# Power on (Wake-on-LAN)
qnap-tool wake 11:22:33:44:55:66 # MAC of NAS
# Power off
qnap-tool shutdown # IP of NAS
Full usage
qnap-tool --help
Usage of ./qnap-tool:
Utility of QNAP NAS.
qnap-tool [flags] action arg
wake: Wake up a NAS by Wake-on-LAN.
qnap-tool wake MAC-ADDRESS
shutdown: Shuts down a NAS.
qnap-tool [-user -password -port -https] shutdown HOST-OF-NAS.
Whether the admin page is https enabled
-password string
The password of user to login
-port uint
The port of the admin web page URL (default 5000)
-user string
The user name to login