Use FIDO2 KEY to generate Passphrase
Tested with HyperFIDO Pro Mini, Yubikey 5 but should work with all compatible FIDO2 keys
Usage :
- Create a passphrase for a website or whatever
./gofido2pass -u websitename -c
(enter PIN and touch key)
- Print passphrase to standard output
./gofido2pass -u websitename
(default output in base58, use -hex to output with an hex string)

- With pinentry in a terminal (GPG to decrypt/encrypt a file)

Without copy to clipboard to stay away from clipboard & clipboard manager history.
- To show a dialog in graphical desktop, gofido2pass uses Zenity tool (debian : apt install zenity)
- To auto-type passphrase to the window under mouse cursor, uses xdotool
- To show notifications uses notify-send
Example with XFCE4
Copy gofido2pass application and to a directory (example $HOME/scripts)
Go to Keyboard configuration and add application shortcut for script
(verify path for gofido2pass application in : default to ~/scripts/gofido2pass)
Type your keyboard shortcut to test