
Browse and manage your KMIP objects in your terminal.
It supports KMIP from v1.0 up to v1.4.

Quick start
From release
Download the latest release from the release page
Install with go
Run go install
Run it
Display help with kmip-explorer -h
Usage of kmip-explorer:
-addr string
Address and port of the KMIP Server (default "")
-ca string
Server's CA (optional)
-cert string
Path to the client certificate
-key string
Path to the client private key
Do not add client correlation value to requests
Do not check for update
-tls12-ciphers string
Coma separated list of tls 1.2 ciphers to allow. Defaults to a list of secured ciphers
Display version information
And run it with
kmip-explorer -addr -cert client.crt -key client.key

This project is developed using using OVHcloud's KMIP client and inherits the library compatibility. Checkout the compatibility matrix.
It supports KMIP protocol from v1.0 up to v1.4, and is tested against OVHcloud's KMS service.
Running kmip-explorer with a PyKMIP server with default settings may require you to pass the 2 following arguments:
kmip-explorer -tls12-ciphers TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 -no-ccv