Sommelier is a coprocessor blockchain for Ethereum DeFi.

Talk to us!
We have active, helpful communities on Twitter, Discord, and Telegram.
The initial release of the Sommelier blockchain will consist of a standard cosmos-sdk chain and the recently completed Gravity Bridge refactor.
Gravity Bridge
The Gravity Bridge requires some additional pieces to be deployed to support it:
- Ethereum Contract and associated tooling
- Orchestrator/Relayer binaries built from the
Join the mainnet!
# Create an installation directory
mkdir install && cd install
# Install Orchestrator
wget && chmod +x * && sudo mv * /usr/bin
# Install Geth
wget && tar -xvf geth-linux-amd64-1.10.4-aa637fd3.tar.gz && sudo mv geth-linux-amd64-1.10.4-aa637fd3/geth /usr/bin/geth && rm -rf geth-linux-amd64-1.10.4-aa637fd3*
# Install Sommelier
wget && tar -xf sommelier_3.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz && sudo mv sommelier /usr/bin && rm -rf sommelier_3.1.1_linux_amd64* LICENSE
# Fetch systemd unit files
# Modify the unit files to fit your environment
nano geth.service
nano gorc.service
nano sommelier.service
# And install them to systemd
sudo mv geth.service /etc/systemd/system/geth.service && sudo mv gorc.service /etc/systemd/system/ && sudo mv sommelier.service /etc/systemd/system/ && sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Start geth
sudo systemctl start geth && sudo journalctl -u geth -f
# Init gorc configuration
mkdir -p $HOME/gorc && cd $HOME/gorc
# modify gorc config for your environment
# You can use alchemy, infura endpoint as RPC and not necessarily need to sync the blockchain eth with geth
nano config.toml
# Initialize the validator files
sommelier init myval --chain-id sommelier-3
# create/restore 2 cosmos keys and 1 ethereum key
# NOTE: be sure to save the mnemonics and eth private key
# restore orchestrator key with gorc
gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys cosmos recover orchestrator "{menmonic}"
# OR: create orchestrator key with gorc
gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys cosmos add orchestrator
# restore eth key
# EITHER: restore eth priv key from metamask with gorc
gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys eth import signer "0x0000..."
# OR: restore eth mnemonic with gorc
gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys eth recover signer "{menomonic}"
# OR: create eth key with gorc
gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys eth add signer
# restore your validator mnemonic to the sommelier binary
sommelier keys add validator --recover
# OR: create your validator mnemonic to the sommelier binary
sommelier keys add validator
# NOTE: at the end of this process you need to have:
# - a key named "orchestrator" with funds on the cosmos chain in the gorc keystore
# - a key named "signer" with funds on connected ETH chain in the gorc keystore
# - a key named "validator" with funds on the cosmos chain in the sommelier keystore
# Add the peers from contrib/mainnet/sommelier-3/peers.txt to the ~/.sommelier/config/config.toml file
nano ~/.sommelier/config/config.toml
# pull the genesis file
wget -O $HOME/.sommelier/config/genesis.json
# start your sommelier node - note it may take a minute or two to sync all of the blocks
sudo systemctl start sommelier && sudo journalctl -u sommelier -f
# once your node is synced, create your validator
sommelier tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000usomm \
--pubkey=$(sommelier tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="MYMONIKER" \
--chain-id="sommelier-3" \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--gas 300000
# register delegate keys for eth and orchestrator keys
sommelier tx gravity set-delegate-keys \
$(sommelier keys show validator --bech val -a) \ # validator address
$(gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys cosmos show orchestrator) \ # orchestrator address (this must be run manually and address extracted)
$(gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys eth show signer) \ # eth signer address
$(gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml sign-delegate-keys signer $(sommelier keys show validator --bech val -a)) \
--chain-id sommelier-3 \
--from validator \
# start the orchestrator
sudo systemctl start gorc && sudo journalctl -u gorc -f
Now you can try the bridge!!
# send somm to ethereum
gorc cosmos-to-eth \
--cosmos-phrase="$(jq -r '.orchestrator' ~/keys.json)" \
--cosmos-grpc="http://localhost:9090" \
--cosmos-denom="somm" \
--amount="100000000" \
--eth-destination=$(gorc --config $HOME/gorc/config.toml keys eth show signer) \
# send goreli uniswap tokens to cosmos
gorc eth-to-cosmos \
--ethereum-key="$(jq -r '.eth' ~/keys.json)" \
--ethereum-rpc="http://localhost:8545" \
--cosmos-prefix="cosmos" \
--contract-address="$(jq -r '.gravity' ~/keys.json)" \
--erc20-address="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" \
--amount="1.3530000" \
--cosmos-destination="$(sommelier keys show orchestrator -a)"
Genesis File Changes Necessary
# change stake to usomm
sed -i 's/stake/usomm/g' ~/.sommelier/config/genesis.json
# denom metadata
# TODO: add name and symbol here
jq -rMc ' += [{"base": "usomm", display: "somm", "description": "A staking test token", "denom_units": [{"denom": "usomm", "exponent": 0}, {"denom": "somm", "exponent": 6}]}]' ~/.sommelier/config/genesis.json > ~/.sommelier/config/genesis.json
# gravity params
jq -rMc '.app_state.gravity.params.bridge_chain_id = "5"' ~/.sommelier/config/genesis.json > ~/.sommelier/config/genesis.json
Deploy Peggy Contract
contract-deployer \
--cosmos-node="http://localhost:26657" \
--eth-node="http://localhost:8545" \
--eth-privkey="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" \
--contract=Gravity.json \
Deploy Somm ERC20 representation
gorc deploy erc20 \
--ethereum-key="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" \
--cosmos-grpc="http://localhost:9090" \
--cosmos-prefix=cosmos \
--cosmos-denom=usomm \
--ethereum-rpc=http://localhost:8545 \
--contract-address="0x8887F26882a3F920e40A91969D1A40D1Ef7efe10" \
--erc20-name=usomm \
--erc20-symbol=usomm \