
v3.9.3+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 30, 2016 License: CC-BY-3.0, Freetype, GPL-3.0-or-later Imports: 14 Imported by: 112



Package cuda provides GPU interaction



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const (
	BlockSize    = 512
	TileX, TileY = 32, 32
	MaxGridSize  = 65535

CUDA Launch parameters. there might be better choices for recent hardware, but it barely makes a difference in the end.

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const (
	X = 0
	Y = 1
	Z = 2
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const CONV_TOLERANCE = 1e-6

Maximum tolerable error on demag convolution self-test.

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Maximum tolerable imaginary/real part for demag kernel in Fourier space. Assures kernel has correct symmetry.

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Block size for reduce kernels.


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var (
	Version     int    // cuda version
	DevName     string // GPU name
	TotalMem    int64  // total GPU memory
	GPUInfo     string // Human-readable GPU description
	Synchronous bool   // for debug: synchronize stream0 at every kernel launch

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var UseCC = 0


func AddCubicAnisotropy

func AddCubicAnisotropy(Beff, m *data.Slice, k1_red, k2_red, k3_red LUTPtr, c1, c2 LUTPtrs, regions *Bytes)

Adds cubic anisotropy field to Beff. see

func AddDMI

func AddDMI(Beff *data.Slice, m *data.Slice, Aex_red, Dex_red SymmLUT, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

Add effective field of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction to Beff (Tesla). According to Bagdanov and Röβler, PRL 87, 3, 2001. eq.8 (out-of-plane symmetry breaking). See

func AddDMIBulk

func AddDMIBulk(Beff *data.Slice, m *data.Slice, Aex_red, D_red SymmLUT, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

Add effective field due to bulk Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction to Beff. See

func AddDotProduct

func AddDotProduct(dst *data.Slice, prefactor float32, a, b *data.Slice)

dst += prefactor * dot(a, b), as used for energy density

func AddExchange

func AddExchange(B, m *data.Slice, Aex_red SymmLUT, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

Add exchange field to Beff.

m: normalized magnetization
B: effective field in Tesla
Aex_red: Aex / (Msat * 1e18 m2)


func AddSlonczewskiTorque

func AddSlonczewskiTorque(torque, m, J, fixedP *data.Slice, Msat, alpha, pol, λ, ε_prime LUTPtr, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

Add Slonczewski ST torque to torque (Tesla). see

func AddUniaxialAnisotropy

func AddUniaxialAnisotropy(Beff, m *data.Slice, k1_red, k2_red LUTPtr, u LUTPtrs, regions *Bytes)

Add uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy field to Beff. see

func AddZhangLiTorque

func AddZhangLiTorque(torque, m, J *data.Slice, bsat, alpha, xi, pol LUTPtr, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

Add Zhang-Li ST torque (Tesla) to torque. see

func Buffer

func Buffer(nComp int, size [3]int) *data.Slice

Returns a GPU slice for temporary use. To be returned to the pool with Recycle

func Crop

func Crop(dst, src *data.Slice, offX, offY, offZ int)

Crop stores in dst a rectangle cropped from src at given offset position. dst size may be smaller than src.

func Dot

func Dot(a, b *data.Slice) float32

Dot product.

func ExchangeDecode

func ExchangeDecode(dst *data.Slice, Aex_red SymmLUT, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

Finds the average exchange strength around each cell, for debugging.

func FreeBuffers

func FreeBuffers()

Frees all buffers. Called after mesh resize.

func GPUCopy

func GPUCopy(in *data.Slice) *data.Slice

Returns a copy of in, allocated on GPU.

func GetCell

func GetCell(s *data.Slice, comp, ix, iy, iz int) float32

func GetElem

func GetElem(s *data.Slice, comp int, index int) float32

func Init

func Init(gpu int)

Locks to an OS thread and initializes CUDA for that thread.

func LLNoPrecess

func LLNoPrecess(torque, m, B *data.Slice)

Landau-Lifshitz torque with precession disabled. Used by engine.Relax().

func LLTorque

func LLTorque(torque, m, B *data.Slice, alpha LUTPtr, regions *Bytes)

Landau-Lifshitz torque divided by gamma0:

  • 1/(1+α²) [ m x B + α m x (m x B) ] torque in Tesla m normalized B in Tesla


func Madd2

func Madd2(dst, src1, src2 *data.Slice, factor1, factor2 float32)

multiply-add: dst[i] = src1[i] * factor1 + src2[i] * factor2

func Madd3

func Madd3(dst, src1, src2, src3 *data.Slice, factor1, factor2, factor3 float32)

multiply-add: dst[i] = src1[i] * factor1 + src2[i] * factor2 + src3 * factor3

func MaxAbs

func MaxAbs(in *data.Slice) float32

Maximum of absolute values of all elements.

func MaxVecDiff

func MaxVecDiff(x, y *data.Slice) float64

Maximum of the norms of the difference between all vectors (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2)

(dx, dy, dz) = (x1, y1, z1) - (x2, y2, z2)
max_i sqrt( dx[i]*dx[i] + dy[i]*dy[i] + dz[i]*dz[i] )

func MaxVecNorm

func MaxVecNorm(v *data.Slice) float64

Maximum of the norms of all vectors (x[i], y[i], z[i]).

max_i sqrt( x[i]*x[i] + y[i]*y[i] + z[i]*z[i] )

func MemAlloc

func MemAlloc(bytes int64) unsafe.Pointer

Wrapper for cu.MemAlloc, fatal exit on out of memory.

func MemCpy

func MemCpy(dst, src unsafe.Pointer, bytes int64)

func MemCpyDtoH

func MemCpyDtoH(dst, src unsafe.Pointer, bytes int64)

func MemCpyHtoD

func MemCpyHtoD(dst, src unsafe.Pointer, bytes int64)

func Memset

func Memset(s *data.Slice, val ...float32)

Memset sets the Slice's components to the specified values. To be carefully used on unified slice (need sync)

func Minimize

func Minimize(m, m0, torque *data.Slice, dt float32)

m = 1 / (4 + τ²(m x H)²) [{4 - τ²(m x H)²} m - 4τ(m x m x H)] note: torque from LLNoPrecess has negative sign

func Mul

func Mul(dst, a, b *data.Slice)

multiply: dst[i] = a[i] * b[i]

func NewSlice

func NewSlice(nComp int, size [3]int) *data.Slice

Make a GPU Slice with nComp components each of size length.

func Normalize

func Normalize(vec, vol *data.Slice)

Normalize vec to unit length, unless length or vol are zero.

func Recycle

func Recycle(s *data.Slice)

Returns a buffer obtained from GetBuffer to the pool.

func RegionAddV

func RegionAddV(dst *data.Slice, lut LUTPtrs, regions *Bytes)

dst += LUT[region], for vectors. Used to add terms to excitation.

func RegionDecode

func RegionDecode(dst *data.Slice, lut LUTPtr, regions *Bytes)

decode the regions+LUT pair into an uncompressed array

func RegionSelect

func RegionSelect(dst, src *data.Slice, regions *Bytes, region byte)

select the part of src within the specified region, set 0's everywhere else.

func Resize

func Resize(dst, src *data.Slice, layer int)

Select and resize one layer for interactive output

func SetCell

func SetCell(s *data.Slice, comp int, ix, iy, iz int, value float32)

func SetElem

func SetElem(s *data.Slice, comp int, index int, value float32)

func SetMaxAngle

func SetMaxAngle(dst, m *data.Slice, Aex_red SymmLUT, regions *Bytes, mesh *data.Mesh)

SetMaxAngle sets dst to the maximum angle of each cells magnetization with all of its neighbors, provided the exchange stiffness with that neighbor is nonzero.

func SetTemperature

func SetTemperature(Bth, noise *data.Slice, temp_red LUTPtr, k2mu0_VgammaDt float64, regions *Bytes)

Set Bth to thermal noise (Brown). see

func SetTopologicalCharge

func SetTopologicalCharge(s *data.Slice, m *data.Slice, mesh *data.Mesh)

Set s to the toplogogical charge density s = m · (m/∂x ❌ ∂m/∂y) See

func ShiftBytes

func ShiftBytes(dst, src *Bytes, m *data.Mesh, shiftX int, clamp byte)

Like Shift, but for bytes

func ShiftX

func ShiftX(dst, src *data.Slice, shiftX int, clampL, clampR float32)

shift dst by shx cells (positive or negative) along X-axis. new edge value is clampL at left edge or clampR at right edge.

func Sum

func Sum(in *data.Slice) float32

Sum of all elements.

func Sync

func Sync()

Synchronize the global stream This is called before and after all memcopy operations between host and device.

func Zero

func Zero(s *data.Slice)

Set all elements of all components to zero.

func ZeroMask

func ZeroMask(dst *data.Slice, mask LUTPtr, regions *Bytes)

Sets vector dst to zero where mask != 0.


type Bytes

type Bytes struct {
	Ptr unsafe.Pointer
	Len int

3D byte slice, used for region lookup.

func NewBytes

func NewBytes(Len int) *Bytes

Construct new byte slice with given length, initialised to zeros.

func (*Bytes) Copy

func (dst *Bytes) Copy(src *Bytes)

Copy on device: dst = src.

func (*Bytes) Download

func (src *Bytes) Download(dst []byte)

Copy to host: dst = src.

func (*Bytes) Free

func (b *Bytes) Free()

Frees the GPU memory and disables the slice.

func (*Bytes) Get

func (src *Bytes) Get(index int) byte

Get one element. data.Index can be used to find the index for x,y,z.

func (*Bytes) Set

func (dst *Bytes) Set(index int, value byte)

Set one element to value. data.Index can be used to find the index for x,y,z.

func (*Bytes) Upload

func (dst *Bytes) Upload(src []byte)

Upload src (host) to dst (gpu).

type DemagConvolution

type DemagConvolution struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Stores the necessary state to perform FFT-accelerated convolution with magnetostatic kernel (or other kernel of same symmetry).

func NewDemag

func NewDemag(inputSize, PBC [3]int, kernel [3][3]*data.Slice, test bool) *DemagConvolution

Initializes a convolution to evaluate the demag field for the given mesh geometry. Sanity-checked if test == true (slow-ish for large meshes).

func (*DemagConvolution) Exec

func (c *DemagConvolution) Exec(B, m, vol *data.Slice, Bsat LUTPtr, regions *Bytes)

Calculate the demag field of m * vol * Bsat, store result in B.

m:    magnetization normalized to unit length
vol:  unitless mask used to scale m's length, may be nil
Bsat: saturation magnetization in Tesla
B:    resulting demag field, in Tesla

func (*DemagConvolution) Free

func (c *DemagConvolution) Free()

type LUTPtr

type LUTPtr unsafe.Pointer // points to 256 float32's

type LUTPtrs

type LUTPtrs []unsafe.Pointer // elements point to 256 float32's

type MFMConvolution

type MFMConvolution struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Stores the necessary state to perform FFT-accelerated convolution

func NewMFM

func NewMFM(mesh *data.Mesh, lift, tipsize float64) *MFMConvolution

Initializes a convolution to evaluate the demag field for the given mesh geometry.

func (*MFMConvolution) Exec

func (c *MFMConvolution) Exec(outp, inp, vol *data.Slice, Bsat LUTPtr, regions *Bytes)

store MFM image in output, based on magnetization in inp.

func (*MFMConvolution) Free

func (c *MFMConvolution) Free()

func (*MFMConvolution) Reinit

func (c *MFMConvolution) Reinit(lift, tipsize float64)

type SymmLUT

type SymmLUT unsafe.Pointer // points to 256x256 symmetric matrix, only lower half stored. See


Path Synopsis
Go bindings for the CUDA driver API.
Go bindings for the CUDA driver API.
Go bindings for the CUDA CUFFT API.
Go bindings for the CUDA CUFFT API.

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