Index ¶
- type CleanListener
- type Comm
- type CommListener
- type Conf
- type HashTreeItem
- type IndexRange
- type JSONApi
- func (self *JSONApi) AddConfiguration(co Conf, x *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Clear(x Nothing, y *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Configuration(x Nothing, result *common.Conf) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Count(kr KeyRange, result *int) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Del(d KeyOp, n *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Describe(x Nothing, result *common.DHashDescription) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) DescribeTree(x Nothing, result *string) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) First(k KeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Get(k KeyReq, result *ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) IndexOf(i SubKeyReq, result *common.Index) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Last(k KeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorCount(kr KeyRange, result *int) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorFirst(k KeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorIndexOf(i SubKeyReq, result *common.Index) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorLast(k KeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorNextIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorPrevIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorReverseIndexOf(i SubKeyReq, result *common.Index) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorReverseSlice(kr KeyRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorReverseSliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorReverseSliceLen(pr PageRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorSlice(kr KeyRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorSliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) MirrorSliceLen(pr PageRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Next(kr KeyReq, result *ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) NextIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Nodes(x Nothing, result *common.Remotes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Owned(x Nothing, result *int) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Prev(kr KeyReq, result *ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) PrevIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Put(d ValueOp, n *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) ReverseIndexOf(i SubKeyReq, result *common.Index) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) ReverseSlice(kr KeyRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) ReverseSliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) ReverseSliceLen(pr PageRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SetExpression(expr setop.SetExpression, items *[]setop.SetOpResult) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Size(x Nothing, result *int) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) Slice(kr KeyRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SliceLen(pr PageRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubAddConfiguration(co SubConf, x *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubClear(d SubKeyOp, n *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubConfiguration(k KeyReq, result *common.Conf) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubDel(d SubKeyOp, n *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubGet(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubMirrorNext(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubMirrorPrev(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubNext(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubPrev(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubPut(d SubValueOp, n *Nothing) (err error)
- func (self *JSONApi) SubSize(k KeyReq, result *int) (err error)
- type JSONClient
- func (self JSONClient) AddConfiguration(key, value string)
- func (self JSONClient) Count(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result int)
- func (self JSONClient) Del(key []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) First(key []byte) (firstKey, firstValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) Get(key []byte) (value []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) IndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) Last(key []byte) (lastKey, lastValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorCount(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result int)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorFirst(key []byte) (firstKey, firstValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorIndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorLast(key []byte) (lastKey, lastValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorNextIndex(key []byte, index int) (foundKey, foundValue []byte, foundIndex int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorPrevIndex(key []byte, index int) (foundKey, foundValue []byte, foundIndex int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseIndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseSlice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseSliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseSliceLen(key, max []byte, maxinc bool, maxRes int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorSlice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorSliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) MirrorSliceLen(key, min []byte, mininc bool, maxRes int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) Next(key []byte) (nextKey, nextValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) NextIndex(key []byte, index int) (foundKey, foundValue []byte, foundIndex int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) Prev(key []byte) (prevKey, prevValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) PrevIndex(key []byte, index int) (foundKey, foundValue []byte, foundIndex int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) Put(key, value []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) ReverseIndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) ReverseSlice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) ReverseSliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) ReverseSliceLen(key, max []byte, maxinc bool, maxRes int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) SDel(key []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SPut(key, value []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SSubClear(key []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SSubDel(key, subKey []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SSubPut(key, subKey, value []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SetExpression(expr setop.SetExpression) (result []setop.SetOpResult)
- func (self JSONClient) Size() (result int)
- func (self JSONClient) Slice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) SliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) SliceLen(key, min []byte, mininc bool, maxRes int) (result []common.Item)
- func (self JSONClient) SubAddConfiguration(treeKey []byte, key, value string)
- func (self JSONClient) SubClear(key []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SubDel(key, subKey []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SubGet(key, subKey []byte) (value []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) SubMirrorNext(key, subKey []byte) (nextKey, nextValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) SubMirrorPrev(key, subKey []byte) (prevKey, prevValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) SubNext(key, subKey []byte) (nextKey, nextValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) SubPrev(key, subKey []byte) (prevKey, prevValue []byte, existed bool)
- func (self JSONClient) SubPut(key, subKey, value []byte)
- func (self JSONClient) SubSize(key []byte) (result int)
- type KeyOp
- type KeyRange
- type KeyReq
- type MigrateListener
- type Node
- func (self *Node) AddChangeListener(f common.RingChangeListener)
- func (self *Node) AddCleanListener(l CleanListener)
- func (self *Node) AddCommListener(l CommListener)
- func (self *Node) AddConfiguration(c common.ConfItem)
- func (self *Node) AddMigrateListener(l MigrateListener)
- func (self *Node) AddSyncListener(l SyncListener)
- func (self *Node) Clear()
- func (self *Node) Configuration(x int, result *common.Conf) error
- func (self *Node) Count(r common.Range, result *int) error
- func (self *Node) Del(data common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) Describe() string
- func (self *Node) DescribeTree() string
- func (self *Node) Description() common.DHashDescription
- func (self *Node) First(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) Get(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) GetBroadcastAddr() string
- func (self *Node) GetListenAddr() string
- func (self *Node) IndexOf(data common.Item, result *common.Index) error
- func (self *Node) Last(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorCount(r common.Range, result *int) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorFirst(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorIndexOf(data common.Item, result *common.Index) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorLast(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorNextIndex(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorPrevIndex(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorReverseIndexOf(data common.Item, result *common.Index) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorReverseSlice(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorReverseSliceIndex(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorReverseSliceLen(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorSlice(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorSliceIndex(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MirrorSliceLen(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) MustJoin(addr string)
- func (self *Node) MustStart() *Node
- func (self *Node) Next(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) NextIndex(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) Owned() int
- func (self *Node) Prev(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) PrevIndex(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) Put(data common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) ReverseIndexOf(data common.Item, result *common.Index) error
- func (self *Node) ReverseSlice(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) ReverseSliceIndex(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) ReverseSliceLen(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) RingHash(x int, ringHash *[]byte) error
- func (self *Node) SetExpression(expr setop.SetExpression, items *[]setop.SetOpResult) (err error)
- func (self *Node) Size() int
- func (self *Node) Slice(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SliceIndex(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SliceLen(r common.Range, items *[]common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) Start() (err error)
- func (self *Node) Stop()
- func (self *Node) SubAddConfiguration(c common.ConfItem)
- func (self *Node) SubClear(data common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubConfiguration(key []byte, result *common.Conf) error
- func (self *Node) SubDel(data common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubGet(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubMirrorNext(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubMirrorPrev(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubNext(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubPrev(data common.Item, result *common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubPut(data common.Item) error
- func (self *Node) SubSize(key []byte, result *int) error
- func (self *Node) Time() time.Time
- type Nothing
- type PageRange
- type SubConf
- type SubIndex
- type SubKeyOp
- type SubKeyReq
- type SubValueIndexRes
- type SubValueOp
- type SubValueRes
- type SyncListener
- type ValueOp
- type ValueRes
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CleanListener ¶
CleanListener is a function listening for clean events where one dhash.Node has cleaned items from itself and pushed items to another dhash.Node.
type Comm ¶
type Comm struct { Source common.Remote Destination common.Remote Key []byte SubKey []byte Type string }
Comm contains metadata about one communication between two dhash.Nodes.
type CommListener ¶
CommListener is a function listening to generic communications between two dhash.Nodes.
type HashTreeItem ¶
type IndexRange ¶
type JSONApi ¶
type JSONApi Node
func (*JSONApi) AddConfiguration ¶
func (*JSONApi) Configuration ¶
func (*JSONApi) Describe ¶
func (self *JSONApi) Describe(x Nothing, result *common.DHashDescription) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) DescribeTree ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorCount ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorFirst ¶
func (self *JSONApi) MirrorFirst(k KeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) MirrorIndexOf ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorLast ¶
func (self *JSONApi) MirrorLast(k KeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) MirrorNextIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) MirrorNextIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) MirrorPrevIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) MirrorPrevIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) MirrorReverseIndexOf ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorReverseSlice ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorReverseSliceIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) MirrorReverseSliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) MirrorReverseSliceLen ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorSlice ¶
func (*JSONApi) MirrorSliceIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) MirrorSliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) MirrorSliceLen ¶
func (*JSONApi) NextIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) NextIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) PrevIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) PrevIndex(i SubIndex, result *SubValueIndexRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) ReverseIndexOf ¶
func (*JSONApi) ReverseSlice ¶
func (*JSONApi) ReverseSliceIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) ReverseSliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) ReverseSliceLen ¶
func (*JSONApi) SetExpression ¶
func (self *JSONApi) SetExpression(expr setop.SetExpression, items *[]setop.SetOpResult) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) SliceIndex ¶
func (self *JSONApi) SliceIndex(ir IndexRange, result *[]ValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) SubAddConfiguration ¶
func (*JSONApi) SubConfiguration ¶
func (*JSONApi) SubMirrorNext ¶
func (self *JSONApi) SubMirrorNext(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) SubMirrorPrev ¶
func (self *JSONApi) SubMirrorPrev(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
func (*JSONApi) SubNext ¶
func (self *JSONApi) SubNext(k SubKeyReq, result *SubValueRes) (err error)
type JSONClient ¶
type JSONClient string
JSONClient is used in the tests to ensure that the JSON API provides roughly the same functionality as the gob API. It is also a demonstration and example of how the JSON API can be used. It is NOT meant to be used as a real client, since if you are using Go anyway the client.Conn type is much more efficient.
func (JSONClient) AddConfiguration ¶
func (self JSONClient) AddConfiguration(key, value string)
func (JSONClient) Count ¶
func (self JSONClient) Count(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result int)
func (JSONClient) Del ¶
func (self JSONClient) Del(key []byte)
func (JSONClient) First ¶
func (self JSONClient) First(key []byte) (firstKey, firstValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) IndexOf ¶
func (self JSONClient) IndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) Last ¶
func (self JSONClient) Last(key []byte) (lastKey, lastValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) MirrorCount ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorCount(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result int)
func (JSONClient) MirrorFirst ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorFirst(key []byte) (firstKey, firstValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) MirrorIndexOf ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorIndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) MirrorLast ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorLast(key []byte) (lastKey, lastValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) MirrorNextIndex ¶
func (JSONClient) MirrorPrevIndex ¶
func (JSONClient) MirrorReverseIndexOf ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseIndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) MirrorReverseSlice ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseSlice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) MirrorReverseSliceIndex ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorReverseSliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) MirrorReverseSliceLen ¶
func (JSONClient) MirrorSlice ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorSlice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) MirrorSliceIndex ¶
func (self JSONClient) MirrorSliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) MirrorSliceLen ¶
func (JSONClient) Next ¶
func (self JSONClient) Next(key []byte) (nextKey, nextValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) Prev ¶
func (self JSONClient) Prev(key []byte) (prevKey, prevValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) Put ¶
func (self JSONClient) Put(key, value []byte)
func (JSONClient) ReverseIndexOf ¶
func (self JSONClient) ReverseIndexOf(key, subKey []byte) (index int, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) ReverseSlice ¶
func (self JSONClient) ReverseSlice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) ReverseSliceIndex ¶
func (self JSONClient) ReverseSliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) ReverseSliceLen ¶
func (JSONClient) SDel ¶
func (self JSONClient) SDel(key []byte)
func (JSONClient) SPut ¶
func (self JSONClient) SPut(key, value []byte)
func (JSONClient) SSubClear ¶
func (self JSONClient) SSubClear(key []byte)
func (JSONClient) SSubDel ¶
func (self JSONClient) SSubDel(key, subKey []byte)
func (JSONClient) SSubPut ¶
func (self JSONClient) SSubPut(key, subKey, value []byte)
func (JSONClient) SetExpression ¶
func (self JSONClient) SetExpression(expr setop.SetExpression) (result []setop.SetOpResult)
func (JSONClient) Size ¶
func (self JSONClient) Size() (result int)
func (JSONClient) Slice ¶
func (self JSONClient) Slice(key, min, max []byte, mininc, maxinc bool) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) SliceIndex ¶
func (self JSONClient) SliceIndex(key []byte, min, max *int) (result []common.Item)
func (JSONClient) SubAddConfiguration ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubAddConfiguration(treeKey []byte, key, value string)
func (JSONClient) SubClear ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubClear(key []byte)
func (JSONClient) SubDel ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubDel(key, subKey []byte)
func (JSONClient) SubGet ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubGet(key, subKey []byte) (value []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) SubMirrorNext ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubMirrorNext(key, subKey []byte) (nextKey, nextValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) SubMirrorPrev ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubMirrorPrev(key, subKey []byte) (prevKey, prevValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) SubNext ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubNext(key, subKey []byte) (nextKey, nextValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) SubPrev ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubPrev(key, subKey []byte) (prevKey, prevValue []byte, existed bool)
func (JSONClient) SubPut ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubPut(key, subKey, value []byte)
func (JSONClient) SubSize ¶
func (self JSONClient) SubSize(key []byte) (result int)
type MigrateListener ¶
MigrateListener is a function listening for migrate events where one dhash.Node has migrated from one position to another.
type Node ¶
type Node struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Node is a node in the database. It contains a discord.Node containing routing and rpc functionality, a timenet.Timer containing time synchronization functionality and a radix.Tree containing the actual data.
func NewNodeDir ¶
NewNode will return a dhash.Node publishing itself on the given address.
func (*Node) AddChangeListener ¶
func (self *Node) AddChangeListener(f common.RingChangeListener)
func (*Node) AddCleanListener ¶
func (self *Node) AddCleanListener(l CleanListener)
func (*Node) AddCommListener ¶
func (self *Node) AddCommListener(l CommListener)
func (*Node) AddConfiguration ¶
func (*Node) AddMigrateListener ¶
func (self *Node) AddMigrateListener(l MigrateListener)
func (*Node) AddSyncListener ¶
func (self *Node) AddSyncListener(l SyncListener)
func (*Node) DescribeTree ¶
DescribeTree will return a humanly readable string describing the node contents.
func (*Node) Description ¶
func (self *Node) Description() common.DHashDescription
Description will return a current description of the node.
func (*Node) GetBroadcastAddr ¶
func (*Node) GetListenAddr ¶
func (*Node) MirrorFirst ¶
func (*Node) MirrorIndexOf ¶
func (*Node) MirrorNextIndex ¶
func (*Node) MirrorPrevIndex ¶
func (*Node) MirrorReverseIndexOf ¶
func (*Node) MirrorReverseSlice ¶
func (*Node) MirrorReverseSliceIndex ¶
func (*Node) MirrorReverseSliceLen ¶
func (*Node) MirrorSlice ¶
func (*Node) MirrorSliceIndex ¶
func (*Node) MirrorSliceLen ¶
func (*Node) Owned ¶
Owned returns the number of items, including tombstones, that this node has responsibility for.
func (*Node) ReverseIndexOf ¶
func (*Node) ReverseSlice ¶
func (*Node) ReverseSliceIndex ¶
func (*Node) ReverseSliceLen ¶
func (*Node) SetExpression ¶
func (self *Node) SetExpression(expr setop.SetExpression, items *[]setop.SetOpResult) (err error)
func (*Node) Start ¶
Start will spin up this dhash.Node, including its discord.Node and timenet.Timer. It will also start the sync, clean and migrate jobs.
func (*Node) Stop ¶
func (self *Node) Stop()
Stop will shut down this dhash.Node, including its discord.Node and timenet.Timer, permanently.
func (*Node) SubAddConfiguration ¶
func (*Node) SubConfiguration ¶
func (*Node) SubMirrorNext ¶
func (*Node) SubMirrorPrev ¶
type SubValueIndexRes ¶
type SyncListener ¶
SyncListener is a function listening for sync events where one dhash.Node has pushed items to, and pulled items from, another dhash.Node.