is a tool for generating pre-signed URLs that allow you to upload and download files from a
Google Cloud Storage bucket. These URLs can be used on hosts and/or by third parties
without needing to give those hosts/users credentials for direct access.
It uses the signBlob
api to sign the url using a service account's Google-managed key.
(The caller needs the iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob
IAM permission on the service account.)
Uploading to GCS
To create a url for uploading:
gcsdropbox -serviceAccount [email protected] -bucket myBucket -name foo/bar.tar
To use the url to upload:
curl -T localfileToUpload https://storage.googleapis.com/myBucket/foo/bar.tar?Expires=...
Downloading from GCS
To create a URL for downloading:
gcsdropbox -serviceAccount [email protected] -bucket myBucket -name baz.zip -method GET
To use the url to download:
curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/myBucket/baz.zip?Expires=...