ov - Oviewer
ov is a feature rich terminal pager. It has an effective function for tabular text.
(The old repository name was oviewer.)
- Better support for Unicode and East Asian Width.
- Support for compressed files (gzip, bzip2, zstd, lz4, xz).
- Supports column mode.
- Header rows can be fixed.
- Dynamic wrap / nowrap switchable.
- Background color to alternate rows.
- Columns can be selected with separators.
- Shortcut keys are customizable.
- The style of the effect is customizable.
deb package
You can download the package from releases.
curl -L -O
sudo dpkg -i ov_x.x.x-1_amd64.deb
rpm package
You can download the package from releases.
sudo rpm -ivh
Homebrew(macOS or Linux)
brew install noborus/tap/ov
You can download the binary from releases.
curl -L -O
sudo install ov /usr/local/bin
go get(simplified version)
It will be installed in $GOPATH/bin by the following command.
go get -u
go get(details or developer version)
First of all, download only with the following command without installing it.
go get -d
cd $GOPATH/src/
Next, to install to $GOPATH/bin, run the make install command.
make install
Or, install it in a PATH location for other users to use (For example, in /usr/local/bin).
sudo install ov /usr/local/bin
ov supports open file name or standard input.
ov filename
cat filename|ov
$ ov --help
ov is a feature rich pager(such as more/less).
It supports various compressed files(gzip, bzip2, zstd, lz4, and xz).
ov [flags]
-C, --alternate-rows color to alternate rows
-i, --case-sensitive case-sensitive in search
-d, --column-delimiter string column delimiter (default ",")
-c, --column-mode column mode
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.ov.yaml)
--debug debug mode
--disable-mouse disable mouse support
-X, --exit-write output the current screen when exiting
-H, --header int number of header rows to fix
-h, --help help for ov
--help-key display key bind information
-n, --line-number line number
-F, --quit-if-one-screen quit if the output fits on one screen
-x, --tab-width int tab stop width (default 8)
-v, --version display version information
-w, --wrap wrap mode (default true)
It can also be changed after startup. Refer to the motion image.
You can set style and key bindings in the setting file.
Please refer to the sample ov.yaml configuration file.
Set environment variable PSQL_PAGER
(PostgreSQL 11 or later).
export PSQL_PAGER='ov -w=f -H2 -F -C -d "|"'
You can also write in ~/.psqlrc
in previous versions.
\setenv PAGER 'ov -w=f -H2 -F -C -d "|"'
Use the --pager option with the mysql client.
mysql --pager='ov -w=f -H3 -F -C -d "|"'
You can also write in ~/.my.cnf
pager=ov -w=f -H3 -F -C -d "|"
Mouse support
The ov makes the mouse support its control.
This can be disabled with the option --disable-mouse
If mouse support is enabled, tabs and line breaks will be interpreted correctly when copying.
Copying to the clipboard uses atotto/clipboard. For this reason, the 'xclip' or 'xsel' command is required in Linux/Unix environments.
Selecting the range with the mouse and then left-clicking will copy it to the clipboard.
Pasting in ov is done with the middle button. In other applications, it is pasted from the clipboard (often by pressing the right-click).
Key bindings
[Escape], [q] * quit
[ctrl+c] * cancel
[Q] * output screen and quit
[h] * display help screen
[ctrl+alt+e] * display log screen
[ctrl+l] * screen sync
[ctrl+alt+r] * enable/disable mouse
[Enter], [Down], [ctrl+N] * forward by one line
[Up], [ctrl+p] * backward by one line
[Home] * go to begin of line
[End] * go to end of line
[PageDown], [ctrl+v] * forward by page
[PageUp], [ctrl+b] * backward by page
[ctrl+d] * forward a half page
[ctrl+u] * backward a half page
[left] * scroll to left
[right] * scroll to right
[ctrl+left] * scroll left half screen
[ctrl+right] * scroll right half screen
[g] * number of go to line
[]] * next document
[[] * previous document
Mark position
[m] * mark current position
[>] * move to next marked position
[<] * move to previous marked position
[/] * forward search mode
[?] * backward search mode
[n] * repeat forward search
[N] * repeat backward search
Change display
[w], [W] * wrap/nowrap toggle
[c] * column mode toggle
[C] * color to alternate rows toggle
[G] * line number toggle
Change Display with Input
[d] * delimiter string
[H] * number of header lines
[t] * TAB width
Style customization
You can customize the following items.
- StyleAlternate
- StyleHeader
- StyleOverStrike
- StyleOverLine
Specifies the color name for the foreground and background colors. Specify bool values for Bold, Blink, Shaded, Italic, and Underline.
Background: "gray"
Bold: true
Underline: true
Key binding customization
You can customize key bindings.
- "Enter"
- "Down"
- "ctrl+N"
- "Up"
- "ctrl+p"
See ov.yaml for more information..
There is no documentation for this package.