Azure Databricks operator (for Kubernetes)

This project is experimental. Expect the API to change. It is not recommended for production environments.
Kubernetes offers the facility of extending its API through the concept of Operators. This repository contains the resources and code to deploy an Azure Databricks Operator for Kubernetes.
The Databricks operator is useful in situations where Kubernetes hosted applications wish to launch and use Databricks data engineering and machine learning tasks.
Key benefits of using Azure Databricks operator
Easy to use: Azure Databricks operations can be done by using Kubectl there is no need to learn or install data bricks utils command line and it’s python dependency
Security: No need to distribute and use Databricks token, the data bricks token is used by operator
Version control: All the YAML or helm charts which has azure data bricks operations (clusters, jobs, …) can be tracked
Automation: Replicate azure data bricks operations on any data bricks workspace by applying same manifests or helm charts

The project was built using
- Kubebuilder
- Golang SDK for DataBricks
How to use Azure Databricks operator
- Download the latest release manifests:
- Create the
kubectl create namespace azure-databricks-operator-system
- Create Kubernetes secrets with values for
kubectl --namespace azure-databricks-operator-system \
create secret generic dbrickssettings \
--from-literal=DatabricksHost="" \
- Apply the manifests for the Operator and CRDs in
kubectl apply -f release/config
For details deployment guides please see
- Create a spark cluster on demand and run a databricks notebook.

- Create an interactive spark cluster and Run a databricks job on exisiting cluster.

- Create azure databricks secret scope by using kuberentese secrets

For samples and simple use cases on how to use the operator please see
Quick start
On click start by using vscode

For more details please see
Check for what has been supported and what's coming.
Few topics are discussed in the
- Dev container
- Build pipelines
- Operator metrics
- Kubernetes on WSL
For instructions about setting up your environment to develop and extend the operator, please see
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