Path | Synopsis |
Package cli implements sq's CLI.
Package cli implements sq's CLI. |
Package buildinfo hosts build info variables populated via ldflags.
Package buildinfo hosts build info variables populated via ldflags. |
Package cobraz contains supplemental logic for dealing with spf13/cobra.
Package cobraz contains supplemental logic for dealing with spf13/cobra. |
Package config holds CLI configuration.
Package config holds CLI configuration. |
Package yamlstore contains an implementation of config.Store that uses YAML files for persistence.
Package yamlstore contains an implementation of config.Store that uses YAML files for persistence. |
Package v0_34_0 upgrades YAML config to v0.34.0.
Package v0_34_0 upgrades YAML config to v0.34.0. |
Package diff contains sq's diff implementation.
Package diff contains sq's diff implementation. |
Package flag holds CLI flags.
Package flag holds CLI flags. |
Package hostinfo provides high-level details about the runtime OS.
Package hostinfo provides high-level details about the runtime OS. |
Package output provides interfaces and implementations for outputting data and messages.
Package output provides interfaces and implementations for outputting data and messages. |
Package commonw contains miscellaneous common output writer functionality.
Package commonw contains miscellaneous common output writer functionality. |
Package csvw implements writers for CSV.
Package csvw implements writers for CSV. |
Package htmlw implements a RecordWriter for HTML.
Package htmlw implements a RecordWriter for HTML. |
Package jsonw implements output writers for JSON.
Package jsonw implements output writers for JSON. |
Package markdownw implements writers for Markdown.
Package markdownw implements writers for Markdown. |
Package tablew implements text table output writers.
Package tablew implements text table output writers. |
Package tablewriter creates & generates text based table
Package tablewriter creates & generates text based table |
Package xlsxw implements output writers for Microsoft Excel.
Package xlsxw implements output writers for Microsoft Excel. |
Package xmlw implements output writers for XML.
Package xmlw implements output writers for XML. |
Package yamlw implements output writers for YAML.
Package yamlw implements output writers for YAML. |
Package pprofile encapsulates pprof functionality.
Package pprofile encapsulates pprof functionality. |
Package run holds the run.Run construct, which encapsulates CLI state for a command execution.
Package run holds the run.Run construct, which encapsulates CLI state for a command execution. |
Package testrun contains helper functionality for executing CLI tests.
Package testrun contains helper functionality for executing CLI tests. |
Package drivers is the parent package of the concrete sq driver implementations.
Package drivers is the parent package of the concrete sq driver implementations. |
Package csv implements the sq driver for CSV/TSV et al.
Package csv implements the sq driver for CSV/TSV et al. |
Package json implements the sq driver for JSON.
Package json implements the sq driver for JSON. |
Package postgres implements the sq driver for postgres.
Package postgres implements the sq driver for postgres. |
Package sqlite3 implements the sq driver for SQLite.
Package sqlite3 implements the sq driver for SQLite. |
Package sqlparser contains SQL parsing functionality for SQLite.
Package sqlparser contains SQL parsing functionality for SQLite. |
Package sqlserver implements the sq driver for SQL Server.
Package sqlserver implements the sq driver for SQL Server. |
Package userdriver implements the "user-driver" functionality that allows users to define source driver types declaratively.
Package userdriver implements the "user-driver" functionality that allows users to define source driver types declaratively. |
Package xmlud provides user driver XML import functionality.
Package xmlud provides user driver XML import functionality. |
Package xlsx implements the sq driver for Microsoft Excel.
Package xlsx implements the sq driver for Microsoft Excel. |
Package libsq implements the core sq functionality.
Package libsq implements the core sq functionality. |
Package ast holds types and functionality for the SLQ AST.
Package ast holds types and functionality for the SLQ AST. |
Package render provides the mechanism for rendering ast into SQL.
Package render provides the mechanism for rendering ast into SQL. |
Package core contains only libsq core sub-packages.
Package core contains only libsq core sub-packages. |
Package cleanup provides functionality for executing cleanup functions.
Package cleanup provides functionality for executing cleanup functions. |
Package colorz provides supplemental color functionality.
Package colorz provides supplemental color functionality. |
Package debugz contains functionality for debugging.
Package debugz contains functionality for debugging. |
Package diffdoc provides core diff functionality, with a focus on streaming and concurrency.
Package diffdoc provides core diff functionality, with a focus on streaming and concurrency. |
Package udiff computes differences between text files or strings.
Package udiff computes differences between text files or strings. |
Package difftest supplies a set of tests that will operate on any implementation of a diff algorithm as exposed by diff ""
Package difftest supplies a set of tests that will operate on any implementation of a diff algorithm as exposed by diff "" |
package lcs contains code to find longest-common-subsequences (and diffs)
package lcs contains code to find longest-common-subsequences (and diffs) |
Package myers implements the Myers diff algorithm.
Package myers implements the Myers diff algorithm. |
Package errz is sq's error package.
Package errz is sq's error package. |
Package execz builds on stdlib os/exec.
Package execz builds on stdlib os/exec. |
Package ioz contains supplemental io functionality.
Package ioz contains supplemental io functionality. |
Package checksum provides functions for working with checksums.
Package checksum provides functions for working with checksums. |
Package contextio provides io decorators that are context-aware.
Package contextio provides io decorators that are context-aware. |
Package httpz provides functionality supplemental to stdlib http.
Package httpz provides functionality supplemental to stdlib http. |
Package lockfile implements a pid lock file mechanism.
Package lockfile implements a pid lock file mechanism. |
Package jointype enumerates the various SQL JOIN types.
Package jointype enumerates the various SQL JOIN types. |
Package kind encapsulates the notion of data "kind": that is, it is an abstraction over data types across implementations.
Package kind encapsulates the notion of data "kind": that is, it is an abstraction over data types across implementations. |
Package langz contains miscellaneous functionality supplemental to core golang stuff like slices and channels.
Package langz contains miscellaneous functionality supplemental to core golang stuff like slices and channels. |
Package lg contains utility functions for working with slog.
Package lg contains utility functions for working with slog. |
Package devlog contains a custom slog.Handler for developer-friendly log output.
Package devlog contains a custom slog.Handler for developer-friendly log output. |
Package lga ("log attribute") holds constants for log attribute names.
Package lga ("log attribute") holds constants for log attribute names. |
Package lgm ("log message") contains constants for log messages.
Package lgm ("log message") contains constants for log messages. |
Package lgt provides a mechanism for getting a *slog.Logger that outputs to testing.T. See lgt.New.
Package lgt provides a mechanism for getting a *slog.Logger that outputs to testing.T. See lgt.New. |
Package slogbuf implements a Buffer that stores log records that can later be replayed on a slog.Handler.
Package slogbuf implements a Buffer that stores log records that can later be replayed on a slog.Handler. |
Package userlogdir has a single function, UserLogDir, that returns an OS-specific path for storing user logs.
Package userlogdir has a single function, UserLogDir, that returns an OS-specific path for storing user logs. |
Package oncecache contains a strongly-typed, concurrency-safe, context-aware, dependency-free, in-memory, on-demand object [Cache], focused on write-once, read-often ergonomics.
Package oncecache contains a strongly-typed, concurrency-safe, context-aware, dependency-free, in-memory, on-demand object [Cache], focused on write-once, read-often ergonomics. |
Package options implements config options.
Package options implements config options. |
Package progress contains progress bar widget functionality.
Package progress contains progress bar widget functionality. |
Package record holds the record.Record type, which is the core type for holding query results.
Package record holds the record.Record type, which is the core type for holding query results. |
Package retry implements retry functionality.
Package retry implements retry functionality. |
Package runtimez provides functionality supplemental to stdlib's runtime pkg.
Package runtimez provides functionality supplemental to stdlib's runtime pkg. |
Package schema provides functionality for modeling SQL constructs.
Package schema provides functionality for modeling SQL constructs. |
Package sqlz contains core types such as Kind and Record.
Package sqlz contains core types such as Kind and Record. |
Package stringz contains string functions similar in spirit to the stdlib strings package.
Package stringz contains string functions similar in spirit to the stdlib strings package. |
Package tablefq is a tiny package that holds the tablefq.T type, which is a fully-qualified SQL table name.
Package tablefq is a tiny package that holds the tablefq.T type, which is a fully-qualified SQL table name. |
Package tailbuf contains a tail buffer [Buf] of fixed size that provides a window on the tail of the items written via [Buf.Write].
Package tailbuf contains a tail buffer [Buf] of fixed size that provides a window on the tail of the items written via [Buf.Write]. |
Package termz contains a handful of terminal utilities.
Package termz contains a handful of terminal utilities. |
Package timez contains time functionality.
Package timez contains time functionality. |
Package tuning contains tuning options.
Package tuning contains tuning options. |
Package urlz contains URL utility functionality.
Package urlz contains URL utility functionality. |
Package dialect contains functionality for SQL dialects.
Package dialect contains functionality for SQL dialects. |
Package files contains functionality for dealing with files, including remote files (e.g.
Package files contains functionality for dealing with files, including remote files (e.g. |
Package downloader provides a mechanism for getting files from HTTP/S URLs, making use of a mostly RFC-compliant cache.
Package downloader provides a mechanism for getting files from HTTP/S URLs, making use of a mostly RFC-compliant cache. |
Package source provides functionality for dealing with data sources.
Package source provides functionality for dealing with data sources. |
Package drivertype defines drivertype.Type, which is the type of a driver, e.g.
Package drivertype defines drivertype.Type, which is the type of a driver, e.g. |
Package location contains functionality related to source location.
Package location contains functionality related to source location. |
Package mdcache contains a [Cache] that caches source metadata.
Package mdcache contains a [Cache] that caches source metadata. |
Package metadata contains types that model source metadata.
Package metadata contains types that model source metadata. |
Package testh (test helper) contains functionality for testing.
Package testh (test helper) contains functionality for testing. |
Package fixt contains common test fixture values.
Package fixt contains common test fixture values. |
Package proj contains test utilities for dealing with project paths and the like.
Package proj contains test utilities for dealing with project paths and the like. |
Package sakila holds test constants and such for the sakila test sources.
Package sakila holds test constants and such for the sakila test sources. |
Package testsrc holds testing constants (in addition to pkg sakila).
Package testsrc holds testing constants (in addition to pkg sakila). |
Package tu contains basic generic test utilities.
Package tu contains basic generic test utilities. |
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