func (DarkOakLog) ID() string
type DarkOakPlanks ¶
type DarkOakPlanks struct{}
func (DarkOakPlanks) ID ¶
func (DarkOakPlanks) ID() string
type DarkOakPressurePlate ¶
type DarkOakPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (DarkOakPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (DarkOakPressurePlate) ID() string
type DarkOakSapling ¶
type DarkOakSapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (DarkOakSapling) ID ¶
func (DarkOakSapling) ID() string
type DarkOakSign ¶
type DarkOakSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakSign) ID ¶
func (DarkOakSign) ID() string
type DarkOakSlab ¶
func (DarkOakSlab) ID ¶
func (DarkOakSlab) ID() string
type DarkOakStairs ¶
type DarkOakStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakStairs) ID ¶
func (DarkOakStairs) ID() string
type DarkOakTrapdoor ¶
type DarkOakTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (DarkOakTrapdoor) ID() string
type DarkOakWallHangingSign ¶
type DarkOakWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (DarkOakWallHangingSign) ID() string
type DarkOakWallSign ¶
type DarkOakWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkOakWallSign) ID ¶
func (DarkOakWallSign) ID() string
type DarkOakWood ¶
type DarkOakWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (DarkOakWood) ID ¶
func (DarkOakWood) ID() string
type DarkPrismarine ¶
type DarkPrismarine struct{}
func (DarkPrismarine) ID ¶
func (DarkPrismarine) ID() string
type DarkPrismarineSlab ¶
type DarkPrismarineSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkPrismarineSlab) ID ¶
func (DarkPrismarineSlab) ID() string
type DarkPrismarineStairs ¶
type DarkPrismarineStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DarkPrismarineStairs) ID ¶
func (DarkPrismarineStairs) ID() string
type DaylightDetector ¶
func (DaylightDetector) ID ¶
func (DaylightDetector) ID() string
type DaylightDetectorEntity ¶
type DaylightDetectorEntity struct{}
func (DaylightDetectorEntity) ID ¶
func (DaylightDetectorEntity) ID() string
func (DaylightDetectorEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (d DaylightDetectorEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type DeadBrainCoral ¶
type DeadBrainCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadBrainCoral) ID ¶
func (DeadBrainCoral) ID() string
type DeadBrainCoralBlock ¶
type DeadBrainCoralBlock struct{}
func (DeadBrainCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (DeadBrainCoralBlock) ID() string
type DeadBrainCoralFan ¶
type DeadBrainCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadBrainCoralFan) ID ¶
func (DeadBrainCoralFan) ID() string
type DeadBrainCoralWallFan ¶
type DeadBrainCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeadBrainCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (DeadBrainCoralWallFan) ID() string
type DeadBubbleCoral ¶
type DeadBubbleCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadBubbleCoral) ID ¶
func (DeadBubbleCoral) ID() string
type DeadBubbleCoralBlock ¶
type DeadBubbleCoralBlock struct{}
func (DeadBubbleCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (DeadBubbleCoralBlock) ID() string
type DeadBubbleCoralFan ¶
type DeadBubbleCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadBubbleCoralFan) ID ¶
func (DeadBubbleCoralFan) ID() string
type DeadBubbleCoralWallFan ¶
type DeadBubbleCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeadBubbleCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (DeadBubbleCoralWallFan) ID() string
type DeadFireCoral ¶
type DeadFireCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadFireCoral) ID ¶
func (DeadFireCoral) ID() string
type DeadFireCoralBlock ¶
type DeadFireCoralBlock struct{}
func (DeadFireCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (DeadFireCoralBlock) ID() string
type DeadFireCoralFan ¶
type DeadFireCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadFireCoralFan) ID ¶
func (DeadFireCoralFan) ID() string
type DeadFireCoralWallFan ¶
type DeadFireCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeadFireCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (DeadFireCoralWallFan) ID() string
type DeadHornCoral ¶
type DeadHornCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadHornCoral) ID ¶
func (DeadHornCoral) ID() string
type DeadHornCoralBlock ¶
type DeadHornCoralBlock struct{}
func (DeadHornCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (DeadHornCoralBlock) ID() string
type DeadHornCoralFan ¶
type DeadHornCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadHornCoralFan) ID ¶
func (DeadHornCoralFan) ID() string
type DeadHornCoralWallFan ¶
type DeadHornCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeadHornCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (DeadHornCoralWallFan) ID() string
type DeadTubeCoral ¶
type DeadTubeCoral struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadTubeCoral) ID ¶
func (DeadTubeCoral) ID() string
type DeadTubeCoralBlock ¶
type DeadTubeCoralBlock struct{}
func (DeadTubeCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (DeadTubeCoralBlock) ID() string
type DeadTubeCoralFan ¶
type DeadTubeCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (DeadTubeCoralFan) ID ¶
func (DeadTubeCoralFan) ID() string
type DeadTubeCoralWallFan ¶
type DeadTubeCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeadTubeCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (DeadTubeCoralWallFan) ID() string
type DecoratedPot ¶
type DecoratedPot struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DecoratedPot) ID ¶
func (DecoratedPot) ID() string
type DecoratedPotEntity ¶
type DecoratedPotEntity struct{}
func (DecoratedPotEntity) ID ¶
func (DecoratedPotEntity) ID() string
func (DecoratedPotEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (d DecoratedPotEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type DeepslateBrickSlab ¶
type DeepslateBrickSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeepslateBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (DeepslateBrickSlab) ID() string
type DeepslateBrickStairs ¶
type DeepslateBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeepslateBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (DeepslateBrickStairs) ID() string
type DeepslateBrickWall ¶
type DeepslateBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (DeepslateBrickWall) ID ¶
func (DeepslateBrickWall) ID() string
type DeepslateBricks ¶
type DeepslateBricks struct{}
func (DeepslateBricks) ID ¶
func (DeepslateBricks) ID() string
type DeepslateCoalOre ¶
type DeepslateCoalOre struct{}
func (DeepslateCoalOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateCoalOre) ID() string
type DeepslateCopperOre ¶
type DeepslateCopperOre struct{}
func (DeepslateCopperOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateCopperOre) ID() string
type DeepslateDiamondOre ¶
type DeepslateDiamondOre struct{}
func (DeepslateDiamondOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateDiamondOre) ID() string
type DeepslateEmeraldOre ¶
type DeepslateEmeraldOre struct{}
func (DeepslateEmeraldOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateEmeraldOre) ID() string
type DeepslateGoldOre ¶
type DeepslateGoldOre struct{}
func (DeepslateGoldOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateGoldOre) ID() string
type DeepslateIronOre ¶
type DeepslateIronOre struct{}
func (DeepslateIronOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateIronOre) ID() string
type DeepslateLapisOre ¶
type DeepslateLapisOre struct{}
func (DeepslateLapisOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateLapisOre) ID() string
type DeepslateRedstoneOre ¶
type DeepslateRedstoneOre struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (DeepslateRedstoneOre) ID ¶
func (DeepslateRedstoneOre) ID() string
type DeepslateTileSlab ¶
type DeepslateTileSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeepslateTileSlab) ID ¶
func (DeepslateTileSlab) ID() string
type DeepslateTileStairs ¶
type DeepslateTileStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DeepslateTileStairs) ID ¶
func (DeepslateTileStairs) ID() string
type DeepslateTileWall ¶
type DeepslateTileWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (DeepslateTileWall) ID ¶
func (DeepslateTileWall) ID() string
type DeepslateTiles ¶
type DeepslateTiles struct{}
func (DeepslateTiles) ID ¶
func (DeepslateTiles) ID() string
type DetectorRail ¶
type DetectorRail struct { Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Shape RailShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DetectorRail) ID ¶
func (DetectorRail) ID() string
type DiamondBlock ¶
type DiamondBlock struct{}
func (DiamondBlock) ID ¶
func (DiamondBlock) ID() string
type DioriteSlab ¶
func (DioriteSlab) ID ¶
func (DioriteSlab) ID() string
type DioriteStairs ¶
type DioriteStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (DioriteStairs) ID ¶
func (DioriteStairs) ID() string
type DioriteWall ¶
type DioriteWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (DioriteWall) ID ¶
func (DioriteWall) ID() string
type Direction ¶
type Direction byte
func (Direction) MarshalText ¶
func (*Direction) UnmarshalText ¶
type DispenserEntity ¶
type DispenserEntity struct{}
func (DispenserEntity) ID ¶
func (DispenserEntity) ID() string
func (DispenserEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (d DispenserEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type DoorHingeSide ¶
type DoorHingeSide byte
const ( DoorHingeSideLeft DoorHingeSide = iota DoorHingeSideRight )
func (DoorHingeSide) MarshalText ¶
func (d DoorHingeSide) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (DoorHingeSide) String ¶
func (d DoorHingeSide) String() string
func (*DoorHingeSide) UnmarshalText ¶
func (d *DoorHingeSide) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type DoubleBlockHalf ¶
type DoubleBlockHalf byte
const ( DoubleBlockHalfUpper DoubleBlockHalf = iota DoubleBlockHalfLower )
func (DoubleBlockHalf) MarshalText ¶
func (d DoubleBlockHalf) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (DoubleBlockHalf) String ¶
func (d DoubleBlockHalf) String() string
func (*DoubleBlockHalf) UnmarshalText ¶
func (d *DoubleBlockHalf) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type DragonHead ¶
type DragonHead struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (DragonHead) ID ¶
func (DragonHead) ID() string
type DragonWallHead ¶
type DragonWallHead struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (DragonWallHead) ID ¶
func (DragonWallHead) ID() string
type DriedKelpBlock ¶
type DriedKelpBlock struct{}
func (DriedKelpBlock) ID ¶
func (DriedKelpBlock) ID() string
type DripstoneBlock ¶
type DripstoneBlock struct{}
func (DripstoneBlock) ID ¶
func (DripstoneBlock) ID() string
type DripstoneThickness ¶
type DripstoneThickness byte
const ( DripstoneThicknessTipMerge DripstoneThickness = iota DripstoneThicknessTip DripstoneThicknessFrustum DripstoneThicknessMiddle DripstoneThicknessBase )
func (DripstoneThickness) MarshalText ¶
func (d DripstoneThickness) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (DripstoneThickness) String ¶
func (d DripstoneThickness) String() string
func (*DripstoneThickness) UnmarshalText ¶
func (d *DripstoneThickness) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type DropperEntity ¶
type DropperEntity struct{}
func (DropperEntity) ID ¶
func (DropperEntity) ID() string
func (DropperEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (d DropperEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type EmeraldBlock ¶
type EmeraldBlock struct{}
func (EmeraldBlock) ID ¶
func (EmeraldBlock) ID() string
type EnchantingTable ¶
type EnchantingTable struct{}
func (EnchantingTable) ID ¶
func (EnchantingTable) ID() string
type EnchantingTableEntity ¶
type EnchantingTableEntity struct{}
func (EnchantingTableEntity) ID ¶
func (EnchantingTableEntity) ID() string
func (EnchantingTableEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (e EnchantingTableEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type EndGatewayEntity ¶
type EndGatewayEntity struct{}
func (EndGatewayEntity) ID ¶
func (EndGatewayEntity) ID() string
func (EndGatewayEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (e EndGatewayEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type EndPortalEntity ¶
type EndPortalEntity struct{}
func (EndPortalEntity) ID ¶
func (EndPortalEntity) ID() string
func (EndPortalEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (e EndPortalEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type EndPortalFrame ¶
func (EndPortalFrame) ID ¶
func (EndPortalFrame) ID() string
type EndStoneBrickSlab ¶
type EndStoneBrickSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (EndStoneBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (EndStoneBrickSlab) ID() string
type EndStoneBrickStairs ¶
type EndStoneBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (EndStoneBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (EndStoneBrickStairs) ID() string
type EndStoneBrickWall ¶
type EndStoneBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (EndStoneBrickWall) ID ¶
func (EndStoneBrickWall) ID() string
type EndStoneBricks ¶
type EndStoneBricks struct{}
func (EndStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (EndStoneBricks) ID() string
type EnderChest ¶
func (EnderChest) ID ¶
func (EnderChest) ID() string
type EnderChestEntity ¶
type EnderChestEntity struct{}
func (EnderChestEntity) ID ¶
func (EnderChestEntity) ID() string
func (EnderChestEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (e EnderChestEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type EntityType ¶
type EntityType int32
type ExposedCopper ¶
type ExposedCopper struct{}
func (ExposedCopper) ID ¶
func (ExposedCopper) ID() string
type ExposedCutCopper ¶
type ExposedCutCopper struct{}
func (ExposedCutCopper) ID ¶
func (ExposedCutCopper) ID() string
type ExposedCutCopperSlab ¶
type ExposedCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (ExposedCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (ExposedCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type ExposedCutCopperStairs ¶
type ExposedCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (ExposedCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (ExposedCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type Fire ¶
type FireCoralBlock ¶
type FireCoralBlock struct{}
func (FireCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (FireCoralBlock) ID() string
type FireCoralFan ¶
type FireCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (FireCoralFan) ID ¶
func (FireCoralFan) ID() string
type FireCoralWallFan ¶
type FireCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (FireCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (FireCoralWallFan) ID() string
type FletchingTable ¶
type FletchingTable struct{}
func (FletchingTable) ID ¶
func (FletchingTable) ID() string
type FloweringAzalea ¶
type FloweringAzalea struct{}
func (FloweringAzalea) ID ¶
func (FloweringAzalea) ID() string
type FloweringAzaleaLeaves ¶
type FloweringAzaleaLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (FloweringAzaleaLeaves) ID ¶
func (FloweringAzaleaLeaves) ID() string
type FrontAndTop ¶
type FrontAndTop byte
const ( DownEast FrontAndTop = iota DownNorth DownSouth DownWest UpEast UpNorth UpSouth UpWest WestUp EastUp NorthUp SouthUp )
func (FrontAndTop) Directions ¶
func (f FrontAndTop) Directions() (front, top Direction)
func (FrontAndTop) MarshalText ¶
func (f FrontAndTop) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (FrontAndTop) String ¶
func (f FrontAndTop) String() string
func (*FrontAndTop) UnmarshalText ¶
func (f *FrontAndTop) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type FrostedIce ¶
type FrostedIce struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (FrostedIce) ID ¶
func (FrostedIce) ID() string
type FurnaceEntity ¶
type FurnaceEntity struct{}
func (FurnaceEntity) ID ¶
func (FurnaceEntity) ID() string
func (FurnaceEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (f FurnaceEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type GildedBlackstone ¶
type GildedBlackstone struct{}
func (GildedBlackstone) ID ¶
func (GildedBlackstone) ID() string
type GlassPane ¶
type GlowLichen ¶
type GlowLichen struct { Down Boolean `nbt:"down"` East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (GlowLichen) ID ¶
func (GlowLichen) ID() string
type GraniteSlab ¶
func (GraniteSlab) ID ¶
func (GraniteSlab) ID() string
type GraniteStairs ¶
type GraniteStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (GraniteStairs) ID ¶
func (GraniteStairs) ID() string
type GraniteWall ¶
type GraniteWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (GraniteWall) ID ¶
func (GraniteWall) ID() string
type GrassBlock ¶
type GrassBlock struct {
Snowy Boolean `nbt:"snowy"`
func (GrassBlock) ID ¶
func (GrassBlock) ID() string
type GrayBanner ¶
type GrayBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (GrayBanner) ID ¶
func (GrayBanner) ID() string
type GrayBed ¶
type GrayCandle ¶
type GrayCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (GrayCandle) ID ¶
func (GrayCandle) ID() string
type GrayCandleCake ¶
type GrayCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (GrayCandleCake) ID ¶
func (GrayCandleCake) ID() string
type GrayConcrete ¶
type GrayConcrete struct{}
func (GrayConcrete) ID ¶
func (GrayConcrete) ID() string
type GrayConcretePowder ¶
type GrayConcretePowder struct{}
func (GrayConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (GrayConcretePowder) ID() string
type GrayGlazedTerracotta ¶
type GrayGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (GrayGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (GrayGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type GrayShulkerBox ¶
type GrayShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (GrayShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (GrayShulkerBox) ID() string
type GrayStainedGlass ¶
type GrayStainedGlass struct{}
func (GrayStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (GrayStainedGlass) ID() string
type GrayStainedGlassPane ¶
type GrayStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (GrayStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (GrayStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type GrayTerracotta ¶
type GrayTerracotta struct{}
func (GrayTerracotta) ID ¶
func (GrayTerracotta) ID() string
type GrayWallBanner ¶
type GrayWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (GrayWallBanner) ID ¶
func (GrayWallBanner) ID() string
type GreenBanner ¶
type GreenBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (GreenBanner) ID ¶
func (GreenBanner) ID() string
type GreenBed ¶
type GreenCandle ¶
type GreenCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (GreenCandle) ID ¶
func (GreenCandle) ID() string
type GreenCandleCake ¶
type GreenCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (GreenCandleCake) ID ¶
func (GreenCandleCake) ID() string
type GreenConcrete ¶
type GreenConcrete struct{}
func (GreenConcrete) ID ¶
func (GreenConcrete) ID() string
type GreenConcretePowder ¶
type GreenConcretePowder struct{}
func (GreenConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (GreenConcretePowder) ID() string
type GreenGlazedTerracotta ¶
type GreenGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (GreenGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (GreenGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type GreenShulkerBox ¶
type GreenShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (GreenShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (GreenShulkerBox) ID() string
type GreenStainedGlass ¶
type GreenStainedGlass struct{}
func (GreenStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (GreenStainedGlass) ID() string
type GreenStainedGlassPane ¶
type GreenStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (GreenStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (GreenStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type GreenTerracotta ¶
type GreenTerracotta struct{}
func (GreenTerracotta) ID ¶
func (GreenTerracotta) ID() string
type GreenWallBanner ¶
type GreenWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (GreenWallBanner) ID ¶
func (GreenWallBanner) ID() string
type Grindstone ¶
type Grindstone struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` }
func (Grindstone) ID ¶
func (Grindstone) ID() string
type HangingRoots ¶
type HangingRoots struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (HangingRoots) ID ¶
func (HangingRoots) ID() string
type HangingSignEntity ¶
type HangingSignEntity struct{}
func (HangingSignEntity) ID ¶
func (HangingSignEntity) ID() string
func (HangingSignEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (h HangingSignEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type HeavyWeightedPressurePlate ¶
type HeavyWeightedPressurePlate struct {
Power Integer `nbt:"power"`
func (HeavyWeightedPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (HeavyWeightedPressurePlate) ID() string
type HoneycombBlock ¶
type HoneycombBlock struct{}
func (HoneycombBlock) ID ¶
func (HoneycombBlock) ID() string
type HopperEntity ¶
type HopperEntity struct{}
func (HopperEntity) ID ¶
func (HopperEntity) ID() string
func (HopperEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (h HopperEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type HornCoralBlock ¶
type HornCoralBlock struct{}
func (HornCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (HornCoralBlock) ID() string
type HornCoralFan ¶
type HornCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (HornCoralFan) ID ¶
func (HornCoralFan) ID() string
type HornCoralWallFan ¶
type HornCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (HornCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (HornCoralWallFan) ID() string
type InfestedChiseledStoneBricks ¶
type InfestedChiseledStoneBricks struct{}
func (InfestedChiseledStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (InfestedChiseledStoneBricks) ID() string
type InfestedCobblestone ¶
type InfestedCobblestone struct{}
func (InfestedCobblestone) ID ¶
func (InfestedCobblestone) ID() string
type InfestedCrackedStoneBricks ¶
type InfestedCrackedStoneBricks struct{}
func (InfestedCrackedStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (InfestedCrackedStoneBricks) ID() string
type InfestedDeepslate ¶
type InfestedDeepslate struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (InfestedDeepslate) ID ¶
func (InfestedDeepslate) ID() string
type InfestedMossyStoneBricks ¶
type InfestedMossyStoneBricks struct{}
func (InfestedMossyStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (InfestedMossyStoneBricks) ID() string
type InfestedStone ¶
type InfestedStone struct{}
func (InfestedStone) ID ¶
func (InfestedStone) ID() string
type InfestedStoneBricks ¶
type InfestedStoneBricks struct{}
func (InfestedStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (InfestedStoneBricks) ID() string
type IronBars ¶
type IronDoor ¶
type IronDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type IronTrapdoor ¶
type IronTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (IronTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (IronTrapdoor) ID() string
type JackOLantern ¶
type JackOLantern struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (JackOLantern) ID ¶
func (JackOLantern) ID() string
type Jigsaw ¶
type Jigsaw struct {
Orientation FrontAndTop `nbt:"orientation"`
type JigsawEntity ¶
type JigsawEntity struct{}
func (JigsawEntity) ID ¶
func (JigsawEntity) ID() string
func (JigsawEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (j JigsawEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type JukeboxEntity ¶
type JukeboxEntity struct{}
func (JukeboxEntity) ID ¶
func (JukeboxEntity) ID() string
func (JukeboxEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (j JukeboxEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type JungleButton ¶
type JungleButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (JungleButton) ID ¶
func (JungleButton) ID() string
type JungleDoor ¶
type JungleDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (JungleDoor) ID ¶
func (JungleDoor) ID() string
type JungleFence ¶
type JungleFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (JungleFence) ID ¶
func (JungleFence) ID() string
type JungleFenceGate ¶
type JungleFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (JungleFenceGate) ID ¶
func (JungleFenceGate) ID() string
type JungleHangingSign ¶
type JungleHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleHangingSign) ID ¶
func (JungleHangingSign) ID() string
type JungleLeaves ¶
type JungleLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleLeaves) ID ¶
func (JungleLeaves) ID() string
type JunglePlanks ¶
type JunglePlanks struct{}
func (JunglePlanks) ID ¶
func (JunglePlanks) ID() string
type JunglePressurePlate ¶
type JunglePressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (JunglePressurePlate) ID ¶
func (JunglePressurePlate) ID() string
type JungleSapling ¶
type JungleSapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (JungleSapling) ID ¶
func (JungleSapling) ID() string
type JungleSign ¶
type JungleSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleSign) ID ¶
func (JungleSign) ID() string
type JungleSlab ¶
func (JungleSlab) ID ¶
func (JungleSlab) ID() string
type JungleStairs ¶
type JungleStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleStairs) ID ¶
func (JungleStairs) ID() string
type JungleTrapdoor ¶
type JungleTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (JungleTrapdoor) ID() string
type JungleWallHangingSign ¶
type JungleWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (JungleWallHangingSign) ID() string
type JungleWallSign ¶
type JungleWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (JungleWallSign) ID ¶
func (JungleWallSign) ID() string
type JungleWood ¶
type JungleWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (JungleWood) ID ¶
func (JungleWood) ID() string
type LargeAmethystBud ¶
type LargeAmethystBud struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (LargeAmethystBud) ID ¶
func (LargeAmethystBud) ID() string
type LargeFern ¶
type LargeFern struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
type LavaCauldron ¶
type LavaCauldron struct{}
func (LavaCauldron) ID ¶
func (LavaCauldron) ID() string
type Lectern ¶
type LecternEntity ¶
type LecternEntity struct{}
func (LecternEntity) ID ¶
func (LecternEntity) ID() string
func (LecternEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (l LecternEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type Lever ¶
type Lever struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type LightBlueBanner ¶
type LightBlueBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (LightBlueBanner) ID ¶
func (LightBlueBanner) ID() string
type LightBlueBed ¶
type LightBlueBed struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Occupied Boolean `nbt:"occupied"` Part BedPart `nbt:"part"` }
func (LightBlueBed) ID ¶
func (LightBlueBed) ID() string
type LightBlueCandle ¶
type LightBlueCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (LightBlueCandle) ID ¶
func (LightBlueCandle) ID() string
type LightBlueCandleCake ¶
type LightBlueCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (LightBlueCandleCake) ID ¶
func (LightBlueCandleCake) ID() string
type LightBlueCarpet ¶
type LightBlueCarpet struct{}
func (LightBlueCarpet) ID ¶
func (LightBlueCarpet) ID() string
type LightBlueConcrete ¶
type LightBlueConcrete struct{}
func (LightBlueConcrete) ID ¶
func (LightBlueConcrete) ID() string
type LightBlueConcretePowder ¶
type LightBlueConcretePowder struct{}
func (LightBlueConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (LightBlueConcretePowder) ID() string
type LightBlueGlazedTerracotta ¶
type LightBlueGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LightBlueGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (LightBlueGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type LightBlueShulkerBox ¶
type LightBlueShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LightBlueShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (LightBlueShulkerBox) ID() string
type LightBlueStainedGlass ¶
type LightBlueStainedGlass struct{}
func (LightBlueStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (LightBlueStainedGlass) ID() string
type LightBlueStainedGlassPane ¶
type LightBlueStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (LightBlueStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (LightBlueStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type LightBlueTerracotta ¶
type LightBlueTerracotta struct{}
func (LightBlueTerracotta) ID ¶
func (LightBlueTerracotta) ID() string
type LightBlueWallBanner ¶
type LightBlueWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LightBlueWallBanner) ID ¶
func (LightBlueWallBanner) ID() string
type LightBlueWool ¶
type LightBlueWool struct{}
func (LightBlueWool) ID ¶
func (LightBlueWool) ID() string
type LightGrayBanner ¶
type LightGrayBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (LightGrayBanner) ID ¶
func (LightGrayBanner) ID() string
type LightGrayBed ¶
type LightGrayBed struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Occupied Boolean `nbt:"occupied"` Part BedPart `nbt:"part"` }
func (LightGrayBed) ID ¶
func (LightGrayBed) ID() string
type LightGrayCandle ¶
type LightGrayCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (LightGrayCandle) ID ¶
func (LightGrayCandle) ID() string
type LightGrayCandleCake ¶
type LightGrayCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (LightGrayCandleCake) ID ¶
func (LightGrayCandleCake) ID() string
type LightGrayCarpet ¶
type LightGrayCarpet struct{}
func (LightGrayCarpet) ID ¶
func (LightGrayCarpet) ID() string
type LightGrayConcrete ¶
type LightGrayConcrete struct{}
func (LightGrayConcrete) ID ¶
func (LightGrayConcrete) ID() string
type LightGrayConcretePowder ¶
type LightGrayConcretePowder struct{}
func (LightGrayConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (LightGrayConcretePowder) ID() string
type LightGrayGlazedTerracotta ¶
type LightGrayGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LightGrayGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (LightGrayGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type LightGrayShulkerBox ¶
type LightGrayShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LightGrayShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (LightGrayShulkerBox) ID() string
type LightGrayStainedGlass ¶
type LightGrayStainedGlass struct{}
func (LightGrayStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (LightGrayStainedGlass) ID() string
type LightGrayStainedGlassPane ¶
type LightGrayStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (LightGrayStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (LightGrayStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type LightGrayTerracotta ¶
type LightGrayTerracotta struct{}
func (LightGrayTerracotta) ID ¶
func (LightGrayTerracotta) ID() string
type LightGrayWallBanner ¶
type LightGrayWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LightGrayWallBanner) ID ¶
func (LightGrayWallBanner) ID() string
type LightGrayWool ¶
type LightGrayWool struct{}
func (LightGrayWool) ID ¶
func (LightGrayWool) ID() string
type LightWeightedPressurePlate ¶
type LightWeightedPressurePlate struct {
Power Integer `nbt:"power"`
func (LightWeightedPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (LightWeightedPressurePlate) ID() string
type LightningRod ¶
type LightningRod struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (LightningRod) ID ¶
func (LightningRod) ID() string
type Lilac ¶
type Lilac struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
type LilyOfTheValley ¶
type LilyOfTheValley struct{}
func (LilyOfTheValley) ID ¶
func (LilyOfTheValley) ID() string
type LimeBanner ¶
type LimeBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (LimeBanner) ID ¶
func (LimeBanner) ID() string
type LimeBed ¶
type LimeCandle ¶
type LimeCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (LimeCandle) ID ¶
func (LimeCandle) ID() string
type LimeCandleCake ¶
type LimeCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (LimeCandleCake) ID ¶
func (LimeCandleCake) ID() string
type LimeConcrete ¶
type LimeConcrete struct{}
func (LimeConcrete) ID ¶
func (LimeConcrete) ID() string
type LimeConcretePowder ¶
type LimeConcretePowder struct{}
func (LimeConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (LimeConcretePowder) ID() string
type LimeGlazedTerracotta ¶
type LimeGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LimeGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (LimeGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type LimeShulkerBox ¶
type LimeShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LimeShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (LimeShulkerBox) ID() string
type LimeStainedGlass ¶
type LimeStainedGlass struct{}
func (LimeStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (LimeStainedGlass) ID() string
type LimeStainedGlassPane ¶
type LimeStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (LimeStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (LimeStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type LimeTerracotta ¶
type LimeTerracotta struct{}
func (LimeTerracotta) ID ¶
func (LimeTerracotta) ID() string
type LimeWallBanner ¶
type LimeWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (LimeWallBanner) ID ¶
func (LimeWallBanner) ID() string
type MagentaBanner ¶
type MagentaBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (MagentaBanner) ID ¶
func (MagentaBanner) ID() string
type MagentaBed ¶
type MagentaBed struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Occupied Boolean `nbt:"occupied"` Part BedPart `nbt:"part"` }
func (MagentaBed) ID ¶
func (MagentaBed) ID() string
type MagentaCandle ¶
type MagentaCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MagentaCandle) ID ¶
func (MagentaCandle) ID() string
type MagentaCandleCake ¶
type MagentaCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (MagentaCandleCake) ID ¶
func (MagentaCandleCake) ID() string
type MagentaCarpet ¶
type MagentaCarpet struct{}
func (MagentaCarpet) ID ¶
func (MagentaCarpet) ID() string
type MagentaConcrete ¶
type MagentaConcrete struct{}
func (MagentaConcrete) ID ¶
func (MagentaConcrete) ID() string
type MagentaConcretePowder ¶
type MagentaConcretePowder struct{}
func (MagentaConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (MagentaConcretePowder) ID() string
type MagentaGlazedTerracotta ¶
type MagentaGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (MagentaGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (MagentaGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type MagentaShulkerBox ¶
type MagentaShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (MagentaShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (MagentaShulkerBox) ID() string
type MagentaStainedGlass ¶
type MagentaStainedGlass struct{}
func (MagentaStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (MagentaStainedGlass) ID() string
type MagentaStainedGlassPane ¶
type MagentaStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (MagentaStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (MagentaStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type MagentaTerracotta ¶
type MagentaTerracotta struct{}
func (MagentaTerracotta) ID ¶
func (MagentaTerracotta) ID() string
type MagentaWallBanner ¶
type MagentaWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (MagentaWallBanner) ID ¶
func (MagentaWallBanner) ID() string
type MangroveButton ¶
type MangroveButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (MangroveButton) ID ¶
func (MangroveButton) ID() string
type MangroveDoor ¶
type MangroveDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (MangroveDoor) ID ¶
func (MangroveDoor) ID() string
type MangroveFence ¶
type MangroveFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (MangroveFence) ID ¶
func (MangroveFence) ID() string
type MangroveFenceGate ¶
type MangroveFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (MangroveFenceGate) ID ¶
func (MangroveFenceGate) ID() string
type MangroveHangingSign ¶
type MangroveHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveHangingSign) ID ¶
func (MangroveHangingSign) ID() string
type MangroveLeaves ¶
type MangroveLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveLeaves) ID ¶
func (MangroveLeaves) ID() string
type MangroveLog ¶
type MangroveLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (MangroveLog) ID ¶
func (MangroveLog) ID() string
type MangrovePlanks ¶
type MangrovePlanks struct{}
func (MangrovePlanks) ID ¶
func (MangrovePlanks) ID() string
type MangrovePressurePlate ¶
type MangrovePressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (MangrovePressurePlate) ID ¶
func (MangrovePressurePlate) ID() string
type MangrovePropagule ¶
type MangrovePropagule struct { Age Integer `nbt:"age"` Hanging Boolean `nbt:"hanging"` Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangrovePropagule) ID ¶
func (MangrovePropagule) ID() string
type MangroveRoots ¶
type MangroveRoots struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (MangroveRoots) ID ¶
func (MangroveRoots) ID() string
type MangroveSign ¶
type MangroveSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveSign) ID ¶
func (MangroveSign) ID() string
type MangroveSlab ¶
func (MangroveSlab) ID ¶
func (MangroveSlab) ID() string
type MangroveStairs ¶
type MangroveStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveStairs) ID ¶
func (MangroveStairs) ID() string
type MangroveTrapdoor ¶
type MangroveTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (MangroveTrapdoor) ID() string
type MangroveWallHangingSign ¶
type MangroveWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (MangroveWallHangingSign) ID() string
type MangroveWallSign ¶
type MangroveWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MangroveWallSign) ID ¶
func (MangroveWallSign) ID() string
type MangroveWood ¶
type MangroveWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (MangroveWood) ID ¶
func (MangroveWood) ID() string
type MediumAmethystBud ¶
type MediumAmethystBud struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MediumAmethystBud) ID ¶
func (MediumAmethystBud) ID() string
type MobSpawnerEntity ¶
type MobSpawnerEntity struct{}
func (MobSpawnerEntity) ID ¶
func (MobSpawnerEntity) ID() string
func (MobSpawnerEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (m MobSpawnerEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type MossyCobblestone ¶
type MossyCobblestone struct{}
func (MossyCobblestone) ID ¶
func (MossyCobblestone) ID() string
type MossyCobblestoneSlab ¶
type MossyCobblestoneSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MossyCobblestoneSlab) ID ¶
func (MossyCobblestoneSlab) ID() string
type MossyCobblestoneStairs ¶
type MossyCobblestoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MossyCobblestoneStairs) ID ¶
func (MossyCobblestoneStairs) ID() string
type MossyCobblestoneWall ¶
type MossyCobblestoneWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (MossyCobblestoneWall) ID ¶
func (MossyCobblestoneWall) ID() string
type MossyStoneBrickSlab ¶
type MossyStoneBrickSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MossyStoneBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (MossyStoneBrickSlab) ID() string
type MossyStoneBrickStairs ¶
type MossyStoneBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MossyStoneBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (MossyStoneBrickStairs) ID() string
type MossyStoneBrickWall ¶
type MossyStoneBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (MossyStoneBrickWall) ID ¶
func (MossyStoneBrickWall) ID() string
type MossyStoneBricks ¶
type MossyStoneBricks struct{}
func (MossyStoneBricks) ID ¶
func (MossyStoneBricks) ID() string
type MovingPiston ¶
type MovingPiston struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Type PistonType `nbt:"type"` }
func (MovingPiston) ID ¶
func (MovingPiston) ID() string
type MudBrickSlab ¶
func (MudBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (MudBrickSlab) ID() string
type MudBrickStairs ¶
type MudBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (MudBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (MudBrickStairs) ID() string
type MudBrickWall ¶
type MudBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (MudBrickWall) ID ¶
func (MudBrickWall) ID() string
type MuddyMangroveRoots ¶
type MuddyMangroveRoots struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (MuddyMangroveRoots) ID ¶
func (MuddyMangroveRoots) ID() string
type MushroomStem ¶
type MushroomStem struct { Down Boolean `nbt:"down"` East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (MushroomStem) ID ¶
func (MushroomStem) ID() string
type NetherBrickFence ¶
type NetherBrickFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (NetherBrickFence) ID ¶
func (NetherBrickFence) ID() string
type NetherBrickSlab ¶
func (NetherBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (NetherBrickSlab) ID() string
type NetherBrickStairs ¶
type NetherBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (NetherBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (NetherBrickStairs) ID() string
type NetherBrickWall ¶
type NetherBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (NetherBrickWall) ID ¶
func (NetherBrickWall) ID() string
type NetherBricks ¶
type NetherBricks struct{}
func (NetherBricks) ID ¶
func (NetherBricks) ID() string
type NetherGoldOre ¶
type NetherGoldOre struct{}
func (NetherGoldOre) ID ¶
func (NetherGoldOre) ID() string
type NetherPortal ¶
type NetherPortal struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (NetherPortal) ID ¶
func (NetherPortal) ID() string
type NetherQuartzOre ¶
type NetherQuartzOre struct{}
func (NetherQuartzOre) ID ¶
func (NetherQuartzOre) ID() string
type NetherSprouts ¶
type NetherSprouts struct{}
func (NetherSprouts) ID ¶
func (NetherSprouts) ID() string
type NetherWart ¶
type NetherWart struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (NetherWart) ID ¶
func (NetherWart) ID() string
type NetherWartBlock ¶
type NetherWartBlock struct{}
func (NetherWartBlock) ID ¶
func (NetherWartBlock) ID() string
type NetheriteBlock ¶
type NetheriteBlock struct{}
func (NetheriteBlock) ID ¶
func (NetheriteBlock) ID() string
type NoteBlock ¶
type NoteBlock struct { Instrument NoteBlockInstrument `nbt:"instrument"` Note Integer `nbt:"note"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type NoteBlockInstrument ¶
type NoteBlockInstrument byte
const ( NoteBlockInstrumentHarp NoteBlockInstrument = iota NoteBlockInstrumentBasedrum NoteBlockInstrumentSnare NoteBlockInstrumentHat NoteBlockInstrumentBass NoteBlockInstrumentFlute NoteBlockInstrumentBell NoteBlockInstrumentGuitar NoteBlockInstrumentChime NoteBlockInstrumentXylophone NoteBlockInstrumentIronXylophone NoteBlockInstrumentCowBell NoteBlockInstrumentDidgeridoo NoteBlockInstrumentBit NoteBlockInstrumentBanjo NoteBlockInstrumentPling NoteBlockInstrumentZombie NoteBlockInstrumentSkeleton NoteBlockInstrumentCreeper NoteBlockInstrumentDragon NoteBlockInstrumentWitherSkeleton NoteBlockInstrumentPiglin NoteBlockInstrumentCustomHead )
func (NoteBlockInstrument) MarshalText ¶
func (n NoteBlockInstrument) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (NoteBlockInstrument) String ¶
func (n NoteBlockInstrument) String() string
func (*NoteBlockInstrument) UnmarshalText ¶
func (n *NoteBlockInstrument) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type OakButton ¶
type OakButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type OakDoor ¶
type OakDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
type OakFence ¶
type OakFenceGate ¶
type OakFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (OakFenceGate) ID ¶
func (OakFenceGate) ID() string
type OakHangingSign ¶
type OakHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (OakHangingSign) ID ¶
func (OakHangingSign) ID() string
type OakLeaves ¶
type OakPressurePlate ¶
type OakPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (OakPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (OakPressurePlate) ID() string
type OakSapling ¶
type OakSapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (OakSapling) ID ¶
func (OakSapling) ID() string
type OakStairs ¶
type OakStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
type OakTrapdoor ¶
type OakTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (OakTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (OakTrapdoor) ID() string
type OakWallHangingSign ¶
type OakWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (OakWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (OakWallHangingSign) ID() string
type OakWallSign ¶
func (OakWallSign) ID ¶
func (OakWallSign) ID() string
type OchreFroglight ¶
type OchreFroglight struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (OchreFroglight) ID ¶
func (OchreFroglight) ID() string
type OrangeBanner ¶
type OrangeBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (OrangeBanner) ID ¶
func (OrangeBanner) ID() string
type OrangeBed ¶
type OrangeCandle ¶
type OrangeCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (OrangeCandle) ID ¶
func (OrangeCandle) ID() string
type OrangeCandleCake ¶
type OrangeCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (OrangeCandleCake) ID ¶
func (OrangeCandleCake) ID() string
type OrangeCarpet ¶
type OrangeCarpet struct{}
func (OrangeCarpet) ID ¶
func (OrangeCarpet) ID() string
type OrangeConcrete ¶
type OrangeConcrete struct{}
func (OrangeConcrete) ID ¶
func (OrangeConcrete) ID() string
type OrangeConcretePowder ¶
type OrangeConcretePowder struct{}
func (OrangeConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (OrangeConcretePowder) ID() string
type OrangeGlazedTerracotta ¶
type OrangeGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (OrangeGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (OrangeGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type OrangeShulkerBox ¶
type OrangeShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (OrangeShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (OrangeShulkerBox) ID() string
type OrangeStainedGlass ¶
type OrangeStainedGlass struct{}
func (OrangeStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (OrangeStainedGlass) ID() string
type OrangeStainedGlassPane ¶
type OrangeStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (OrangeStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (OrangeStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type OrangeTerracotta ¶
type OrangeTerracotta struct{}
func (OrangeTerracotta) ID ¶
func (OrangeTerracotta) ID() string
type OrangeWallBanner ¶
type OrangeWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (OrangeWallBanner) ID ¶
func (OrangeWallBanner) ID() string
type OxidizedCopper ¶
type OxidizedCopper struct{}
func (OxidizedCopper) ID ¶
func (OxidizedCopper) ID() string
type OxidizedCutCopper ¶
type OxidizedCutCopper struct{}
func (OxidizedCutCopper) ID ¶
func (OxidizedCutCopper) ID() string
type OxidizedCutCopperSlab ¶
type OxidizedCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (OxidizedCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (OxidizedCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type OxidizedCutCopperStairs ¶
type OxidizedCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (OxidizedCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (OxidizedCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type PearlescentFroglight ¶
type PearlescentFroglight struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (PearlescentFroglight) ID ¶
func (PearlescentFroglight) ID() string
type Peony ¶
type Peony struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
type PetrifiedOakSlab ¶
func (PetrifiedOakSlab) ID ¶
func (PetrifiedOakSlab) ID() string
type PiglinHead ¶
type PiglinHead struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (PiglinHead) ID ¶
func (PiglinHead) ID() string
type PiglinWallHead ¶
type PiglinWallHead struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PiglinWallHead) ID ¶
func (PiglinWallHead) ID() string
type PinkBanner ¶
type PinkBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (PinkBanner) ID ¶
func (PinkBanner) ID() string
type PinkBed ¶
type PinkCandle ¶
type PinkCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PinkCandle) ID ¶
func (PinkCandle) ID() string
type PinkCandleCake ¶
type PinkCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (PinkCandleCake) ID ¶
func (PinkCandleCake) ID() string
type PinkConcrete ¶
type PinkConcrete struct{}
func (PinkConcrete) ID ¶
func (PinkConcrete) ID() string
type PinkConcretePowder ¶
type PinkConcretePowder struct{}
func (PinkConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (PinkConcretePowder) ID() string
type PinkGlazedTerracotta ¶
type PinkGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PinkGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (PinkGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type PinkPetals ¶
type PinkPetals struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Flower_amount Integer `nbt:"flower_amount"` }
func (PinkPetals) ID ¶
func (PinkPetals) ID() string
type PinkShulkerBox ¶
type PinkShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PinkShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (PinkShulkerBox) ID() string
type PinkStainedGlass ¶
type PinkStainedGlass struct{}
func (PinkStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (PinkStainedGlass) ID() string
type PinkStainedGlassPane ¶
type PinkStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (PinkStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (PinkStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type PinkTerracotta ¶
type PinkTerracotta struct{}
func (PinkTerracotta) ID ¶
func (PinkTerracotta) ID() string
type PinkWallBanner ¶
type PinkWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PinkWallBanner) ID ¶
func (PinkWallBanner) ID() string
type PistonEntity ¶
type PistonEntity struct{}
func (PistonEntity) ID ¶
func (PistonEntity) ID() string
func (PistonEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (p PistonEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type PistonHead ¶
type PistonHead struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Short Boolean `nbt:"short"` Type PistonType `nbt:"type"` }
func (PistonHead) ID ¶
func (PistonHead) ID() string
type PistonType ¶
type PistonType byte
const ( PistonTypeNormal PistonType = iota PistonTypeSticky )
func (PistonType) MarshalText ¶
func (p PistonType) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (PistonType) String ¶
func (p PistonType) String() string
func (*PistonType) UnmarshalText ¶
func (p *PistonType) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type PlayerHead ¶
type PlayerHead struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (PlayerHead) ID ¶
func (PlayerHead) ID() string
type PlayerWallHead ¶
type PlayerWallHead struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PlayerWallHead) ID ¶
func (PlayerWallHead) ID() string
type PointedDripstone ¶
type PointedDripstone struct { Thickness DripstoneThickness `nbt:"thickness"` Vertical_direction Direction `nbt:"vertical_direction"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PointedDripstone) ID ¶
func (PointedDripstone) ID() string
type PolishedAndesite ¶
type PolishedAndesite struct{}
func (PolishedAndesite) ID ¶
func (PolishedAndesite) ID() string
type PolishedAndesiteSlab ¶
type PolishedAndesiteSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedAndesiteSlab) ID ¶
func (PolishedAndesiteSlab) ID() string
type PolishedAndesiteStairs ¶
type PolishedAndesiteStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedAndesiteStairs) ID ¶
func (PolishedAndesiteStairs) ID() string
type PolishedBasalt ¶
type PolishedBasalt struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (PolishedBasalt) ID ¶
func (PolishedBasalt) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstone ¶
type PolishedBlackstone struct{}
func (PolishedBlackstone) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstone) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneBrickSlab ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneBrickSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneBrickSlab) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneBrickStairs ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneBrickStairs) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneBrickWall ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneBrickWall) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneBrickWall) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneBricks ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneBricks struct{}
func (PolishedBlackstoneBricks) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneBricks) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneButton ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneButton) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneButton) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstonePressurePlate ¶
type PolishedBlackstonePressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (PolishedBlackstonePressurePlate) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstonePressurePlate) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneSlab ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneSlab) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneStairs ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneStairs) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneStairs) ID() string
type PolishedBlackstoneWall ¶
type PolishedBlackstoneWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (PolishedBlackstoneWall) ID ¶
func (PolishedBlackstoneWall) ID() string
type PolishedDeepslate ¶
type PolishedDeepslate struct{}
func (PolishedDeepslate) ID ¶
func (PolishedDeepslate) ID() string
type PolishedDeepslateSlab ¶
type PolishedDeepslateSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedDeepslateSlab) ID ¶
func (PolishedDeepslateSlab) ID() string
type PolishedDeepslateStairs ¶
type PolishedDeepslateStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedDeepslateStairs) ID ¶
func (PolishedDeepslateStairs) ID() string
type PolishedDeepslateWall ¶
type PolishedDeepslateWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (PolishedDeepslateWall) ID ¶
func (PolishedDeepslateWall) ID() string
type PolishedDiorite ¶
type PolishedDiorite struct{}
func (PolishedDiorite) ID ¶
func (PolishedDiorite) ID() string
type PolishedDioriteSlab ¶
type PolishedDioriteSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedDioriteSlab) ID ¶
func (PolishedDioriteSlab) ID() string
type PolishedDioriteStairs ¶
type PolishedDioriteStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedDioriteStairs) ID ¶
func (PolishedDioriteStairs) ID() string
type PolishedGranite ¶
type PolishedGranite struct{}
func (PolishedGranite) ID ¶
func (PolishedGranite) ID() string
type PolishedGraniteSlab ¶
type PolishedGraniteSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedGraniteSlab) ID ¶
func (PolishedGraniteSlab) ID() string
type PolishedGraniteStairs ¶
type PolishedGraniteStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PolishedGraniteStairs) ID ¶
func (PolishedGraniteStairs) ID() string
type PottedAcaciaSapling ¶
type PottedAcaciaSapling struct{}
func (PottedAcaciaSapling) ID ¶
func (PottedAcaciaSapling) ID() string
type PottedAllium ¶
type PottedAllium struct{}
func (PottedAllium) ID ¶
func (PottedAllium) ID() string
type PottedAzaleaBush ¶
type PottedAzaleaBush struct{}
func (PottedAzaleaBush) ID ¶
func (PottedAzaleaBush) ID() string
type PottedAzureBluet ¶
type PottedAzureBluet struct{}
func (PottedAzureBluet) ID ¶
func (PottedAzureBluet) ID() string
type PottedBamboo ¶
type PottedBamboo struct{}
func (PottedBamboo) ID ¶
func (PottedBamboo) ID() string
type PottedBirchSapling ¶
type PottedBirchSapling struct{}
func (PottedBirchSapling) ID ¶
func (PottedBirchSapling) ID() string
type PottedBlueOrchid ¶
type PottedBlueOrchid struct{}
func (PottedBlueOrchid) ID ¶
func (PottedBlueOrchid) ID() string
type PottedBrownMushroom ¶
type PottedBrownMushroom struct{}
func (PottedBrownMushroom) ID ¶
func (PottedBrownMushroom) ID() string
type PottedCactus ¶
type PottedCactus struct{}
func (PottedCactus) ID ¶
func (PottedCactus) ID() string
type PottedCherrySapling ¶
type PottedCherrySapling struct{}
func (PottedCherrySapling) ID ¶
func (PottedCherrySapling) ID() string
type PottedCornflower ¶
type PottedCornflower struct{}
func (PottedCornflower) ID ¶
func (PottedCornflower) ID() string
type PottedCrimsonFungus ¶
type PottedCrimsonFungus struct{}
func (PottedCrimsonFungus) ID ¶
func (PottedCrimsonFungus) ID() string
type PottedCrimsonRoots ¶
type PottedCrimsonRoots struct{}
func (PottedCrimsonRoots) ID ¶
func (PottedCrimsonRoots) ID() string
type PottedDandelion ¶
type PottedDandelion struct{}
func (PottedDandelion) ID ¶
func (PottedDandelion) ID() string
type PottedDarkOakSapling ¶
type PottedDarkOakSapling struct{}
func (PottedDarkOakSapling) ID ¶
func (PottedDarkOakSapling) ID() string
type PottedDeadBush ¶
type PottedDeadBush struct{}
func (PottedDeadBush) ID ¶
func (PottedDeadBush) ID() string
type PottedFloweringAzaleaBush ¶
type PottedFloweringAzaleaBush struct{}
func (PottedFloweringAzaleaBush) ID ¶
func (PottedFloweringAzaleaBush) ID() string
type PottedJungleSapling ¶
type PottedJungleSapling struct{}
func (PottedJungleSapling) ID ¶
func (PottedJungleSapling) ID() string
type PottedLilyOfTheValley ¶
type PottedLilyOfTheValley struct{}
func (PottedLilyOfTheValley) ID ¶
func (PottedLilyOfTheValley) ID() string
type PottedMangrovePropagule ¶
type PottedMangrovePropagule struct{}
func (PottedMangrovePropagule) ID ¶
func (PottedMangrovePropagule) ID() string
type PottedOakSapling ¶
type PottedOakSapling struct{}
func (PottedOakSapling) ID ¶
func (PottedOakSapling) ID() string
type PottedOrangeTulip ¶
type PottedOrangeTulip struct{}
func (PottedOrangeTulip) ID ¶
func (PottedOrangeTulip) ID() string
type PottedOxeyeDaisy ¶
type PottedOxeyeDaisy struct{}
func (PottedOxeyeDaisy) ID ¶
func (PottedOxeyeDaisy) ID() string
type PottedPinkTulip ¶
type PottedPinkTulip struct{}
func (PottedPinkTulip) ID ¶
func (PottedPinkTulip) ID() string
type PottedRedMushroom ¶
type PottedRedMushroom struct{}
func (PottedRedMushroom) ID ¶
func (PottedRedMushroom) ID() string
type PottedRedTulip ¶
type PottedRedTulip struct{}
func (PottedRedTulip) ID ¶
func (PottedRedTulip) ID() string
type PottedSpruceSapling ¶
type PottedSpruceSapling struct{}
func (PottedSpruceSapling) ID ¶
func (PottedSpruceSapling) ID() string
type PottedTorchflower ¶
type PottedTorchflower struct{}
func (PottedTorchflower) ID ¶
func (PottedTorchflower) ID() string
type PottedWarpedFungus ¶
type PottedWarpedFungus struct{}
func (PottedWarpedFungus) ID ¶
func (PottedWarpedFungus) ID() string
type PottedWarpedRoots ¶
type PottedWarpedRoots struct{}
func (PottedWarpedRoots) ID ¶
func (PottedWarpedRoots) ID() string
type PottedWhiteTulip ¶
type PottedWhiteTulip struct{}
func (PottedWhiteTulip) ID ¶
func (PottedWhiteTulip) ID() string
type PottedWitherRose ¶
type PottedWitherRose struct{}
func (PottedWitherRose) ID ¶
func (PottedWitherRose) ID() string
type PowderSnowCauldron ¶
type PowderSnowCauldron struct {
Level Integer `nbt:"level"`
func (PowderSnowCauldron) ID ¶
func (PowderSnowCauldron) ID() string
type PoweredRail ¶
type PoweredRail struct { Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Shape RailShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PoweredRail) ID ¶
func (PoweredRail) ID() string
type PrismarineBrickSlab ¶
type PrismarineBrickSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PrismarineBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (PrismarineBrickSlab) ID() string
type PrismarineBrickStairs ¶
type PrismarineBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PrismarineBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (PrismarineBrickStairs) ID() string
type PrismarineBricks ¶
type PrismarineBricks struct{}
func (PrismarineBricks) ID ¶
func (PrismarineBricks) ID() string
type PrismarineSlab ¶
func (PrismarineSlab) ID ¶
func (PrismarineSlab) ID() string
type PrismarineStairs ¶
type PrismarineStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PrismarineStairs) ID ¶
func (PrismarineStairs) ID() string
type PrismarineWall ¶
type PrismarineWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (PrismarineWall) ID ¶
func (PrismarineWall) ID() string
type PumpkinStem ¶
type PumpkinStem struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (PumpkinStem) ID ¶
func (PumpkinStem) ID() string
type PurpleBanner ¶
type PurpleBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (PurpleBanner) ID ¶
func (PurpleBanner) ID() string
type PurpleBed ¶
type PurpleCandle ¶
type PurpleCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PurpleCandle) ID ¶
func (PurpleCandle) ID() string
type PurpleCandleCake ¶
type PurpleCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (PurpleCandleCake) ID ¶
func (PurpleCandleCake) ID() string
type PurpleCarpet ¶
type PurpleCarpet struct{}
func (PurpleCarpet) ID ¶
func (PurpleCarpet) ID() string
type PurpleConcrete ¶
type PurpleConcrete struct{}
func (PurpleConcrete) ID ¶
func (PurpleConcrete) ID() string
type PurpleConcretePowder ¶
type PurpleConcretePowder struct{}
func (PurpleConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (PurpleConcretePowder) ID() string
type PurpleGlazedTerracotta ¶
type PurpleGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PurpleGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (PurpleGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type PurpleShulkerBox ¶
type PurpleShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PurpleShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (PurpleShulkerBox) ID() string
type PurpleStainedGlass ¶
type PurpleStainedGlass struct{}
func (PurpleStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (PurpleStainedGlass) ID() string
type PurpleStainedGlassPane ¶
type PurpleStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (PurpleStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (PurpleStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type PurpleTerracotta ¶
type PurpleTerracotta struct{}
func (PurpleTerracotta) ID ¶
func (PurpleTerracotta) ID() string
type PurpleWallBanner ¶
type PurpleWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (PurpleWallBanner) ID ¶
func (PurpleWallBanner) ID() string
type PurpurPillar ¶
type PurpurPillar struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (PurpurPillar) ID ¶
func (PurpurPillar) ID() string
type PurpurSlab ¶
func (PurpurSlab) ID ¶
func (PurpurSlab) ID() string
type PurpurStairs ¶
type PurpurStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (PurpurStairs) ID ¶
func (PurpurStairs) ID() string
type QuartzBricks ¶
type QuartzBricks struct{}
func (QuartzBricks) ID ¶
func (QuartzBricks) ID() string
type QuartzPillar ¶
type QuartzPillar struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (QuartzPillar) ID ¶
func (QuartzPillar) ID() string
type QuartzSlab ¶
func (QuartzSlab) ID ¶
func (QuartzSlab) ID() string
type QuartzStairs ¶
type QuartzStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (QuartzStairs) ID ¶
func (QuartzStairs) ID() string
type RailShape ¶
type RailShape byte
func (RailShape) MarshalText ¶
func (*RailShape) UnmarshalText ¶
type RawCopperBlock ¶
type RawCopperBlock struct{}
func (RawCopperBlock) ID ¶
func (RawCopperBlock) ID() string
type RawGoldBlock ¶
type RawGoldBlock struct{}
func (RawGoldBlock) ID ¶
func (RawGoldBlock) ID() string
type RawIronBlock ¶
type RawIronBlock struct{}
func (RawIronBlock) ID ¶
func (RawIronBlock) ID() string
type RedBed ¶
type RedCandle ¶
type RedCandleCake ¶
type RedCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (RedCandleCake) ID ¶
func (RedCandleCake) ID() string
type RedConcretePowder ¶
type RedConcretePowder struct{}
func (RedConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (RedConcretePowder) ID() string
type RedGlazedTerracotta ¶
type RedGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (RedGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (RedGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type RedMushroomBlock ¶
type RedMushroomBlock struct { Down Boolean `nbt:"down"` East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (RedMushroomBlock) ID ¶
func (RedMushroomBlock) ID() string
type RedNetherBrickSlab ¶
type RedNetherBrickSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (RedNetherBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (RedNetherBrickSlab) ID() string
type RedNetherBrickStairs ¶
type RedNetherBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (RedNetherBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (RedNetherBrickStairs) ID() string
type RedNetherBrickWall ¶
type RedNetherBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (RedNetherBrickWall) ID ¶
func (RedNetherBrickWall) ID() string
type RedNetherBricks ¶
type RedNetherBricks struct{}
func (RedNetherBricks) ID ¶
func (RedNetherBricks) ID() string
type RedSandstone ¶
type RedSandstone struct{}
func (RedSandstone) ID ¶
func (RedSandstone) ID() string
type RedSandstoneSlab ¶
func (RedSandstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (RedSandstoneSlab) ID() string
type RedSandstoneStairs ¶
type RedSandstoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (RedSandstoneStairs) ID ¶
func (RedSandstoneStairs) ID() string
type RedSandstoneWall ¶
type RedSandstoneWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (RedSandstoneWall) ID ¶
func (RedSandstoneWall) ID() string
type RedShulkerBox ¶
type RedShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (RedShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (RedShulkerBox) ID() string
type RedStainedGlass ¶
type RedStainedGlass struct{}
func (RedStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (RedStainedGlass) ID() string
type RedStainedGlassPane ¶
type RedStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (RedStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (RedStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type RedTerracotta ¶
type RedTerracotta struct{}
func (RedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (RedTerracotta) ID() string
type RedWallBanner ¶
type RedWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (RedWallBanner) ID ¶
func (RedWallBanner) ID() string
type RedstoneBlock ¶
type RedstoneBlock struct{}
func (RedstoneBlock) ID ¶
func (RedstoneBlock) ID() string
type RedstoneLamp ¶
type RedstoneLamp struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (RedstoneLamp) ID ¶
func (RedstoneLamp) ID() string
type RedstoneOre ¶
type RedstoneOre struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (RedstoneOre) ID ¶
func (RedstoneOre) ID() string
type RedstoneSide ¶
type RedstoneSide byte
const ( RedstoneSideUp RedstoneSide = iota RedstoneSideSide RedstoneSideNone )
func (RedstoneSide) MarshalText ¶
func (r RedstoneSide) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (RedstoneSide) String ¶
func (r RedstoneSide) String() string
func (*RedstoneSide) UnmarshalText ¶
func (r *RedstoneSide) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type RedstoneTorch ¶
type RedstoneTorch struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (RedstoneTorch) ID ¶
func (RedstoneTorch) ID() string
type RedstoneWallTorch ¶
func (RedstoneWallTorch) ID ¶
func (RedstoneWallTorch) ID() string
type RedstoneWire ¶
type RedstoneWire struct { East RedstoneSide `nbt:"east"` North RedstoneSide `nbt:"north"` Power Integer `nbt:"power"` South RedstoneSide `nbt:"south"` West RedstoneSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (RedstoneWire) ID ¶
func (RedstoneWire) ID() string
type ReinforcedDeepslate ¶
type ReinforcedDeepslate struct{}
func (ReinforcedDeepslate) ID ¶
func (ReinforcedDeepslate) ID() string
type Repeater ¶
type RepeatingCommandBlock ¶
type RepeatingCommandBlock struct { Conditional Boolean `nbt:"conditional"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` }
func (RepeatingCommandBlock) ID ¶
func (RepeatingCommandBlock) ID() string
type RespawnAnchor ¶
type RespawnAnchor struct {
Charges Integer `nbt:"charges"`
func (RespawnAnchor) ID ¶
func (RespawnAnchor) ID() string
type RoseBush ¶
type RoseBush struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
type SandstoneSlab ¶
func (SandstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (SandstoneSlab) ID() string
type SandstoneStairs ¶
type SandstoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SandstoneStairs) ID ¶
func (SandstoneStairs) ID() string
type SandstoneWall ¶
type SandstoneWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (SandstoneWall) ID ¶
func (SandstoneWall) ID() string
type Scaffolding ¶
type Scaffolding struct { Bottom Boolean `nbt:"bottom"` Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (Scaffolding) ID ¶
func (Scaffolding) ID() string
type SculkCatalyst ¶
type SculkCatalyst struct {
Bloom Boolean `nbt:"bloom"`
func (SculkCatalyst) ID ¶
func (SculkCatalyst) ID() string
type SculkCatalystEntity ¶
type SculkCatalystEntity struct{}
func (SculkCatalystEntity) ID ¶
func (SculkCatalystEntity) ID() string
func (SculkCatalystEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SculkCatalystEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SculkSensor ¶
type SculkSensor struct { Power Integer `nbt:"power"` Sculk_sensor_phase SculkSensorPhase `nbt:"sculk_sensor_phase"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SculkSensor) ID ¶
func (SculkSensor) ID() string
type SculkSensorEntity ¶
type SculkSensorEntity struct{}
func (SculkSensorEntity) ID ¶
func (SculkSensorEntity) ID() string
func (SculkSensorEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SculkSensorEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SculkSensorPhase ¶
type SculkSensorPhase byte
const ( SculkSensorPhaseInactive SculkSensorPhase = iota SculkSensorPhaseActive SculkSensorPhaseCooldown )
func (SculkSensorPhase) MarshalText ¶
func (s SculkSensorPhase) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (SculkSensorPhase) String ¶
func (s SculkSensorPhase) String() string
func (*SculkSensorPhase) UnmarshalText ¶
func (s *SculkSensorPhase) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type SculkShrieker ¶
type SculkShrieker struct { Can_summon Boolean `nbt:"can_summon"` Shrieking Boolean `nbt:"shrieking"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SculkShrieker) ID ¶
func (SculkShrieker) ID() string
type SculkShriekerEntity ¶
type SculkShriekerEntity struct{}
func (SculkShriekerEntity) ID ¶
func (SculkShriekerEntity) ID() string
func (SculkShriekerEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SculkShriekerEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SculkVein ¶
type ShulkerBox ¶
type ShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (ShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (ShulkerBox) ID() string
type ShulkerBoxEntity ¶
type ShulkerBoxEntity struct{}
func (ShulkerBoxEntity) ID ¶
func (ShulkerBoxEntity) ID() string
func (ShulkerBoxEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s ShulkerBoxEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SignEntity ¶
type SignEntity struct{}
func (SignEntity) ID ¶
func (SignEntity) ID() string
func (SignEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SignEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SkeletonSkull ¶
type SkeletonSkull struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (SkeletonSkull) ID ¶
func (SkeletonSkull) ID() string
type SkeletonWallSkull ¶
type SkeletonWallSkull struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (SkeletonWallSkull) ID ¶
func (SkeletonWallSkull) ID() string
type SkullEntity ¶
type SkullEntity struct{}
func (SkullEntity) ID ¶
func (SkullEntity) ID() string
func (SkullEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SkullEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SmallAmethystBud ¶
type SmallAmethystBud struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmallAmethystBud) ID ¶
func (SmallAmethystBud) ID() string
type SmallDripleaf ¶
type SmallDripleaf struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmallDripleaf) ID ¶
func (SmallDripleaf) ID() string
type SmithingTable ¶
type SmithingTable struct{}
func (SmithingTable) ID ¶
func (SmithingTable) ID() string
type SmokerEntity ¶
type SmokerEntity struct{}
func (SmokerEntity) ID ¶
func (SmokerEntity) ID() string
func (SmokerEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SmokerEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SmoothBasalt ¶
type SmoothBasalt struct{}
func (SmoothBasalt) ID ¶
func (SmoothBasalt) ID() string
type SmoothQuartz ¶
type SmoothQuartz struct{}
func (SmoothQuartz) ID ¶
func (SmoothQuartz) ID() string
type SmoothQuartzSlab ¶
func (SmoothQuartzSlab) ID ¶
func (SmoothQuartzSlab) ID() string
type SmoothQuartzStairs ¶
type SmoothQuartzStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmoothQuartzStairs) ID ¶
func (SmoothQuartzStairs) ID() string
type SmoothRedSandstone ¶
type SmoothRedSandstone struct{}
func (SmoothRedSandstone) ID ¶
func (SmoothRedSandstone) ID() string
type SmoothRedSandstoneSlab ¶
type SmoothRedSandstoneSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmoothRedSandstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (SmoothRedSandstoneSlab) ID() string
type SmoothRedSandstoneStairs ¶
type SmoothRedSandstoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmoothRedSandstoneStairs) ID ¶
func (SmoothRedSandstoneStairs) ID() string
type SmoothSandstone ¶
type SmoothSandstone struct{}
func (SmoothSandstone) ID ¶
func (SmoothSandstone) ID() string
type SmoothSandstoneSlab ¶
type SmoothSandstoneSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmoothSandstoneSlab) ID ¶
func (SmoothSandstoneSlab) ID() string
type SmoothSandstoneStairs ¶
type SmoothSandstoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SmoothSandstoneStairs) ID ¶
func (SmoothSandstoneStairs) ID() string
type SmoothStoneSlab ¶
func (SmoothStoneSlab) ID ¶
func (SmoothStoneSlab) ID() string
type SoulCampfire ¶
type SoulCampfire struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Signal_fire Boolean `nbt:"signal_fire"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SoulCampfire) ID ¶
func (SoulCampfire) ID() string
type SoulLantern ¶
func (SoulLantern) ID ¶
func (SoulLantern) ID() string
type SoulWallTorch ¶
type SoulWallTorch struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (SoulWallTorch) ID ¶
func (SoulWallTorch) ID() string
type SporeBlossom ¶
type SporeBlossom struct{}
func (SporeBlossom) ID ¶
func (SporeBlossom) ID() string
type SpruceButton ¶
type SpruceButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (SpruceButton) ID ¶
func (SpruceButton) ID() string
type SpruceDoor ¶
type SpruceDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (SpruceDoor) ID ¶
func (SpruceDoor) ID() string
type SpruceFence ¶
type SpruceFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (SpruceFence) ID ¶
func (SpruceFence) ID() string
type SpruceFenceGate ¶
type SpruceFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (SpruceFenceGate) ID ¶
func (SpruceFenceGate) ID() string
type SpruceHangingSign ¶
type SpruceHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceHangingSign) ID ¶
func (SpruceHangingSign) ID() string
type SpruceLeaves ¶
type SpruceLeaves struct { Distance Integer `nbt:"distance"` Persistent Boolean `nbt:"persistent"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceLeaves) ID ¶
func (SpruceLeaves) ID() string
type SprucePlanks ¶
type SprucePlanks struct{}
func (SprucePlanks) ID ¶
func (SprucePlanks) ID() string
type SprucePressurePlate ¶
type SprucePressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (SprucePressurePlate) ID ¶
func (SprucePressurePlate) ID() string
type SpruceSapling ¶
type SpruceSapling struct {
Stage Integer `nbt:"stage"`
func (SpruceSapling) ID ¶
func (SpruceSapling) ID() string
type SpruceSign ¶
type SpruceSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceSign) ID ¶
func (SpruceSign) ID() string
type SpruceSlab ¶
func (SpruceSlab) ID ¶
func (SpruceSlab) ID() string
type SpruceStairs ¶
type SpruceStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceStairs) ID ¶
func (SpruceStairs) ID() string
type SpruceTrapdoor ¶
type SpruceTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (SpruceTrapdoor) ID() string
type SpruceWallHangingSign ¶
type SpruceWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (SpruceWallHangingSign) ID() string
type SpruceWallSign ¶
type SpruceWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (SpruceWallSign) ID ¶
func (SpruceWallSign) ID() string
type SpruceWood ¶
type SpruceWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (SpruceWood) ID ¶
func (SpruceWood) ID() string
type StairsShape ¶
type StairsShape byte
const ( StairsShapeStraight StairsShape = iota StairsShapeInnerLeft StairsShapeInnerRight StairsShapeOuterLeft StairsShapeOuterRight )
func (StairsShape) MarshalText ¶
func (s StairsShape) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (StairsShape) String ¶
func (s StairsShape) String() string
func (*StairsShape) UnmarshalText ¶
func (s *StairsShape) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type State ¶
type State struct { Name string Properties nbt.RawMessage }
type StickyPiston ¶
func (StickyPiston) ID ¶
func (StickyPiston) ID() string
type StoneBrickSlab ¶
func (StoneBrickSlab) ID ¶
func (StoneBrickSlab) ID() string
type StoneBrickStairs ¶
type StoneBrickStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (StoneBrickStairs) ID ¶
func (StoneBrickStairs) ID() string
type StoneBrickWall ¶
type StoneBrickWall struct { East WallSide `nbt:"east"` North WallSide `nbt:"north"` South WallSide `nbt:"south"` Up Boolean `nbt:"up"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West WallSide `nbt:"west"` }
func (StoneBrickWall) ID ¶
func (StoneBrickWall) ID() string
type StoneButton ¶
type StoneButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (StoneButton) ID ¶
func (StoneButton) ID() string
type StonePressurePlate ¶
type StonePressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (StonePressurePlate) ID ¶
func (StonePressurePlate) ID() string
type StoneStairs ¶
type StoneStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (StoneStairs) ID ¶
func (StoneStairs) ID() string
type Stonecutter ¶
type Stonecutter struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (Stonecutter) ID ¶
func (Stonecutter) ID() string
type StrippedAcaciaLog ¶
type StrippedAcaciaLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedAcaciaLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedAcaciaLog) ID() string
type StrippedAcaciaWood ¶
type StrippedAcaciaWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedAcaciaWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedAcaciaWood) ID() string
type StrippedBambooBlock ¶
type StrippedBambooBlock struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedBambooBlock) ID ¶
func (StrippedBambooBlock) ID() string
type StrippedBirchLog ¶
type StrippedBirchLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedBirchLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedBirchLog) ID() string
type StrippedBirchWood ¶
type StrippedBirchWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedBirchWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedBirchWood) ID() string
type StrippedCherryLog ¶
type StrippedCherryLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedCherryLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedCherryLog) ID() string
type StrippedCherryWood ¶
type StrippedCherryWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedCherryWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedCherryWood) ID() string
type StrippedCrimsonHyphae ¶
type StrippedCrimsonHyphae struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedCrimsonHyphae) ID ¶
func (StrippedCrimsonHyphae) ID() string
type StrippedCrimsonStem ¶
type StrippedCrimsonStem struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedCrimsonStem) ID ¶
func (StrippedCrimsonStem) ID() string
type StrippedDarkOakLog ¶
type StrippedDarkOakLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedDarkOakLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedDarkOakLog) ID() string
type StrippedDarkOakWood ¶
type StrippedDarkOakWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedDarkOakWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedDarkOakWood) ID() string
type StrippedJungleLog ¶
type StrippedJungleLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedJungleLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedJungleLog) ID() string
type StrippedJungleWood ¶
type StrippedJungleWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedJungleWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedJungleWood) ID() string
type StrippedMangroveLog ¶
type StrippedMangroveLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedMangroveLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedMangroveLog) ID() string
type StrippedMangroveWood ¶
type StrippedMangroveWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedMangroveWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedMangroveWood) ID() string
type StrippedOakLog ¶
type StrippedOakLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedOakLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedOakLog) ID() string
type StrippedOakWood ¶
type StrippedOakWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedOakWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedOakWood) ID() string
type StrippedSpruceLog ¶
type StrippedSpruceLog struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedSpruceLog) ID ¶
func (StrippedSpruceLog) ID() string
type StrippedSpruceWood ¶
type StrippedSpruceWood struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedSpruceWood) ID ¶
func (StrippedSpruceWood) ID() string
type StrippedWarpedHyphae ¶
type StrippedWarpedHyphae struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedWarpedHyphae) ID ¶
func (StrippedWarpedHyphae) ID() string
type StrippedWarpedStem ¶
type StrippedWarpedStem struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (StrippedWarpedStem) ID ¶
func (StrippedWarpedStem) ID() string
type StructureBlock ¶
type StructureBlock struct {
Mode StructureMode `nbt:"mode"`
func (StructureBlock) ID ¶
func (StructureBlock) ID() string
type StructureBlockEntity ¶
type StructureBlockEntity struct{}
func (StructureBlockEntity) ID ¶
func (StructureBlockEntity) ID() string
func (StructureBlockEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s StructureBlockEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type StructureMode ¶
type StructureMode byte
const ( StructureModeSave StructureMode = iota StructureModeLoad StructureModeCorner StructureModeData )
func (StructureMode) MarshalText ¶
func (s StructureMode) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (StructureMode) String ¶
func (s StructureMode) String() string
func (*StructureMode) UnmarshalText ¶
func (s *StructureMode) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type StructureVoid ¶
type StructureVoid struct{}
func (StructureVoid) ID ¶
func (StructureVoid) ID() string
type Sunflower ¶
type Sunflower struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
type SuspiciousSand ¶
type SuspiciousSand struct {
Dusted Integer `nbt:"dusted"`
func (SuspiciousSand) ID ¶
func (SuspiciousSand) ID() string
type SuspiciousSandEntity ¶
type SuspiciousSandEntity struct{}
func (SuspiciousSandEntity) ID ¶
func (SuspiciousSandEntity) ID() string
func (SuspiciousSandEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (s SuspiciousSandEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type SweetBerryBush ¶
type SweetBerryBush struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (SweetBerryBush) ID ¶
func (SweetBerryBush) ID() string
type TallGrass ¶
type TallGrass struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
type TallSeagrass ¶
type TallSeagrass struct {
Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"`
func (TallSeagrass) ID ¶
func (TallSeagrass) ID() string
type TorchflowerCrop ¶
type TorchflowerCrop struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (TorchflowerCrop) ID ¶
func (TorchflowerCrop) ID() string
type TrappedChest ¶
type TrappedChest struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Type ChestType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (TrappedChest) ID ¶
func (TrappedChest) ID() string
type TrappedChestEntity ¶
type TrappedChestEntity struct{}
func (TrappedChestEntity) ID ¶
func (TrappedChestEntity) ID() string
func (TrappedChestEntity) IsValidBlock ¶
func (t TrappedChestEntity) IsValidBlock(block Block) bool
type Tripwire ¶
type TripwireHook ¶
type TripwireHook struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (TripwireHook) ID ¶
func (TripwireHook) ID() string
type TubeCoralBlock ¶
type TubeCoralBlock struct{}
func (TubeCoralBlock) ID ¶
func (TubeCoralBlock) ID() string
type TubeCoralFan ¶
type TubeCoralFan struct {
Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"`
func (TubeCoralFan) ID ¶
func (TubeCoralFan) ID() string
type TubeCoralWallFan ¶
type TubeCoralWallFan struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (TubeCoralWallFan) ID ¶
func (TubeCoralWallFan) ID() string
type TwistingVines ¶
type TwistingVines struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (TwistingVines) ID ¶
func (TwistingVines) ID() string
type TwistingVinesPlant ¶
type TwistingVinesPlant struct{}
func (TwistingVinesPlant) ID ¶
func (TwistingVinesPlant) ID() string
type VerdantFroglight ¶
type VerdantFroglight struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (VerdantFroglight) ID ¶
func (VerdantFroglight) ID() string
type Vine ¶
type WarpedButton ¶
type WarpedButton struct { Face AttachFace `nbt:"face"` Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (WarpedButton) ID ¶
func (WarpedButton) ID() string
type WarpedDoor ¶
type WarpedDoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half DoubleBlockHalf `nbt:"half"` Hinge DoorHingeSide `nbt:"hinge"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (WarpedDoor) ID ¶
func (WarpedDoor) ID() string
type WarpedFence ¶
type WarpedFence struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (WarpedFence) ID ¶
func (WarpedFence) ID() string
type WarpedFenceGate ¶
type WarpedFenceGate struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` In_wall Boolean `nbt:"in_wall"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` }
func (WarpedFenceGate) ID ¶
func (WarpedFenceGate) ID() string
type WarpedFungus ¶
type WarpedFungus struct{}
func (WarpedFungus) ID ¶
func (WarpedFungus) ID() string
type WarpedHangingSign ¶
type WarpedHangingSign struct { Attached Boolean `nbt:"attached"` Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WarpedHangingSign) ID ¶
func (WarpedHangingSign) ID() string
type WarpedHyphae ¶
type WarpedHyphae struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (WarpedHyphae) ID ¶
func (WarpedHyphae) ID() string
type WarpedNylium ¶
type WarpedNylium struct{}
func (WarpedNylium) ID ¶
func (WarpedNylium) ID() string
type WarpedPlanks ¶
type WarpedPlanks struct{}
func (WarpedPlanks) ID ¶
func (WarpedPlanks) ID() string
type WarpedPressurePlate ¶
type WarpedPressurePlate struct {
Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"`
func (WarpedPressurePlate) ID ¶
func (WarpedPressurePlate) ID() string
type WarpedSign ¶
type WarpedSign struct { Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WarpedSign) ID ¶
func (WarpedSign) ID() string
type WarpedSlab ¶
func (WarpedSlab) ID ¶
func (WarpedSlab) ID() string
type WarpedStairs ¶
type WarpedStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WarpedStairs) ID ¶
func (WarpedStairs) ID() string
type WarpedStem ¶
type WarpedStem struct {
Axis Axis `nbt:"axis"`
func (WarpedStem) ID ¶
func (WarpedStem) ID() string
type WarpedTrapdoor ¶
type WarpedTrapdoor struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Open Boolean `nbt:"open"` Powered Boolean `nbt:"powered"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WarpedTrapdoor) ID ¶
func (WarpedTrapdoor) ID() string
type WarpedWallHangingSign ¶
type WarpedWallHangingSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WarpedWallHangingSign) ID ¶
func (WarpedWallHangingSign) ID() string
type WarpedWallSign ¶
type WarpedWallSign struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WarpedWallSign) ID ¶
func (WarpedWallSign) ID() string
type WarpedWartBlock ¶
type WarpedWartBlock struct{}
func (WarpedWartBlock) ID ¶
func (WarpedWartBlock) ID() string
type WaterCauldron ¶
type WaterCauldron struct {
Level Integer `nbt:"level"`
func (WaterCauldron) ID ¶
func (WaterCauldron) ID() string
type WaxedCopperBlock ¶
type WaxedCopperBlock struct{}
func (WaxedCopperBlock) ID ¶
func (WaxedCopperBlock) ID() string
type WaxedCutCopper ¶
type WaxedCutCopper struct{}
func (WaxedCutCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedCutCopper) ID() string
type WaxedCutCopperSlab ¶
type WaxedCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (WaxedCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type WaxedCutCopperStairs ¶
type WaxedCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (WaxedCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type WaxedExposedCopper ¶
type WaxedExposedCopper struct{}
func (WaxedExposedCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedExposedCopper) ID() string
type WaxedExposedCutCopper ¶
type WaxedExposedCutCopper struct{}
func (WaxedExposedCutCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedExposedCutCopper) ID() string
type WaxedExposedCutCopperSlab ¶
type WaxedExposedCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedExposedCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (WaxedExposedCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type WaxedExposedCutCopperStairs ¶
type WaxedExposedCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedExposedCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (WaxedExposedCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type WaxedOxidizedCopper ¶
type WaxedOxidizedCopper struct{}
func (WaxedOxidizedCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedOxidizedCopper) ID() string
type WaxedOxidizedCutCopper ¶
type WaxedOxidizedCutCopper struct{}
func (WaxedOxidizedCutCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedOxidizedCutCopper) ID() string
type WaxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab ¶
type WaxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (WaxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type WaxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs ¶
type WaxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (WaxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type WaxedWeatheredCopper ¶
type WaxedWeatheredCopper struct{}
func (WaxedWeatheredCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedWeatheredCopper) ID() string
type WaxedWeatheredCutCopper ¶
type WaxedWeatheredCutCopper struct{}
func (WaxedWeatheredCutCopper) ID ¶
func (WaxedWeatheredCutCopper) ID() string
type WaxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab ¶
type WaxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (WaxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type WaxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs ¶
type WaxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WaxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (WaxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type WeatheredCopper ¶
type WeatheredCopper struct{}
func (WeatheredCopper) ID ¶
func (WeatheredCopper) ID() string
type WeatheredCutCopper ¶
type WeatheredCutCopper struct{}
func (WeatheredCutCopper) ID ¶
func (WeatheredCutCopper) ID() string
type WeatheredCutCopperSlab ¶
type WeatheredCutCopperSlab struct { Type SlabType `nbt:"type"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WeatheredCutCopperSlab) ID ¶
func (WeatheredCutCopperSlab) ID() string
type WeatheredCutCopperStairs ¶
type WeatheredCutCopperStairs struct { Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"` Half Half `nbt:"half"` Shape StairsShape `nbt:"shape"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WeatheredCutCopperStairs) ID ¶
func (WeatheredCutCopperStairs) ID() string
type WeepingVines ¶
type WeepingVines struct {
Age Integer `nbt:"age"`
func (WeepingVines) ID ¶
func (WeepingVines) ID() string
type WeepingVinesPlant ¶
type WeepingVinesPlant struct{}
func (WeepingVinesPlant) ID ¶
func (WeepingVinesPlant) ID() string
type WhiteBanner ¶
type WhiteBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (WhiteBanner) ID ¶
func (WhiteBanner) ID() string
type WhiteBed ¶
type WhiteCandle ¶
type WhiteCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (WhiteCandle) ID ¶
func (WhiteCandle) ID() string
type WhiteCandleCake ¶
type WhiteCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (WhiteCandleCake) ID ¶
func (WhiteCandleCake) ID() string
type WhiteConcrete ¶
type WhiteConcrete struct{}
func (WhiteConcrete) ID ¶
func (WhiteConcrete) ID() string
type WhiteConcretePowder ¶
type WhiteConcretePowder struct{}
func (WhiteConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (WhiteConcretePowder) ID() string
type WhiteGlazedTerracotta ¶
type WhiteGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (WhiteGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (WhiteGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type WhiteShulkerBox ¶
type WhiteShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (WhiteShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (WhiteShulkerBox) ID() string
type WhiteStainedGlass ¶
type WhiteStainedGlass struct{}
func (WhiteStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (WhiteStainedGlass) ID() string
type WhiteStainedGlassPane ¶
type WhiteStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (WhiteStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (WhiteStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type WhiteTerracotta ¶
type WhiteTerracotta struct{}
func (WhiteTerracotta) ID ¶
func (WhiteTerracotta) ID() string
type WhiteWallBanner ¶
type WhiteWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (WhiteWallBanner) ID ¶
func (WhiteWallBanner) ID() string
type WitherSkeletonSkull ¶
type WitherSkeletonSkull struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (WitherSkeletonSkull) ID ¶
func (WitherSkeletonSkull) ID() string
type WitherSkeletonWallSkull ¶
type WitherSkeletonWallSkull struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (WitherSkeletonWallSkull) ID ¶
func (WitherSkeletonWallSkull) ID() string
type YellowBanner ¶
type YellowBanner struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (YellowBanner) ID ¶
func (YellowBanner) ID() string
type YellowBed ¶
type YellowCandle ¶
type YellowCandle struct { Candles Integer `nbt:"candles"` Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` }
func (YellowCandle) ID ¶
func (YellowCandle) ID() string
type YellowCandleCake ¶
type YellowCandleCake struct {
Lit Boolean `nbt:"lit"`
func (YellowCandleCake) ID ¶
func (YellowCandleCake) ID() string
type YellowCarpet ¶
type YellowCarpet struct{}
func (YellowCarpet) ID ¶
func (YellowCarpet) ID() string
type YellowConcrete ¶
type YellowConcrete struct{}
func (YellowConcrete) ID ¶
func (YellowConcrete) ID() string
type YellowConcretePowder ¶
type YellowConcretePowder struct{}
func (YellowConcretePowder) ID ¶
func (YellowConcretePowder) ID() string
type YellowGlazedTerracotta ¶
type YellowGlazedTerracotta struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (YellowGlazedTerracotta) ID ¶
func (YellowGlazedTerracotta) ID() string
type YellowShulkerBox ¶
type YellowShulkerBox struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (YellowShulkerBox) ID ¶
func (YellowShulkerBox) ID() string
type YellowStainedGlass ¶
type YellowStainedGlass struct{}
func (YellowStainedGlass) ID ¶
func (YellowStainedGlass) ID() string
type YellowStainedGlassPane ¶
type YellowStainedGlassPane struct { East Boolean `nbt:"east"` North Boolean `nbt:"north"` South Boolean `nbt:"south"` Waterlogged Boolean `nbt:"waterlogged"` West Boolean `nbt:"west"` }
func (YellowStainedGlassPane) ID ¶
func (YellowStainedGlassPane) ID() string
type YellowTerracotta ¶
type YellowTerracotta struct{}
func (YellowTerracotta) ID ¶
func (YellowTerracotta) ID() string
type YellowWallBanner ¶
type YellowWallBanner struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (YellowWallBanner) ID ¶
func (YellowWallBanner) ID() string
type ZombieHead ¶
type ZombieHead struct {
Rotation Integer `nbt:"rotation"`
func (ZombieHead) ID ¶
func (ZombieHead) ID() string
type ZombieWallHead ¶
type ZombieWallHead struct {
Facing Direction `nbt:"facing"`
func (ZombieWallHead) ID ¶
func (ZombieWallHead) ID() string
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