Basic re-implementation of govendor
$ govendor --help
govendor 0.3.0
Usage: govendor [--filename VENDOR_JSON] [--gopath GOPATH] [--ignore IGNORE] [--dryrun] [--verbose] <command> [<args>]
the name and location of the vendor.json file [default: vendor/vendor.json]
--gopath GOPATH the GOPATH location
--ignore IGNORE ignore these packages prefixes
--dryrun perform a dry-run
--verbose, -v show more information regarding operations
--help, -h display this help and exit
--version display version and exit
init initialized the vendor.json file
list list packages along with git timestamps
add add one package(s) to vendoring
delete delete package(s) from vendoring
get add and update package(s) to vendoring
update update package(s) from GOPATH
deps find dependent packages
tidy add, update and removes according to 'deps'
Create the basic vendor.json in the vendor folder
Package operations
The list
, add
, delete
, get
and update
commands take a list of package-names
$ govendor add
$ govendor update
Dependency operations
These operations are scanning the go-source to show (and perform add, update and delete operations)
You can supply the name of multiple source-folders to allow them to share the same vendor-folder. (see example below)
The deps
and tidy
both scan the desired source-folders for their dependencies and present a list on what to do. The tidy
also performs those actions.
Use the --no-remove
argument on tidy
to not remove unused packages
Example: multi-source-folders
|-- main
| |-- main.go
| |-- ...
|-- logic
| |-- a.go
| |-- b.go
| |-- ...
|-- vendor
|-- vendor.json
|-- ...(vendored packages)
To scan for dependencies in the following situation you can do (from the mypackage
govendor deps *
this will then scan both the main
and the logic
folders for shared their dependencies.
The tidy *
command will also add, update or remove using the same principle.
Example: always-present side repo
If you have a shared package thats always available during build that you're not interested in vendoring to each and every one of you other packages you can use the env-var GOVENDOR_IGNORE
|-- mypackage
| |---
|-- otherpackage
| |---
|-- frameworkpkg
Now, just set the GOVENDOR_IGNORE=.,frameworkpkg
and any import from mypackage or otherpackage to anything inside 'frameworkpkg' will be ignored and not vendored.
The '.' in the option will also ignore vendoring between packages sharing the same git-repo.