Xarch is a concept backend architecture that applies implement domain driven design principles and 12 factor app methodology for build a backend application.
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\|__| \/__/ \|__| \/__/ \/__/ V 1.0.0
By: Risky Kurniawan | https://risoftinc.com | mailto:[email protected]
Installation Requirement
Install golang v 1.8 and install all dependencies
go get ./...
Running Xarch
For running xarch program open the console, bash or terminal
go run main.go xarch -engine=${engine}
you can type engine to (*) for running all engine or you can type the engine name for run the specific engine. Example:
go run main.go xarch -engine=http
go run main.go xarch -engine=consumer
custom environment on startup can be set in flags $Key=Value
go run main.go xarch -engine=http $Key=Value
Working With Elsa (Electronic Smart Assistant)
Elsa is a tools for making your happy and enjoy to developing the program. Elsa have a many function for assist developing a program. You can say and use elsa with type command understandable in elsa program. Example you can command:
# Build env if not exist
go run main.go elsa create_env
# Flush all log file
go run main.go elsa flush_log
# Create new domain
go run main.go elsa create_domain ${domain_name}
# Create migration schema
go run main.go elsa create_migration_schema ${schema_name}
# Run migration schema
go run main.go elsa run_migration_schema
# Run specific migration schema
go run main.go elsa run_migration_schema ${schema_name}
# Rollback migration schema
go run main.go elsa rollback_migration_schema
# Rollback specific migration schema
go run main.go elsa rollback_migration_schema ${schema_name}
# Refresh migration schema
go run main.go elsa refresh_migration_schema
# Refresh specific migration schema
go run main.go elsa refresh_migration_schema ${schema_name}
# Create migration seeder
go run main.go elsa create_migration_seeder ${seeder_name}
# Run migration seeder
go run main.go elsa run_migration_seeder
# Run specific migration seeder
go run main.go elsa run_migration_seeder ${seeder_name}
Folder Structure
├───app # Application layer contains all program in architecture
│ ├───elsa # Elsa Application (tools)
│ ├───xarch # Xarch Application (services)
│ └───app.go # Program for handling switching program application
├───config # All configuration in application
├───domain # Domain Layers is containing a models, repository and services
│ ├───domain_name # Name of domain
│ │ ├───models # Contains many file for modeling data
│ │ ├───repository # All file to comunicated all backing services
│ │ └───services # Services file to processing a bussiness application
│ └───domain.go # For publishing a domain and inject all dependencies to domain
├───driver # Dir to defined and registered all driver (backing services)
├───helpers # Dir to contains all helpering program
│ ├───bcrypt # Hash and compare bcrypt
│ ├───env # Program to get environtment to specifics format data type
│ ├───errors # Defined a error code to communicated domain and interfaces
│ ├───jwt # Jwt token helper
│ ├───mail # Mail sender helper
│ └───md5 # Converted plain text to MD5
├───interfaces # Interfaces Layer contains all engine method for user access a application
│ └───xarch # Group interfaces by app
│ ├───consumer # Consumer Engine
│ │ ├───engine # Define a engine script for running a consumer interfaces
│ │ ├───handlers # All handler in consumer interfaces
│ │ └───consumer.go # Routing and defined all job in consumer interfaces
│ └───http # Http Engine
│ ├───engine # Define a engine script for running a http server interfaces
│ ├───entities # Define to entities models contains a response formater
│ ├───handlers # All handler in http interfaces
│ ├───middleware # All handler middleware in http interfaces
│ └───routers # Routing http server
├───logger # Contains a logger program and dir to save all log file
├───migration # Migration layers can acessed with elsa program
│ ├───schema # Containing script schema in sql format
│ ├───seeder # Containing script seeder in sql format
│ └───migrate.go # For registered schema and seeder
└───main.go # Main Application
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.