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Published: Jun 30, 2024 License: MIT


Oreo: High-Performance and Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores



Oreo: High-Performance and Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores

This repository is dedicated to sharing the implementation of Oreo for the ASPLOS 2025 paper entitled: Oreo: High-Performance and Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores.

Oreo Structure

Project Structure

Project Structure

  • ./benchmarks: All code related to benchmark testing
  • ./executor: Code for the Stateless Executor
  • ./integration: Code for integration tests
  • ./internal: Internal classes
  • ./pkg: All code related to Oreo


Command Line Parameters

Below are descriptions of all command parameters for the benchmark application.

You can switch to the ./benchmarks/cmd directory and generate the corresponding binary file using go build ., or compile and run it directly using go run ..

Usage of ./benchmarks/cmd:
  -d string
        DB type
        Show help
  -m string
        Mode: load or run (default "load")
  -ps string
        Preset configuration for evaluation
  -read string
        Read Strategy (default "p")
        Run in remote mode (for Oreo series)
  -t int
        Thread number (default 1)
        Enable trace
  -wc string
        Workload configuration path
  -wl string
        Workload type

Below are detailed descriptions for each option.

-d: Required parameter to select the database type for the current test. The available types are:

  • redis: Native Redis data operations
    • Suitable workload: ycsb
    • Database address: RedisDBAddr
  • oreo-redis: Redis data operations under the Oreo framework, supporting distributed ACID transactions
    • Suitable workload: ycsb
    • Database address: OreoRedisAddr
  • mongo: Native MongoDB data operations
    • Suitable workload: ycsb
    • Database address: MongoDBAddr1
  • oreo-mongo: MongoDB data operations under the Oreo framework, supporting distributed ACID transactions
    • Suitable workload: ycsb
    • Database address: OreoMongoDBAddr1
  • native-rm: Native data operations with a Redis-MongoDB combination
    • Suitable workload: multi-ycsb
    • Database addresses: RedisDBAddr and MongoDBAddr1
  • native-mm: Native data operations with a MongoDB-MongoDB combination
    • Suitable workload: multi-ycsb
    • Database addresses: MongoDBAddr1 and MongoDBAddr2
  • oreo-rm: Supporting distributed ACID transactions with a Redis-MongoDB combination
    • Suitable workload: multi-ycsb
    • Database addresses: OreoRedisAddr and OreoMongoDBAddr1
  • oreo-mm: Supporting distributed ACID transactions with a MongoDB-MongoDB combination
    • Suitable workload: multi-ycsb
    • Database addresses: OreoMongoDBAddr1 and OreoMongoDBAddr2

-m: Required parameter to set the mode of execution, which can be load or run.

  • load: Loads the corresponding data for the specified database type.
  • run: Starts the performance benchmark test.

-ps: Optional parameter, default is empty, sets the preset parameters, which can be found in main.go.

  • cg: Parameters for the Cherry Garcia protocol. If you want to test Cherry Garcia, please specify this option.
  • native: Parameters for native data operations.

-read: Optional parameter, default is p, sets the transaction read strategy under the Oreo framework.

  • p: Uses the pessimistic read strategy.
  • ac: Uses the Assume-Committed strategy.
  • aa: Uses the Assume-Aborted strategy.

-remote: Specifies whether to use a Stateless Executor for data operations. The Executor's address can be configured in ./benchmarks/pkg/config/config.go.

-t: Required parameter, sets the number of threads for the test.

-trace: Specifies whether to enable Go's built-in trace analysis.

-wc: Required parameter, sets the workload configuration path for the test.

Below are some command line examples:

# Load data to redis using 100 threads
go run . -d redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to oreo-redis using 100 threads
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100

# Running with native-rm under workload A
go run . -d native-rm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m run -ps native -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloadf.yaml -m run -remote -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F in Cherry Garcia
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada -m run -ps cg -t 128
Getting Started

This section will introduce how to run a benchmark from scratch.

  1. Clone the Repository:

    First, clone the entire repository.

git clone [email protected]:oreo-dtx-lab/oreo.git
  1. Modify Relevant Configurations:

    • Database addresses, usernames, and passwords are located in ./benchmarks/cmd/main.go.
    • Stateless Executor addresses are located in ./benchmarks/pkg/config/config.go.
  2. Compile the Stateless Executor: Compile the Stateless Executor.

cd ./executor
go build .
  1. Deploy and Run the Executor: Distribute the Executor to the database nodes and run it.

The Executor also has a few simple command line parameters:

  • -p: Sets the HTTP server port.
  • -r1: Specifies the address of the redis1 database.
  • -m1: Specifies the address of the mongo1 database.
  • -m2: Specifies the address of the mongo2 database.
./executor -m1 mongodb://localhost:27017 -m2 mongodb://localhost:27018
  1. Select and Check Workload Configuration: Determine the workload you want to run and check its configuration. Workload configuration files are located in ./benchmarks/cmd/workloads and are written in YAML format. Below is a template of a workload configuration.
# Total number of records to be generated
recordcount: 1000000

# Total number of operations to be performed
operationcount: 100000

# Number of operations in each transaction group
txnoperationgroup: 6

# Proportions of different operations
readproportion: 0.5 # Proportion of read operations
updateproportion: 0.5 # Proportion of update operations
insertproportion: 0 # Proportion of insert operations
scanproportion: 0 # Proportion of scan operations
readmodifywriteproportion: 0 # Proportion of read-modify-write operations

# Proportions of operations on different databases
redis1proportion: 0.5 # Proportion of operations on Redis instance 1
mongo1proportion: 0.5 # Proportion of operations on MongoDB instance 1
mongo2proportion: 0 # Proportion of operations on MongoDB instance 2
couchdbproportion: 0 # Proportion of operations on CouchDB
  1. Load Data into the Database: Load data into the database. Note that different types of databases have different addresses.

Note: Database combinations such as oreo-mm, oreo-rm, native-mm, and native-rm do not support direct data loading. Please run separate load commands for each database independently. For example, for oreo-rm, run:

# Load data to redis
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to mongo
go run . -d oreo-mongo -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to redis using 100 threads
go run . -d redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
# Load data to oreo-redis using 100 threads
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m load -t 100
  1. Run the Benchmark: Execute the benchmark. Below are some examples for reference.
# Running with native-rm under workload A
go run . -d native-rm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m run -ps native -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloadf.yaml -m run -remote -t 128
# Running with oreo-mm under workload F in Cherry Garcia
go run . -d oreo-mm -wl multi-ycsb -wc ./workloads/workloada.yaml -m run -ps cg -t 128
# Running with oreo-redis under purewrite workload using Assume-Abort strategy
go run . -d oreo-redis -wl ycsb -wc ./workloads/purewrite.yaml -m run -remote -read aa -t 128
  1. Wait for Benchmark Completion: Once the benchmark completes, you should see output similar to the following:
DBType: oreo-mm
Mode: run
WorkloadType: multi-ycsb
ThreadNum: 128
Remote Mode: true
Read Strategy: p
ConcurrentOptimizationLevel: 2
AsyncLevel: 2
MaxOutstandingRequest: 5
MaxRecordLength: 3
HTTPAdditionalLatency: 3ms ConnAdditionalLatency: 0s
LeaseTime: 100ms
ZipfianConstant: 0.9
Start to run benchmark
Run finished, takes 9.403273025s
COMMIT - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 9528, OPS: 1017.9, Avg(us): 25863, Min(us): 8296, Max(us): 100223, 50th(us): 24175, 90th(us): 37567, 95th(us): 42975, 99th(us): 56383, 99.9th(us): 77183, 99.99th(us): 99391
COMMIT_ERROR - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 7112, OPS: 759.9, Avg(us): 20556, Min(us): 4516, Max(us): 91903, 50th(us): 19151, 90th(us): 31583, 95th(us): 35839, 99th(us): 47615, 99.9th(us): 65535, 99.99th(us): 87999
READ   - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 97334, OPS: 10355.1, Avg(us): 7597, Min(us): 6, Max(us): 85631, 50th(us): 5951, 90th(us): 13351, 95th(us): 16975, 99th(us): 25935, 99.9th(us): 39359, 99.99th(us): 57951
READ_ERROR - Takes(s): 9.3, Count: 2666, OPS: 285.3, Avg(us): 12612, Min(us): 3968, Max(us): 79039, 50th(us): 9943, 90th(us): 23375, 95th(us): 29071, 99th(us): 40735, 99.9th(us): 60511, 99.99th(us): 79039
Start  - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 16768, OPS: 1782.8, Avg(us): 58, Min(us): 20, Max(us): 5515, 50th(us): 32, 90th(us): 62, 95th(us): 82, 99th(us): 593, 99.9th(us): 2723, 99.99th(us): 4759
TOTAL  - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 247132, OPS: 26280.6, Avg(us): 11487, Min(us): 1, Max(us): 186879, 50th(us): 4119, 90th(us): 50623, 95th(us): 70079, 99th(us): 91391, 99.9th(us): 115391, 99.99th(us): 139519
TXN    - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 9528, OPS: 1017.8, Avg(us): 71551, Min(us): 31552, Max(us): 166399, 50th(us): 69695, 90th(us): 91135, 95th(us): 98687, 99th(us): 114687, 99.9th(us): 136447, 99.99th(us): 153343
TXN_ERROR - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 7112, OPS: 760.0, Avg(us): 68862, Min(us): 27232, Max(us): 157567, 50th(us): 66815, 90th(us): 88959, 95th(us): 96831, 99th(us): 113663, 99.9th(us): 134527, 99.99th(us): 155775
TxnGroup - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 16640, OPS: 1773.8, Avg(us): 70293, Min(us): 22240, Max(us): 186879, 50th(us): 68607, 90th(us): 90623, 95th(us): 98559, 99th(us): 115327, 99.9th(us): 140415, 99.99th(us): 162431
UPDATE - Takes(s): 9.4, Count: 97334, OPS: 10353.6, Avg(us): 7, Min(us): 1, Max(us): 3601, 50th(us): 4, 90th(us): 6, 95th(us): 7, 99th(us): 17, 99.9th(us): 1314, 99.99th(us): 2675
Error Summary:

  Operation:  COMMIT
       Error   Count
       -----   -----
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
  version mismatch  6281
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
rollForward failed
  version mismatch  515
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
rollback failed
  version mismatch  315
prepare phase failed: Remote prepare failed
  read failed due to unknown txn status  1

                             Operation:   READ
                                  Error  Count
                                  -----  -----
  read failed due to unknown txn status   1333
rollForward failed
  version mismatch  826
rollback failed
  version mismatch  507

The test output is mainly divided into three sections:

  • Configuration Information

    • Details of the test configuration.
  • Performance Metrics

    • This section provides the timing data for each operation during the test, including the average, maximum, minimum, 50th percentile, 95th percentile, 99th percentile, 99.9th percentile, and 99.99th percentile values.
  • Error Log Information

    • This section records the number and reasons for all transaction operation errors during the test.
  • If you need to test Cherry Garcia, please use the -ps cg parameter.
  • The default simulated latency is 3ms. If you need to adjust the simulated latency, please modify the value in ./benchmark/pkg/config/config.go.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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