Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Ask[T any](i *Input, o *Output, question QuestionInterface) (T, error)
- func BgBlack(text string) string
- func BgBlue(text string) string
- func BgCyan(text string) string
- func BgGreen(text string) string
- func BgMagenta(text string) string
- func BgRed(text string) string
- func BgWhite(text string) string
- func BgYellow(text string) string
- func Black(text string) string
- func Blue(text string) string
- func Bold(text string) string
- func ColorMode() uint8
- func ConvertFromHexToAnsiColorCode(mode uint8, hexColor string) (string, error)
- func Cyan(text string) string
- func Dim(text string) string
- func Escape(s string) string
- func EscapeTrailingBackslash(s string) string
- func FormatBlock(messages []string, style string, large bool) string
- func FormatSection(section string, message string, style string) string
- func Gray(text string) string
- func Green(text string) string
- func HasColorSupport() bool
- func HasInt(c Collection[int], v int) bool
- func HasString(c Collection[string], v string) bool
- func Hidden(text string) string
- func InputTypeToArray(value InputType) []string
- func InputTypeToString(value InputType) string
- func Inverse(text string) string
- func Italic(text string) string
- func Magenta(text string) string
- func Red(text string) string
- func Reduce[T any, U any](c Collection[T], fn func(acc U, cur T, i int) U, initial U) U
- func Reset(text string) string
- func Strikethrough(text string) string
- func StringToInputArgs(cmd string) []string
- func TerminalHeight() (int, error)
- func TerminalIsInteractive() bool
- func TerminalSize() (int, int, error)
- func TerminalWidth() (int, error)
- func Truncate(message string, length int, suffix string) string
- func Underline(text string) string
- func White(text string) string
- func Yellow(text string) string
- type Application
- func (app *Application) Abbreviations(names []string) map[string][]string
- func (app *Application) Add(commands ...*Command)
- func (app *Application) AddCommands(commands []*Command)
- func (app *Application) All(namespace string) map[string]*Command
- func (app *Application) Definition() *InputDefinition
- func (app *Application) ExtractNamespace(name string, limit int) string
- func (app *Application) Find(name string) (*Command, error)
- func (app *Application) FindNamespace(namespace string) (string, error)
- func (app *Application) Get(name string) (*Command, error)
- func (app *Application) Has(name string) bool
- func (app *Application) Help() string
- func (app *Application) Namespaces() []string
- func (app *Application) RenderError(o *Output, err error)
- func (app *Application) Run(args ...string) (exitCode int, err error)
- func (app *Application) RunWith(i *Input, o *Output) (exitCode int, err error)
- func (app *Application) SetDefaultCommand(commandName string, isSingleCommand bool) error
- func (app *Application) SetDefinition(definition *InputDefinition)
- type ApplicationDescription
- type AvailableOption
- type ChildProcess
- type ChoiceQuestion
- type Collection
- func (c Collection[T]) Every(fn func(T) bool) bool
- func (c Collection[T]) Filter(predicate func(T) bool) Collection[T]
- func (c Collection[T]) FilterInPlace(predicate func(T) bool) Collection[T]
- func (c Collection[T]) FilterMapInPlace(predicate func(T) bool, mapper func(T) T) Collection[T]
- func (c Collection[T]) Find(fn func(T) bool) (T, bool)
- func (c Collection[T]) Has(value T, cmp func(T, T) bool) bool
- func (c Collection[T]) IndexOf(value T, cmp func(T, T) bool) int
- func (c Collection[T]) Len() int
- func (c Collection[T]) Map(fn func(T) T) Collection[T]
- func (c Collection[T]) MapInPlace(fn func(T) T) Collection[T]
- func (c *Collection[T]) PopBack() T
- func (c *Collection[T]) PopFront() T
- func (c *Collection[T]) PushBack(v ...T)
- func (c *Collection[T]) PushFront(v ...T)
- func (c Collection[T]) Reverse() Collection[T]
- func (c Collection[T]) ReverseInPlace() Collection[T]
- func (c Collection[T]) Some(fn func(T) bool) bool
- func (c Collection[T]) Splice(start int, end int) Collection[T]
- type Color
- type Command
- func (c *Command) AddArgument(arg *InputArgument) *Command
- func (c *Command) AddOption(option *InputOption) *Command
- func (c *Command) AddUsage(usage string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ApplicationDefinition() *InputDefinition
- func (c *Command) Arguments() map[string]InputType
- func (c *Command) ArrayArgument(name string) ([]string, error)
- func (c *Command) ArrayOption(name string) ([]string, error)
- func (c *Command) BoolOption(name string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Command) DefineArgument(name string, mode InputArgumentMode, description string, ...) *Command
- func (c *Command) DefineOption(name string, shortcut string, mode InputOptionMode, description string, ...) *Command
- func (c *Command) Definition() *InputDefinition
- func (c *Command) Describe(output *Output, options uint)
- func (c *Command) Exec(cmd string, shell string, inherit bool) (string, error)
- func (c *Command) Fail(e string) (int, error)
- func (c *Command) Input() *Input
- func (c *Command) IsEnabled() bool
- func (c *Command) MergeApplication(mergeArgs bool)
- func (c *Command) Meta() any
- func (c *Command) NativeDefinition() *InputDefinition
- func (c *Command) Options() map[string]InputType
- func (c *Command) Output() *Output
- func (c *Command) ProcessedHelp() string
- func (c *Command) Run(i *Input, o *Output) (int, error)
- func (c *Command) SetAliases(aliases []string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetApplicationDefinition(definition *InputDefinition)
- func (c *Command) SetDefinition(definition *InputDefinition)
- func (c *Command) SetDescription(description string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetHelp(help string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetHidden(hidden bool) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetMeta(meta any)
- func (c *Command) SetName(name string) *Command
- func (c *Command) StringArgument(name string) (string, error)
- func (c *Command) StringOption(name string) (string, error)
- func (c *Command) Synopsis(short bool) string
- func (c *Command) Usages() []string
- type CommandHandle
- type CommandInitializer
- type CommandInteracter
- type CommandNotFoundError
- type ConfirmationQuestion
- type Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) ClearLine() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) ClearLineAfter() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) ClearOutput() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) ClearScreen() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) CurrentPosition() (int, int)
- func (c *Cursor) Hide() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) Move(x int, y int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) MoveDown(lines int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) MoveLeft(columns int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) MoveRight(columns int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) MoveToColumn(column int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) MoveToPosition(column int, row int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) MoveUp(lines int) *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) RestorePosition() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) SavePosition() *Cursor
- func (c *Cursor) Show() *Cursor
- type DescriptorOptions
- type ErrorWithAlternatives
- type Input
- func (i *Input) Arguments() map[string]InputType
- func (i *Input) ArrayArgument(name string) ([]string, error)
- func (i *Input) ArrayOption(name string) ([]string, error)
- func (i *Input) Bind(definition *InputDefinition) error
- func (i *Input) BoolOption(name string) (bool, error)
- func (i *Input) EscapeToken(token string) string
- func (i *Input) FirstArgument() InputType
- func (i *Input) HasArgument(name string) bool
- func (i *Input) HasOption(name string) bool
- func (i *Input) HasParameterOption(value string, onlyParams bool) bool
- func (i *Input) IsInteractive() bool
- func (i *Input) Options() map[string]InputType
- func (i *Input) ParameterOption(value string, defaultValue InputType, onlyParams bool) InputType
- func (i *Input) Parse() error
- func (i *Input) SetArgument(name string, value InputType) error
- func (i *Input) SetDefinition(definition *InputDefinition) error
- func (i *Input) SetInteractive(interactive bool)
- func (i *Input) SetOption(name string, value InputType) error
- func (i *Input) SetStream(stream *os.File)
- func (i *Input) Stream() *os.File
- func (i *Input) String() string
- func (i *Input) StringArgument(name string) (string, error)
- func (i *Input) StringOption(name string) (string, error)
- func (i *Input) Validate() error
- type InputArgument
- type InputArgumentMode
- type InputDefinition
- func (d *InputDefinition) AddArgument(argument *InputArgument)
- func (d *InputDefinition) AddArguments(arguments []*InputArgument)
- func (d *InputDefinition) AddOption(option *InputOption)
- func (d *InputDefinition) AddOptions(options []*InputOption)
- func (d *InputDefinition) Argument(name string) (*InputArgument, error)
- func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentByIndex(index uint) (*InputArgument, error)
- func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentCount() uint
- func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentDefaults() map[string]InputType
- func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentRequiredCount() uint
- func (d *InputDefinition) GetArguments() []*InputArgument
- func (d *InputDefinition) GetOptions() []*InputOption
- func (d *InputDefinition) HasArgument(name string) bool
- func (d *InputDefinition) HasNegation(name string) bool
- func (d *InputDefinition) HasOption(name string) bool
- func (d *InputDefinition) HasShortcut(name string) bool
- func (d *InputDefinition) NegationToName(negation string) string
- func (d *InputDefinition) Option(name string) (*InputOption, error)
- func (d *InputDefinition) OptionDefaults() map[string]InputType
- func (d *InputDefinition) OptionForShortcut(shortcut string) (*InputOption, error)
- func (d *InputDefinition) SetArguments(arguments []*InputArgument)
- func (d *InputDefinition) SetDefinition(arguments []*InputArgument, options []*InputOption)
- func (d *InputDefinition) SetOptions(options []*InputOption)
- func (d *InputDefinition) ShortcutToName(shortcut string) string
- func (d *InputDefinition) Synopsis(short bool) string
- type InputOption
- func (o *InputOption) AcceptValue() bool
- func (o *InputOption) Clone() *InputOption
- func (o *InputOption) Equals(opt *InputOption) bool
- func (o *InputOption) IsArray() bool
- func (o *InputOption) IsNegatable() bool
- func (o *InputOption) IsValueOptional() bool
- func (o *InputOption) IsValueRequired() bool
- func (o *InputOption) SetDefaultValue(value InputType) *InputOption
- func (o *InputOption) SetValidator(validator InputValidator) *InputOption
- type InputOptionMode
- type InputParser
- type InputType
- type InputValidator
- type NamespaceCommands
- type NamespaceNotFoundError
- type Output
- func (o *Output) Ask(questions string, defaultValue string, validator func(string) bool) string
- func (o *Output) AskHidden(question string, validator func(string) bool) string
- func (o *Output) Box(title string, body string, footer string, color string, info string)
- func (o *Output) Caution(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) Choice(question string, choices map[string]string, defaultValue string) string
- func (o *Output) Confirm(q string, defaultValue bool) (bool, error)
- func (o *Output) DoWrite(message string, newLine bool)
- func (o *Output) Err(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) ErrorOutput() *Output
- func (o *Output) Formatter() *OutputFormatter
- func (o *Output) Info(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) IsDebug() bool
- func (o *Output) IsDecorated() bool
- func (o *Output) IsQuiet() bool
- func (o *Output) IsVerbose() bool
- func (o *Output) IsVeryVerbose() bool
- func (o *Output) Listing(elements []string, prefix string)
- func (o *Output) NewLine(count int)
- func (o *Output) Note(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) ProgressAdvance(step uint)
- func (o *Output) ProgressFinish()
- func (o *Output) ProgressStart(max uint)
- func (o *Output) Section(message string)
- func (o *Output) SetDecorated(decorated bool)
- func (o *Output) SetErrorOutput(output *Output)
- func (o *Output) SetFormatter(formatter *OutputFormatter)
- func (o *Output) SetVerbosity(verbose uint)
- func (o *Output) Success(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) Table(headers []string, rows map[string]string)
- func (o *Output) Text(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) Title(message string)
- func (o *Output) Verbosity() uint
- func (o *Output) Warning(messages []string)
- func (o *Output) Write(message string, newLine bool, options uint)
- func (o *Output) WriteMany(messages []string, newLine bool, options uint)
- func (o *Output) Writeln(s string, options uint)
- func (o *Output) Writelns(s []string, options uint)
- type OutputFormatter
- func (o *OutputFormatter) Clone() *OutputFormatter
- func (o *OutputFormatter) Format(message string) string
- func (o *OutputFormatter) FormatAndWrap(message string, width int) string
- func (o *OutputFormatter) HasStyle(name string) bool
- func (o *OutputFormatter) RemoveDecoration(str string) string
- func (o *OutputFormatter) SetStyle(name string, style *OutputFormatterStyle)
- func (o *OutputFormatter) Style(name string) (*OutputFormatterStyle, error)
- type OutputFormatterStyle
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) Apply(text string) string
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) Clone() *OutputFormatterStyle
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetBackground(c string)
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetForeground(c string)
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetHref(href string)
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetOption(option string)
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetOptions(options []string)
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) UnsetOption(option string)
- type OutputFormatterStyleStack
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Clone() *OutputFormatterStyleStack
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Current() *OutputFormatterStyle
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Pop(style *OutputFormatterStyle) *OutputFormatterStyle
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Push(style *OutputFormatterStyle)
- func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Reset()
- type OutputTheme
- type Question
- type QuestionInterface
- type QuestionMeta
- type QuestionNormalizer
- type QuestionValidator
- type ScrollBar
- type TextDescriptor
- func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeApplication(app *Application, options *DescriptorOptions)
- func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeCommand(command *Command, options *DescriptorOptions)
- func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeInputArgument(argument *InputArgument, options *DescriptorOptions)
- func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeInputDefinition(definition *InputDefinition, options *DescriptorOptions)
- func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeInputOption(option *InputOption, options *DescriptorOptions)
- func (d *TextDescriptor) Write(content string, decorated bool)
- type TrimmedBufferOutput
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( InputArgumentRequired = 1 InputArgumentOptional = 2 InputArgumentIsArray = 4 )
View Source
const ( InputOptionBool = 1 InputOptionRequired = 2 InputOptionOptional = 4 InputOptionIsArray = 8 InputOptionNegatable = 16 )
View Source
const ( VerbosityQuiet uint = 16 VerbosityNormal uint = 32 VerbosityVerbose uint = 64 VerbosityVeryVerbose uint = 128 VerbosityDebug uint = 256 )
View Source
const ( OutputNormal uint = 1 OutputRaw uint = 2 OutputPlain uint = 4 )
View Source
const ChoiceQuestionDefaultErrorMessage = `Value "%s" is invalid`
View Source
const ChoiceQuestionDefaultPrompt = " > "
Variables ¶
View Source
var DefaultOutputTheme = map[string]*OutputFormatterStyle{ "error": NewOutputFormatterStyle("white", "red", nil), "info": NewOutputFormatterStyle("white", "blue", nil), "success": NewOutputFormatterStyle("white", "green", nil), "ok": NewOutputFormatterStyle("white", "green", nil), "warn": NewOutputFormatterStyle("black", "yellow", nil), "warning": NewOutputFormatterStyle("black", "yellow", nil), "caution": NewOutputFormatterStyle("black", "yellow", nil), "comment": NewOutputFormatterStyle("yellow", "", nil), "alert": NewOutputFormatterStyle("red", "", []string{"bold"}), "header": NewOutputFormatterStyle("yellow", "", nil), "highlight": NewOutputFormatterStyle("green", "", nil), "question": NewOutputFormatterStyle("black", "cyan", nil), }
View Source
var TrueAnswerRegex = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)^y")
Functions ¶
func EscapeTrailingBackslash ¶
func HasColorSupport ¶
func HasColorSupport() bool
func InputTypeToArray ¶
func InputTypeToString ¶
func Reduce ¶
func Reduce[T any, U any](c Collection[T], fn func(acc U, cur T, i int) U, initial U) U
func Strikethrough ¶
func StringToInputArgs ¶
func TerminalHeight ¶
func TerminalIsInteractive ¶
func TerminalIsInteractive() bool
func TerminalSize ¶
func TerminalWidth ¶
Types ¶
type Application ¶
type Application struct { Name string Version string LongVersion string DefaultCommand string CatchErrors bool AutoExit bool SingleCommand bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Application) Abbreviations ¶
func (app *Application) Abbreviations(names []string) map[string][]string
func (*Application) Add ¶
func (app *Application) Add(commands ...*Command)
func (*Application) AddCommands ¶
func (app *Application) AddCommands(commands []*Command)
func (*Application) Definition ¶
func (app *Application) Definition() *InputDefinition
func (*Application) ExtractNamespace ¶
func (app *Application) ExtractNamespace(name string, limit int) string
func (*Application) FindNamespace ¶
func (app *Application) FindNamespace(namespace string) (string, error)
func (*Application) Has ¶
func (app *Application) Has(name string) bool
func (*Application) Help ¶
func (app *Application) Help() string
func (*Application) Namespaces ¶
func (app *Application) Namespaces() []string
func (*Application) RenderError ¶
func (app *Application) RenderError(o *Output, err error)
func (*Application) RunWith ¶
func (app *Application) RunWith(i *Input, o *Output) (exitCode int, err error)
func (*Application) SetDefaultCommand ¶
func (app *Application) SetDefaultCommand(commandName string, isSingleCommand bool) error
func (*Application) SetDefinition ¶
func (app *Application) SetDefinition(definition *InputDefinition)
type ApplicationDescription ¶
type ApplicationDescription struct { Application *Application Namespace string ShowHidden bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ApplicationDescription) Command ¶
func (d *ApplicationDescription) Command(name string) (*Command, error)
func (*ApplicationDescription) Commands ¶
func (d *ApplicationDescription) Commands() map[string]*Command
func (*ApplicationDescription) Namespaces ¶
func (d *ApplicationDescription) Namespaces() map[string]*NamespaceCommands
type AvailableOption ¶
type AvailableOption struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ChildProcess ¶
type ChildProcess struct { Cmd string Args []string Shell string Pipe bool Inherit bool Stdin *os.File Stdout *os.File Stderr *os.File // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChildProcess) Run ¶
func (cp *ChildProcess) Run() (string, error)
func (*ChildProcess) Start ¶
func (cp *ChildProcess) Start() error
func (*ChildProcess) Wait ¶
func (cp *ChildProcess) Wait() error
type ChoiceQuestion ¶
type ChoiceQuestion struct { *Question[string] Prompt string Choices map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChoiceQuestion) DefaultValidator ¶
func (cq *ChoiceQuestion) DefaultValidator() QuestionValidator[string]
func (*ChoiceQuestion) SetErrorMessage ¶
func (cq *ChoiceQuestion) SetErrorMessage(message string)
type Collection ¶
type Collection[T any] []T
func Collect ¶
func Collect[T any](data []T) Collection[T]
func Map ¶
func Map[T any, U any](collection Collection[T], fn func(T) U) Collection[U]
func (Collection[T]) Every ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Every(fn func(T) bool) bool
func (Collection[T]) Filter ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Filter(predicate func(T) bool) Collection[T]
func (Collection[T]) FilterInPlace ¶
func (c Collection[T]) FilterInPlace(predicate func(T) bool) Collection[T]
func (Collection[T]) FilterMapInPlace ¶
func (c Collection[T]) FilterMapInPlace(predicate func(T) bool, mapper func(T) T) Collection[T]
func (Collection[T]) Find ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Find(fn func(T) bool) (T, bool)
func (Collection[T]) Has ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Has(value T, cmp func(T, T) bool) bool
func (Collection[T]) IndexOf ¶
func (c Collection[T]) IndexOf(value T, cmp func(T, T) bool) int
func (Collection[T]) Len ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Len() int
func (Collection[T]) Map ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Map(fn func(T) T) Collection[T]
func (Collection[T]) MapInPlace ¶
func (c Collection[T]) MapInPlace(fn func(T) T) Collection[T]
func (*Collection[T]) PopBack ¶
func (c *Collection[T]) PopBack() T
func (*Collection[T]) PopFront ¶
func (c *Collection[T]) PopFront() T
func (*Collection[T]) PushBack ¶
func (c *Collection[T]) PushBack(v ...T)
func (*Collection[T]) PushFront ¶
func (c *Collection[T]) PushFront(v ...T)
func (Collection[T]) Reverse ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Reverse() Collection[T]
func (Collection[T]) ReverseInPlace ¶
func (c Collection[T]) ReverseInPlace() Collection[T]
func (Collection[T]) Some ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Some(fn func(T) bool) bool
func (Collection[T]) Splice ¶
func (c Collection[T]) Splice(start int, end int) Collection[T]
type Color ¶
type Command ¶
type Command struct { Handle CommandHandle Initializer CommandInitializer Interacter CommandInteracter Name string Description string Aliases []string Help string Hidden bool IgnoreValidationErrors bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Command) AddArgument ¶
func (c *Command) AddArgument(arg *InputArgument) *Command
func (*Command) AddOption ¶
func (c *Command) AddOption(option *InputOption) *Command
func (*Command) ApplicationDefinition ¶
func (c *Command) ApplicationDefinition() *InputDefinition
func (*Command) DefineArgument ¶
func (c *Command) DefineArgument(name string, mode InputArgumentMode, description string, defaultValue InputType, validator InputValidator) *Command
func (*Command) DefineOption ¶
func (c *Command) DefineOption(name string, shortcut string, mode InputOptionMode, description string, defaultValue InputType, validator InputValidator) *Command
func (*Command) Definition ¶
func (c *Command) Definition() *InputDefinition
func (*Command) MergeApplication ¶
func (*Command) NativeDefinition ¶
func (c *Command) NativeDefinition() *InputDefinition
func (*Command) ProcessedHelp ¶
func (*Command) SetAliases ¶
func (*Command) SetApplicationDefinition ¶
func (c *Command) SetApplicationDefinition(definition *InputDefinition)
func (*Command) SetDefinition ¶
func (c *Command) SetDefinition(definition *InputDefinition)
func (*Command) SetDescription ¶
type CommandHandle ¶
type CommandInitializer ¶
type CommandInteracter ¶
type CommandNotFoundError ¶
type CommandNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CommandNotFoundError) Alternatives ¶
func (e *CommandNotFoundError) Alternatives() []string
func (*CommandNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *CommandNotFoundError) Error() string
type ConfirmationQuestion ¶
func (*ConfirmationQuestion) DefaultNormalizer ¶
func (q *ConfirmationQuestion) DefaultNormalizer() QuestionNormalizer[bool]
type Cursor ¶
func (*Cursor) ClearLineAfter ¶
func (*Cursor) ClearOutput ¶
func (*Cursor) ClearScreen ¶
func (*Cursor) CurrentPosition ¶
func (*Cursor) MoveToColumn ¶
func (*Cursor) RestorePosition ¶
func (*Cursor) SavePosition ¶
type DescriptorOptions ¶
type DescriptorOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ErrorWithAlternatives ¶
func CommandNotFound ¶
func CommandNotFound(message string, alternatives []string) ErrorWithAlternatives
func NamespaceNotFound ¶
func NamespaceNotFound(message string, alternatives []string) ErrorWithAlternatives
type Input ¶
type Input struct { Tokens []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Input) Bind ¶
func (i *Input) Bind(definition *InputDefinition) error
func (*Input) EscapeToken ¶
func (*Input) FirstArgument ¶
func (*Input) HasArgument ¶
func (*Input) HasParameterOption ¶
func (*Input) IsInteractive ¶
func (*Input) ParameterOption ¶
func (*Input) SetDefinition ¶
func (i *Input) SetDefinition(definition *InputDefinition) error
func (*Input) SetInteractive ¶
type InputArgument ¶
type InputArgument struct { Name string Description string Mode InputArgumentMode DefaultValue InputType Validator InputValidator // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputArgument) Clone ¶
func (a *InputArgument) Clone() *InputArgument
func (*InputArgument) IsArray ¶
func (a *InputArgument) IsArray() bool
func (*InputArgument) IsRequired ¶
func (a *InputArgument) IsRequired() bool
func (*InputArgument) SetDefaultValue ¶
func (a *InputArgument) SetDefaultValue(value InputType) *InputArgument
func (*InputArgument) SetValidator ¶
func (a *InputArgument) SetValidator(validator InputValidator) *InputArgument
type InputArgumentMode ¶
type InputArgumentMode uint8
type InputDefinition ¶
type InputDefinition struct { Arguments []*InputArgument Options []*InputOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputDefinition) AddArgument ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) AddArgument(argument *InputArgument)
func (*InputDefinition) AddArguments ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) AddArguments(arguments []*InputArgument)
func (*InputDefinition) AddOption ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) AddOption(option *InputOption)
func (*InputDefinition) AddOptions ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) AddOptions(options []*InputOption)
func (*InputDefinition) Argument ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) Argument(name string) (*InputArgument, error)
func (*InputDefinition) ArgumentByIndex ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentByIndex(index uint) (*InputArgument, error)
func (*InputDefinition) ArgumentCount ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentCount() uint
func (*InputDefinition) ArgumentDefaults ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentDefaults() map[string]InputType
func (*InputDefinition) ArgumentRequiredCount ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) ArgumentRequiredCount() uint
func (*InputDefinition) GetArguments ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) GetArguments() []*InputArgument
func (*InputDefinition) GetOptions ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) GetOptions() []*InputOption
func (*InputDefinition) HasArgument ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) HasArgument(name string) bool
func (*InputDefinition) HasNegation ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) HasNegation(name string) bool
func (*InputDefinition) HasOption ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) HasOption(name string) bool
func (*InputDefinition) HasShortcut ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) HasShortcut(name string) bool
func (*InputDefinition) NegationToName ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) NegationToName(negation string) string
func (*InputDefinition) Option ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) Option(name string) (*InputOption, error)
func (*InputDefinition) OptionDefaults ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) OptionDefaults() map[string]InputType
func (*InputDefinition) OptionForShortcut ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) OptionForShortcut(shortcut string) (*InputOption, error)
func (*InputDefinition) SetArguments ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) SetArguments(arguments []*InputArgument)
func (*InputDefinition) SetDefinition ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) SetDefinition(arguments []*InputArgument, options []*InputOption)
func (*InputDefinition) SetOptions ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) SetOptions(options []*InputOption)
func (*InputDefinition) ShortcutToName ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) ShortcutToName(shortcut string) string
func (*InputDefinition) Synopsis ¶
func (d *InputDefinition) Synopsis(short bool) string
type InputOption ¶
type InputOption struct { // Should not be prefixed with dashes (e.g. "foo" is ok, "--foo" is not) Name string // Pipe separated string of shortcuts (e.g. "f|F") Shortcut string Description string Mode InputOptionMode DefaultValue InputType Validator InputValidator // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*InputOption) AcceptValue ¶
func (o *InputOption) AcceptValue() bool
func (*InputOption) Clone ¶
func (o *InputOption) Clone() *InputOption
func (*InputOption) Equals ¶
func (o *InputOption) Equals(opt *InputOption) bool
func (*InputOption) IsArray ¶
func (o *InputOption) IsArray() bool
func (*InputOption) IsNegatable ¶
func (o *InputOption) IsNegatable() bool
func (*InputOption) IsValueOptional ¶
func (o *InputOption) IsValueOptional() bool
func (*InputOption) IsValueRequired ¶
func (o *InputOption) IsValueRequired() bool
func (*InputOption) SetDefaultValue ¶
func (o *InputOption) SetDefaultValue(value InputType) *InputOption
func (*InputOption) SetValidator ¶
func (o *InputOption) SetValidator(validator InputValidator) *InputOption
type InputOptionMode ¶
type InputOptionMode uint8
type InputParser ¶
type InputValidator ¶
type NamespaceCommands ¶
type NamespaceCommands struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type NamespaceNotFoundError ¶
type NamespaceNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NamespaceNotFoundError) Alternatives ¶
func (e *NamespaceNotFoundError) Alternatives() []string
func (*NamespaceNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *NamespaceNotFoundError) Error() string
type Output ¶
func (*Output) ErrorOutput ¶
func (*Output) Formatter ¶
func (o *Output) Formatter() *OutputFormatter
func (*Output) IsDecorated ¶
func (*Output) IsVeryVerbose ¶
func (*Output) SetDecorated ¶
func (*Output) SetErrorOutput ¶
func (*Output) SetFormatter ¶
func (o *Output) SetFormatter(formatter *OutputFormatter)
func (*Output) SetVerbosity ¶
type OutputFormatter ¶
type OutputFormatter struct { Decorated bool Styles map[string]*OutputFormatterStyle StyleStack *OutputFormatterStyleStack }
func (*OutputFormatter) Clone ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) Clone() *OutputFormatter
func (*OutputFormatter) Format ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) Format(message string) string
func (*OutputFormatter) FormatAndWrap ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) FormatAndWrap(message string, width int) string
func (*OutputFormatter) HasStyle ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) HasStyle(name string) bool
func (*OutputFormatter) RemoveDecoration ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) RemoveDecoration(str string) string
func (*OutputFormatter) SetStyle ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) SetStyle(name string, style *OutputFormatterStyle)
func (*OutputFormatter) Style ¶
func (o *OutputFormatter) Style(name string) (*OutputFormatterStyle, error)
type OutputFormatterStyle ¶
type OutputFormatterStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOutputFormatterStyle ¶
func NewOutputFormatterStyle(foreground string, background string, options []string) *OutputFormatterStyle
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) Apply ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) Apply(text string) string
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) Clone ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) Clone() *OutputFormatterStyle
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) SetBackground ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetBackground(c string)
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) SetForeground ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetForeground(c string)
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) SetHref ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetHref(href string)
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) SetOption ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetOption(option string)
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) SetOptions ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) SetOptions(options []string)
func (*OutputFormatterStyle) UnsetOption ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyle) UnsetOption(option string)
type OutputFormatterStyleStack ¶
type OutputFormatterStyleStack struct { Styles []*OutputFormatterStyle EmptyStyle *OutputFormatterStyle }
func (*OutputFormatterStyleStack) Clone ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Clone() *OutputFormatterStyleStack
func (*OutputFormatterStyleStack) Current ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Current() *OutputFormatterStyle
func (*OutputFormatterStyleStack) Pop ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Pop(style *OutputFormatterStyle) *OutputFormatterStyle
func (*OutputFormatterStyleStack) Push ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Push(style *OutputFormatterStyle)
func (*OutputFormatterStyleStack) Reset ¶
func (s *OutputFormatterStyleStack) Reset()
type OutputTheme ¶
type OutputTheme map[string]*OutputFormatterStyle
type Question ¶
type Question[T any] struct { Query string Attempts int Hidden bool HiddenFallback bool Validator QuestionValidator[T] Normalizer QuestionNormalizer[T] PreventTrimming bool Multiline bool DefaultValue T }
func (*Question[any]) DefaultNormalizer ¶
func (q *Question[any]) DefaultNormalizer() QuestionNormalizer[any]
func (*Question[any]) DefaultValidator ¶
func (q *Question[any]) DefaultValidator() QuestionValidator[any]
func (*Question[any]) IsQuestion ¶
type QuestionInterface ¶
type QuestionInterface interface {
IsQuestion() bool
type QuestionMeta ¶
type QuestionMeta[T any] struct { Query string Multiline bool DefaultValue T Normalizer QuestionNormalizer[any] Validator QuestionValidator[any] }
type QuestionNormalizer ¶
type QuestionValidator ¶
type TextDescriptor ¶
type TextDescriptor struct {
Output *Output
func (*TextDescriptor) DescribeApplication ¶
func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeApplication(app *Application, options *DescriptorOptions)
func (*TextDescriptor) DescribeCommand ¶
func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeCommand(command *Command, options *DescriptorOptions)
func (*TextDescriptor) DescribeInputArgument ¶
func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeInputArgument(argument *InputArgument, options *DescriptorOptions)
func (*TextDescriptor) DescribeInputDefinition ¶
func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeInputDefinition(definition *InputDefinition, options *DescriptorOptions)
func (*TextDescriptor) DescribeInputOption ¶
func (d *TextDescriptor) DescribeInputOption(option *InputOption, options *DescriptorOptions)
func (*TextDescriptor) Write ¶
func (d *TextDescriptor) Write(content string, decorated bool)
type TrimmedBufferOutput ¶
type TrimmedBufferOutput struct { *Output // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TrimmedBufferOutput) DoWrite ¶
func (o *TrimmedBufferOutput) DoWrite(message string, newLine bool)
func (*TrimmedBufferOutput) Fetch ¶
func (o *TrimmedBufferOutput) Fetch() string
Source Files
- application-descriptor.go
- application.go
- box.go
- child-process.go
- choice-question.go
- collection.go
- color.go
- command.go
- confirmation-question.go
- cursor.go
- descriptor.go
- err.go
- input-argument.go
- input-definition.go
- input-option.go
- input.go
- output-formatter-style-stack.go
- output-formatter-style.go
- output-formatter.go
- output.go
- progress-bar.go
- question-helper.go
- question.go
- scroll-bar.go
- stylist.go
- terminal.go
- trimmed-buffer-output.go
- types.go
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