Overview ¶
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:gocritic,govet,ineffassign,revive,typecheck
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:gocritic,govet,revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:errcheck,gocritic,gosec,govet,revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:govet,revive
FIXME: golangci-lint Package services handles all service-related features nolint:errcheck,gocritic,govet,revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:govet,revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:gocritic,govet,revive
Package services handles all service-related features
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateFallbackJob(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func CreateNoopJob(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func CreateUpdateAsyncJobHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func FallbackFailureHandler(ctx context.Context, _ *jobs.Job)
- func FallbackHandler(ctx context.Context, _ *jobs.Job)
- func GetDiffOnUpdate(oldImg models.Image, newImg models.Image) models.PackageDiff
- func GetImageReposFromDB(orgID string, repos []models.ThirdPartyRepo) (*[]models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
- func GetStorageInstallerIsoURL(installerID uint) string
- func NoopFailureHandler(ctx context.Context, _ *jobs.Job)
- func NoopHandler(ctx context.Context, _ *jobs.Job)
- func ProcessImageFailHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func ProcessImageJobHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func RepoRevParse(path string, ref string) (string, error)
- func ResumeCreateImageFailHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func ResumeCreateImageJobHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func RetryCreateImageFailHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func RetryCreateImageJobHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- func ReturnDevicesView(storedDevices []models.Device, orgID string) ([]models.DeviceView, error)
- func SyncDevicesWithInventoryJobHandler(ctx context.Context, job *jobs.Job)
- type AccountNotSet
- type AccountOrOrgIDNotSet
- type BasicFileService
- type CommitImageNotFound
- type CommitNotFound
- type CommitNotValid
- type CommitService
- type CommitServiceInterface
- type ConsumerService
- type CreateUpdateAsyncJob
- type DBCommitError
- type DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefined
- type DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefined
- type DeviceGroupAlreadyExists
- type DeviceGroupDeviceNotSupplied
- type DeviceGroupDevicesNotFound
- type DeviceGroupDevicesNotSupplied
- type DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefined
- type DeviceGroupNotFound
- type DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFound
- type DeviceGroupsService
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) AddDeviceGroupDevices(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, devices []models.Device) (*[]models.Device, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) CreateDeviceGroup(deviceGroup *models.DeviceGroup) (*models.DeviceGroup, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) DeleteDeviceGroupByID(ID string) error
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) DeleteDeviceGroupDevices(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, devices []models.Device) (*[]models.Device, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) DeviceGroupNameExists(orgID string, name string) (bool, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupByID(ID string) (*models.DeviceGroup, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupDetailsByID(ID string) (*models.DeviceGroupDetails, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupDeviceByID(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, deviceID uint) (*models.Device, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroups(orgID string, limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.DeviceGroupListDetail, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupsCount(orgID string, tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceImageInfo(images map[int]models.DeviceImageInfo, orgID string) error
- func (s *DeviceGroupsService) UpdateDeviceGroup(deviceGroup *models.DeviceGroup, orgID string, ID string) error
- type DeviceGroupsServiceInterface
- type DeviceHasImageUndefined
- type DeviceHasNoImageUpdate
- type DeviceNotFoundError
- type DeviceService
- func (s *DeviceService) CanUpdate(currentDistribution string, updDistribution string) bool
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceByID(deviceID uint) (*models.Device, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceByUUID(deviceUUID string) (*models.Device, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceDetails(device inventory.Device, ...) (*models.DeviceDetails, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceDetailsByUUID(deviceUUID string, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.DeviceDetails, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceImageInfo(device inventory.Device, ...) (*models.ImageInfo, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceImageInfoByUUID(deviceUUID string, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.ImageInfo, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceLastBootedDeployment(device inventory.Device) *inventory.OSTree
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceLastDeployment(device inventory.Device) *inventory.OSTree
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDevices(params *inventory.Params) (*models.DeviceDetailsList, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDevicesCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDevicesCountByImage(imageId uint) (int64, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetDevicesView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*models.DeviceViewList, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetLatestCommitFromDevices(orgID string, devicesUUID []string) (uint, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetUpdateAvailableForDevice(device inventory.Device, latest bool, ...) ([]models.ImageUpdateAvailable, int64, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) GetUpdateAvailableForDeviceByUUID(deviceUUID string, latest bool, ...) ([]models.ImageUpdateAvailable, int64, error)
- func (s *DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryCreateEvent(message []byte) error
- func (s *DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryDeleteEvent(message []byte) error
- func (s *DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryUpdatedEvent(message []byte) error
- func (s *DeviceService) SetDeviceUpdateAvailability(orgID string, deviceID uint) error
- func (s *DeviceService) SyncDevicesWithInventory(orgID string)
- func (s *DeviceService) SyncInventoryWithDevices(orgID string)
- type DeviceServiceInterface
- type DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSet
- type EntitiesImageSetsMismatch
- type EventNotification
- type FilesService
- type HeaderPlayBookDispatcher
- type IDMustBeInteger
- type ImageCommitNotFound
- type ImageDetail
- type ImageHasNoImageSet
- type ImageNameAlreadyExists
- type ImageNameChangeIsProhibited
- type ImageNameUndefined
- type ImageNotFoundError
- type ImageNotInErrorState
- type ImageNotification
- type ImageOnlyLatestCanModify
- type ImageService
- func (s *ImageService) AddPackageInfo(image *models.Image) (ImageDetail, error)
- func (s *ImageService) AddUserInfo(image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) CheckIfIsLatestVersion(previousImage *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) CheckImageName(name, orgID string) (bool, error)
- func (s *ImageService) CreateImage(image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) CreateInstallerForImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) CreateRepoForImage(ctx context.Context, img *models.Image) (*models.Repo, error)
- func (s *ImageService) DeleteImage(i *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) GetImageByID(imageID string) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetImageByIDExtended(imageID uint, gormDB *gorm.DB) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetImageByOSTreeCommitHash(commitHash string) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetImageDevicesCount(imageId uint) (int64, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetImagesView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.ImageView, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetImagesViewCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetMetadata(image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetRollbackImage(image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) GetUpdateInfo(image models.Image) (*models.ImageUpdateAvailable, error)
- func (s *ImageService) ProcessImage(ctx context.Context, img *models.Image, handleInterruptSignal bool) error
- func (s *ImageService) ProcessInstaller(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) ResumeCreateImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) RetryCreateImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) SendImageNotification(i *models.Image) (ImageNotification, error)
- func (s *ImageService) SetBuildingStatusOnImageToRetryBuild(image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) SetDevicesUpdateAvailabilityFromImageSet(orgID string, ImageSetID uint) error
- func (s *ImageService) SetErrorStatusOnImage(err error, image *models.Image)
- func (s *ImageService) SetFinalImageStatus(i *models.Image)
- func (s *ImageService) SetImageContentSourcesRepositories(image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) UpdateImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image, previousImage *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) UpdateImageStatus(image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error)
- func (s *ImageService) ValidateImageCustomPackage(image *models.Image) error
- func (s *ImageService) ValidateImagePackage(packageName string, image *models.Image) error
- type ImageServiceInterface
- type ImageSetAlreadyExists
- type ImageSetIDView
- type ImageSetImageIDView
- type ImageSetInUse
- type ImageSetNotFoundError
- type ImageSetUnDefined
- type ImageSetsService
- func (s *ImageSetsService) DeleteImageSet(imageSetID uint) error
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetDeviceIdsByImageSetID(imageSetID uint) (int, []string, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetImageViewByID(imageSetID uint, imageID uint) (*ImageSetImageIDView, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetViewByID(imageSetID uint) (*ImageSetIDView, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsBuildIsoURL(orgID string, imageSetIDS []uint) (map[uint]uint, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsByID(imageSetID int) (*models.ImageSet, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.ImageSetView, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsViewCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
- func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImagesViewData(imageSetID uint, imagesLimit int, imagesOffSet int, imagesDBFilter *gorm.DB) (*ImagesViewData, error)
- type ImageSetsServiceInterface
- type ImageUnDefined
- type ImageVersionAlreadyExists
- type ImagesViewData
- type InvalidURLForCustomRepo
- type KafkaAllBrokersDown
- type KafkaConsumerService
- type KafkaProducerInstanceUndefined
- type LocalFilesService
- type NoopJob
- type OrgIDNotSet
- type OstreeNotFound
- type PackageNameDoesNotExist
- type ParsingISODateError
- type PlatformInsightsCreateUpdateEventPayload
- type PlatformInsightsDeleteEventPayload
- type PlatformInsightsGroup
- type PlaybookDispatcherEvent
- type PlaybookDispatcherEventPayload
- type ProcessImageJob
- type RecipientNotification
- type RepoBuilder
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) BuildUpdateRepo(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error)
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) CommitTarDelete(tarFileName string) error
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) CommitTarDownload(c *models.Commit, dest string) (string, error)
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) CommitTarExtract(c *models.Commit, tarFileName string, dest string) error
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) CommitTarUpload(c *models.Commit, tarFileName string) error
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) ImportRepo(ctx context.Context, r *models.Repo) (*models.Repo, error)
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) RepoPullLocalStaticDeltas(u *models.Commit, o *models.Commit, uprepo string, oldrepo string) error
- func (rb *RepoBuilder) StoreRepo(ctx context.Context, imagesetID uint, repo *models.Repo) (*models.Repo, error)
- type RepoBuilderInterface
- type RepoService
- type RepoServiceInterface
- type ResumeCreateImageJob
- type RetryCreateImageJob
- type RpmOSTreeDeployment
- type S3FilesService
- type Service
- type ServiceInterface
- type SomeDevicesDoesNotExists
- type SyncDevicesWithInventoryJob
- type TemplateRemoteInfo
- type ThirdPartyRepoService
- func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) CreateThirdPartyRepo(thirdPartyRepo *models.ThirdPartyRepo, orgID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
- func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) DeleteThirdPartyRepoByID(ID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
- func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) GetThirdPartyRepoByID(ID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
- func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) ThirdPartyRepoNameExists(orgID string, name string) (bool, error)
- func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) ThirdPartyRepoURLExists(orgID string, url string) (bool, error)
- func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) UpdateThirdPartyRepo(tprepo *models.ThirdPartyRepo, orgID string, ID string) error
- type ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExists
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExists
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalid
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmpty
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFound
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmpty
- type ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExists
- type TypeEnum
- type UnameSSH
- type UpdateNotFoundError
- type UpdateService
- func (s *UpdateService) BuildUpdateRepo(ctx context.Context, orgID string, updateID uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) BuildUpdateTransactions(ctx context.Context, devicesUpdate *models.DevicesUpdate, orgID string, ...) (*[]models.UpdateTransaction, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) CreateUpdate(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) CreateUpdateAsync(id uint)
- func (s *UpdateService) GetUpdatePlaybook(update *models.UpdateTransaction) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) GetUpdateTransactionsForDevice(device *models.Device) (*[]models.UpdateTransaction, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo(orgID string, inventoryGroupUUID string) (*models.InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) ProcessPlaybookDispatcherRunEvent(message []byte) error
- func (s *UpdateService) SendDeviceNotification(i *models.UpdateTransaction) (ImageNotification, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) SetUpdateErrorStatusWhenInterrupted(intCtx context.Context, update models.UpdateTransaction, sigint chan os.Signal, ...)
- func (s *UpdateService) SetUpdateStatus(update *models.UpdateTransaction) error
- func (s *UpdateService) SetUpdateStatusBasedOnDispatchRecord(dispatchRecord models.DispatchRecord) error
- func (s *UpdateService) UpdateDevicesFromUpdateTransaction(update models.UpdateTransaction) error
- func (s *UpdateService) ValidateUpdateDeviceGroup(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint) (bool, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) ValidateUpdateSelection(orgID string, imageIds []uint) (bool, error)
- func (s *UpdateService) WriteTemplate(templateInfo TemplateRemoteInfo, orgID string) (string, error)
- type UpdateServiceInterface
Constants ¶
const ( // InventoryEventTypeCreated represent the Created inventory event type InventoryEventTypeCreated = "created" // InventoryEventTypeUpdated represent the Updated inventory event type InventoryEventTypeUpdated = "updated" // InventoryEventTypeDelete represent the "delete" inventory event type InventoryEventTypeDelete = "delete" // InventoryHostTypeEdge represent the inventory host_ype = "edge" InventoryHostTypeEdge = "edge" )
const ( // NotificationTopic to be used NotificationTopic = "platform.notifications.ingress" // NotificationConfigVersion to be used NotificationConfigVersion = "v1.1.0" // NotificationConfigBundle to be used NotificationConfigBundle = "rhel" // NotificationConfigApplication to be used NotificationConfigApplication = "edge-management" // NotificationConfigEventTypeImage to be used NotificationConfigEventTypeImage = "image-creation" // NotificationConfigEventTypeDevice to be used NotificationConfigEventTypeDevice = "update-devices" // NotificationConfigUser to be used NotificationConfigUser = "fleet-management" )
const ( // PlaybookStatusRunning is the status when a playbook is still running PlaybookStatusRunning = "running" // PlaybookStatusSuccess is the status when a playbook has run successfully PlaybookStatusSuccess = "success" // PlaybookStatusFailure is the status when a playbook execution fails PlaybookStatusFailure = "failure" // PlaybookStatusTimeout is the status when a playbook execution times out PlaybookStatusTimeout = "timeout" )
Status defined by
const AccountNotSetMsg = "Account is not set"
const AccountOrOrgIDNotSetMsg = "Account or orgID is not set"
const CommitImageNotFoundMsg = "Commit image was not found"
const CommitNotFoundMsg = "Commit was not found"
const CommitNotValidMsg = "is not valid for update"
const DBCommitErrorMsg = "Error searching for ImageSet of Device Images"
const DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefinedMsg = "account or deviceGroupID undefined"
const DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefinedMsg = "device group account or name are undefined"
const DeviceGroupAlreadyExistsMsg = "device group already exists"
const DeviceGroupDeviceNotSuppliedMsg = "device-group device must be supplied"
const DeviceGroupDevicesNotFoundMsg = "devices not found in device group"
const DeviceGroupDevicesNotSuppliedMsg = "devices must be supplied to be added to or removed from device group"
const DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefinedMsg = "device group mandatory field are undefined"
const DeviceGroupNotFoundMsg = "device group was not found"
const DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFoundMsg = "devices not found among the device group orgID"
const DeviceHasImageUndefinedMsg = "device has image undefined"
const DeviceHasNoImageUpdateMsg = "device has no image update"
const DeviceNotFoundErrorMsg = "Device was not found"
const DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSetMsg = "device has more than one image-set"
const EntitiesImageSetsMismatchMsg = "does not belong to the same image-set as devices images"
const IDMustBeIntegerMsg = "ID needs to be an integer"
const ImageCommitNotFoundMsg = "Image commit not found"
const ImageHasNoImageSetMsg = "Image has no image-set"
const ImageNameAlreadyExistsMsg = "image with supplied name already exists"
const ImageNameChangeIsProhibitedMsg = "image name change is prohibited in the current context"
const ImageNameUndefinedMsg = "image name is not defined"
const ImageNotFoundErrorMsg = "image was not found"
const ImageNotInErrorStateMsg = "image is not in error state"
const ImageOnlyLatestCanModifyMsg = "only the latest updated image can be modified"
const ImageSetAlreadyExistsMsg = "image set already exists"
const ImageSetNotFoundErrorMsg = "image-set was not found"
const ImageSetUnDefinedMsg = "image-set is undefined"
const ImageUnDefinedMsg = "image-set is undefined"
const ImageVersionAlreadyExistsMsg = "updated image version already exists"
const InvalidURLForCustomRepoMsg = "invalid URL"
const KafkaAllBrokersDownMsg = "Cannot connect to any Kafka brokers"
const KafkaProducerInstanceUndefinedMsg = "kafka producer instance is undefined"
const OrgIDNotSetMsg = "Org ID is not set"
const OstreeNotFoundMsg = "Ostree not found"
const PackageNameDoesNotExistMsg = "package name doesn't exist"
const ParsingISODateErrorMsg = "error occurred while parsing string for ISO date"
const SomeDevicesDoesNotExistsMsg = "image-set not found for all devices"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExistsMsg = "custom repository already exists"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExistsMsg = "custom repository is used by some images"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalidMsg = "custom repository info is invalid"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmptyMsg = "custom repository name cannot be empty"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFoundMsg = "third party repository was not found"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmptyMsg = "custom repository URL cannot be empty"
const ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExistsMsg = "custom repository with url already exists"
const UpdateNotFoundErrorMsg = "Update was not found"
Variables ¶
var BuildCommand = exec.Command
BuildCommand references the exec.Command for calls to the system
var DefaultLoopDelay = 1 * time.Minute
var ErrOrgIDMismatch = errors.New("context org_id and entity org_id mismatch")
ErrOrgIDMismatch returned when the context orgID is different from an entity OrgID
var ErrUndefinedCommit = errors.New("entity has defined commit")
ErrUndefinedCommit indicate that the update transaction/image or some entity has no commit defined.
Functions ¶
func CreateFallbackJob ¶
func CreateFallbackJob(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func CreateNoopJob ¶
func CreateNoopJob(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
func GetDiffOnUpdate ¶
GetDiffOnUpdate returns the diff between two images. TODO: Move out to a different package, as this is devices related, either to image service or image models.
func GetImageReposFromDB ¶
func GetImageReposFromDB(orgID string, repos []models.ThirdPartyRepo) (*[]models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
GetImageReposFromDB return ThirdParty repo of image by OrgID
func GetStorageInstallerIsoURL ¶
GetStorageInstallerIsoURL return the installer application storage url
func RepoRevParse ¶
RepoRevParse Handle the RevParse separate since we need the stdout parsed
func ReturnDevicesView ¶
ReturnDevicesView returns the devices association and status properly
Types ¶
type AccountNotSet ¶
type AccountNotSet struct{}
AccountNotSet indicates the account was nil
func (*AccountNotSet) Error ¶
func (e *AccountNotSet) Error() string
type AccountOrOrgIDNotSet ¶
type AccountOrOrgIDNotSet struct{}
AccountOrOrgIDNotSet indicates the account or orgID was nil
func (*AccountOrOrgIDNotSet) Error ¶
func (e *AccountOrOrgIDNotSet) Error() string
type BasicFileService ¶
type BasicFileService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BasicFileService is the base file service struct It serves as a base for other file services implementations
func (*BasicFileService) GetDownloader ¶
func (s *BasicFileService) GetDownloader() files.Downloader
GetDownloader returns a new downloads for files
func (*BasicFileService) GetExtractor ¶
func (s *BasicFileService) GetExtractor() files.Extractor
GetExtractor returns a new extractor for files
func (*BasicFileService) GetUploader ¶
func (s *BasicFileService) GetUploader() files.Uploader
GetUploader returns a new uploader for files
type CommitImageNotFound ¶
type CommitImageNotFound struct{}
CommitImageNotFound indicates the Commit Image is not found
func (*CommitImageNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *CommitImageNotFound) Error() string
type CommitNotFound ¶
type CommitNotFound struct{}
CommitNotFound indicates commit matching the given id was not found
func (*CommitNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *CommitNotFound) Error() string
type CommitNotValid ¶
type CommitNotValid struct{}
CommitNotValid indicates commit matching the given id was not found
func (*CommitNotValid) Error ¶
func (e *CommitNotValid) Error() string
type CommitService ¶
type CommitService struct {
CommitService is the main implementation of a CommitServiceInterface
func (*CommitService) GetCommitByID ¶
GetCommitByID receives CommitID uint and get a *models.Commit back
func (*CommitService) GetCommitByOSTreeCommit ¶
func (s *CommitService) GetCommitByOSTreeCommit(ost string) (*models.Commit, error)
GetCommitByOSTreeCommit receives an OSTreeCommit string and get a *models.Commit back
func (*CommitService) ValidateDevicesImageSetWithCommit ¶
func (s *CommitService) ValidateDevicesImageSetWithCommit(devicesUUID []string, commitID uint) error
ValidateDevicesImageSetWithCommit validates if user provided commitID belong to same ImageSet as of Device Image
type CommitServiceInterface ¶
type CommitServiceInterface interface { GetCommitByID(commitID uint, orgID string) (*models.Commit, error) GetCommitByOSTreeCommit(ost string) (*models.Commit, error) ValidateDevicesImageSetWithCommit(deviceUUID []string, commitID uint) error }
CommitServiceInterface defines the interface to handle the business logic of RHEL for Edge Commits
func NewCommitService ¶
func NewCommitService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) CommitServiceInterface
NewCommitService gives a instance of the main implementation of CommitServiceInterface
type ConsumerService ¶
type ConsumerService interface { Start() Close() }
ConsumerService is the interface that takes care of our consumer implementation
func NewKafkaConsumerService ¶
func NewKafkaConsumerService(config *clowder.KafkaConfig, topic string) ConsumerService
NewKafkaConsumerService gives a instance of the Kafka implementation of ConsumerService
type CreateUpdateAsyncJob ¶
type CreateUpdateAsyncJob struct {
UpdateID uint
type DBCommitError ¶
type DBCommitError struct{}
DBCommitError indicates a dbError during search
func (*DBCommitError) Error ¶
func (e *DBCommitError) Error() string
type DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefined ¶
type DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefined struct{}
DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefined indicates that device group account or ID was not supplied
func (*DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefined) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupAccountOrIDUndefined) Error() string
type DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefined ¶
type DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefined struct{}
DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefined indicates that device group account or name are undefined
func (*DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefined) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupAccountOrNameUndefined) Error() string
type DeviceGroupAlreadyExists ¶
type DeviceGroupAlreadyExists struct{}
DeviceGroupAlreadyExists indicates that device group already exists
func (*DeviceGroupAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupAlreadyExists) Error() string
type DeviceGroupDeviceNotSupplied ¶
type DeviceGroupDeviceNotSupplied struct{}
DeviceGroupDeviceNotSupplied indicates that device group device was not supplied
func (*DeviceGroupDeviceNotSupplied) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupDeviceNotSupplied) Error() string
type DeviceGroupDevicesNotFound ¶
type DeviceGroupDevicesNotFound struct{}
DeviceGroupDevicesNotFound indicates that devices not found in the device group collection
func (*DeviceGroupDevicesNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupDevicesNotFound) Error() string
type DeviceGroupDevicesNotSupplied ¶
type DeviceGroupDevicesNotSupplied struct{}
DeviceGroupDevicesNotSupplied indicates that device group devices was not supplied
func (*DeviceGroupDevicesNotSupplied) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupDevicesNotSupplied) Error() string
type DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefined ¶
type DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefined struct{}
DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefined indicates that device group mandatory field are undefined
func (*DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefined) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupMandatoryFieldsUndefined) Error() string
type DeviceGroupNotFound ¶
type DeviceGroupNotFound struct{}
DeviceGroupNotFound indicates the Third Party Repository was not found
func (*DeviceGroupNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupNotFound) Error() string
type DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFound ¶
type DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFound struct{}
DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFound indicates that devices not found among the device group OrgID
func (*DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceGroupOrgIDDevicesNotFound) Error() string
type DeviceGroupsService ¶
type DeviceGroupsService struct { Service DeviceService DeviceServiceInterface UpdateService UpdateServiceInterface }
DeviceGroupsService is the main implementation of a DeviceGroupsServiceInterface
func (*DeviceGroupsService) AddDeviceGroupDevices ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) AddDeviceGroupDevices(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, devices []models.Device) (*[]models.Device, error)
AddDeviceGroupDevices add devices to device group
func (*DeviceGroupsService) CreateDeviceGroup ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) CreateDeviceGroup(deviceGroup *models.DeviceGroup) (*models.DeviceGroup, error)
CreateDeviceGroup create a device group for an ID
func (*DeviceGroupsService) DeleteDeviceGroupByID ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) DeleteDeviceGroupByID(ID string) error
DeleteDeviceGroupByID deletes the device group by ID from the database
func (*DeviceGroupsService) DeleteDeviceGroupDevices ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) DeleteDeviceGroupDevices(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, devices []models.Device) (*[]models.Device, error)
DeleteDeviceGroupDevices delete devices from device-group
func (*DeviceGroupsService) DeviceGroupNameExists ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) DeviceGroupNameExists(orgID string, name string) (bool, error)
DeviceGroupNameExists check if a device group exists by (orgID) and name
func (*DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupByID ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupByID(ID string) (*models.DeviceGroup, error)
GetDeviceGroupByID gets the device group by ID from the database
func (*DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupDetailsByID ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupDetailsByID(ID string) (*models.DeviceGroupDetails, error)
GetDeviceGroupDetailsByID gets the device group details by ID from the database
func (*DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupDeviceByID ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupDeviceByID(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, deviceID uint) (*models.Device, error)
GetDeviceGroupDeviceByID return the device of a device group by its ID
func (*DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroups ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroups(orgID string, limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.DeviceGroupListDetail, error)
GetDeviceGroups get the device groups objects from the database
func (*DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceGroupsCount ¶
GetDeviceGroupsCount get the device groups by orgID records count from the database
func (*DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceImageInfo ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) GetDeviceImageInfo(images map[int]models.DeviceImageInfo, orgID string) error
GetDeviceImageInfo returns the image related to the groups
func (*DeviceGroupsService) UpdateDeviceGroup ¶
func (s *DeviceGroupsService) UpdateDeviceGroup(deviceGroup *models.DeviceGroup, orgID string, ID string) error
UpdateDeviceGroup update an existent group
type DeviceGroupsServiceInterface ¶
type DeviceGroupsServiceInterface interface { CreateDeviceGroup(deviceGroup *models.DeviceGroup) (*models.DeviceGroup, error) GetDeviceGroups(orgID string, limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.DeviceGroupListDetail, error) GetDeviceGroupsCount(orgID string, tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error) GetDeviceGroupByID(ID string) (*models.DeviceGroup, error) GetDeviceGroupDetailsByID(ID string) (*models.DeviceGroupDetails, error) DeleteDeviceGroupByID(ID string) error UpdateDeviceGroup(deviceGroup *models.DeviceGroup, orgID string, ID string) error GetDeviceGroupDeviceByID(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, deviceID uint) (*models.Device, error) AddDeviceGroupDevices(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, devices []models.Device) (*[]models.Device, error) DeleteDeviceGroupDevices(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint, devices []models.Device) (*[]models.Device, error) GetDeviceImageInfo(setOfImages map[int]models.DeviceImageInfo, orgID string) error DeviceGroupNameExists(orgID string, name string) (bool, error) }
DeviceGroupsServiceInterface defines the interface that helps handle the business logic of creating and getting device groups
func NewDeviceGroupsService ¶
func NewDeviceGroupsService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) DeviceGroupsServiceInterface
NewDeviceGroupsService return an instance of the main implementation of a DeviceGroupsServiceInterface
type DeviceHasImageUndefined ¶
type DeviceHasImageUndefined struct{}
DeviceHasImageUndefined indicates that device record has image not defined
func (*DeviceHasImageUndefined) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceHasImageUndefined) Error() string
type DeviceHasNoImageUpdate ¶
type DeviceHasNoImageUpdate struct{}
DeviceHasNoImageUpdate indicates that device record no image
func (*DeviceHasNoImageUpdate) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceHasNoImageUpdate) Error() string
type DeviceNotFoundError ¶
type DeviceNotFoundError struct{}
DeviceNotFoundError indicates the device was not found
func (*DeviceNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *DeviceNotFoundError) Error() string
type DeviceService ¶
type DeviceService struct { Service UpdateService UpdateServiceInterface ImageService ImageServiceInterface Inventory inventory.ClientInterface }
DeviceService is the main implementation of a DeviceServiceInterface
func (*DeviceService) CanUpdate ¶
func (s *DeviceService) CanUpdate(currentDistribution string, updDistribution string) bool
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceByID ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceByID(deviceID uint) (*models.Device, error)
GetDeviceByID receives DeviceID uint and get a *models.Device back
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceByUUID ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceByUUID(deviceUUID string) (*models.Device, error)
GetDeviceByUUID receives UUID string and get a *models.Device back
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceDetails ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceDetails(device inventory.Device, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.DeviceDetails, error)
GetDeviceDetails provides details for a given Device by going to inventory API and trying to also merge with the information on our database
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceDetailsByUUID ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceDetailsByUUID(deviceUUID string, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.DeviceDetails, error)
GetDeviceDetailsByUUID provides details for a given Device UUID by going to inventory API and trying to also merge with the information on our database
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceImageInfo ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceImageInfo(device inventory.Device, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.ImageInfo, error)
GetDeviceImageInfo returns the information of a the running image for a device
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceImageInfoByUUID ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceImageInfoByUUID(deviceUUID string, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.ImageInfo, error)
GetDeviceImageInfoByUUID returns the information of a running image for a device given its UUID
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceLastBootedDeployment ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceLastBootedDeployment(device inventory.Device) *inventory.OSTree
GetDeviceLastBootedDeployment returns the last booted deployment for a device
func (*DeviceService) GetDeviceLastDeployment ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDeviceLastDeployment(device inventory.Device) *inventory.OSTree
GetDeviceLastDeployment returns the last deployment for a device
func (*DeviceService) GetDevices ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDevices(params *inventory.Params) (*models.DeviceDetailsList, error)
GetDevices returns a list of EdgeDevices, which is a mix of device information from EdgeAPI and InventoryAPI
func (*DeviceService) GetDevicesCount ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDevicesCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
GetDevicesCount get the device groups Org records count from the database
func (*DeviceService) GetDevicesCountByImage ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDevicesCountByImage(imageId uint) (int64, error)
GetDevicesCountByImage returns a list of devices running a image in a org.
func (*DeviceService) GetDevicesView ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetDevicesView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*models.DeviceViewList, error)
GetDevicesView returns a list of EdgeDevices for a given org.
func (*DeviceService) GetLatestCommitFromDevices ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetLatestCommitFromDevices(orgID string, devicesUUID []string) (uint, error)
GetLatestCommitFromDevices fetches the commitID from the latest Device Image
func (*DeviceService) GetUpdateAvailableForDevice ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetUpdateAvailableForDevice(device inventory.Device, latest bool, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) ([]models.ImageUpdateAvailable, int64, error)
GetUpdateAvailableForDevice returns if it exists an update for the current image at the device.
func (*DeviceService) GetUpdateAvailableForDeviceByUUID ¶
func (s *DeviceService) GetUpdateAvailableForDeviceByUUID(deviceUUID string, latest bool, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) ([]models.ImageUpdateAvailable, int64, error)
GetUpdateAvailableForDeviceByUUID returns if it exists an update for the current image at the device given its UUID.
func (*DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryCreateEvent ¶
func (s *DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryCreateEvent(message []byte) error
ProcessPlatformInventoryCreateEvent is a method to processes messages from kafka topic and save them as devices in the DB
func (*DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryDeleteEvent ¶
func (s *DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryDeleteEvent(message []byte) error
ProcessPlatformInventoryDeleteEvent processes messages from kafka topic with event_type="delete"
func (*DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryUpdatedEvent ¶
func (s *DeviceService) ProcessPlatformInventoryUpdatedEvent(message []byte) error
ProcessPlatformInventoryUpdatedEvent processes messages from kafka topic with event_type="updated"
func (*DeviceService) SetDeviceUpdateAvailability ¶
func (s *DeviceService) SetDeviceUpdateAvailability(orgID string, deviceID uint) error
SetDeviceUpdateAvailability set whether there is a device Updates available ot not.
func (*DeviceService) SyncDevicesWithInventory ¶
func (s *DeviceService) SyncDevicesWithInventory(orgID string)
func (*DeviceService) SyncInventoryWithDevices ¶
func (s *DeviceService) SyncInventoryWithDevices(orgID string)
type DeviceServiceInterface ¶
type DeviceServiceInterface interface { GetDevices(params *inventory.Params) (*models.DeviceDetailsList, error) GetDeviceByID(deviceID uint) (*models.Device, error) GetDevicesView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*models.DeviceViewList, error) GetDevicesCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error) GetDeviceByUUID(deviceUUID string) (*models.Device, error) // Device by UUID methods GetDeviceDetailsByUUID(deviceUUID string, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.DeviceDetails, error) GetUpdateAvailableForDeviceByUUID(deviceUUID string, latest bool, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) ([]models.ImageUpdateAvailable, int64, error) GetDeviceImageInfoByUUID(deviceUUID string, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.ImageInfo, error) GetLatestCommitFromDevices(orgID string, devicesUUID []string) (uint, error) // Device Object Methods GetDeviceDetails(device inventory.Device, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.DeviceDetails, error) GetUpdateAvailableForDevice(device inventory.Device, latest bool, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) ([]models.ImageUpdateAvailable, int64, error) GetDeviceImageInfo(device inventory.Device, deviceUpdateImagesFilters models.DeviceUpdateImagesFilters) (*models.ImageInfo, error) GetDeviceLastDeployment(device inventory.Device) *inventory.OSTree GetDeviceLastBootedDeployment(device inventory.Device) *inventory.OSTree ProcessPlatformInventoryCreateEvent(message []byte) error ProcessPlatformInventoryUpdatedEvent(message []byte) error ProcessPlatformInventoryDeleteEvent(message []byte) error SyncDevicesWithInventory(orgID string) SyncInventoryWithDevices(orgID string) }
DeviceServiceInterface defines the interface to handle the business logic of RHEL for Edge Devices
func NewDeviceService ¶
func NewDeviceService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) DeviceServiceInterface
NewDeviceService gives a instance of the main implementation of DeviceServiceInterface
type DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSet ¶
type DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSet struct{}
DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSet indicates that device record no image
func (*DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSet) Error ¶
func (e *DevicesHasMoreThanOneImageSet) Error() string
type EntitiesImageSetsMismatch ¶
type EntitiesImageSetsMismatch struct{}
EntitiesImageSetsMismatch indicates the CommitID does not belong to the same ImageSet as of Device's Image
func (*EntitiesImageSetsMismatch) Error ¶
func (e *EntitiesImageSetsMismatch) Error() string
type EventNotification ¶
type EventNotification struct { Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"` Payload string `json:"payload"` }
EventNotification is used to track events to notification
type FilesService ¶
type FilesService interface { GetFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) GetSignedURL(path string) (string, error) GetExtractor() files.Extractor GetUploader() files.Uploader GetDownloader() files.Downloader }
FilesService is the interface for Files-related service information
func NewFilesService ¶
func NewFilesService(log log.FieldLogger) FilesService
NewFilesService creates a new service to handle files
func NewS3FilesServices ¶
func NewS3FilesServices(client files.S3ClientInterface, basicFileService BasicFileService) FilesService
NewS3FilesServices return a new FilesService with s3 client
type HeaderPlayBookDispatcher ¶
type HeaderPlayBookDispatcher struct {
Service string `json:"service"`
HeaderPlayBookDispatcher is the header for Playbook Dispatcher events
type IDMustBeInteger ¶
type IDMustBeInteger struct{}
IDMustBeInteger indicates the ID is required to be an integer value
func (*IDMustBeInteger) Error ¶
func (e *IDMustBeInteger) Error() string
type ImageCommitNotFound ¶
type ImageCommitNotFound struct{}
ImageCommitNotFound occurs when the image commit cannot be found
func (*ImageCommitNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *ImageCommitNotFound) Error() string
type ImageDetail ¶
type ImageDetail struct { Image *models.Image `json:"image"` AdditionalPackages int `json:"additional_packages"` Packages int `json:"packages"` UpdateAdded int `json:"update_added"` UpdateRemoved int `json:"update_removed"` UpdateUpdated int `json:"update_updated"` }
ImageDetail return the structure to inform package info to images nolint: unused // golangci-lint does not parse well this block, it says Image not used, but it's used
type ImageHasNoImageSet ¶
type ImageHasNoImageSet struct{}
ImageHasNoImageSet indicates that device record no image
func (*ImageHasNoImageSet) Error ¶
func (e *ImageHasNoImageSet) Error() string
type ImageNameAlreadyExists ¶
type ImageNameAlreadyExists struct{}
ImageNameAlreadyExists indicates the image with supplied name already exists
func (*ImageNameAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e *ImageNameAlreadyExists) Error() string
type ImageNameChangeIsProhibited ¶
type ImageNameChangeIsProhibited struct{}
ImageNameChangeIsProhibited indicates that the image name was about to change, but this is not allowed mainly this happens when updating an image
func (*ImageNameChangeIsProhibited) Error ¶
func (e *ImageNameChangeIsProhibited) Error() string
type ImageNameUndefined ¶
type ImageNameUndefined struct{}
ImageNameUndefined indicates the image name is not defined
func (*ImageNameUndefined) Error ¶
func (e *ImageNameUndefined) Error() string
type ImageNotFoundError ¶
type ImageNotFoundError struct{}
ImageNotFoundError indicates the image was not found
func (*ImageNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *ImageNotFoundError) Error() string
type ImageNotInErrorState ¶
type ImageNotInErrorState struct{}
ImageNotInErrorState indicates unable to delete an image
func (*ImageNotInErrorState) Error ¶
func (e *ImageNotInErrorState) Error() string
type ImageNotification ¶
type ImageNotification struct { Version string `json:"version"` Bundle string `json:"bundle"` Application string `json:"application"` EventType string `json:"event_type"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Account string `json:"account_id"` OrgID string `json:"org_id"` Context string `json:"context"` Events []EventNotification `json:"events"` Recipients []RecipientNotification `json:"recipients"` }
ImageNotification is the implementation of expected boddy notification
type ImageOnlyLatestCanModify ¶
type ImageOnlyLatestCanModify struct{}
ImageOnlyLatestCanModify indicates only the latest image can be modified
func (*ImageOnlyLatestCanModify) Error ¶
func (e *ImageOnlyLatestCanModify) Error() string
type ImageService ¶
type ImageService struct { Service ImageBuilder imagebuilder.ClientInterface RepoBuilder RepoBuilderInterface RepoService RepoServiceInterface ProducerService kafkacommon.ProducerServiceInterface TopicService kafkacommon.TopicServiceInterface FilesService FilesService Repositories repositories.ClientInterface }
ImageService is the main implementation of a ImageServiceInterface
func (*ImageService) AddPackageInfo ¶
func (s *ImageService) AddPackageInfo(image *models.Image) (ImageDetail, error)
AddPackageInfo return info related to packages on image
func (*ImageService) AddUserInfo ¶
func (s *ImageService) AddUserInfo(image *models.Image) error
AddUserInfo downloads the ISO injects the kickstart with username and ssh key and then re-uploads the ISO into our bucket
func (*ImageService) CheckIfIsLatestVersion ¶
func (s *ImageService) CheckIfIsLatestVersion(previousImage *models.Image) error
CheckIfIsLatestVersion make sure that there is no same image version present
func (*ImageService) CheckImageName ¶
func (s *ImageService) CheckImageName(name, orgID string) (bool, error)
CheckImageName returns false if the image does not exist and true if the image exists
func (*ImageService) CreateImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) CreateImage(image *models.Image) error
CreateImage creates a new ostree image or image version
func (*ImageService) CreateInstallerForImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) CreateInstallerForImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error)
CreateInstallerForImage creates a installer given an existing image
func (*ImageService) CreateRepoForImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) CreateRepoForImage(ctx context.Context, img *models.Image) (*models.Repo, error)
CreateRepoForImage creates the OSTree repo to host that image
func (*ImageService) DeleteImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) DeleteImage(i *models.Image) error
func (*ImageService) GetImageByID ¶
func (s *ImageService) GetImageByID(imageID string) (*models.Image, error)
GetImageByID retrieves an image by its identifier
func (*ImageService) GetImageByIDExtended ¶
GetImageByIDExtended retrieves an image by its identifier and uses the supplied gormDB instance This is more customizable function version, that will get only the needed data, if gormDB is nil, we get an image without any related data (Commit, Installer , ThirdPartyRepositories, CustomPackages, Packages ...)
func (*ImageService) GetImageByOSTreeCommitHash ¶
func (s *ImageService) GetImageByOSTreeCommitHash(commitHash string) (*models.Image, error)
GetImageByOSTreeCommitHash retrieves an image by its ostree commit hash
func (*ImageService) GetImageDevicesCount ¶
func (s *ImageService) GetImageDevicesCount(imageId uint) (int64, error)
GetImageDevicesCount returns a list of devices running an image in an org.
func (*ImageService) GetImagesView ¶
func (s *ImageService) GetImagesView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.ImageView, error)
GetImagesView returns a list of Images view.
func (*ImageService) GetImagesViewCount ¶
func (s *ImageService) GetImagesViewCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
GetImagesViewCount get the Images view records count
func (*ImageService) GetMetadata ¶
GetMetadata return package info when has an update to the image
func (*ImageService) GetRollbackImage ¶
GetRollbackImage returns the previous image from the image set in case of a rollback
func (*ImageService) GetUpdateInfo ¶
func (s *ImageService) GetUpdateInfo(image models.Image) (*models.ImageUpdateAvailable, error)
GetUpdateInfo return package info when has an update to the image
func (*ImageService) ProcessImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) ProcessImage(ctx context.Context, img *models.Image, handleInterruptSignal bool) error
ProcessImage creates an Image for an OrgID on Image Builder and on our database
func (*ImageService) ProcessInstaller ¶
func (*ImageService) ResumeCreateImage ¶
ResumeCreateImage retries the whole post process of the image creation
func (*ImageService) RetryCreateImage ¶
RetryCreateImage retries the whole post process of the image creation
func (*ImageService) SendImageNotification ¶
func (s *ImageService) SendImageNotification(i *models.Image) (ImageNotification, error)
SendImageNotification connects to platform.notifications.ingress on image topic
func (*ImageService) SetBuildingStatusOnImageToRetryBuild ¶
func (s *ImageService) SetBuildingStatusOnImageToRetryBuild(image *models.Image) error
SetBuildingStatusOnImageToRetryBuild set building status on image so we can try the build
func (*ImageService) SetDevicesUpdateAvailabilityFromImageSet ¶
func (s *ImageService) SetDevicesUpdateAvailabilityFromImageSet(orgID string, ImageSetID uint) error
SetDevicesUpdateAvailabilityFromImageSet set whether updates available or not for all devices that use images of imageSet.
func (*ImageService) SetErrorStatusOnImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) SetErrorStatusOnImage(err error, image *models.Image)
SetErrorStatusOnImage is a helper function that sets the error status on images
func (*ImageService) SetFinalImageStatus ¶
func (s *ImageService) SetFinalImageStatus(i *models.Image)
SetFinalImageStatus sets the final image status
func (*ImageService) SetImageContentSourcesRepositories ¶
func (s *ImageService) SetImageContentSourcesRepositories(image *models.Image) error
SetImageContentSourcesRepositories rebuild the image.ThirdPartyRepositories from content-sources repositories, we get each repository from content-sources and check if it exists locally by its url, if exists locally update its fields, if not create a new record, add the existing/created record to image.ThirdPartyRepositories the image is not saved, letting this responsibility to the caller function.
func (*ImageService) UpdateImage ¶
func (s *ImageService) UpdateImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image, previousImage *models.Image) error
UpdateImage updates an image, adding a new version of this image to an imageset
func (*ImageService) UpdateImageStatus ¶
UpdateImageStatus updates the status of an commit and/or installer based on Image Builder's status
func (*ImageService) ValidateImageCustomPackage ¶
func (s *ImageService) ValidateImageCustomPackage(image *models.Image) error
ValidateImageCustomPackage validate package name on Image Builder
func (*ImageService) ValidateImagePackage ¶
func (s *ImageService) ValidateImagePackage(packageName string, image *models.Image) error
ValidateImagePackage validate package name on Image Builder
type ImageServiceInterface ¶
type ImageServiceInterface interface { CreateImage(image *models.Image) error ProcessImage(ctx context.Context, img *models.Image, handleInterruptSignal bool) error UpdateImage(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image, previousImage *models.Image) error AddUserInfo(image *models.Image) error UpdateImageStatus(image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error) SetErrorStatusOnImage(err error, i *models.Image) CreateRepoForImage(context.Context, *models.Image) (*models.Repo, error) CreateInstallerForImage(context.Context, *models.Image) (*models.Image, error) ProcessInstaller(ctx context.Context, image *models.Image) error SetImageContentSourcesRepositories(image *models.Image) error GetImageByID(id string) (*models.Image, error) GetImageByIDExtended(imageID uint, gormDB *gorm.DB) (*models.Image, error) GetImageDevicesCount(imageId uint) (int64, error) GetUpdateInfo(image models.Image) (*models.ImageUpdateAvailable, error) AddPackageInfo(image *models.Image) (ImageDetail, error) GetImageByOSTreeCommitHash(commitHash string) (*models.Image, error) CheckImageName(name, orgID string) (bool, error) RetryCreateImage(context.Context, *models.Image) error ResumeCreateImage(context.Context, *models.Image) error GetMetadata(image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error) SetFinalImageStatus(i *models.Image) CheckIfIsLatestVersion(previousImage *models.Image) error SetBuildingStatusOnImageToRetryBuild(image *models.Image) error GetRollbackImage(image *models.Image) (*models.Image, error) SendImageNotification(image *models.Image) (ImageNotification, error) SetDevicesUpdateAvailabilityFromImageSet(orgID string, ImageSetID uint) error ValidateImagePackage(pack string, image *models.Image) error GetImagesViewCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error) GetImagesView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.ImageView, error) SetLog(log.FieldLogger) DeleteImage(image *models.Image) error }
ImageServiceInterface defines the interface that helps handle the business logic of creating RHEL For Edge Images. This interface is used for mock generation.
func NewImageService ¶
func NewImageService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) ImageServiceInterface
NewImageService gives a instance of the main implementation of a ImageServiceInterface
type ImageSetAlreadyExists ¶
type ImageSetAlreadyExists struct{}
ImageSetAlreadyExists indicates the ImageSet attempting to be created already exists
func (*ImageSetAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e *ImageSetAlreadyExists) Error() string
type ImageSetIDView ¶
type ImageSetIDView struct { ImageBuildIsoURL string `json:"ImageBuildIsoURL"` ImageSet models.ImageSet `json:"ImageSet"` LastImageDetails ImageDetail `json:"LastImageDetails"` }
ImageSetIDView is the image set details view returned for ui image-set display
type ImageSetImageIDView ¶
type ImageSetImageIDView struct { ImageBuildIsoURL string `json:"ImageBuildIsoURL"` ImageSet models.ImageSet `json:"ImageSet"` ImageDetails ImageDetail `json:"ImageDetails"` }
ImageSetImageIDView is the image set image view returned for ui image-set / version display
type ImageSetInUse ¶
type ImageSetInUse struct{}
ImageSetInUse indicates unable to delete an image set
func (*ImageSetInUse) Error ¶
func (e *ImageSetInUse) Error() string
type ImageSetNotFoundError ¶
type ImageSetNotFoundError struct{}
ImageSetNotFoundError indicates the image-set was not found
func (*ImageSetNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *ImageSetNotFoundError) Error() string
type ImageSetUnDefined ¶
type ImageSetUnDefined struct{}
ImageSetUnDefined indicates the image has no imageSetDefined
func (*ImageSetUnDefined) Error ¶
func (e *ImageSetUnDefined) Error() string
type ImageSetsService ¶
type ImageSetsService struct {
ImageSetsService is the main implementation of a ImageSetsServiceInterface
func (*ImageSetsService) DeleteImageSet ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) DeleteImageSet(imageSetID uint) error
func (*ImageSetsService) GetDeviceIdsByImageSetID ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetDeviceIdsByImageSetID(imageSetID uint) (int, []string, error)
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImageSetImageViewByID ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetImageViewByID(imageSetID uint, imageID uint) (*ImageSetImageIDView, error)
GetImageSetImageViewByID return image-set image view details info, the image set data, the build iso url and the image detailsInfo
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImageSetViewByID ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetViewByID(imageSetID uint) (*ImageSetIDView, error)
GetImageSetViewByID return the data related to image set, data, build iso url, last image and images view.
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsBuildIsoURL ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsBuildIsoURL(orgID string, imageSetIDS []uint) (map[uint]uint, error)
GetImageSetsBuildIsoURL return a map of image-set id and the latest successfully built installer id
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsByID ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsByID(imageSetID int) (*models.ImageSet, error)
GetImageSetsByID to get image set by id
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsView ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.ImageSetView, error)
GetImageSetsView returns a list of ImageSets.
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsViewCount ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImageSetsViewCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error)
GetImageSetsViewCount get the ImageSets view records count
func (*ImageSetsService) GetImagesViewData ¶
func (s *ImageSetsService) GetImagesViewData(imageSetID uint, imagesLimit int, imagesOffSet int, imagesDBFilter *gorm.DB) (*ImagesViewData, error)
GetImagesViewData return images view count and images view data of the supplied image-set
type ImageSetsServiceInterface ¶
type ImageSetsServiceInterface interface { GetImageSetsByID(imageSetID int) (*models.ImageSet, error) GetImageSetsViewCount(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error) GetImageSetsView(limit int, offset int, tx *gorm.DB) (*[]models.ImageSetView, error) GetImageSetViewByID(imageSetID uint) (*ImageSetIDView, error) GetImageSetsBuildIsoURL(orgID string, imageSetIDS []uint) (map[uint]uint, error) GetImagesViewData(imageSetID uint, imagesLimit int, imagesOffSet int, tx *gorm.DB) (*ImagesViewData, error) GetImageSetImageViewByID(imageSetID uint, imageID uint) (*ImageSetImageIDView, error) GetDeviceIdsByImageSetID(imageSetID uint) (int, []string, error) DeleteImageSet(imageSetID uint) error }
ImageSetsServiceInterface defines the interface that helps handle the business logic of ImageSets
func NewImageSetsService ¶
func NewImageSetsService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) ImageSetsServiceInterface
NewImageSetsService gives an instance of the main implementation of a ImageSetsServiceInterface
type ImageUnDefined ¶
type ImageUnDefined struct{}
ImageUnDefined indicates the image is undefined in the db
func (*ImageUnDefined) Error ¶
func (e *ImageUnDefined) Error() string
type ImageVersionAlreadyExists ¶
type ImageVersionAlreadyExists struct{}
ImageVersionAlreadyExists indicates the updated image version was already present
func (*ImageVersionAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e *ImageVersionAlreadyExists) Error() string
type ImagesViewData ¶
ImagesViewData is the images view data return for images view with filters , limit, offSet
type InvalidURLForCustomRepo ¶
type InvalidURLForCustomRepo struct{}
InvalidURLForCustomRepo indicates the Third Party Repository url is invalid
func (*InvalidURLForCustomRepo) Error ¶
func (e *InvalidURLForCustomRepo) Error() string
type KafkaAllBrokersDown ¶
type KafkaAllBrokersDown struct{}
KafkaAllBrokersDown indicates that the error has occured due to kafka broker issue
func (*KafkaAllBrokersDown) Error ¶
func (e *KafkaAllBrokersDown) Error() string
type KafkaConsumerService ¶
type KafkaConsumerService struct { Reader *kafka.Consumer UpdateService UpdateServiceInterface DeviceService DeviceServiceInterface ImageService ImageServiceInterface RetryMinutes uint // contains filtered or unexported fields }
KafkaConsumerService is the implementation of a consumer service based on Kafka topics
func (*KafkaConsumerService) Close ¶
func (s *KafkaConsumerService) Close()
Close wraps up reader work
func (*KafkaConsumerService) ConsumePlatformInventoryEvents ¶
func (s *KafkaConsumerService) ConsumePlatformInventoryEvents() error
ConsumePlatformInventoryEvents parses create events from kafka topic and save them as devices in the DB
func (*KafkaConsumerService) ConsumePlaybookDispatcherRuns ¶
func (s *KafkaConsumerService) ConsumePlaybookDispatcherRuns() error
ConsumePlaybookDispatcherRuns is the method that consumes from the topic that gives us the execution of playbook from playbook dispatcher service
func (*KafkaConsumerService) Start ¶
func (s *KafkaConsumerService) Start()
Start consumers for this application
type KafkaProducerInstanceUndefined ¶
type KafkaProducerInstanceUndefined struct{}
KafkaProducerInstanceUndefined indicates that we were not able to get a kafka producer instance
func (*KafkaProducerInstanceUndefined) Error ¶
func (e *KafkaProducerInstanceUndefined) Error() string
type LocalFilesService ¶
type LocalFilesService struct {
LocalFilesService only handles local uploads
func (*LocalFilesService) GetFile ¶
func (s *LocalFilesService) GetFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
GetFile returns the file given a path
func (*LocalFilesService) GetSignedURL ¶
func (s *LocalFilesService) GetSignedURL(path string) (string, error)
GetSignedURL return a signed URL
type OrgIDNotSet ¶
type OrgIDNotSet struct{}
OrgIDNotSet indicates the account was nil
func (*OrgIDNotSet) Error ¶
func (e *OrgIDNotSet) Error() string
type OstreeNotFound ¶
type OstreeNotFound struct{}
OstreeNotFound was not found
func (*OstreeNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *OstreeNotFound) Error() string
type PackageNameDoesNotExist ¶
type PackageNameDoesNotExist struct{}
PackageNameDoesNotExist indicates that package name doesn't exist
func (*PackageNameDoesNotExist) Error ¶
func (e *PackageNameDoesNotExist) Error() string
type ParsingISODateError ¶
type ParsingISODateError struct{}
ParsingISODateError occurs when parsing a string for iso date fails
func (*ParsingISODateError) Error ¶
func (e *ParsingISODateError) Error() string
type PlatformInsightsCreateUpdateEventPayload ¶
type PlatformInsightsCreateUpdateEventPayload struct { Type string `json:"type"` Host host `json:"host"` }
PlatformInsightsCreateUpdateEventPayload is the body of the create event found on the kafka topic.
type PlatformInsightsDeleteEventPayload ¶
type PlatformInsightsDeleteEventPayload struct { Type string `json:"type"` ID string `json:"id"` OrgID string `json:"org_id"` }
PlatformInsightsDeleteEventPayload is the body of the delete event found on the kafka topic.
type PlatformInsightsGroup ¶
type PlaybookDispatcherEvent ¶
type PlaybookDispatcherEvent struct { EventType string `json:"event_type"` Payload PlaybookDispatcherEventPayload `json:"payload"` }
PlaybookDispatcherEvent is the event that gets sent to the Kafka broker when an update finishes
type PlaybookDispatcherEventPayload ¶
type PlaybookDispatcherEventPayload struct { ID string `json:"id"` OrgID string `json:"org_id"` Recipient string `json:"recipient"` CorrelationID string `json:"correlation_id"` Service string `json:"service"` URL string `json:"url"` Labels struct { ID string `json:"id"` StateID string `json:"state_id"` } `json:"labels"` Status string `json:"status"` Timeout int `json:"timeout"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
PlaybookDispatcherEventPayload belongs to PlaybookDispatcherEvent
type ProcessImageJob ¶
type ProcessImageJob struct {
ImageID uint
type RecipientNotification ¶
type RecipientNotification struct { OnlyAdmins bool `json:"only_admins"` IgnoreUserPreferences bool `json:"ignore_user_preferences"` Users []string `json:"users"` }
RecipientNotification is used to track recipients to notification
type RepoBuilder ¶
type RepoBuilder struct { Service FilesService FilesService Log log.FieldLogger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RepoBuilder is the implementation of a RepoBuilderInterface
func (*RepoBuilder) BuildUpdateRepo ¶
func (rb *RepoBuilder) BuildUpdateRepo(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error)
BuildUpdateRepo build an update repo with the set of commits all merged into a single repo with static deltas generated between them all
func (*RepoBuilder) CommitTarDelete ¶
func (rb *RepoBuilder) CommitTarDelete(tarFileName string) error
func (*RepoBuilder) CommitTarDownload ¶
CommitTarDownload downloads and extracts the repo tarball to dest dir
func (*RepoBuilder) CommitTarExtract ¶
ExtractVersionRepo Download and Extract the repo tarball to dest dir
func (*RepoBuilder) CommitTarUpload ¶
func (rb *RepoBuilder) CommitTarUpload(c *models.Commit, tarFileName string) error
UploadVersionRepo uploads the repo tarball to the repository storage
func (*RepoBuilder) ImportRepo ¶
ImportRepo (unpack and upload) a single repo
func (*RepoBuilder) RepoPullLocalStaticDeltas ¶
func (rb *RepoBuilder) RepoPullLocalStaticDeltas(u *models.Commit, o *models.Commit, uprepo string, oldrepo string) error
RepoPullLocalStaticDeltas pull local repo into the new update repo and compute static deltas uprepo should be where the update commit lives, u is the update commit oldrepo should be where the old commit lives, o is the commit to be merged
type RepoBuilderInterface ¶
type RepoBuilderInterface interface { BuildUpdateRepo(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error) StoreRepo(ctx context.Context, imagesetID uint, repo *models.Repo) (*models.Repo, error) ImportRepo(ctx context.Context, r *models.Repo) (*models.Repo, error) CommitTarDownload(c *models.Commit, dest string) (string, error) CommitTarExtract(c *models.Commit, tarFileName string, dest string) error CommitTarUpload(c *models.Commit, tarFileName string) error CommitTarDelete(tarFileName string) error RepoPullLocalStaticDeltas(u *models.Commit, o *models.Commit, uprepo string, oldrepo string) error }
RepoBuilderInterface defines the interface of a repository builder
func NewRepoBuilder ¶
func NewRepoBuilder(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) RepoBuilderInterface
NewRepoBuilder initializes the repository builder in this package
type RepoService ¶
type RepoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RepoService is the main implementation of a RepoServiceInterface
func (*RepoService) GetRepoByID ¶
func (s *RepoService) GetRepoByID(repoID *uint) (*models.Repo, error)
GetRepoByID receives RepoID uint and get a *models.Repo back
type RepoServiceInterface ¶
RepoServiceInterface defines the interface to handle the business logic of RHEL for Edge Devices
func NewRepoService ¶
func NewRepoService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) RepoServiceInterface
NewRepoService gives a instance of the main implementation of RepoServiceInterface
type ResumeCreateImageJob ¶
type RetryCreateImageJob ¶
type RetryCreateImageJob struct {
ImageID uint
type RpmOSTreeDeployment ¶
RpmOSTreeDeployment is the member of PlatformInsightsCreateUpdateEventPayload host system profile rpm ostree deployments list
type S3FilesService ¶
type S3FilesService struct { Client files.S3ClientInterface Bucket string BasicFileService }
S3FilesService contains S3 files-related information
func (*S3FilesService) GetFile ¶
func (s *S3FilesService) GetFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
GetFile returns the file given a path
func (*S3FilesService) GetSignedURL ¶
func (s *S3FilesService) GetSignedURL(path string) (string, error)
GetSignedURL return and aws s3 bucket signed url
type Service ¶
type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service is a blueprint for a service
func NewService ¶
func NewService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) Service
NewService creates a new service
func (*Service) SetLog ¶
func (s *Service) SetLog(log log.FieldLogger)
SetLog sets a new log on the struct
type ServiceInterface ¶
type ServiceInterface interface{}
ServiceInterface defines the interface for a service
type SomeDevicesDoesNotExists ¶
type SomeDevicesDoesNotExists struct{}
SomeDevicesDoesNotExists indicates that device record no image
func (*SomeDevicesDoesNotExists) Error ¶
func (e *SomeDevicesDoesNotExists) Error() string
type SyncDevicesWithInventoryJob ¶
type SyncDevicesWithInventoryJob struct {
OrgID string
type TemplateRemoteInfo ¶
type TemplateRemoteInfo struct { RemoteName string RemoteURL string ContentURL string GpgVerify string UpdateTransactionID uint RemoteOstreeUpdate string OSTreeRef string }
TemplateRemoteInfo the values to playbook
func NewTemplateRemoteInfo ¶
func NewTemplateRemoteInfo(ctx context.Context, update *models.UpdateTransaction) TemplateRemoteInfo
NewTemplateRemoteInfo contains the info for the ostree remote file to be written to the system
type ThirdPartyRepoService ¶
type ThirdPartyRepoService struct {
ThirdPartyRepoService is the main implementation of a ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface
func (*ThirdPartyRepoService) CreateThirdPartyRepo ¶
func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) CreateThirdPartyRepo(thirdPartyRepo *models.ThirdPartyRepo, orgID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
CreateThirdPartyRepo creates the ThirdPartyRepo for an Org on our database
func (*ThirdPartyRepoService) DeleteThirdPartyRepoByID ¶
func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) DeleteThirdPartyRepoByID(ID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
DeleteThirdPartyRepoByID deletes the third party repository using ID
func (*ThirdPartyRepoService) GetThirdPartyRepoByID ¶
func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) GetThirdPartyRepoByID(ID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error)
GetThirdPartyRepoByID gets the Third Party Repository by ID from the database
func (*ThirdPartyRepoService) ThirdPartyRepoNameExists ¶
func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) ThirdPartyRepoNameExists(orgID string, name string) (bool, error)
ThirdPartyRepoNameExists check if a repo with the requested name exists
func (*ThirdPartyRepoService) ThirdPartyRepoURLExists ¶
func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) ThirdPartyRepoURLExists(orgID string, url string) (bool, error)
ThirdPartyRepoURLExists check if a repo with the requested url exist
func (*ThirdPartyRepoService) UpdateThirdPartyRepo ¶
func (s *ThirdPartyRepoService) UpdateThirdPartyRepo(tprepo *models.ThirdPartyRepo, orgID string, ID string) error
UpdateThirdPartyRepo updates the existing third party repository
type ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface ¶
type ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface interface { CreateThirdPartyRepo(tprepo *models.ThirdPartyRepo, orgID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error) GetThirdPartyRepoByID(ID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error) UpdateThirdPartyRepo(tprepo *models.ThirdPartyRepo, orgID string, ID string) error DeleteThirdPartyRepoByID(ID string) (*models.ThirdPartyRepo, error) ThirdPartyRepoNameExists(orgID string, name string) (bool, error) ThirdPartyRepoURLExists(orgID string, url string) (bool, error) }
ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface defines the interface that helps handles the business logic of creating Third Party Repository
func NewThirdPartyRepoService ¶
func NewThirdPartyRepoService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface
NewThirdPartyRepoService gives a instance of the main implementation of a ThirdPartyRepoServiceInterface
type ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExists ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExists struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExists indicates the Third Party Repository already exists
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryAlreadyExists) Error() string
type ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExists ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExists struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExists indicates the Third Party Repository has been used in some images
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExists) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryImagesExists) Error() string
type ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalid ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalid struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalid indicates the Third Party Repository info is not valid
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalid) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryInfoIsInvalid) Error() string
type ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmpty ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmpty struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmpty indicates the Third Party Repository name is empty
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmpty) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryNameIsEmpty) Error() string
type ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFound ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFound struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFound indicates the Third Party Repository was not found
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFound) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryNotFound) Error() string
type ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmpty ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmpty struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmpty indicates the Third Party Repository url is empty
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmpty) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryURLIsEmpty) Error() string
type ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExists ¶
type ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExists struct{}
ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExists indicates the Third Party Repository already exists with the requested url
func (*ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExists) Error ¶
func (e *ThirdPartyRepositoryWithURLAlreadyExists) Error() string
type UpdateNotFoundError ¶
type UpdateNotFoundError struct{}
UpdateNotFoundError indicates the update was not found
func (*UpdateNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *UpdateNotFoundError) Error() string
type UpdateService ¶
type UpdateService struct { Service ImageService ImageServiceInterface RepoBuilder RepoBuilderInterface FilesService FilesService DeviceService DeviceServiceInterface Inventory inventory.ClientInterface PlaybookClient playbookdispatcher.ClientInterface ProducerService kafkacommon.ProducerServiceInterface TopicService kafkacommon.TopicServiceInterface WaitForReboot time.Duration }
UpdateService is the main implementation of a UpdateServiceInterface
func (*UpdateService) BuildUpdateRepo ¶
func (s *UpdateService) BuildUpdateRepo(ctx context.Context, orgID string, updateID uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error)
BuildUpdateRepo determines if a static delta is necessary and calls the repo builder
func (*UpdateService) BuildUpdateTransactions ¶
func (s *UpdateService) BuildUpdateTransactions(ctx context.Context, devicesUpdate *models.DevicesUpdate, orgID string, commit *models.Commit) (*[]models.UpdateTransaction, error)
BuildUpdateTransactions creates the update transaction to be sent to Playbook Dispatcher
func (*UpdateService) CreateUpdate ¶
func (s *UpdateService) CreateUpdate(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error)
CreateUpdate is the function that creates an update transaction
func (*UpdateService) CreateUpdateAsync ¶
func (s *UpdateService) CreateUpdateAsync(id uint)
CreateUpdateAsync is the function that creates an update transaction asynchronously
func (*UpdateService) GetUpdatePlaybook ¶
func (s *UpdateService) GetUpdatePlaybook(update *models.UpdateTransaction) (io.ReadCloser, error)
GetUpdatePlaybook is the function that returns the path to an update playbook
func (*UpdateService) GetUpdateTransactionsForDevice ¶
func (s *UpdateService) GetUpdateTransactionsForDevice(device *models.Device) (*[]models.UpdateTransaction, error)
GetUpdateTransactionsForDevice returns all update transactions for a given device
func (*UpdateService) InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo ¶
func (s *UpdateService) InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo(orgID string, inventoryGroupUUID string) (*models.InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo, error)
InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo return the inventory group update info
func (*UpdateService) ProcessPlaybookDispatcherRunEvent ¶
func (s *UpdateService) ProcessPlaybookDispatcherRunEvent(message []byte) error
ProcessPlaybookDispatcherRunEvent is the method that processes messages from playbook dispatcher to set update statuses
func (*UpdateService) SendDeviceNotification ¶
func (s *UpdateService) SendDeviceNotification(i *models.UpdateTransaction) (ImageNotification, error)
SendDeviceNotification connects to platform.notifications.ingress on image topic
func (*UpdateService) SetUpdateErrorStatusWhenInterrupted ¶
func (s *UpdateService) SetUpdateErrorStatusWhenInterrupted(intCtx context.Context, update models.UpdateTransaction, sigint chan os.Signal, intCancel context.CancelFunc)
SetUpdateErrorStatusWhenInterrupted set the update to error status when instance is interrupted
func (*UpdateService) SetUpdateStatus ¶
func (s *UpdateService) SetUpdateStatus(update *models.UpdateTransaction) error
SetUpdateStatus is the function to set the update status from an UpdateTransaction
func (*UpdateService) SetUpdateStatusBasedOnDispatchRecord ¶
func (s *UpdateService) SetUpdateStatusBasedOnDispatchRecord(dispatchRecord models.DispatchRecord) error
SetUpdateStatusBasedOnDispatchRecord is the function that, given a dispatch record, finds the update transaction related to and update its status if necessary
func (*UpdateService) UpdateDevicesFromUpdateTransaction ¶
func (s *UpdateService) UpdateDevicesFromUpdateTransaction(update models.UpdateTransaction) error
UpdateDevicesFromUpdateTransaction update device with new image and update availability
func (*UpdateService) ValidateUpdateDeviceGroup ¶
func (s *UpdateService) ValidateUpdateDeviceGroup(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint) (bool, error)
ValidateUpdateDeviceGroup validate the devices on device group for update
func (*UpdateService) ValidateUpdateSelection ¶
func (s *UpdateService) ValidateUpdateSelection(orgID string, imageIds []uint) (bool, error)
ValidateUpdateSelection validate the images for update
func (*UpdateService) WriteTemplate ¶
func (s *UpdateService) WriteTemplate(templateInfo TemplateRemoteInfo, orgID string) (string, error)
WriteTemplate is the function that writes the template to a file
type UpdateServiceInterface ¶
type UpdateServiceInterface interface { BuildUpdateTransactions(ctx context.Context, devicesUpdate *models.DevicesUpdate, orgID string, commit *models.Commit) (*[]models.UpdateTransaction, error) BuildUpdateRepo(ctx context.Context, orgID string, updateID uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error) CreateUpdate(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.UpdateTransaction, error) CreateUpdateAsync(id uint) GetUpdatePlaybook(update *models.UpdateTransaction) (io.ReadCloser, error) GetUpdateTransactionsForDevice(device *models.Device) (*[]models.UpdateTransaction, error) ProcessPlaybookDispatcherRunEvent(message []byte) error WriteTemplate(templateInfo TemplateRemoteInfo, orgID string) (string, error) SetUpdateStatusBasedOnDispatchRecord(dispatchRecord models.DispatchRecord) error SetUpdateStatus(update *models.UpdateTransaction) error SendDeviceNotification(update *models.UpdateTransaction) (ImageNotification, error) UpdateDevicesFromUpdateTransaction(update models.UpdateTransaction) error ValidateUpdateSelection(orgID string, imageIds []uint) (bool, error) // nolint:revive ValidateUpdateDeviceGroup(orgID string, deviceGroupID uint) (bool, error) InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo(orgID string, inventoryGroupUUID string) (*models.InventoryGroupDevicesUpdateInfo, error) }
UpdateServiceInterface defines the interface that helps handle the business logic of sending updates to an edge device
func NewUpdateService ¶
func NewUpdateService(ctx context.Context, log log.FieldLogger) UpdateServiceInterface
NewUpdateService gives an instance of the main implementation of a UpdateServiceInterface
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
nolint:revive,typecheck |
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:govet,revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:govet,revive |
Package mock_files is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_files is a generated GoMock package. |
Package mock_services is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_services is a generated GoMock package. |
nolint:revive,typecheck |
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:revive
FIXME: golangci-lint nolint:revive |