UDA Datalayer for Oracle database
A Data Layer for Oracle DB that conforms to the
Universal Data API specification.
This data layer can be used in conjunction with the MIMIRO data hub
to create a modern data fabric.
The Oracle data layer can be configured to expose tables and views from an
Oracle SQL database as a stream of changes or a current snapshot. Rows in
a table are represented as JSON entities according to the
Entity Graph Data model that is described in the UDA specification.
This data layer can be run as a standalone binary or as a docker container.
Releases of this data layer are published to docker hub in the repository: mimiro/oracle-datalayer
The layer can be configured with a common-datalayer configuration
Example for the layer_config
section, which configures the API.:
"layer_config": {
"service_name": "my-oracle-datalayer",
"port": "8080",
"config_refresh_interval": "600s",
"log_level": "warn",
"log_format": "json"
In addition, the Oracle data layer requires a system_config
section to configure the Oracle connection:
"system_config": {
"oracle_hostname": "localhost",
"oracle_port": "1521",
"oracle_db": "FREEPDB1",
"oracle_user": "testuser",
"oracle_password": "testpassword"
To add datasets (tables) to the configuration, refer to the common-datalayer configuration.
The oracle specific options in a dataset configuration are these source
"source": {
"table_name": "name of the mapped table", // required
"flush_threshold": 1000, // max number of rows to buffer before writing to db. optional
"append_mode": false, // default is false, if true, the layer will append all rows instead of updating rows with the same ID
"since_column": "MY_COLUMN" // optional, column to use as a watermark for incremental reads
flush threshold
The layer will combine many DML operations into one big statement to improve performance. Depending
on the size of the rows, the maximum number of rows to buffer before writing to the database can be
adjusted. The default is 1000 rows.write
append mode
The layer will update rows with the same ID by default. If append_mode
is set to true
, the layer
will instead append all rows. Make sure there are no duplicate IDs in the dataset if you enable this.
It is also advisable to map recorded
and deleted
columns in the dataset configuration to ensure
multiple versions of the same entity can be distinguished.
since column
If the dataset is configured with a since_column
, the layer will use this
column as a watermark in incremental reads.
The max value in the column will be encoded as continuation token in read responses.
In oracle, the synthetic ROWID
column can be used as a since_column
achieve incremental reads, even when the data does not have a suitable attribute.
See here for a full example configuration.
run the binary
From source:
DATALAYER_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/config.json go run ./cmd/oracle-datalayer/main.go
run the docker container
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /path/to/config.json:./config/config.json \
mimiro/oracle-datalayer oracle-datalayer
Note that most top level configuration parameters can be provided by environment
variables, overriding corresponding values in json configuration.
The accepted environment variables are:
So a typical docker run command could look like this:
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e PORT=8080 \
-e LOG_LEVEL=info \
-e LOG_FORMAT=json \
-e config_refresh_interval=1h \
-e ORACLE_HOSTNAME=localhost \
-e ORACLE_PORT=1521 \
-e ORACLE_USER=testuser \
-e ORACLE_PASSWORD=testpassword \
-e DATALAYER_CONFIG_PATH=/etc/config.json \
-v /path/to/config.json:/etc/config.json \
mimiro/oracle-datalayer oracle-datalayer
Legacy Datalayer
The repository contains an old version in cmd/oracle
(and internal/legacy
The old version uses a different configuration format and is for backwards
compatibility still the default version in the mimiro/oracle-datalayer
docker image.
The new version will be the default version in the docker image in future releases.