Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ActivateEmail(ctx context.Context, email *EmailAddress) error
- func ActivateUserEmail(ctx context.Context, userID int64, email string, activate bool) (err error)
- func AddUserBadge(ctx context.Context, u *User, badge *Badge) error
- func AddUserBadges(ctx context.Context, u *User, badges []*Badge) error
- func AddUserOpenID(ctx context.Context, openid *UserOpenID) error
- func AdminCreateUser(ctx context.Context, u *User, meta *Meta, ...) (err error)
- func BuildCanSeeUserCondition(actor *User) builder.Cond
- func ChangeInactivePrimaryEmail(ctx context.Context, uid int64, oldEmailAddr, newEmailAddr string) error
- func CountUsers(ctx context.Context, opts *CountUserFilter) int64
- func CountWrongUserType(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func CreateBadge(ctx context.Context, badge *Badge) error
- func CreateUser(ctx context.Context, u *User, meta *Meta, ...) (err error)
- func DeleteBadge(ctx context.Context, badge *Badge) error
- func DeleteUserOpenID(ctx context.Context, openid *UserOpenID) (err error)
- func DeleteUserRedirect(ctx context.Context, userName string) error
- func DeleteUserSetting(ctx context.Context, userID int64, key string) error
- func DisabledFeaturesWithLoginType(user *User) *container.Set[string]
- func EnsureLinkExternalToUser(ctx context.Context, external *ExternalLoginUser) error
- func ExistsWithAvatarAtStoragePath(ctx context.Context, storagePath string) (bool, error)
- func FixWrongUserType(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func FollowUser(ctx context.Context, user, follow *User) (err error)
- func GenerateRandomAvatar(ctx context.Context, u *User) error
- func GetExternalLogin(ctx context.Context, externalLoginUser *ExternalLoginUser) (bool, error)
- func GetOrderByName() string
- func GetSetting(ctx context.Context, uid int64, key string) (string, error)
- func GetSettings(ctx context.Context, uid int64, keys []string) (map[string]*Setting, error)
- func GetUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (bool, error)
- func GetUserAllSettings(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (map[string]*Setting, error)
- func GetUserEmailsByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string) []string
- func GetUserIDByExternalUserID(ctx context.Context, provider, userID string) (int64, error)
- func GetUserIDsByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string, ignoreNonExistent bool) ([]int64, error)
- func GetUserNameByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (string, error)
- func GetUserNamesByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]string, error)
- func GetUserSalt() (string, error)
- func GetUserSetting(ctx context.Context, userID int64, key string, def ...string) (string, error)
- func IncrUserRepoNum(ctx context.Context, userID int64) error
- func IsEmailActive(ctx context.Context, email string, excludeEmailID int64) (bool, error)
- func IsEmailDomainAllowed(email string) bool
- func IsEmailUsed(ctx context.Context, email string) (bool, error)
- func IsErrEmailAddressNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrEmailAlreadyUsed(err error) bool
- func IsErrEmailCharIsNotSupported(err error) bool
- func IsErrEmailInvalid(err error) bool
- func IsErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrExternalLoginUserNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed(err error) bool
- func IsErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserAlreadyExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserInactive(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserIsNotLocal(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserProhibitLogin(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserRedirectNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrUserSettingIsNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsFeatureDisabledWithLoginType(user *User, features ...string) bool
- func IsFollowing(ctx context.Context, userID, followID int64) bool
- func IsLastAdminUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) bool
- func IsUsableUsername(name string) error
- func IsUserBlockedBy(ctx context.Context, blockee *User, blockerIDs ...int64) bool
- func IsUserExist(ctx context.Context, uid int64, name string) (bool, error)
- func IsUserVisibleToViewer(ctx context.Context, u, viewer *User) bool
- func IterateExternalLogin(ctx context.Context, opts FindExternalUserOptions, ...) error
- func LinkExternalToUser(ctx context.Context, user *User, externalLoginUser *ExternalLoginUser) error
- func LookupUserRedirect(ctx context.Context, userName string) (int64, error)
- func MakeActiveEmailPrimary(ctx context.Context, emailID int64) error
- func MakeInactiveEmailPrimary(ctx context.Context, emailID int64) error
- func NewUserRedirect(ctx context.Context, ID int64, oldUserName, newUserName string) error
- func NormalizeUserName(s string) (string, error)
- func RemoveAccountLink(ctx context.Context, user *User, loginSourceID int64) (int64, error)
- func RemoveAllAccountLinks(ctx context.Context, user *User) error
- func RemoveAllUserBadges(ctx context.Context, u *User) error
- func RemoveUserBadge(ctx context.Context, u *User, badge *Badge) error
- func RemoveUserBadges(ctx context.Context, u *User, badges []*Badge) error
- func SetMustChangePassword(ctx context.Context, all, mustChangePassword bool, include, exclude []string) (int64, error)
- func SetUserSetting(ctx context.Context, userID int64, key, value string) error
- func ToggleUserOpenIDVisibility(ctx context.Context, id int64) (err error)
- func UnfollowUser(ctx context.Context, userID, followID int64) (err error)
- func UpdateBadge(ctx context.Context, badge *Badge) error
- func UpdateBlockingNote(ctx context.Context, id int64, note string) error
- func UpdateEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email *EmailAddress) error
- func UpdateExternalUserByExternalID(ctx context.Context, external *ExternalLoginUser) error
- func UpdateUserCols(ctx context.Context, u *User, cols ...string) error
- func UserPath(userName string) string
- func ValidateEmail(email string) error
- func ValidateEmailForAdmin(email string) error
- func ValidateUser(u *User, cols ...string) error
- type Badge
- type Blocking
- type BlockingList
- type CountUserFilter
- type CreateUserOverwriteOptions
- type EmailAddress
- func GetEmailAddressByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*EmailAddress, error)
- func GetEmailAddressByID(ctx context.Context, uid, id int64) (*EmailAddress, error)
- func GetEmailAddressOfUser(ctx context.Context, email string, uid int64) (*EmailAddress, error)
- func GetEmailAddresses(ctx context.Context, uid int64) ([]*EmailAddress, error)
- func GetPrimaryEmailAddressOfUser(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (*EmailAddress, error)
- func InsertEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email *EmailAddress) (*EmailAddress, error)
- func VerifyActiveEmailCode(ctx context.Context, code, email string) *EmailAddress
- type ErrEmailAddressNotExist
- type ErrEmailAlreadyUsed
- type ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported
- type ErrEmailInvalid
- type ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist
- type ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist
- type ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed
- type ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete
- type ErrUserAlreadyExist
- type ErrUserInactive
- type ErrUserIsNotLocal
- type ErrUserNotExist
- type ErrUserProhibitLogin
- type ErrUserRedirectNotExist
- type ErrUserSettingIsNotExist
- type ExternalLoginUser
- type ExternalUserMigrated
- type ExternalUserRemappable
- type FindBlockingOptions
- type FindExternalUserOptions
- type Follow
- type Meta
- type Redirect
- type SearchEmailOptions
- type SearchEmailOrderBy
- type SearchEmailResult
- type SearchOrganizationsOptions
- type SearchUserOptions
- type Setting
- type User
- func GetAdminUser(ctx context.Context) (*User, error)
- func GetAllUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]*User, error)
- func GetInactiveUsers(ctx context.Context, olderThan time.Duration) ([]*User, error)
- func GetMaileableUsersByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int64, isMention bool) ([]*User, error)
- func GetPossibleUserByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*User, error)
- func GetPossibleUserByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]*User, error)
- func GetUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]*User, error)
- func GetUserByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserByOpenID(ctx context.Context, uri string) (*User, error)
- func GetUserFollowers(ctx context.Context, u, viewer *User, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*User, int64, error)
- func GetUserFollowing(ctx context.Context, u, viewer *User, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*User, int64, error)
- func GetUsersBySource(ctx context.Context, s *auth.Source) ([]*User, error)
- func GetVerifyUser(ctx context.Context, code string) (user *User)
- func NewActionsUser() *User
- func NewGhostUser() *User
- func NewReplaceUser(name string) *User
- func SearchUsers(ctx context.Context, opts *SearchUserOptions) (users []*User, _ int64, _ error)
- func ValidateCommitWithEmail(ctx context.Context, c *git.Commit) *User
- func VerifyUserActiveCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (user *User)
- func (u *User) AfterLoad()
- func (u *User) AvatarLink(ctx context.Context) string
- func (u *User) AvatarLinkWithSize(ctx context.Context, size int) string
- func (u *User) BeforeUpdate()
- func (u *User) CanCreateOrganization() bool
- func (u *User) CanCreateRepo() bool
- func (u *User) CanEditGitHook() bool
- func (u *User) CanForkRepo() bool
- func (u *User) CanImportLocal() bool
- func (u *User) CustomAvatarRelativePath() string
- func (u *User) DashboardLink() string
- func (u *User) DisplayName() string
- func (u *User) EmailTo() string
- func (u *User) GenerateEmailActivateCode(email string) string
- func (u *User) GetCompleteName() string
- func (u *User) GetDisplayName() string
- func (u *User) GetEmail() string
- func (u *User) GetPlaceholderEmail() string
- func (u *User) GitName() string
- func (u *User) HTMLURL() string
- func (u *User) HomeLink() string
- func (u *User) IsActions() bool
- func (u *User) IsBot() bool
- func (u *User) IsGhost() bool
- func (u *User) IsIndividual() bool
- func (u *User) IsLocal() bool
- func (u *User) IsMailable() bool
- func (u *User) IsOAuth2() bool
- func (u *User) IsOrganization() bool
- func (u *User) IsPasswordSet() bool
- func (u *User) IsUploadAvatarChanged(data []byte) bool
- func (u *User) IsUser() bool
- func (u *User) LogString() string
- func (u *User) MaxCreationLimit() int
- func (u *User) NewGitSig() *git.Signature
- func (u *User) OrganisationLink() string
- func (u *User) SetLastLogin()
- func (u *User) SetPassword(passwd string) (err error)
- func (u *User) ShortName(length int) string
- func (u *User) ValidatePassword(passwd string) bool
- type UserBadge
- type UserCommit
- type UserList
- type UserOpenID
- type UserType
Constants ¶
const ( // SettingsKeyHiddenCommentTypes is the setting key for hidden comment types SettingsKeyHiddenCommentTypes = "issue.hidden_comment_types" // SettingsKeyDiffWhitespaceBehavior is the setting key for whitespace behavior of diff SettingsKeyDiffWhitespaceBehavior = "diff.whitespace_behaviour" // SettingsKeyShowOutdatedComments is the setting key wether or not to show outdated comments in PRs SettingsKeyShowOutdatedComments = "comment_code.show_outdated" // UserActivityPubPrivPem is user's private key UserActivityPubPrivPem = "activitypub.priv_pem" // UserActivityPubPubPem is user's public key UserActivityPubPubPem = "activitypub.pub_pem" // SignupIP is the IP address that the user signed up with SignupIP = "signup.ip" // SignupUserAgent is the user agent that the user signed up with SignupUserAgent = "signup.user_agent" )
const ( // EmailNotificationsEnabled indicates that the user would like to receive all email notifications except your own EmailNotificationsEnabled = "enabled" // EmailNotificationsOnMention indicates that the user would like to be notified via email when mentioned. EmailNotificationsOnMention = "onmention" // EmailNotificationsDisabled indicates that the user would not like to be notified via email. EmailNotificationsDisabled = "disabled" // EmailNotificationsAndYourOwn indicates that the user would like to receive all email notifications and your own EmailNotificationsAndYourOwn = "andyourown" )
const ( GhostUserID = -1 GhostUserName = "Ghost" GhostUserLowerName = "ghost" )
const ( ActionsUserID = -2 ActionsUserName = "gitea-actions" ActionsFullName = "Gitea Actions" ActionsEmail = "[email protected]" )
const SaltByteLength = 16
Note: As of the beginning of 2022, it is recommended to use at least 64 bits of salt, but NIST is already recommending to use to 128 bits. (16 bytes = 16 * 8 = 128 bits)
Variables ¶
var ( ErrBlockOrganization = util.NewInvalidArgumentErrorf("cannot block an organization") ErrCanNotBlock = util.NewInvalidArgumentErrorf("cannot block the user") ErrCanNotUnblock = util.NewInvalidArgumentErrorf("cannot unblock the user") ErrBlockedUser = util.NewPermissionDeniedErrorf("user is blocked") )
var ErrOpenIDNotExist = util.NewNotExistErrorf("OpenID is unknown")
ErrOpenIDNotExist openid is not known
Functions ¶
func ActivateEmail ¶
func ActivateEmail(ctx context.Context, email *EmailAddress) error
ActivateEmail activates the email address to given user.
func ActivateUserEmail ¶
ActivateUserEmail will change the activated state of an email address, either primary or secondary (all in the email_address table)
func AddUserBadge ¶
AddUserBadge adds a badge to a user.
func AddUserBadges ¶
AddUserBadges adds badges to a user.
func AddUserOpenID ¶
func AddUserOpenID(ctx context.Context, openid *UserOpenID) error
AddUserOpenID adds an pre-verified/normalized OpenID URI to given user. NOTE: make sure openid.URI is normalized already
func AdminCreateUser ¶
func AdminCreateUser(ctx context.Context, u *User, meta *Meta, overwriteDefault ...*CreateUserOverwriteOptions) (err error)
AdminCreateUser is used by admins to manually create users
func BuildCanSeeUserCondition ¶
BuildCanSeeUserCondition creates a condition which can be used to restrict results to users/orgs the actor can see
func ChangeInactivePrimaryEmail ¶
func ChangeInactivePrimaryEmail(ctx context.Context, uid int64, oldEmailAddr, newEmailAddr string) error
ChangeInactivePrimaryEmail replaces the inactive primary email of a given user
func CountUsers ¶
func CountUsers(ctx context.Context, opts *CountUserFilter) int64
CountUsers returns number of users.
func CountWrongUserType ¶
CountWrongUserType count OrgUser who have wrong type
func CreateBadge ¶
CreateBadge creates a new badge.
func CreateUser ¶
func CreateUser(ctx context.Context, u *User, meta *Meta, overwriteDefault ...*CreateUserOverwriteOptions) (err error)
CreateUser creates record of a new user.
func DeleteBadge ¶
DeleteBadge deletes a badge.
func DeleteUserOpenID ¶
func DeleteUserOpenID(ctx context.Context, openid *UserOpenID) (err error)
DeleteUserOpenID deletes an openid address of given user.
func DeleteUserRedirect ¶
DeleteUserRedirect delete any redirect from the specified user name to anything else
func DeleteUserSetting ¶
DeleteUserSetting deletes a specific setting for a user
func DisabledFeaturesWithLoginType ¶
DisabledFeaturesWithLoginType returns the set of user features disabled, taking into account the login type of the user if applicable
func EnsureLinkExternalToUser ¶
func EnsureLinkExternalToUser(ctx context.Context, external *ExternalLoginUser) error
EnsureLinkExternalToUser link the external user to the user
func ExistsWithAvatarAtStoragePath ¶
ExistsWithAvatarAtStoragePath returns true if there is a user with this Avatar
func FixWrongUserType ¶
FixWrongUserType fix OrgUser who have wrong type
func FollowUser ¶
FollowUser marks someone be another's follower.
func GenerateRandomAvatar ¶
GenerateRandomAvatar generates a random avatar for user.
func GetExternalLogin ¶
func GetExternalLogin(ctx context.Context, externalLoginUser *ExternalLoginUser) (bool, error)
GetExternalLogin checks if a externalID in loginSourceID scope already exists
func GetOrderByName ¶
func GetOrderByName() string
func GetSetting ¶
GetSetting returns the setting value via the key
func GetSettings ¶
GetSettings returns specific settings from user
func GetUserAllSettings ¶
GetUserAllSettings returns all settings from user
func GetUserEmailsByNames ¶
GetUserEmailsByNames returns a list of e-mails corresponds to names of users that have their email notifications set to enabled or onmention.
func GetUserIDByExternalUserID ¶
GetUserIDByExternalUserID get user id according to provider and userID
func GetUserIDsByNames ¶
func GetUserIDsByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string, ignoreNonExistent bool) ([]int64, error)
GetUserIDsByNames returns a slice of ids corresponds to names.
func GetUserNameByID ¶
GetUserNameByID returns username for the id
func GetUserNamesByIDs ¶
GetUserNamesByIDs returns usernames for all resolved users from a list of Ids.
func GetUserSetting ¶
GetUserSetting gets a specific setting for a user
func IsEmailActive ¶
IsEmailActive check if email is activated with a different emailID
func IsEmailDomainAllowed ¶
func IsEmailUsed ¶
IsEmailUsed returns true if the email has been used.
func IsErrEmailAddressNotExist ¶
IsErrEmailAddressNotExist checks if an error is an ErrEmailAddressNotExist
func IsErrEmailAlreadyUsed ¶
IsErrEmailAlreadyUsed checks if an error is a ErrEmailAlreadyUsed.
func IsErrEmailCharIsNotSupported ¶
IsErrEmailCharIsNotSupported checks if an error is an ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported
func IsErrEmailInvalid ¶
IsErrEmailInvalid checks if an error is an ErrEmailInvalid
func IsErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist ¶
IsErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist checks if an error is a ExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist.
func IsErrExternalLoginUserNotExist ¶
IsErrExternalLoginUserNotExist checks if an error is a ExternalLoginUserNotExist.
func IsErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed ¶
IsErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed checks if an error is a ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed.
func IsErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete ¶
IsErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete checks if an error is an ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete
func IsErrUserAlreadyExist ¶
IsErrUserAlreadyExist checks if an error is a ErrUserAlreadyExists.
func IsErrUserInactive ¶
IsErrUserInactive checks if an error is a ErrUserInactive
func IsErrUserNotExist ¶
IsErrUserNotExist checks if an error is a ErrUserNotExist.
func IsErrUserProhibitLogin ¶
IsErrUserProhibitLogin checks if an error is a ErrUserProhibitLogin
func IsErrUserRedirectNotExist ¶
IsErrUserRedirectNotExist check if an error is an ErrUserRedirectNotExist.
func IsErrUserSettingIsNotExist ¶
IsErrUserSettingIsNotExist return true if err is ErrSettingIsNotExist
func IsFeatureDisabledWithLoginType ¶
IsFeatureDisabledWithLoginType checks if a user features are disabled, taking into account the login type of the user if applicable
func IsFollowing ¶
IsFollowing returns true if user is following followID.
func IsLastAdminUser ¶
IsLastAdminUser check whether user is the last admin
func IsUsableUsername ¶
IsUsableUsername returns an error when a username is reserved
func IsUserBlockedBy ¶
func IsUserExist ¶
IsUserExist checks if given user name exist, the user name should be noncased unique. If uid is presented, then check will rule out that one, it is used when update a user name in settings page.
func IsUserVisibleToViewer ¶
IsUserVisibleToViewer check if viewer is able to see user profile
func IterateExternalLogin ¶
func IterateExternalLogin(ctx context.Context, opts FindExternalUserOptions, f func(ctx context.Context, u *ExternalLoginUser) error) error
func LinkExternalToUser ¶
func LinkExternalToUser(ctx context.Context, user *User, externalLoginUser *ExternalLoginUser) error
LinkExternalToUser link the external user to the user
func LookupUserRedirect ¶
LookupUserRedirect look up userID if a user has a redirect name
func NewUserRedirect ¶
NewUserRedirect create a new user redirect
func NormalizeUserName ¶
NormalizeUserName only takes the name part if it is an email address, transforms it diacritics to ASCII characters. It returns a string with the single-quotes removed, and any other non-supported username characters are replaced with a `-` character
func RemoveAccountLink ¶
RemoveAccountLink will remove all external login sources for the given user
func RemoveAllAccountLinks ¶
RemoveAllAccountLinks will remove all external login sources for the given user
func RemoveAllUserBadges ¶
RemoveAllUserBadges removes all badges from a user.
func RemoveUserBadge ¶
RemoveUserBadge removes a badge from a user.
func RemoveUserBadges ¶
RemoveUserBadges removes badges from a user.
func SetMustChangePassword ¶
func SetUserSetting ¶
SetUserSetting updates a users' setting for a specific key
func ToggleUserOpenIDVisibility ¶
ToggleUserOpenIDVisibility toggles visibility of an openid address of given user.
func UnfollowUser ¶
UnfollowUser unmarks someone as another's follower.
func UpdateBadge ¶
UpdateBadge updates a badge based on its slug.
func UpdateEmailAddress ¶
func UpdateEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email *EmailAddress) error
func UpdateExternalUserByExternalID ¶
func UpdateExternalUserByExternalID(ctx context.Context, external *ExternalLoginUser) error
UpdateExternalUserByExternalID updates an external user's information
func UpdateUserCols ¶
UpdateUserCols update user according special columns
func ValidateEmail ¶
ValidateEmail check if email is a valid & allowed address
func ValidateEmailForAdmin ¶
ValidateEmailForAdmin check if email is a valid address when admins manually add or edit users
func ValidateUser ¶
ValidateUser check if user is valid to insert / update into database
Types ¶
type Badge ¶
type Badge struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` Slug string `xorm:"UNIQUE"` Description string ImageURL string }
Badge represents a user badge
type Blocking ¶
type Blocking struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` BlockerID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(block)"` Blocker *User `xorm:"-"` BlockeeID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(block)"` Blockee *User `xorm:"-"` Note string CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` }
func FindBlockings ¶
func GetBlocking ¶
type BlockingList ¶
type BlockingList []*Blocking
func (BlockingList) LoadAttributes ¶
func (blocks BlockingList) LoadAttributes(ctx context.Context) error
type CountUserFilter ¶
CountUserFilter represent optional filters for CountUsers
type CreateUserOverwriteOptions ¶
type CreateUserOverwriteOptions struct { KeepEmailPrivate optional.Option[bool] Visibility *structs.VisibleType AllowCreateOrganization optional.Option[bool] EmailNotificationsPreference *string MaxRepoCreation *int Theme *string IsRestricted optional.Option[bool] IsActive optional.Option[bool] }
CreateUserOverwriteOptions are an optional options who overwrite system defaults on user creation
type EmailAddress ¶
type EmailAddress struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UID int64 `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL"` Email string `xorm:"UNIQUE NOT NULL"` LowerEmail string `xorm:"UNIQUE NOT NULL"` IsActivated bool IsPrimary bool `xorm:"DEFAULT(false) NOT NULL"` }
EmailAddress is the list of all email addresses of a user. It also contains the primary email address which is saved in user table.
func GetEmailAddressByEmail ¶
func GetEmailAddressByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*EmailAddress, error)
func GetEmailAddressByID ¶
func GetEmailAddressByID(ctx context.Context, uid, id int64) (*EmailAddress, error)
GetEmailAddressByID gets a user's email address by ID
func GetEmailAddressOfUser ¶
func GetEmailAddresses ¶
func GetEmailAddresses(ctx context.Context, uid int64) ([]*EmailAddress, error)
GetEmailAddresses returns all email addresses belongs to given user.
func GetPrimaryEmailAddressOfUser ¶
func GetPrimaryEmailAddressOfUser(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (*EmailAddress, error)
func InsertEmailAddress ¶
func InsertEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email *EmailAddress) (*EmailAddress, error)
func VerifyActiveEmailCode ¶
func VerifyActiveEmailCode(ctx context.Context, code, email string) *EmailAddress
VerifyActiveEmailCode verifies active email code when active account
func (*EmailAddress) BeforeInsert ¶
func (email *EmailAddress) BeforeInsert()
BeforeInsert will be invoked by XORM before inserting a record
type ErrEmailAddressNotExist ¶
type ErrEmailAddressNotExist struct {
Email string
ErrEmailAddressNotExist email address not exist
func (ErrEmailAddressNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrEmailAddressNotExist) Error() string
func (ErrEmailAddressNotExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrEmailAddressNotExist) Unwrap() error
type ErrEmailAlreadyUsed ¶
type ErrEmailAlreadyUsed struct {
Email string
ErrEmailAlreadyUsed represents a "EmailAlreadyUsed" kind of error.
func (ErrEmailAlreadyUsed) Error ¶
func (err ErrEmailAlreadyUsed) Error() string
func (ErrEmailAlreadyUsed) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrEmailAlreadyUsed) Unwrap() error
type ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported ¶
type ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported struct {
Email string
ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported e-mail address contains unsupported character
func (ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported) Error ¶
func (err ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported) Error() string
func (ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrEmailCharIsNotSupported) Unwrap() error
type ErrEmailInvalid ¶
type ErrEmailInvalid struct {
Email string
ErrEmailInvalid represents an error where the email address does not comply with RFC 5322 or has a leading '-' character
func (ErrEmailInvalid) Error ¶
func (err ErrEmailInvalid) Error() string
func (ErrEmailInvalid) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrEmailInvalid) Unwrap() error
type ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist ¶
ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist represents a "ExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist" kind of error.
func (ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist) Error() string
func (ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrExternalLoginUserAlreadyExist) Unwrap() error
type ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist ¶
ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist represents a "ExternalLoginUserNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist) Error() string
func (ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrExternalLoginUserNotExist) Unwrap() error
type ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed ¶
type ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed struct {
OpenID string
ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed represents a "OpenIDAlreadyUsed" kind of error.
func (ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed) Error ¶
func (err ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed) Error() string
func (ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrOpenIDAlreadyUsed) Unwrap() error
type ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete ¶
type ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete struct {
Email string
ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete primary email address cannot be deleted
func (ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete) Error ¶
func (err ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete) Error() string
func (ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrPrimaryEmailCannotDelete) Unwrap() error
type ErrUserAlreadyExist ¶
type ErrUserAlreadyExist struct {
Name string
ErrUserAlreadyExist represents a "user already exists" error.
func (ErrUserAlreadyExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserAlreadyExist) Error() string
func (ErrUserAlreadyExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrUserAlreadyExist) Unwrap() error
Unwrap unwraps this error as a ErrExist error
type ErrUserInactive ¶
ErrUserInactive represents a "ErrUserInactive" kind of error.
func (ErrUserInactive) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserInactive) Error() string
func (ErrUserInactive) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrUserInactive) Unwrap() error
Unwrap unwraps this error as a ErrPermission error
type ErrUserIsNotLocal ¶
ErrUserIsNotLocal represents a "ErrUserIsNotLocal" kind of error.
func (ErrUserIsNotLocal) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserIsNotLocal) Error() string
type ErrUserNotExist ¶
ErrUserNotExist represents a "UserNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrUserNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserNotExist) Error() string
func (ErrUserNotExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrUserNotExist) Unwrap() error
Unwrap unwraps this error as a ErrNotExist error
type ErrUserProhibitLogin ¶
ErrUserProhibitLogin represents a "ErrUserProhibitLogin" kind of error.
func (ErrUserProhibitLogin) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserProhibitLogin) Error() string
func (ErrUserProhibitLogin) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrUserProhibitLogin) Unwrap() error
Unwrap unwraps this error as a ErrPermission error
type ErrUserRedirectNotExist ¶
type ErrUserRedirectNotExist struct {
Name string
ErrUserRedirectNotExist represents a "UserRedirectNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrUserRedirectNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserRedirectNotExist) Error() string
func (ErrUserRedirectNotExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrUserRedirectNotExist) Unwrap() error
type ErrUserSettingIsNotExist ¶
type ErrUserSettingIsNotExist struct {
Key string
ErrUserSettingIsNotExist represents an error that a setting is not exist with special key
func (ErrUserSettingIsNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrUserSettingIsNotExist) Error() string
Error implements error
func (ErrUserSettingIsNotExist) Unwrap ¶
func (err ErrUserSettingIsNotExist) Unwrap() error
type ExternalLoginUser ¶
type ExternalLoginUser struct { ExternalID string `xorm:"pk NOT NULL"` UserID int64 `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL"` LoginSourceID int64 `xorm:"pk NOT NULL"` RawData map[string]any `xorm:"TEXT JSON"` Provider string `xorm:"index VARCHAR(25)"` Email string Name string FirstName string LastName string NickName string Description string AvatarURL string `xorm:"TEXT"` Location string AccessToken string `xorm:"TEXT"` AccessTokenSecret string `xorm:"TEXT"` RefreshToken string `xorm:"TEXT"` ExpiresAt time.Time }
ExternalLoginUser makes the connecting between some existing user and additional external login sources
type ExternalUserMigrated ¶
type ExternalUserRemappable ¶
type ExternalUserRemappable interface { GetUserID() int64 RemapExternalUser(externalName string, externalID, userID int64) error ExternalUserMigrated }
type FindBlockingOptions ¶
type FindBlockingOptions struct { db.ListOptions BlockerID int64 BlockeeID int64 }
func (*FindBlockingOptions) ToConds ¶
func (opts *FindBlockingOptions) ToConds() builder.Cond
type FindExternalUserOptions ¶
type FindExternalUserOptions struct { db.ListOptions Provider string UserID int64 LoginSourceID int64 HasRefreshToken bool Expired bool OrderBy string }
FindExternalUserOptions represents an options to find external users
func (FindExternalUserOptions) ToConds ¶
func (opts FindExternalUserOptions) ToConds() builder.Cond
func (FindExternalUserOptions) ToOrders ¶
func (opts FindExternalUserOptions) ToOrders() string
type Follow ¶
type Follow struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UserID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(follow)"` FollowID int64 `xorm:"UNIQUE(follow)"` CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` }
Follow represents relations of user and their followers.
type Meta ¶
type Meta struct { // Store the initial registration of the user, to aid in spam prevention // Ensure that one IP isn't creating many accounts (following mediawiki approach) InitialIP string InitialUserAgent string }
Meta defines the meta information of a user, to be stored in the K/V table
type Redirect ¶
type Redirect struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` LowerName string `xorm:"UNIQUE(s) INDEX NOT NULL"` RedirectUserID int64 // userID to redirect to }
Redirect represents that a user name should be redirected to another
type SearchEmailOptions ¶
type SearchEmailOptions struct { db.ListOptions Keyword string SortType SearchEmailOrderBy IsPrimary optional.Option[bool] IsActivated optional.Option[bool] }
SearchEmailOptions are options to search e-mail addresses for the admin panel
type SearchEmailOrderBy ¶
type SearchEmailOrderBy string
SearchEmailOrderBy is used to sort the results from SearchEmails()
const ( SearchEmailOrderByEmail SearchEmailOrderBy = "email_address.lower_email ASC, email_address.is_primary DESC, ASC" SearchEmailOrderByEmailReverse SearchEmailOrderBy = "email_address.lower_email DESC, email_address.is_primary ASC, DESC" SearchEmailOrderByName SearchEmailOrderBy = "`user`.lower_name ASC, email_address.is_primary DESC, ASC" SearchEmailOrderByNameReverse SearchEmailOrderBy = "`user`.lower_name DESC, email_address.is_primary ASC, DESC" )
Strings for sorting result
func (SearchEmailOrderBy) String ¶
func (s SearchEmailOrderBy) String() string
type SearchEmailResult ¶
type SearchEmailResult struct { ID int64 UID int64 Email string IsActivated bool IsPrimary bool // From User Name string FullName string }
SearchEmailResult is an e-mail address found in the user or email_address table
func SearchEmails ¶
func SearchEmails(ctx context.Context, opts *SearchEmailOptions) ([]*SearchEmailResult, int64, error)
SearchEmails takes options i.e. keyword and part of email name to search, it returns results in given range and number of total results.
type SearchOrganizationsOptions ¶
type SearchOrganizationsOptions struct { db.ListOptions All bool }
SearchOrganizationsOptions options to filter organizations
type SearchUserOptions ¶
type SearchUserOptions struct { db.ListOptions Keyword string Type UserType UID int64 LoginName string // this option should be used only for admin user SourceID int64 // this option should be used only for admin user OrderBy db.SearchOrderBy Visible []structs.VisibleType Actor *User // The user doing the search SearchByEmail bool // Search by email as well as username/full name SupportedSortOrders container.Set[string] // if not nil, only allow to use the sort orders in this set IsActive optional.Option[bool] IsAdmin optional.Option[bool] IsRestricted optional.Option[bool] IsTwoFactorEnabled optional.Option[bool] IsProhibitLogin optional.Option[bool] IncludeReserved bool ExtraParamStrings map[string]string }
SearchUserOptions contains the options for searching
type Setting ¶
type Setting struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UserID int64 `xorm:"index unique(key_userid)"` // to load all of someone's settings SettingKey string `xorm:"varchar(255) index unique(key_userid)"` // ensure key is always lowercase SettingValue string `xorm:"text"` }
Setting is a key value store of user settings
func GetSettingNoCache ¶
GetSettingNoCache returns specific setting without using the cache
type User ¶
type User struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` LowerName string `xorm:"UNIQUE NOT NULL"` Name string `xorm:"UNIQUE NOT NULL"` FullName string // Email is the primary email address (to be used for communication) Email string `xorm:"NOT NULL"` KeepEmailPrivate bool EmailNotificationsPreference string `xorm:"VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'enabled'"` Passwd string `xorm:"NOT NULL"` PasswdHashAlgo string `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 'argon2'"` // MustChangePassword is an attribute that determines if a user // is to change their password after registration. MustChangePassword bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` LoginType auth.Type LoginSource int64 `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` LoginName string Type UserType Location string Website string Rands string `xorm:"VARCHAR(32)"` Salt string `xorm:"VARCHAR(32)"` Language string `xorm:"VARCHAR(5)"` Description string CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX updated"` LastLoginUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX"` // Remember visibility choice for convenience, true for private LastRepoVisibility bool // Maximum repository creation limit, -1 means use global default MaxRepoCreation int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT -1"` // IsActive true: primary email is activated, user can access Web UI and Git SSH. // false: an inactive user can only log in Web UI for account operations (ex: activate the account by email), no other access. IsActive bool `xorm:"INDEX"` // the user is a Gitea admin, who can access all repositories and the admin pages. IsAdmin bool // true: the user is only allowed to see organizations/repositories that they has explicit rights to. // (ex: in private Gitea instances user won't be allowed to see even organizations/repositories that are set as public) IsRestricted bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` AllowGitHook bool AllowImportLocal bool // Allow migrate repository by local path AllowCreateOrganization bool `xorm:"DEFAULT true"` // true: the user is not allowed to log in Web UI. Git/SSH access could still be allowed (please refer to Git/SSH access related code/documents) ProhibitLogin bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` // Avatar Avatar string `xorm:"VARCHAR(2048) NOT NULL"` AvatarEmail string `xorm:"NOT NULL"` UseCustomAvatar bool // Counters NumFollowers int NumFollowing int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` NumStars int NumRepos int // For organization NumTeams int NumMembers int Visibility structs.VisibleType `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RepoAdminChangeTeamAccess bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` // Preferences DiffViewStyle string `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"` Theme string `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"` KeepActivityPrivate bool `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false"` }
User represents the object of individual and member of organization.
func GetAdminUser ¶
GetAdminUser returns the first administrator
func GetAllUsers ¶
GetAllUsers returns a slice of all individual users found in DB.
func GetInactiveUsers ¶
GetInactiveUsers gets all inactive users
func GetMaileableUsersByIDs ¶
GetMaileableUsersByIDs gets users from ids, but only if they can receive mails
func GetPossibleUserByID ¶
GetPossibleUserByID returns the user if id > 0 or return system usrs if id < 0
func GetPossibleUserByIDs ¶
GetPossibleUserByIDs returns the users if id > 0 or return system users if id < 0
func GetUserByEmail ¶
GetUserByEmail returns the user object by given e-mail if exists.
func GetUserByID ¶
GetUserByID returns the user object by given ID if exists.
func GetUserByIDs ¶
GetUserByIDs returns the user objects by given IDs if exists.
func GetUserByName ¶
GetUserByNameCtx returns user by given name.
func GetUserByOpenID ¶
GetUserByOpenID returns the user object by given OpenID if exists.
func GetUserFollowers ¶
func GetUserFollowers(ctx context.Context, u, viewer *User, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*User, int64, error)
GetUserFollowers returns range of user's followers.
func GetUserFollowing ¶
func GetUserFollowing(ctx context.Context, u, viewer *User, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*User, int64, error)
GetUserFollowing returns range of user's following.
func GetUsersBySource ¶
GetUsersBySource returns a list of Users for a login source
func GetVerifyUser ¶
GetVerifyUser get user by verify code
func NewActionsUser ¶
func NewActionsUser() *User
NewActionsUser creates and returns a fake user for running the actions.
func NewGhostUser ¶
func NewGhostUser() *User
NewGhostUser creates and returns a fake user for someone has deleted their account.
func NewReplaceUser ¶
NewReplaceUser creates and returns a fake user for external user
func SearchUsers ¶
SearchUsers takes options i.e. keyword and part of user name to search, it returns results in given range and number of total results.
func ValidateCommitWithEmail ¶
ValidateCommitWithEmail check if author's e-mail of commit is corresponding to a user.
func VerifyUserActiveCode ¶
VerifyUserActiveCode verifies active code when active account
func (*User) AfterLoad ¶
func (u *User) AfterLoad()
AfterLoad is invoked from XORM after filling all the fields of this object.
func (*User) AvatarLink ¶
AvatarLink returns the full avatar url with http host. TODO: refactor it to a relative URL, but it is still used in API response at the moment
func (*User) AvatarLinkWithSize ¶
AvatarLinkWithSize returns a link to the user's avatar with size. size <= 0 means default size
func (*User) BeforeUpdate ¶
func (u *User) BeforeUpdate()
BeforeUpdate is invoked from XORM before updating this object.
func (*User) CanCreateOrganization ¶
CanCreateOrganization returns true if user can create organisation.
func (*User) CanCreateRepo ¶
CanCreateRepo returns if user login can create a repository NOTE: functions calling this assume a failure due to repository count limit; if new checks are added, those functions should be revised
func (*User) CanEditGitHook ¶
CanEditGitHook returns true if user can edit Git hooks.
func (*User) CanForkRepo ¶
CanForkRepo returns if user login can fork a repository It checks especially that the user can create repos, and potentially more
func (*User) CanImportLocal ¶
CanImportLocal returns true if user can migrate repository by local path.
func (*User) CustomAvatarRelativePath ¶
CustomAvatarRelativePath returns user custom avatar relative path.
func (*User) DashboardLink ¶
DashboardLink returns the user dashboard page link.
func (*User) DisplayName ¶
DisplayName returns full name if it's not empty, returns username otherwise.
func (*User) GenerateEmailActivateCode ¶
GenerateEmailActivateCode generates an activate code based on user information and given e-mail.
func (*User) GetCompleteName ¶
GetCompleteName returns the full name and username in the form of "Full Name (username)" if full name is not empty, otherwise it returns "username".
func (*User) GetDisplayName ¶
GetDisplayName returns full name if it's not empty and DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME is set, returns username otherwise.
func (*User) GetEmail ¶
GetEmail returns an noreply email, if the user has set to keep his email address private, otherwise the primary email address.
func (*User) GetPlaceholderEmail ¶
GetPlaceholderEmail returns an noreply email
func (*User) IsIndividual ¶
IsIndividual returns true if user is actually a individual user.
func (*User) IsMailable ¶
IsMailable checks if a user is eligible to receive emails.
func (*User) IsOrganization ¶
IsOrganization returns true if user is actually a organization.
func (*User) IsPasswordSet ¶
IsPasswordSet checks if the password is set or left empty
func (*User) IsUploadAvatarChanged ¶
IsUploadAvatarChanged returns true if the current user's avatar would be changed with the provided data
func (*User) MaxCreationLimit ¶
MaxCreationLimit returns the number of repositories a user is allowed to create
func (*User) OrganisationLink ¶
OrganisationLink returns the organization sub page link.
func (*User) SetPassword ¶
SetPassword hashes a password using the algorithm defined in the config value of PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO change passwd, salt and passwd_hash_algo fields
func (*User) ValidatePassword ¶
ValidatePassword checks if the given password matches the one belonging to the user.
type UserCommit ¶
UserCommit represents a commit with validation of user.
func ValidateCommitsWithEmails ¶
func ValidateCommitsWithEmails(ctx context.Context, oldCommits []*git.Commit) []*UserCommit
ValidateCommitsWithEmails checks if authors' e-mails of commits are corresponding to users.
type UserList ¶
type UserList []*User //revive:disable-line:exported
UserList is a list of user. This type provide valuable methods to retrieve information for a group of users efficiently.
func GetUsersByIDs ¶
GetUsersByIDs returns all resolved users from a list of Ids.
func (UserList) GetTwoFaStatus ¶
GetTwoFaStatus return state of 2FA enrollement
func (UserList) GetUserIDs ¶
GetUserIDs returns a slice of user's id
type UserOpenID ¶
type UserOpenID struct { ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` UID int64 `xorm:"INDEX NOT NULL"` URI string `xorm:"UNIQUE NOT NULL"` Show bool `xorm:"DEFAULT false"` }
UserOpenID is the list of all OpenID identities of a user. Since this is a middle table, name it OpenID is not suitable, so we ignore the lint here
func GetUserOpenIDs ¶
func GetUserOpenIDs(ctx context.Context, uid int64) ([]*UserOpenID, error)
GetUserOpenIDs returns all openid addresses that belongs to given user.
type UserType ¶
type UserType int //revive:disable-line:exported
UserType defines the user type
const ( // UserTypeIndividual defines an individual user UserTypeIndividual UserType = iota // Historic reason to make it starts at 0. // UserTypeOrganization defines an organization UserTypeOrganization // 1 // UserTypeUserReserved reserves a (non-existing) user, i.e. to prevent a spam user from re-registering after being deleted, or to reserve the name until the user is actually created later on UserTypeUserReserved // 2 // UserTypeOrganizationReserved reserves a (non-existing) organization, to be used in combination with UserTypeUserReserved UserTypeOrganizationReserved // 3 // UserTypeBot defines a bot user UserTypeBot // 4 // UserTypeRemoteUser defines a remote user for federated users UserTypeRemoteUser // 5 )