
command module
v0.1.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 18, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 25 Imported by: 0


AFA (AI for All)

Actions Status

$$\text{AI for All} := \forall x \in X , \exists \mathrm{AI}(x)$$

AFA is a terminal-friendly AI command. It enables new behaviors through ad-hoc prompts without requiring programming implementation.

AFA processes text streams as its input and output. Text is a flexible and universal interface, making it easy to interact across various environments and tools. Additionally, it integrates with rich TUI tools to provide an interactive chat experience in the terminal.

With AFA, let's collaborate with both existing and unknown commands in line with the UNIX philosophy.

  • Prompt programs that do one thing and do it well.
  • Prompt programs to work together.
  • Prompt programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.


Chat using a Rich TUI


Command Suggestions using ZLE

Command Suggestions

Code Suggestions using Vim

Code Suggestions


  • Acts as a terminal-friendly AI command.
  • Acts as a chat client with a rich terminal user interface (TUI).
  • Supports contextual prompts for both system and user using templates.
  • Accepts prompts, standard input, and file paths as context.
  • Manages sessions, allowing for quick resumption via the resume sub-command.
  • Supports structured output with a safely escaped JSON option, facilitating easy integration with other commands.
  • The core application operates independently of third-party libraries.
  • Supports OpenAI as an AI model (support for other AI models is planned for the future).


Run the interactive chat with:

afa new

Use a rich TUI viewer in chat mode with:

afa new -V

Start the interactive chat with additional information by executing:

echo $ERROR_MESSAGE | afa new -p "What is happening?" /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2
# Please be cautious; when standard input is provided, interactive mode is disabled.
# Consider using process substitution.
#=> afa new -p "What is happening?" /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 <( echo $ERROR_MESSAGE )

Continue from the last session with:

afa resume

Continue from a specified session with:

# The command `afa list` displays past sessions.
afa source -l SESSION_NAME

Specify the user prompt with:

# `Message`, `MessageStdin`, and `Files` that include `File` with `Name` and `Content` members can be used in the template file.
echo "Please explain the following.\n{{ (index .Files 0).Content }}" > CONFIG_PATH/templates/user/explain.tmpl
afa -u explain /path/to/file

Run script mode with:

# When no subcommand is specified, afa run as `afa new -script` which means `-I=false -H=false -S=false -V=false -L=false`
pbpaste | afa -p "Transrate this" | pbcopy

Specify the schema for structured output with:

cat <<< EOS > CONFIG_PATH/schemas/command_suggestion.json
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "suggested_command": {
      "type": "string"
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "required": [

P="List Go files from the directory named 'internal' and print the first line of each file."
afa new -script -j command_suggestion -p $P | jq -r '.suggested_command'
#=> find internal -name '*.go' -exec head -n 1 {} \;


Follow these steps to install the tool and viewer:

# Install the core application
go install

# Install the TUI viewer
go install

You can download binaries from gihub releases.

You can also use Homebrew:

brew install monochromegane/tap/afa monochromegane/tap/afa-tui


Initialize the setup:

afa init
Default Options

The configuration file named afa/option.json should be located at the path specified by Go's os.UserConfigDir.

On Unix systems, it returns $XDG_CONFIG_HOME as specified by if non-empty, else $HOME/.config. On Darwin, it returns $HOME/Library/Application Support. On Windows, it returns %AppData%. On Plan 9, it returns $home/lib.

API Keys

The configuration file named CONFIG_PATH/afa/secrets.json.


AFA supports the use of template files, which can be placed in the templates/{system,user} directories with the .tmpl extension. You can specify the template to use by providing the name without the extension using -s (for system templates) or -u (for user templates) options.

Templates allow you to dynamically insert information. You can utilize the following placeholders within your templates:

  • Message: A string that can be replaced with a specific message by -p opition.
  • MessageStdin: This placeholder can take input from the standard input as a message.
  • Files: A collection of file objects, where each file has Name and Content members.

Similar to templates, schema files can be placed in the schemas directory and should have a .json extension. You can specify the schema to use by providing the name without the .json extension using the -j option.



The session files named afa/sessions/SESSION_NAME.json should be located at the path specified by Go's os.UserCacheDir.

On Unix systems, it returns $XDG_CACHE_HOME as specified by if non-empty, else $HOME/.cache. On Darwin, it returns $HOME/Library/Caches. On Windows, it returns %LocalAppData%. On Plan 9, it returns $home/lib/cache.

Practical Examples

Command Suggestions using ZLE

Firstly, we prepare a wrapper for suggestions named afa_command_suggestion.zsh, as shown below:



while getopts p: OPT
  case $OPT in
    "p" ) prompt_="$OPTARG";;
    *) echo "Error: Invalid option." >&2; exit 1;;

shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

suggested_command=$(afa new -script -j command_suggestion -u command_suggestion -p "$prompt_")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: Failed to generate suggested command." >&2
  exit 1

command_new=$(printf "%s" "$suggested_command" | jq -r '.suggested_command')
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: No suggested command received." >&2
  exit 1

echo "$command_new"

And we also prepare user prompt and schema files.


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "suggested_command": {
      "type": "string"
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "required": [


You are an assistant supporting operations in the terminal. Please suggest commands based on the following requirements.

## Objective

{{ .Message }}

## Requirements

- Commands executable in macOS's zsh.
- Suggest command only, without explanations or comments.
- The output should follow the provided json_schema.

## json_schema

  "suggested_command": "<Final suggested command>"

Next, we prepare a function for ZLE:

function _afa-suggest-command() {
  local command=$(afa_command_suggestion.zsh -p "$BUFFER")
  if [ -n "$command" ]; then
  zle reset-prompt

Finally, we add a function setting and key bindings to the .zshrc as follows:

autoload -Uz _afa-suggest-command

zle -N afa-suggest-command _afa-suggest-command
bindkey '^G^K' afa-suggest-command
Code Suggestions using Vim

First, we prepare a wrapper for suggestions named afa_code_suggestion.zsh, as shown below:



while getopts f:e:p: OPT
  case $OPT in
    "f" ) file_path="$OPTARG";;
    "e" ) file_type="$OPTARG";;
    "p" ) prompt_="$OPTARG";;
    *) echo "Error: Invalid option." >&2; exit 1;;

shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

suggested_code=$(echo "$code_org" | afa new -script -j code_suggestion -u code_suggestion -p "$prompt_" <(echo "$file_path") <(echo "$file_type") "$@")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: Failed to generate suggested code." >&2
  echo "$code_org"
  exit 1

code_new=$(printf "%s" "$suggested_code" | jq -r '.suggested_code')
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: No suggested code received." >&2
  echo "$code_org"
  exit 1

echo "$code_new"

And we also prepare user prompt and schema files.


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "suggested_code": {
      "type": "string"
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "required": [


You are an assistant supporting coding tasks. Please suggest code modifications or generate new code based on the following requirements.

{{- if .MessageStdin }}

## Current Code

- File: {{ (index .Files 0).Content -}}
- Language: {{ (index .Files 1).Content -}}

{{ .MessageStdin }}```
{{ end -}}

{{- if ge (len .Files) 3 }}
## Content of Related Files
{{ range $i, $f := .Files }}
{{- if ge $i 2 }}
- File: {{ $f.Name }}
{{ $f.Content }}```
{{ end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end -}}

## Objective

{{ .Message }}

## Requirements

- Maintain the current structure of the existing functions and classes as much as possible.
- Necessary libraries are already installed, so installation steps are not required.
- Suggest code only, without explanations or comments.
- The output should follow the provided json_schema.

## json_schema

  "suggested_code": "<Final suggested code>"

Finally, we add a command for Vim:

set splitright
command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r ++edit # | 0d_
      \ | diffthis | wincmd p | diffthis

command -nargs=* -range=% -complete=file Afa <line1>,<line2>call AfaFn(<f-args>)
function AfaFn(...) range
  let user_input = input("Enter prompt: ")
  let cmd = a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . '! afa_code_suggestion.zsh -f % -e %:e -p ' . shellescape(user_input) . ' ' . join(a:000, ' ')
  execute cmd
Error Message Explanations using TMUX Capture Panel Function

We prepare a Zsh function to capture the output of the last command:

function _afa-capture() {
    local start_line=-100
    local last_command=$(fc -l -n -1)
    local capture=$(tmux capture-pane -S "$start_line" -p)

    if match=$(echo "$capture" | grep -F -n "$last_command"); then
      local last_line_num=$(echo "$match" | tail -n 1 | cut -d":" -f1)
      local result=$(echo "$capture" | awk -v start="$last_line_num" 'NR >= start')
      echo $result | afa new -u explain
      echo "\"$last_command\" not found in the capture panel."

    zle reset-prompt

Here is an example of a general explain user prompt template:

Please explain the following commands and their results, as well as the content of the provided files. Additionally, provide solutions if necessary.

{{ .Message }}
{{ if .MessageStdin }}
{{ .MessageStdin }}```
{{- end }}
{{ range .Files }}
- File: {{ .Name }}
{{ .Content }}```
{{ end -}}

And we add a function setting and key bindings to the .zshrc as follows:

autoload -Uz _afa-capture

zle -N afa-capture _afa-capture
bindkey '^G^E' afa-capture
GitHub Pull Request Content Suggestions using ZLE and gh Command

Firstly, we prepare a wrapper for suggestions named afa_github_pull_request.zsh, as shown below:



while getopts p: OPT
  case $OPT in
    "p" ) prompt_="$OPTARG";;
    *) echo "Error: Invalid option." >&2; exit 1;;

shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`


current_branch=$(git branch --show-current)
git fetch --quiet
if ! git diff --quiet HEAD origin/"$current_branch"; then
  echo "You have unsynced changes. Please push to the remote." >&2
  exit 1

pull_request=$(afa new -script -u github_pull_request -j github_pull_request -p "$prompt_" <( git diff --no-ext-diff origin ) <( git log --format="- %s" --no-merges origin..HEAD ))
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: Failed to generate suggested github pull request." >&2
  exit 1

title=$(printf "%s" "$pull_request" | jq -r '.title_for_github_pull_request')
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: No suggested github pull request received." >&2
  exit 1

body=$(printf "%s" "$pull_request" | jq -r '.body_for_github_pull_request')
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Error: No suggested github pull request received." >&2
  exit 1

if [[ -f "$pull_request_template" ]]; then
  body_with_template=$(printf "%s\n\n---\n%s" "$body" "$template_body")

gh pr create --web --title="$title" --body="$body_with_template"

And we also prepare user prompt and schema files.


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "title_for_github_pull_request": {
      "type": "string"
    "body_for_github_pull_request": {
      "type": "string"
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "required": [


Based on the following information, please propose a title and body for a GitHub pull request.

## Summary of Changes (from git diff information):

{{ (index .Files 0).Content }}
## Related Commit Messages (from git log information):

{{ (index .Files 1).Content }}

{{- if ne .Message "" }}
## Background of Changes

{{ .Message }}
{{ end }}
## Requirements:

- Use Markdown format.
- Focus on the purpose and background rather than the details of the changes.
- Propose only the title and body without extra explanations or comments.
- Start by "# Automatically Generated Pull Request Description".
- And then:
- "## Summary"
- "## Changes", List multiple key changes. Provide a brief explanation for each key change.
- Write Outlines only.

Next, we prepare a function for ZLE:

function _afa-github-pull-request() {
  afa_github_pull_request.zsh -p "$BUFFER"
  zle reset-prompt

Finally, we add a function setting and key bindings to the .zshrc as follows:

autoload -Uz _afa-github-pull-request

zle -N afa-github-pull-request _afa-github-pull-request
bindkey '^G^P' afa-github-pull-request
Session Selection using peco

We prepare a function for ZLE:

function _afa-source() {
  local selected_session=$(afa list | peco --query "$LBUFFER")
  if [ -n "$selected_session" ]; then
    local session_name=$(echo "$selected_session" | cut -f1)
    BUFFER="afa source -l ${session_name}"
    zle accept-line
  zle clear-screen

We add a function setting and key bindings to the .zshrc as follows:

autoload -Uz _afa-source

zle -N afa-source _afa-source
bindkey '^G^S' afa-source






The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳