Path | Synopsis |
Package aztec can create Aztec Code barcodes
Package aztec can create Aztec Code barcodes |
Package codabar can create Codabar barcodes
Package codabar can create Codabar barcodes |
Package code128 can create Code128 barcodes
Package code128 can create Code128 barcodes |
Package code39 can create Code39 barcodes
Package code39 can create Code39 barcodes |
Package code93 can create Code93 barcodes
Package code93 can create Code93 barcodes |
Package datamatrix can create Datamatrix barcodes
Package datamatrix can create Datamatrix barcodes |
Package ean can create EAN 8 and EAN 13 barcodes.
Package ean can create EAN 8 and EAN 13 barcodes. |
Package pdf417 can create PDF-417 barcodes
Package pdf417 can create PDF-417 barcodes |
Package qr can be used to create QR barcodes.
Package qr can be used to create QR barcodes. |
Package twooffive can create interleaved and standard "2 of 5" barcodes.
Package twooffive can create interleaved and standard "2 of 5" barcodes. |
Package utils contain some utilities which are needed to create barcodes
Package utils contain some utilities which are needed to create barcodes |
Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces. |
package cpuinfo provides information about the CPU running the current program.
package cpuinfo provides information about the CPU running the current program. |
package cpuinfo provides information about the CPU running the current program.
package cpuinfo provides information about the CPU running the current program. |
Package cron implements a cron spec parser and job runner.
Package cron implements a cron spec parser and job runner. |
Package crypto provides a high level, secure, easy to use, and hard to misuse API to common cryptographic operations.
Package crypto provides a high level, secure, easy to use, and hard to misuse API to common cryptographic operations. |
Package chacha implements some low-level functions of the ChaCha cipher family.
Package chacha implements some low-level functions of the ChaCha cipher family. |
Package chacha20 implements the ChaCha20 / XChaCha20 stream chipher.
Package chacha20 implements the ChaCha20 / XChaCha20 stream chipher. |
Package dotenv is a go port of the ruby dotenv library (
Package dotenv is a go port of the ruby dotenv library ( |
Package email provides an easy to use and hard to misuse email API
Package email provides an easy to use and hard to misuse email API |
Syndication (feed) generator library for golang.
Syndication (feed) generator library for golang. |
package highlighting is a extension for the goldmark(
package highlighting is a extension for the goldmark( |
Taken from $GOROOT/src/pkg/net/http/chunked needed to write https responses to client.
Taken from $GOROOT/src/pkg/net/http/chunked needed to write https responses to client. |
// extension to goproxy that will allow you to easily filter web browser related content.
// extension to goproxy that will allow you to easily filter web browser related content. |
Package guid helps generate and parse GUIDs.
Package guid helps generate and parse GUIDs. |
Package cors is net/http handler to handle CORS related requests as defined by
Package cors is net/http handler to handle CORS related requests as defined by |
Package imaging provides basic image processing functions (resize, rotate, crop, brightness/contrast adjustments, etc.).
Package imaging provides basic image processing functions (resize, rotate, crop, brightness/contrast adjustments, etc.). |
package slogx provides various helpers to wrok with the stdlib's "log/slog" package see
package slogx provides various helpers to wrok with the stdlib's "log/slog" package see |
package mmdb provides a reader for the MaxMind DB file format.
package mmdb provides a reader for the MaxMind DB file format. |
Package namesgenerator generates random names.
Package namesgenerator generates random names. |
Package reuseport provides Listen and Dial functions that set socket options in order to be able to reuse ports.
Package reuseport provides Listen and Dial functions that set socket options in order to be able to reuse ports. |
package opt provides optional types.
package opt provides optional types. |
package otc provides alphanumeric One Time Codes that can be used for email-based 2FA, account verification and more.
package otc provides alphanumeric One Time Codes that can be used for email-based 2FA, account verification and more. |
Package otp implements both HOTP and TOTP based one time passcodes in a Google Authenticator compatible manner.
Package otp implements both HOTP and TOTP based one time passcodes in a Google Authenticator compatible manner. |
Simple library for retry mechanism
Simple library for retry mechanism |
Package reuseport provides Listen and Dial functions that set socket options in order to be able to reuse ports.
Package reuseport provides Listen and Dial functions that set socket options in order to be able to reuse ports. |
Package gorilla/schema fills a struct with form values.
Package gorilla/schema fills a struct with form values. |
Package singleinstance provides a mechanism to ensure, that only one instance of a program is running
Package singleinstance provides a mechanism to ensure, that only one instance of a program is running |
Package sysinfo is a Go library providing Linux OS / kernel / hardware system information.
Package sysinfo is a Go library providing Linux OS / kernel / hardware system information. |
sysinfo is a very simple utility demonstrating sysinfo library capabilities.
sysinfo is a very simple utility demonstrating sysinfo library capabilities. |
Package cpuid gives Go programs access to CPUID opcode.
Package cpuid gives Go programs access to CPUID opcode. |
Package toml implements decoding and encoding of TOML files.
Package toml implements decoding and encoding of TOML files. |
Command toml-test-decoder satisfies the toml-test interface for testing TOML decoders.
Command toml-test-decoder satisfies the toml-test interface for testing TOML decoders. |
Command toml-test-encoder satisfies the toml-test interface for testing TOML encoders.
Command toml-test-encoder satisfies the toml-test interface for testing TOML encoders. |
Command tomlv validates TOML documents and prints each key's type.
Command tomlv validates TOML documents and prints each key's type. |
watchgod is a very simple compile daemon for Go.
watchgod is a very simple compile daemon for Go. |
Package uuid generates and inspects UUIDs.
Package uuid generates and inspects UUIDs. |
Package govalidator is package of validators and sanitizers for strings, structs and collections.
Package govalidator is package of validators and sanitizers for strings, structs and collections. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.