Go Timer
A simple terminal based digital timer written in Go to use as a Pomodoro timer.

Install with go install
go install github.com/nwillc/gotimer@latest
$ ./gotimer -h
A simple terminal based digital count down timer, may be used as a Pomodoro timer.
gotimer [flags]
-c, --color string Color of timer (default "orangered")
-x, --exit Exit on completion
-h, --help help for gotimer
-s, --size string Font size to use (default "7")
-t, --time string Time to count down (default "25m")
-v, --version Display version
- The time duration is given in hours, minutes and seconds:
- Exit with Ctrl-C or ESC
- Pause with SPACE
Tech Stack
Language: Go 1.18+
Packages: genfuncs, tcell