#+Title: GoNetMon A minimalist Golang Network Monitor for GNU/Linux that follows the UNIX philosophy. * Example usage Given the minimalist UNIX approach, =GNM= output can be stripped down to an easy to parse and focused output. The example below covers monitoring only the statistics about the amount of bytes for the received packet. #+begin_src bash gnm -transfer -hideNetworkInterface -only-rx wlp5s0 #+end_src #+begin_example Data 374.0 b/s Data 74.0 b/s Data 161.0 b/s Data 1.8 kb/s Data 208.0 b/s Data 807.0 b/s Data 131.0 b/s Data 689.2 kb/s Data 407.0 b/s Data 413.0 b/s Data 937.0 b/s #+end_example ** Plot When running it using a single metric (Packet count, Bytes transfer or Packets dropped) and with a single statistic (RX or TX), adding the flag =-plot= will render a terminal plot of the given statistic. The following example shows the received packet count each second for the last minute and plots it on the terminal. #+begin_src bash gnm -count -hideNetworkInterface -only-rx -plot -output-frequency 1 wlp5s0 #+end_src [[./plot.png]] * Installation ** Binaries [[][On the releases page]] you can find the last compiled releases. ** Docker Images are tagged based on the git tag but also the =latest= tag is available #+begin_src bash docker run -it rafadotel/gonetmon #+end_src will download and execute the latest version #+begin_example # docker run -it rafadotel/gonetmon #+end_example ** Nixos This repository uses flakes so can be installed easily within a Nixos + Flakes setup. ** Using Go tooling This project uses standard Golang tooling, so it can be installed with: #+begin_src bash go install -v #+end_src * Running =GNM= is self explanatory and running it with =--help= will show the relevant information: #+begin_src bash :results output verbatim gnm --help #+end_src #+begin_example Usage: gnm [options] <network-interface> repository: Options: -all Show all network link statistics -count Show statistics about packet count -dropped Show statistics about dropped packets -hideNetworkInterface Don't print the network interface name -only-rx Show only received packets statistics -only-tx Show only sent packets statistics -output-frequency int Output frequency in seconds (output will be averaged to the interval) (default 5) -plot Plot the current statistics in a chart, only allows one statistic (RX or TX) and one metric (count/transfer/drops) -transfer Show statistics about total bytes transferred #+end_example * Build It uses standard =Golang= tooling, to build just run #+begin_src bash go build -o gnm cmd/gnm/main.go #+end_src ** Release Releases are executed using =gorelease=: #+begin_src bash goreleaser release --snapshot --clean #+end_src * Hacking This project uses =nix= and =direnv=, if you have these tools installed then you just need to run #+begin_src bash direnv allow #+end_src and #+begin_src bash nix develop #+end_src These commands are enough to give you a development environment. * Disclaimer This or previous program is for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. The usual disclaimer applies, especially the fact that me (Rafa-dot-el) is not liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect use of the information or functionality provided by these programs. The author or any Internet provider bears NO responsibility for content or misuse of these programs or any derivatives thereof. By using these programs you accept the fact that any damage (dataloss, system crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use of these programs is not Rafa-dot-el's responsibility.
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