Project Title
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" ~ Isaac Newton
This is not a framework. We're not here to reinvent the wheel for the nth time. We believe there are so many great tested libraries out there, why write your own when you are not doing something different. This is a pluggable abstraction layer that provides a unified interface on top of multiple existing libraries.
So get this use the interface with any library of your choice for interoperability.
- Config files(json, toml, yaml & env) handling
- Datastore handling (database, events & cache) via any library of your choice
- Logging (via logrus, slog) via any library of your choice
- Response structure (Http, json)
- Pagination (cursor and offset)
- Validation (either goplay or gookit). you can swap to your library
Supports the two most recents versions of Go
Usage / Quick Start
This does not come with interface purely functional.
package main
import (
func main() {
type ConfigSampleStruct struct {
Name string `env:"APP_NAME" json:"name" toml:"name" env-default:"Auth"`
cfgStruct := &ConfigSampleStruct{} // config struct (must be a pointer)
pathToConfigFile := "file/location.env" // file could be .env or .json or .toml or .yaml
/* MustLoad */
config.MustLoad(pathToConfigFile, cfgStruct) // loads the config and panics on error
/* Load */
err := config.Load(pathToConfigFile, cfgStruct) // loads the config and returns error
if err != nil {
Config package uses: ilyakaznacheev/cleanenv for parsing .yaml, .toml, .json, .env files
This does not come with interface purely functional it's simple this way.
package main
import (
func main() {
success = true
httpStatusCode = 400
msg = "Request was successful"
errorCode = nil
data = struct{userName string}{"exampleUser"}
resp := response.New(statusCode, success , msg , &errorCode , data)
v, _ := json.Marshal(resp)
"success": true,
"message": "Request was successful",
"data": {
"username": "exampleUser",
// A shortcut helper function to create an error response.
rsp = response.NewError(http.StatusBadRequest, "this is a bad request", "1000_validation")
// An shortcut helper function to create a success response.
rsp = response.NewSuccess(http.StatusOk, "request was successful", data)
// Other helper functions
rsp = response.UnAuthorised("an error occured on our end", "un_authorized")
// Note by default even if the error codes are not defined. response gives a default error code
// default response code for internal server error is 'internal_Server_Error' so this means
// out put of 'example1' and 'example2' are same
example1 := response.InternalServerError("an error occured on our end", "internal_Server_Error")
example2 := response.InternalServerError("an error occured on our end", "")
fmt.Println(example1, example2)
// to disable default errorCode do this
response.UseDefaultCode = false
example3 := response.InternalServerError("an error occured on our end", "")
fmt.Println(example3) // now the errorCode parameter will be empty
// Returning Response as an error:
// you can return response as an error, because it satisfy the golang error interface
func ListSearchEnginesEndPoint() error {
return response.InternalServerError("error connecting to database", "")
Other nice tricks for response package: (define errors into variables)
var (
ErrExpiredToken = response.BadRequest("token is expired", "EXPIRED_TOKEN")
ErrInvalidTokenFormat = response.BadRequest("invalid token format", "TOKEN_FORMAT")
ErrAuthenticationRequired = response.BadRequest("you have to login", "AUTH_REQUIRED")
overide := ErrInvalidToken.SetMsg("overide the default token is expired message")
fmt.Println(overide, ErrExpiredToken, ErrInvalidTokenFormat, ErrAuthenticationRequired)
It provides a set of defined interface through which your library is implemented. Designed around the new proposed Golang SLOG. By default Golang's SLOG library is implemented. You can swap to your own
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
logLevel = logger.LevelDebug // logger.LevelWarn, logger.LevelInfo, logger.LevelError
displayJsonOrText = logger.DisplayTypeJson // logger.DisplayTypeText
addSourceCodeAndLine = false
writeTo = os.Stdout
// logger via New Golang SLOG:
var l = logger.NewSlogLogger(logLevel, displayJsonOrText, addSourceCodeAndLine, writeTo)
var log logger.Interface = l
// Log at info level
log.Info("Hello world at info level")
// Log With Attributes. This attaches this attributes to every log
"appName", "helloWorld micro-service",
"appAddress", "",
log.Info("Hello world at info level") // Now notice the difference between this and first example.
// Helper func that calls log.With() and adds the binary build info
log.Reset() // resets the logger to way it was instantiated removing the attributes
log.Info("cant connect to cache",)
log.Info("cant connect to cache", "requestId", "1")
fmt.Println(" ----------- ")
log.Debug("cant connect to cache", )
log.Debug("cant connect to cache", "requestId", "1cdhg")
fmt.Println(" ----------- ")
log.Fatal("cant connect to cache", )
log.Fatal("cant connect to cache", "requestId", "1cdhg")
fmt.Println(" ----------- ")
log.Warn("cant connect to cache", )
log.Warn("cant connect to cache", "requestId", "1cdhg")
fmt.Println(" ----------- ")
log.Error("cant connect to cache",)
log.Error("cant connect to cache", "requestId", "1cdhg")
Logger implements the new Golang SLOG library: , you can swap to yours
Logger package interface definition:
type Interface interface {
With(args ...any)
Debug(message string, args ...any)
Error(message string, args ...any)
Fatal(message string, args ...any)
Info(message string, args ...any)
Warn(message string, args ...any)
Datastore - Cache
This provides a unified usage API for handling cache via any library of your choice, in a way thats easy to swap. By default the eko/cache library is used. you can swap to your own library
package main
import (
func main() {
//redis cache via: Redis (rueidis) (
var cache datastore.ICache = datastore.NewRueidis([]string{""}, "", false)
// memory cache via: Memory (go-cache) (
//var cache datastore.ICache = datastore.NewGoCache()
// setting a cache
ctx := context.TODO()
err := cache.Set(ctx, "key", "any thing as value", 10*time.Second)
if err != nil {
// getting value from the cache
var v string
err = cache.Get(ctx, "key", &v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("no value in cache:" + err.Error())
fmt.Println("value from cache:", v)
// has the key
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
hasIt := cache.Has(ctx, "key")
if hasIt {
fmt.Println("after 6 seconds: key is still saved")
time.Sleep((6 * time.Second))
if hasIt := cache.Has(ctx, "key"); !hasIt {
fmt.Println("after 12 seconds (6 + 6): key is off")
// delete
err = cache.Set(ctx, "key", "any thing as value", 10*time.Second)
if err != nil {
var b string
err = cache.Del(ctx, "key")
if err != nil {
err = cache.Get(ctx, "key", &b)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("no value in cache:" + err.Error())
fmt.Println("value from cache:", b)
The cache interface is as follows:
type ICache interface {
// Has checks to see if a key exists in the cache
Has(ctx context.Context, key string) bool
// Get gets a key from the cache
Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (any, error)
// Set sets a key to the cache
Set(ctx context.Context, key string, val any, ttl time.Duration) error
// Del deletes a key from the cache
Del(ctx context.Context, key string) error
// Clear used to flush/clear the cache
Clear(ctx context.Context) error
// Close closes the connection
Close() error
Datastore - Database
Database functions or methoud of usage are numerous and variadic. a unified interface for everything cant be provided. To this end the database just provides helper interface for common task executed against a db
package main
import (
type Book struct {
Id string `bun:",pk"`
Title string `bun:",notnull"`
type Dictionary struct {
Id string `bun:",pk"`
Title string `bun:",notnull"`
func main() {
dbDriver := datastore.DriverSqlite // other drivers are: datastore.DriverPostgresql
dbURL := "example.sqlite.database"
dbPoolMax := 1
dbPrintQueriesToStdout := true
// connecting to dabase via helper function returns a Bun ORM Type *bun.DB
db := datastore.NewDBConnection(dbDriver, dbURL, dbPoolMax, dbPrintQueriesToStdout)
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error pinging database" + err.Error())
// to learn to make queries consult:
a := datastore.NewDBHelper(db)
defer a.Close() //closes the db
ctx := context.TODO()
// Migration create ONE OR MORE tables ONLY when they dont exists.
err := a.Migrate(ctx, (*Book)(nil), (*Dictionary)(nil))
if err != nil {
// UpdateByPKey updates ONE OR MORE record by their primary-key (set in struct)
book := Book{Id: "book1", Title: "hello"}
err := a.UpdateByPKey(ctx, &book)
if err != nil {
// update multiple
books := []Book{
{Id: "book1", Title: "hello"},
{Id: "book2", Title: "hello world"},
err := a.UpdateByPKey(ctx, &books)
if err != nil {
// FindByPKey gets ONE record by primary-key (set in struct).
book := Book{Id: "1"}
err := a.FindByPKey(ctx, &book)
if err != nil {
// FindByColumn gets ONE record via supplied column-name & column-value.
book := Book{}
err := a.FindByColumn(ctx, &book, "columnName", "columnValue")
if err != nil {
// Transaction example: using database transaction
// Just add the method 'NewWithTx(passTheTx),
seedBooks := []Book{
{Id: "book1", Title: "hello"},
{Id: "book2", Title: "hello world"},
seedDictionaries := []Dictionary{
{Id: "oxford1", Title: "Oxford"},
{Id: "thesarus2", Title: "Thesarus"},
err := a.Transactional(context.TODO(),
func(ctx context.Context, tx bun.Tx) error {
err := a.NewWithTx(tx).Migrate(ctx, (*Book)(nil), (*Dictionary)(nil))
if err != nil {
return err
err = a.NewWithTx(tx).Insert(ctx, &seedBooks, true)
if err != nil {
return err
return a.NewWithTx(tx).Insert(ctx, &seedDictionaries, true)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error migrating and seeding database" + err.Error())
API Reference
Config comes with the following methods:
config.Load(pathToConfigFile, cfgStructPointer) error
// loads the config and returns errorconfig.MustLoad(pathToConfigFile, cfgStructPointer)
// Panics on error
Response come with the following methods api:
response.NewError(statusCode int, msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.NewSuccess(statusCode int, msg string, data any) *response.Response
response.Error() string
Error implements golang error interfaceresponse.SetMsg(msg string) *response.Response
Use to set or overide an already set msgresponse.Ok(msg string, data any) *response.Response
response.Created(msg string, data any) *response.Response
response.BadRequest(msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.Unauthorized(msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.Forbidden(msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.NotFound(msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.Conflict(msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.InternalServerError(msg string, errorCode string) *response.Response
response.IsJsonErrorGetDetails(err error) (ok bool, e error)
response.JSON(w http.ResponseWriter, rsp *Response, headers map[string]string)
for use with std library
Loggers come with the following methods:
NewSlogLogger(level LogLevel, displayType LogDisplayType, AddSource bool, output io.Writer) *SlogLogger
New logger via slogWith(args ...any)
// With attached attributes to every logReset()
// resets the loggerDebug(message string, args ...any)
// Debug log a message at DEBUG levelError(message string, args ...any)
// Error log a message at ERROR levelFatal(message string, args ...any)
// Fatal log a message at FATAL levelInfo(message string, args ...any)
// Info log a message at INFO levelWarn(message string, args ...any)
// Warn log a message at WARN levelWithBuildInfo(logger Interface, args ...any)
// helper func that uses "With" to attache the cmd build information underneath
/Datastore - Cache
Datastore provides the following interface methods:
Has(ctx context.Context, key string) bool
Check if the key does existGet(ctx context.Context, key string) (any, error)
Get gets a key from the cacheSet(ctx context.Context, key string, val any, ttl time.Duration) error
Set sets a key to the cacheDel(ctx context.Context, key string) error
// Del deletes a key from the cacheClear(ctx context.Context) error
Clear used to flush/clear the cacheClose() error
Close closes the connection
Running Tests
To run tests, run the following command:
to do test later
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.