gobranchdocs is a tool meant to automate the process of getting pkgo.dev module
documentation for whatever the head of the current checked out branch of a given
project is. This is meant to automate this process:
Quick and dirty hack, but figured it might be useful for others. This works
for whatever the current checked out branch of the package is, provided it's pushed
to the remote and pkgo.dev and proxy.golang.org can reach the remote. Upon
success, it will attempt to open the appropriate pkgo.dev package documentation
page in the default browser.
gobranchdocs [options] [path]
disable opening browser url
-pkg-go-dev-url string
go doc url (default "https://pkgo.dev")
-proxy-go-url string
proxy url (default "https://proxy.golang.org")
If no path is specified, defaults to the current directory