
v0.0.0-...-8bb95d5 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 23, 2025 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 40 Imported by: 0




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const (
	FAIL replyType = "FAIL"
	WARN replyType = "WARN"
	NOTE replyType = "NOTE"


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var (
	RPL_WELCOME          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "001", []string{"%s", "Welcome to the %s IRC Network %s"}, true)
	RPL_YOURHOST         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "002", []string{"%s", "Your host is %s"}, true)
	RPL_CREATED          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "003", []string{"%s", "This server was created %s"}, true)
	RPL_MYINFO           = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "004", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_ISUPPORT         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "005", []string{"%s", "%s", "are supported by this server"}, true)
	RPL_UMODEIS          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "221", []string{"%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_LUSERCLIENT      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "251", []string{"%s", "There are %d users and %d invisible on %d servers"}, true)
	RPL_LUSEROP          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "252", []string{"%s", "%d", "operator(s) online"}, true)
	RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "253", []string{"%s", "%d", "unknown connection(s)"}, true)
	RPL_LUSERCHANNELS    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "254", []string{"%s", "%d", "channels formed"}, true)
	RPL_LUSERME          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "255", []string{"%s", "I have %d clients and %d servers"}, true)
	RPL_LOCALUSERS       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "265", []string{"%s", "%v", "%v", "Current local users %v, max %v"}, true)
	RPL_GLOBALUSERS      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "266", []string{"%s", "%v", "%v", "Current global users %v, max %v"}, true)
	RPL_WHOISCERTFP      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "276", []string{"%s", "%s", "has client certificate fingerprint %s"}, true)
	RPL_AWAY             = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "301", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_USERHOST         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "302", []string{"%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_UNAWAY           = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "305", []string{"%s", "You are no longer marked as being away"}, true)
	RPL_NOWAWAY          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "306", []string{"%s", "You have been marked as being away"}, true)
	RPL_WHOISUSER        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "311", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "*", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_WHOISSERVER      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "312", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_WHOISOPERATOR    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "313", []string{"%s", "%s", "is an IRC operator"}, true)
	RPL_WHOWASUSER       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "314", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "*", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_WHOISIDLE        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "317", []string{"%s", "%s", "%v", "%v", "seconds idle, signon time"}, true)
	RPL_ENDOFWHOIS       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "318", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of /WHOIS list"}, true)
	RPL_WHOISCHANNELS    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "319", []string{"%s", "%s%s"}, false)
	RPL_ENDOFWHO         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "315", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of WHO list"}, true)
	RPL_LIST             = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "322", []string{"%s", "%s", "%v", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_LISTEND          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "323", []string{"%s", "End of /LIST"}, true)
	RPL_CHANNELMODEIS    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "324", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s%s"}, false)
	RPL_CREATIONTIME     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "329", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_WHOISACCOUNT     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "330", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "is logged in as"}, true)
	RPL_NOTOPIC          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "331", []string{"%s", "%s", "No topic is set"}, true)
	RPL_TOPIC            = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "332", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_TOPICWHOTIME     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "333", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%v"}, false)
	RPL_WHOISBOT         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "335", []string{"%s", "%s", "bot"}, true)
	RPL_INVITELIST       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "336", []string{"%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST  = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "337", []string{"%s", "End of /INVITE list"}, true)
	RPL_INVITING         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "341", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_INVEXLIST        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "346", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_ENFOFINVEXLIST   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "347", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of channel invite list"}, true)
	RPL_EXCEPTLIST       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "348", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST  = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "349", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of channel exception list"}, true)
	RPL_WHOREPLY         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "352", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "0 %s"}, true)
	RPL_NAMREPLY         = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "353", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_WHOSPCRPL        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "354", []string{"%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_ENDOFNAMES       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "366", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of /NAMES list"}, true)
	RPL_BANLIST          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "367", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, false)
	RPL_ENDOFBANLIST     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "368", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of channel ban list"}, true)
	RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "369", []string{"%s", "%s", "End of WHOWAS"}, true)
	RPL_MOTDSTART        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "375", []string{"%s", "- %s Message of the Day -"}, true)
	RPL_INFO             = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "371", []string{"%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_MOTD             = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "372", []string{"%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_ENDOFINFO        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "374", []string{"%s", "End of INFO list"}, true)
	RPL_ENDOFMOTD        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "376", []string{"%s", "End of /MOTD command"}, true)
	RPL_YOUREOPER        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "381", []string{"%s", "You are now an IRC operator"}, true)
	RPL_REHASHING        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "382", []string{"%s", "%s", "Rehashing"}, true)
	RPL_TIME             = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "391", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s"}, true)
	ERR_NOSUCHNICK       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "401", []string{"%s", "%s", "No such nick/channel"}, true)
	ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "403", []string{"%s", "%s", "No such channel"}, true)
	ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "404", []string{"%s", "%s", "Cannot send to channel"}, true)
	ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "406", []string{"%s", "%s", "There was no such nickname"}, true)
	ERR_INVALIDCAPCMD    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "410", []string{"%s", "%s", "Invalid CAP command"}, true)
	ERR_NORECIPIENT      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "411", []string{"%s", "No recipient given (%s)"}, true)
	ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "412", []string{"%s", "No text to send"}, true)
	ERR_INPUTTOOLONG     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "417", []string{"%s", "Input line was too long"}, true)
	ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "421", []string{"%s", "%s", "Unknown command"}, true)
	ERR_NOMOTD           = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "422", []string{"%s", "MOTD file is missing"}, true)
	ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN  = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "431", []string{"%s", "No nickname given"}, true)
	ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "432", []string{"%s", "Erroneous nickname"}, true)
	ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "433", []string{"%s", "%s", "Nickname is already in use"}, true)
	ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "441", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "They aren't on that channel"}, true)
	ERR_NOTONCHANNEL     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "442", []string{"%s", "%s", "You're not on that channel"}, true)
	ERR_USERONCHANNEL    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "443", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "is already on channel"}, true)
	ERR_NOTREGISTERED    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "451", []string{"%s", "You have not registered"}, true)
	ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "461", []string{"%s", "%s", "Not enough parameters"}, true)
	ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "462", []string{"%s", "You may not reregister"}, true)
	ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "464", []string{"%s", "Password Incorrect"}, true)
	ERR_CHANNELISFULL    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "471", []string{"%s", "%s", "Cannot join channel (+l)"}, true)
	ERR_UNKNOWNMODE      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "472", []string{"%s", "%s", "is unknown mode char to me for %s"}, true)
	ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "473", []string{"%s", "%s", "Cannot join channel (+i)"}, true)
	ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "474", []string{"%s", "%s", "Cannot join channel (+b)"}, true)
	ERR_BADCHANNELKEY    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "475", []string{"%s", "%s", "Cannot join channel (+k)"}, true)
	ERR_NOPRIVILEGES     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "481", []string{"%s", "Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator"}, true)
	ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "482", []string{"%s", "%s", "You're not a channel operator"}, true)
	ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "501", []string{"%s", "Unknown MODE flag"}, true)
	ERR_USERSDONTMATCH   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "502", []string{"%s", "Can't change mode for other users"}, true)
	ERR_INVALIDKEY       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "525", []string{"%s", "%s", "Key is not well-formed"}, true)
	RPL_WHOISSECURE      = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "671", []string{"%s", "%s", "is using a secure connection"}, true)
	RPL_MONONLINE        = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "730", []string{"%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_MONOFFLINE       = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "731", []string{"%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_MONLIST          = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "732", []string{"%s", "%s"}, true)
	RPL_ENDOFMONLIST     = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "733", []string{"%s", "End of MONITOR list"}, true)

	RPL_LOGGEDIN    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "900", []string{"%s", "%s", "%s", "You are now logged in as %s"}, true)
	RPL_LOGGEDOUT   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "901", []string{"%s", "%s", "You are not logged out"}, true)
	ERR_NICKLOCKED  = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "902", []string{"%s", "You must use a nick assigned to you"}, true)
	RPL_SASLSUCCESS = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "903", []string{"%s", "SASL authentication successful"}, true)
	ERR_SASLFAIL    = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "904", []string{"%s", "SASL authentication failed"}, true)
	ERR_SASLTOOLONG = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "905", []string{"%s", "SASL message too long"}, true)
	ERR_SASLABORTED = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "906", []string{"%s", "SASL authentication aborted"}, true)
	ERR_SASLALREADY = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "907", []string{"%s", "You have already authenticated using SASL"}, true)
	RPL_SASLMECHS   = msg.New(nil, "", "", "", "908", []string{"%s", "%s", "are available SASL mechanisms"}, true)
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var (
	ErrPingTimeout         = errors.New("Closing Link: PING timeout (300 seconds)")
	ErrRegistrationTimeout = errors.New("Closing Link: Client failed to register in allotted time (10 seconds)")



func AUTHENTICATE(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func AWAY

func AWAY(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func CAP

func CAP(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

used for capability negotiation

func END

func END(s *Server, c *client.Client, params ...string) msg.Msg

func ERROR

func ERROR(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

this is currently a noop, as a server should only accept ERROR commands from other servers

func INFO

func INFO(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func INVITE(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func JOIN

func JOIN(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func KICK

func KICK(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

either one chan with many nicks, or 1 chan per nick

func LIST

func LIST(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func LS

func LS(s *Server, c *client.Client, params ...string) msg.Msg

list capabilities that server supports TODO (only for CAP302 clients): when server capabilties take up too much message space, split up into multiple responses like

CAP * LS * :
CAP * LS :


func LUSERS(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func MODE

func MODE(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

TODO: support commands like this that intersperse the modechar and modem.Params MODE &oulu +b *!*@*.edu +e *!*@*


func MONITOR(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func MOTD

func MOTD(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func NAMES

func NAMES(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func NICK

func NICK(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func NOTICE(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func OPER

func OPER(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func PART

func PART(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func PASS

func PASS(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func PING

func PING(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func PONG

func PONG(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func PRIVMSG(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func QUIT

func QUIT(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func REGISTER(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

REGISTER is nonstandard for now, username is assumed to be the same as the current client's nick REGISTER PASS <pass> REGISTER CERT REGISTER <channel>


func REHASH(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func REQ

func REQ(s *Server, c *client.Client, params ...string) msg.Msg


func SETNAME(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func TAGMSG(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func TIME

func TIME(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func TOPIC

func TOPIC(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func USER

func USER(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func USERHOST(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg


func WALLOPS(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func WHO

func WHO(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func WHOIS

func WHOIS(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

we only support the <mask> *( "," <mask> ) parameter, target seems pointless with only one server in the tree


func WHOWAS(s *Server, c *client.Client, m *msg.Message) msg.Msg

func WriteConfigToPath

func WriteConfigToPath(c *Config, path string) error


type Config

type Config struct {
	Debug bool `json:"-"`

	// The name of the network associated with the server
	Network string `json:"network"`

	// The name of this server
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Password []byte `json:"password"`

	Port string `json:"port"`

	Proxy struct {
		Enabled   bool     `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
		Whitelist []string `json:"whitelist,omitempty"`
	} `json:"proxy,omitempty"`

	// Location of sqlite db. If nil, assume :memory:
	Datasource string `json:"datasource"`
	TLS        struct {
		*tls.Config `json:"-"`

		Enabled bool   `json:"enabled"`
		Port    string `json:"port"`

		// A path to the server's public key
		Pubkey string `json:"pubkey"`

		// A path to the server's private key
		Privkey string `json:"privkey"`

		Proxy struct {
			Enabled   bool     `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
			Whitelist []string `json:"whitelist,omitempty"`
		} `json:"proxy,omitempty"`

		STS struct {
			// Enables strict transport security, which provides opportunistic
			// TLS client connection upgrades
			Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

			// The port that clients should be told to connect to. This defaults
			// to TLS.Port if not set.
			Port string `json:"port"`

			// The time that is advertised to clients about how long they should
			// stay connected with TLS. This defaults to the difference between
			// the current time and the `NotAfter` property of the server's
			// certificate.
			Duration time.Duration `json:"duration"`

			// Tell clients that this server should be included in STS preload
			// lists (promise that your server will always offer a secure
			// connection to clients)
			Preload bool `json:"preload"`
		} `json:"sts,omitempty"`
	} `json:"tls,omitempty"`

	// A path to a file containg the server's message of the day. A MOTD
	// is divided when encountering a newline. If a line is too long, it
	// may run over the 512 byte message limit.
	MOTD string `json:"motd"`

	// A map where operator names are the keys and pass is the value
	Ops map[string][]byte `json:"ops,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewConfig

func NewConfig(r io.Reader) (*Config, error)

NewConfig reads the file at path into a Config.

func (*Config) AddOp

func (c *Config) AddOp() error

Adds an operator to the server's config file

func (*Config) SetPass

func (c *Config) SetPass() error

Sets the server's password in its config file

type Server

type Server struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(c *Config) (*Server, error)

func (*Server) Close

func (s *Server) Close() error

close listeners so that we stop accepting more connections this will implicitly cancel the server's context graceful shutdown from

func (*Server) ERROR

func (s *Server) ERROR(c *client.Client, m string)

func (*Server) NOTICE

func (s *Server) NOTICE(c *client.Client, m string) msg.Msg

func (*Server) Serve

func (s *Server) Serve()

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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